The pleasure of the thermal wave


What is an infrared sauna, the effect of infrared radiation on the human body, the difference between IR saunas from the Finnish and Russian bath.

The pleasure of the thermal wave 14504_1

The pleasure of the thermal wave
In four-bed cabins, from8 to 10 emissions
The pleasure of the thermal wave
The temperature on the radiator surface reaches 400c. Metal lattices are protected from touching the emitter
The pleasure of the thermal wave
Small sizes of a single sauna allow it to arrange it in the room and even look through the glass door TV
The pleasure of the thermal wave
Double sauna weighs about 150kg
The pleasure of the thermal wave
Install the time and temperature on the control panel, after 10 minutes, proceed to a pleasant heating procedure with infrared waves.
The pleasure of the thermal wave
The cabins are additionally completed with the flashing device. Green light soothes, red activates
The pleasure of the thermal wave
Modern infrared saunas are equipped with emitters made of special material - Incole Spectrum of electromagnetic radiation ->
The pleasure of the thermal wave
Saunas are delivered in disassembled form, their assembly takes about half an hour.
The pleasure of the thermal wave
The door of tempered glass passes part of the radiation outward, which reduces air overheating inside the chamber

Losing the opportunity to spend time in nature, a person is inventing new ways of rest. They allow you to most effectively use short segments of time to restore physical and mental strength. The last of the invented methods is not only rest, but also treatment can be considered the sessions of the general warming of human body with infrared rays

Japanese "Red Sun"

Above the possibility of overall body warm-up with infrared light for many years, Japanese doctor Tadashi Ishikawa worked. The emitters invented emitters are isolated infrared rays with a wavelength of 3-10 μm, which makes it possible to warm up the human body up to 3CM into depth, without providing, according to Western specialists, negative impact on health. The recommendation developed by Doctor on the correct use of emitters made it possible to create infrared cabins for receiving health procedures. Allowers The mass production of infrared saunas was organized in the late 70s. The first similar enterprise opened in 1980. Other, after ten years, in 1992.- VEVROPE, and in 1999. For the first time infrared saunas fell into the Russian market.

These cabins, decorated outside and inside with a tree, are reminiscent of the Finnish saunas well known to us. Therefore, in America and Europe they are called infrared saunas. Votchchychi from Finnish and Russian baths, infrared saunas are not related to the adoption of water procedures. Modern Finnish saunas, steam and shower cabins are installed in bathrooms, infrared can be in any free place of your home, where there is access to the power supply voltage of 220V. They are single, two, three- and quadruples. The least single sauna- occupy only 1m2 area and have a lot of about 100kg. Completed in disassembled form. The construction assembly takes half an hour, after which the device can be turned on and after 10 minutes (this is the time it is required that the air in the cabin scores the temperature you specify) to start procedures. The warm-up mode in the infrared sauna is set using the time and temperature regulators. The maximum temperature is 60C, the most effective effects of the rays have per person during the first 30 minutes. Then we will tell you how infrared radiation affects the human body, and what the Finnish sauna and the Russian bath differ from our infrared sauna.

New in the world of emitters

Initially, Tadashi Ishikawa created a source of infrared radiation from nichrome (nickel and chromium alloy) spiral, which was placed in a ceramic tube filled with quartz sand. The first infrared saunas emitters and came to Russia. But in the last year, the radiators of the Japanese therapist have undergone a number of cardinal changes: a ceramic tube in which the helix and quartz sand is located, was replaced with a metal, or rather a tube of high-strength alloy of metals, called Incol. There was also a number of advantages of metal tubes over ceramic: they highlight the waves in the range of 5.8-14 μm with a radiation peak of 7MKM, have a service life of 100,000 hours, their warranty period is 10 years old. In general, today ceramic emitters are considered outdated, the saunas are almost not produced with them.

In infrared saunas are usually located 6 emissions. From random contact with the human body they are covered with grille. What emitter is installed in your sauna, you can define simply in appearance using the drawings given by us on the page.

Ability to highlight

The largest natural radiation emitter is the sun. Its infrared, ultraviolet and visible light rays are varieties of electromagnetic radiation. The same electromagnetic radiation includes: gamma rays, X-rays, ultraviolet spectrum, visible light, infrared spectrum and well-known radio waves. Even before the appearance of infrared saunas, a person began to use infrared waves of various lengths in all sorts of household aggregates. Recall that the simplest artificial emitters of the light of infrared band are ordinary household incandescent lamps.

Infrared waves in length are taken to divide on the 3Diapasone: Middle (dyed light) - 0.74-1 μm, average - 1.4-3 μm and far-3-50 μm. They are also called short, medium and long waves. The longest waves of the long-wave range are used in Europe to heat outdoor cafes in the cold. Finally, the microwaves used in the "microwaves" in the "microwaves" infrared radio wavelength spectrum.

Life in infrared light

Infrared radiation is a continuously active environmental factor. Our body constantly emits and absorbs infrared rays, this process is called radiation heat exchange. Any heated object highlights infrared waves. This is based on the action of various devices, for example: night vision devices, infrared microscopes, telescopes, and interference, infrared emitters.

Spectrum of electromagnetic radiation

but B. in G. D. E.
a) radio wave G * 0.01cm;

b) infrared rays G = 0.74-50 μm **;

c) visible to the eye G = 0.4-0.74 μm;

d) ultraviolet G = 0.4-0.01 μm;

e) X-ray radiation G = 0.01-0.000001 μm;

e) gamma rays G0.001 nm ***

Infrared radiation ranges used in household appliances

but B. in G.
a) short waves (g = 0.48 microns) - firing of automotive enamel at Ford plants;

b) average waves (g = 1.0-1.4 μm) - artificial tan in solariums;

c) long waves (G = 3.0 μm) - total heating in infrared saunas, heating outdoor cafes;

d) Radio waves (G = 30 μm) - the use of a radio-wave microwave spectrum in "microwaves".

* - The wavelength of the electromagnetic radiation;

** - μm - micrometer;

*** - nm - nanometer

The effect of infrared rays on our health depends on: 1) the length of the waves released by the emitter; 2) radiation intensity; 3) exposure time; 4) the magnitudes of the area of ​​irradiation; 5) human ability to carry infrared radiation. The two organs of our body are primarily a radiation receivers: leather and eyes. The combination of the above factors has a favorable or destructive impact on these organs.

Let us dwell on two radiation factors that do not depend on the person who receives the procedure in the infrared sauna: the wavelength and the radiation intensity. According to the staff of the NII of Labor Medicine at the Academy of Sciences of Russia, infrared radiation has a positive effect on the body, if its wavelength does not exceed the wavelength allocated by the person himself. A person radiates infrared waves in the range from 2.5 to 25 microns with a radiation peak of 9.3-9.4 μm. According to the assurances of Western specialists, emitters in infrared saunas are distinguished by a wave of 5.8 to14mkm with a 7MKM radiation peak. If we evaluate only the wavelength, it turns out that the rays of infrared cabins are useful to a person. However, Russian specialists have not been studied by the Russian specialists.

The next important characteristic of infrared radiation is intensity. As in the case of different wavelengths, different intensity values ​​are dangerous or favorable for a person. If, when exposed to energy flows in the intensity of 70-100 W / m2 in the body, the activity of biochemical processes increases, which leads to an improvement in the overall state of the person, the intensity equal to 175W / m2 is capable of negative changes in the natural structure of the protein molecule, inhibition of the immune system - in general , to things unpleasant, including irreversible.

According to MSangin 001-96 "Sanitary standards of permissible levels of physical factors when using consumer goods in living conditions" (Russian-Belarusian norms) The permissible value of the radiation intensity should not exceed 100 W / m2. According to the employees of the state-poinnadzor of Moscow, in which a certificate of one of the firms selling infrared saunas was issued, measuring the radiation intensity in infrared saunas were not conducted by domestic specialists. Of course, the intensity value in the infrared cabin cannot be dangerous to human life, but, unfortunately, only according to information received from foreign manufacturers.

Check the accuracy of the allegations of foreign specialists about the great benefits of the procedures in infrared saunas. To do this, it is necessary to implement with the help of an accredited laboratory, for example, the federal scientific center of hygiene. F. F. Erisman, physiological studies of the processes occurring in such a sauna. But in the center of F. F. Erisman to the question, whether such research was conducted, they answered negatively.

Tongue numbers

The intensity of the radiation of the Sun in the middle climatic zone of the summer day reaches a very tangible level - 1049 W / m2, so doctors do not recommend children, older people, as well as those who suffer from cardiovascular diseases, has neoplasms or cancer tumors for a long time to be on the burning sun.

It has been established that in many industrial enterprises a person is almost the entire working day under irradiation.

Its intensity is 2100-4900 W / m2 in a blacksmith and foundry shops, 3500-7000 W / m2 in the ages of glass production, 7000-14000 W / m2 among domain and Marten ovens. Wtach workshops workers protect their bodies with special clothing, but this is not enough. The intensity of irradiation is the cause of many diseases and reduces the life of people.

Infrared heat transfer

The effect of evaporation from the surface of the skin of a colorless liquid (sweat), which helps maintain a constant body temperature, is used in health purposes from ancient times. Herried human body in the bath and sauna contributes to the activation of biochemical processes, an increase in tone tone, as well as the derivation of mineral salts, urinary culture and other metabolic products. Before taking an infrared sauna, unlike the Sauna of the Finnish and Russian bath, it is recommended to wipe the body dry. Water droplets should not interfere with the passage of infrared rays. The procedure, as we said, occupies 30 minutes, and then it is recommended to take a shower and relax for 30-40 minutes.

The difference between the infrared sauna from the traditional is primarily in the method of heat transfer. The sainted sauna is heat from the source (rolled stones) through the heated air and penetrates the body shallow. Ainfrakromic radiation warms the human body to 4 cm. Foreign experts argue that in comparison with the traditional bath and the sauna, the infrared sauna contributes to the allocation of more qualitative in the composition of sweat. If in a conventional bath or sauna, where the epithelium (3-5mm from the body surface) is mainly heated, with 90% of water and 10% of mineral substances, then in the infrared sauna, 80% of water and 20% of mineral substances. This happens because in conventional baths and saunas heat is transmitted through air, and skin receptors report the need to start heat transfer (that is, to start highlight the sweat) to avoid overheating of the body. Winxious saunas heat penetrates inside the body, bypassing the skin receptors. Inside infrared heat activates various (dodessy) biochemical processes, accelerates blood circulation, increases the body temperature to 38C, imitating the natural reaction of the body to infection than and causes sweating.

According to the staff of the research medicine at the Academy of Sciences of Russia, the sweating caused by a similar way is suitable for a person who is convinced of his health. They assure that people with a weak cardiovascular system, predisposed to bleeding, and simply speaking, those who do not tolerate the usual steam room and sauna, are not recommended such procedures. Even confident in his health, people run into the street, hurry to work immediately after the infrared procedure is not worth it. The playful, as they say the staff of the Institute of Labor Medicine: "It's easier for a person to notice overheating his body if the temperature is transmitted through the air. Everyone at least once tried to sit in the Russian steam room or the Finnish sauna, which means he knows his limit. It is clear that the session time in the infrared sauna is designed for a weak person, but no person knows its "safety reserve" for such sessions. Therefore, you do not need to sit in the infrared sauna longer than the manufacturers of the deadline. "

Infrared cabin outside and inside

The first in the Russian market appeared American infrared saunas of the company PHPRODUCT, HARMONY series, HEALTH MATE.

The next was the German company Finnleo, Red Flower series, Infra Vita, Sun Set, Octaprofi. Only six months ago, our market received infrared cabins of the Swedish manufacturer Tylo.

Cabins of different manufacturers are not much different from each other. Saunas of different episodes of the American company PLH Product are structurally similar to each other. All of them are decorated inside and outside with a red Canadian cedar. By the way, the companies selling American saunas on the Russian market claim that the Red Canadian cedar is fully other species of wood reflects infrared rays falling on it. For ventilation, American cabins are provided by hatches in the ceiling and the windows in the glass of the door. There are no needless saunas of such elements, so if you have become stuffy, just open the door. German FINNLEO infrared saunas look somewhat more traditional than American, first of all due to the fact that in German devices, manual control, and in American installed sensory panels.

Red flower German saunas are discontinued by the Canadian cedar. Infravita, Sunset, Octaprofi as decorations using a Maple Honey Maple, Birch Mainau, Pink Tree, Natural Beech, Dzaboti, Granite of different colors, and inside, northern spruce. Thus, the saunas of these series cost cheaper. All infrared cabins are equipped with so-called musical therapeutic systems made on the basis of high-quality car radio. A car radio client chooses himself. And in what, and in the car radio, the modern consumer understands.

Prices for infrared saunas range from $ 2,500 to 7500, depending on the capacity. True, among the German saunas there are more expensive specimens. Octaprofi Custom Cabins may have an octagonal shape and cost about $ 15,000.

It seems that the day is not honored when the descendants of today's infrared saunas will be installed together with radio tape recorders, so that the person can and on the go to receive his portion of infrared heat, the lack of which affects the health of the inhabitants of many areas.

Manufacturer Model* Number of seats Length, depth, height, cm Power, W Price, $
PlH Product (USA) Harmony one 110100186. 1300. 3300.
HEALTH MATE (5) five 210110186. 2550. 6400.
Harmony HH-NSE-1-S one 110100180 1300. 3300.
Harmony HH-XSE-4-S (4) four 180110180. 2250. 6000.
HEALTH MATE HMM-110S one 110100180 1300. 3300.
HEALTH MATE HMM-210S (6) five 210110180. 2250. 6400.
Finnleo (Germany) RED Flower-1 one 113102186. 2150. 3400.
RED Flower-5 five 213113186. 2850. 7200.
Infra Vita (5) 2. 13596195. 1900. 3200.
Sun Set-1 (10) one 110100197 1800. 2170.
Octaprofi (2) eight 268268215 7430. 3800.

* - In brackets indicated the number of models presented in the Russian market.

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