Sharle shall


Billiard table market overview for home. What is the difference between professional and amateur tables, and how to equip a billiard room in your apartment.

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Professional 12-Foot Model "Gladiator" for the game in Russian Billiards ("Condor Befe", Russia)
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Model "Pharaoh" with an unusual finishing of the foundation ("MBS-Billiards", Russia)
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True american model desk for playing pool. Centurion from Brunswick (USA)
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Classic ROYAL model with oak veneer finish (Rochester, Russia)
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The best design material for the manufacture of boring tables of hardwood wood. "Aristocrat" of mahogany from Wik, Poland (brand "Massa")
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The model "Champion" is equipped with a set for a game or a removable worktop (WIK, Poland; trading mark "Mass")
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De Blasi.

The elegant table for playing the pool is quite a bit

Sharle shall
De Blasi.

Interior Billiard Table

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Universal Stand for Billiard Accessories
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An unusual pink table for playing an American pool for lovers of bold solutions. Deblasi (Italy), GrandPrix collection
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Table "Olympic" (Wik, Poland; Brand "Mass") Designed to play an American pool. The board of the model is covered with thick plastic, special holders for cius and triangle are provided
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Machine for polishing balls
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Olympic Table for American Pool (Dynamic Billiard, Germany)
Sharle shall

The surface of the playing field should be evenly lit. Therefore, in addition to the table, you must acquire special lamps

Each of us arise their associations with the word "billiards". Some remember the joy of victories and bitterness of defeats. Other, holidays on the beach and the southern sun. Ukit, then in front of the eyes of the scene from the famous Soviet film "The meeting place cannot be changed" (remember how Zheglov-Vysotsky beat smoked-kuravlev?). Finally, many familiar children's desktop game with a similar name: metal balls and wooden sticks-kei. Now you can play billiards even at the computer ...

Today we want to talk not so much about the game as about the furniture. What should be a real billiard table for professionals, and what is suitable for lovers? What are the difference between commercial and home tables? How much do they cost? Isau most importantly, how to equip a billiard room at home?

Features of table installation

What you need to know before going to search for a billiard table? Forward a queue, the exact dimensions of the room where you plan to put it. Information about the square of the room is not enough, the proportions are important. We advise you to re-measure the length of the walls in the room and in accordance with these figures, select the model of suitable size.

Of course, in the "Khrushchev" a full billiard room not arrange. Avot Most modern houses with spacious rooms or free layout are quite suitable for this purpose. What size should have the room?

In order for the players to move freely around the table with kiwa in their hands and perform beats from the side, the distance from the edge of the table to the wall, according to the generally accepted rules, should be 1.5-2 m. Manufacturers and sellers of billiard equipment use different methods for calculating the size of the room required To install tables of one or another value. (Exact figures you will learn by visiting one of the firms.) Without plunging into details, we note that if you want to buy a small amateur model, the billiard room should have a size of at least 5.74.5m. For a large professional table, it will take even more spacious room- 30-40m2. The height of the ceiling of the future billiard room is also very important, because the lamps are usually suspended above the table, and the vertical blows of Kiwa are performed on the ball, it is not so rarely. In other words, the height of the room, according to the sellers, should be at least 2.5 m. AB classical book by V.I.Hofmeister "Billiard Sport", first released in 1947, it is recommended to arrange a billiard room indoor with a ceiling not lower than 4m.

Billiard table, especially large, is a very heavy design. Do I need to somehow strengthen the floor in the room where it will be? No, if you live in the building of modern buildings. Problems can only arise among apartment owners in houses with wooden floors. In this case, we advise you to contact RES or DEZ and find out the floors for which load (inkilograms per square meter).

Is it possible to put billiards at the cottage? I guess, yes. It is only indoors, but also on the street. To play outdoors you need to highlight a spacious flat pad and arrange a canopy over it. But keep in mind, the billiard table is the subject of naughty, poorly carrying the differences in temperature and humidity, as well as drafts. All of these external factors can lead to its deformation, loss of game properties. It means that to ensure the safety and durability of the table (and it can serve you for several decades), it is better to put it in a heated room with a good microclimate.

Sizes and weight

Traditionally, the value of the billiard table, or rather, its playing field is measured in the English feet (1Fut is 30.48 cm). The number of feet corresponds to the length of the table, and the width is always twice as much. Therefore, when they talk about a 12-foot table, it means a product with a playing field with a length of 12 fells and 6 footwear, that is, approximately 3.61.8m. Moreover, the size of the models of different manufacturers may differ by 5-10 cm. The height of the table from the floor to the surface of the game field is approximately 80-82 cm.

The weight of the billiard depends primarily on its size, as well as the masses of materials used in its manufacture. For example, the "Phoenix" model from "Condorbif" (Russia) in the 7-foot version weighs approximately 165kg, and 12-foot -1240-1290kg, or almost 8 times more! (When comparing these tables, it is not necessary to forget that, with other things that are equal, the smaller has only 4-ends, and not 8 and the stone slab at the base of the gaming field with a thickness of 19, not 45mm.) Weight of the average 9-foot products (2.541.27m) From the wood massif from different manufacturers is 600-700kg.

Table varieties

The most popular billiard games in our country - Russian Billiards (Pyramid) and American Pool. The English Snooker is less common, and French cannon is almost unknown. Illya of each game need a special table.

The Russian billiards - the general name of the whole group of games, the variations there are a great set: Pyramid Russian, Moscow and Nevskaya, Screw, Alarger, "Arctic", etc. Sports competitions are held on huge 12-foot tables, called tournaments. Of course, such large tables for the apartment and house are rarely buying, they usually play clubs and billiards. According to sellers, home and office professionals acquire products of smaller size - 10-foot (the magnitude of the game field is about 31.5 m). These models have the game characteristics of the tournament level, and there are not too much space. On large tables (10-12 feet) in the pyramid play with balls with a diameter of 68mm, which need to be scored or in one of the four angular luis width of 73-74mm, or in one of the two averages of a width of 82-83mm. For 7-9-foot Billiards require smaller balls (60mm diameter) and the design includes other sizes of the Luce and side parameters.

The American pool is common worldwide and our country acquires all new fans. Compared with the Russian billiards, the pool is considered to be easier, because it uses the balls with a diameter of 57mm, which must be put in the lobe of the 115mm width (even twice as the ball itself).

Despite the external similarity of the tables for playing Russian billiards and the American pool, universal products do not exist. The characteristics of the side rubber are distinguished (in the number of its tilt angle to the surface of the game field), as well as dimensions (the width of the mouth, the length of the "corridor", etc.) and the form of the Luce. Pyramid and pool play different kias, balls and by different rules. Unas in the country there are even special firms that import inexpensive second-hand tables for the American pool and their re-equipment in the model for Russian billiards. Of course, such products do not go to any comparison with high-quality products of well-known manufacturers, but the price of "alterations" is more than affordable. Akak is known, it is the demand that gives birth to a sentence.

The game in the Snooker is very popular in the UK and now gradually penetrates our country. C1998 Great Championships of Russia for Snooker. Play it on tables 6-12 feet long with 52mm diameter balls. (The meaning of the game is to first put in the Luba of 15-kranny balls, and then 6 of the other colors.)

We have a little about French carambole: a rhine what is played in it with three balls on a special table without a badge.

Constructive solutions and materials

The billiard table is the most complex subject in which all the details are carefully customized to each other. Any flaws made in the process of its design, selection of materials or assembly, ultimately may affect the result of the game. To tell in detail about all the features of the design of the tables and the infinite number of materials used in their production, we have no opportunity, such a story may take more than a dozen journal bands. We are limited to only information that will help you make the right decision when buying.

A classic billiard table consists of the following parts: a frame (formed by outer and inner frames), a playing field (plates - base covered with cloth), sides, legs and a luz. The ideal material for the manufacture of supporting parts design - understall, sides and legs is considered an array of hardwood wood: mahogany, oak, ash. Tables made of soft rocks (alder and linden) are much, sometimes worth $ 1,000, less than solid. Some manufacturers also produce combined products, individual parts of which are performed from different wood breeds (expensive solid and cheaper soft). All wooden elements are toned in one color and become practically indistinguishable. For buyers, this is one of the opportunities to save several hundred dollars. (Such models are usually made to order, for example, by Condorbif.)

Of course, for novice players does not have a significant value, from which materials the table is made. And models made using MDF plates lined with veneer or thick plastic are quite comparable to wooden in terms of strength and durability. However, they can cost 40-60% cheaper than those in which only the array of hardening rocks is used, such as oak. (Such a ratio of prices demonstrates, in particular, the Russian manufacturer "MBS-billiards".) By the way, tables, individual elements of which are made of plate structural materials - MDF and chipboard, are often purchased for commercial use in clubs, bars and billiards. Such products are not Too expensive, and therefore quickly pay off and begin to profit. Analately in our country began to produce tables on a metal frame with finishing from a variety of materials (manufacturer "Professional League", Cemerovo).

The number of legs depends on the size of the table. Usually, small models (6-8 feet length) are equipped with four legs, medium (9- and 10-foot) - six, 11- and 12-foot have 8 nog. Such regularity is not accidental, because the rigidity of the structure depends on the number of supports. In addition, the weight of the table turns out to be distributed to a larger number of points, and therefore, the specific load on the floor becomes less.

The legs of the billiard table are necessarily equipped with a height adjustment mechanism (this is necessary so that the surface of the playing field is as smoother as possible). The cordon seems that the design stands on wooden legs. This is not true. The bottom of each leg is located a metal lifting screw, the so-called backbone, with which you can change the height of the structure (similar mechanisms are equipped with many objects of furniture and household appliances refrigerators, plates, etc.).

The most significant component of the billiard table is the plate base plate. It should be made of a material with well-defined properties: durability to withstand strong balls of balls and at the same time not to deform; ease of processing so that it is possible to perform a product with an ideally smooth surface and strictly defined sizes; as well as resistance to temperature and humidity drops. The practice has shown that the only combination of such properties has the only one of the materials of the Ardesia, a rock rock with a layered structure produced in the Italian region of the same name. The stove thickness varies in different models from 17 to 45mm. Most often, big professional tables for playing Russian billiards are equipped with thick plates (30-45mm), compact amateur-thin (17-30 mm). Models for the American pool are supplied with medium thickness plates: from19 to 25mm.

Naturally, Ardesia is a very expensive material supplied to all countries of the world with just a few monopolist factories. Therefore, the price of the plate is usually relatively high - 20-30% of the cost of the entire table. The stove is often composite, of three or five parts (depending on the size of the playing field), which are connected to each other during the assembly process using threaded screeds. From above, the seam is carefully putty, the surface is spilled, the cloth is stretched. What happens if the joints are not smooth? The ball can change the trajectory of movement and not to get into the lyuza, as a result, the outcome of the game becomes difficult to use.

Those who are just starting to play billiards, you can not spend extra money to buy a table with a stove from Ardesia. To simply "drive balls", a model is enough with the base of the playing field from the laminated chipboard. A rational approach demonstrates the Polish manufacturer of billiards WIK (trademark "Mass"). The design of its premier model from alder or birch array or birch is that it provides for the possibility of replacing the base field base field on Ardesia.

In the process of assembling the table on the stove, a special dense lurisal cloth is stretched, which has elasticity and durability. The total material includes wool and polyester (sometimes nylon). The larger the share of wool, the juice is better and more expensive. It should be stretched on the stove so that it cannot be pinned with two fingers. Hospitality, any, even the best material is sometimes rushing, and over time hesitates. Therefore, if the table is actively operated, you will probably have to face such a situation. We advise nothing to take anything yourself, but to seek help from specialists. (Almost all firms selling billiard equipment provide services for a loaf of cloth.)

Classic color it is green with a yellowish or bluish tint. For lovers of non-standard solutions, manufacturers offer blue and red cloth.

The board of the tables may have a horizontal or vertical mount. The first is considered more preferable because it provides uniform tension of the cloth and its fixation in the stretched position.

Luba tables for playing in Russian billiards are made from a variety of metals and alloys (steel, copper, brass) and are tightly tightened with genuine leather. Leather "Pelterina" is needed so that the balls are not deformed when entering the layer, knocking on the metal. Temporary tanks for balls that have fallen into the Lubbe, usually serve meshes woven with cotton, synthetic, mixed threads or sewn from thin strips of genuine leather. Luba tables for the American pool can have a device similar to models for Russian billiards or fundamentally different. Many products for the overseas game are designed so that the Lubs are as if inside the sides. At the same time, the balls are not falling into the grid, but rolls along special polls (they are also called rudders) hidden in the podstol. The louds themselves can be made of rubber or plastic.

Manufacturers and prices

In the Russian market there are tables of domestic and foreign manufacturers for playing Russian billiards, pool, snooker. Most tables for the pyramid are produced in our country and in Belarus ("RUPTURS") and Poland (WIK). Russian boring producers Many: "MBS-billiards", "Condor Bef", "Effine", "Game-Service", "Start Factory", "Professional League", Rochester, etc. Prices for basic models of professional 11-12-foot The tables with the playing characteristics of the tournament level range in the range of $ 4000-8000 (more often $ 5000-6000). Now, small amateur tables for the city apartment or dacha can sometimes cost only $ 1000-1500, and if at the base of the playing field there is a laminated chipboard, then Cheaper. Inside this range - $ 1000-8000 - you will always find the option that is suitable for you. The optimal amount to be placed to buy an average table for home is $ 3,000. For this money you can purchase 9- or 10-foot model. From an oak array with the base of the playing field from ArDesia from WIK (Poland; Trading mark "Most") or "Ruppa" (Belarus). If you agree to replace the oak birch or alder, for similar models of the same manufacturers, you pay about $ 2000. And nine- The foot table from MDF, lined with oak veneer, will cost about $ 2400 (for example, models from "MBS Billiards", Russia).

Almost all of our enterprises make tables not only for the pyramid, but also for the pool, adequately competing in the Russian market with foreign factories. Of course, world leaders in the production of billiards for polar Americans. Unas can buy products by Brunswick, AMF Playmaster, Olhausen and some others. The model range of European factories consists of the tables for the pool, sinuker and cannon. Unas knows the German company Dynamic Billiard, Italian Longoni and De Blasi. English Riley specializes in snooker models.

As we said, the tables for the pool are not so huge as for the pyramid. They are often with the use of slaughter materials - MDF and chipboard. That is why, in general, the pool models are considered cheaper than for Russian billiards (for example, the price of a small table from Brunswick is $ 1700-2700). But on the other hand, the delivery of such a heavy item from Europe, and even more so from the US is very expensive. Therefore, exclusive models made from rare wood breeds or well-known designers are imported to Russia. The cost of such billiard tables is sometimes calculated with tens of thousands of dollars.

Service and guarantees

Surely many of you reading this article, we wondered in a natural way: how to get a huge billiard table into the house? Do not worry, everything is very simple: it will be brought in a disassembled form. Avot Assembling the table is a very thin and time-consuming process, and therefore it must be made by specialists (they usually work in the state of sales sellers). The cost of professionals is quite high: about $ 100-350, depending on the size of the table. Many manufacturers and sellers of billiards support communication with their clients and after making a deal, as needed to provide them with a variety of services. In addition to selling accessories and inventory, it is also a cloth hauling, the height adjustment of the table, alignment of the surface, replacing the base field plate on Ardesia, etc.

A guarantee that any company seller of billiards should be provided to its product, in accordance with Russian legislation only in the event that the buyer complies with the rules of the product operation. If the table is installed indoors with changing humidity and temperature (for example, in the country, which is visited only in summer), wooden parts of the design can be deformed and shifted relative to each other. For such an appeal with billiards nor the manufacturer nor the seller, of course, are not responsible. Again, if you decide to disassemble yourself and re-assemble the table or transfer it from place to place, the claims to the seller will be unreasonable (by the way, many solid firms give an annual guarantee and assembly).

Accessories and inventory

In addition to the table, a variety of accessories are needed to play billiards. The most important of these and balls. Another triangle will be useful for the initial placement of the balls, the shelf for them and the Kievnitsa, the stand for Kiev. Usually all accessories are sold separately, they can be purchased in any of the firms engaged in trading billiard tables. Anecheters companies, such as "Condor Bef" and WIK (brand "mass"), complete separate table models with a standard set for playing.

The Kiev market is so diverse that it is worthy of a separate review, so we will limit ourselves to the most important information. Vuscian billiards, pool and snooker play different kiys. Ki for the pyramid are the longest (tournament standard, not less than 150 cm). Binds play with "sticks" with a length of 140-145 cm, and 91-145 cm. Ki are suitable and composite (managing parts), are made of all sorts of wood, including exotic. The price of inexpensive whole cius ranges from $ 25 to $ 40, composed of $ 100 to $ 120. Professional models of different manufacturers can cost $ 300-500.

Balls for different types of games are also needed different. They are sold with sets. The set for the Russian billiard consists of fifteen balls of the same color and one additional batch, which is different from them. The pool kit is formed by the same number of balls, but the aims have different colors. Snooker balls in a set 22, of which are 15 red and 7 different colors. For the game in the cannon you need a set consisting of only three pieces. The balls are made from different materials: polymers, including polyester, or phenoloaldehyde resins. The latter are heat treatment, after which they acquire sufficient elasticity. The best are balls from phenoloaldehydes (producer- ARAMITH, BELGIUM). They have great impact resistance, resistance to scratches and burns (after all, with a strong blow, the temperature at the friction point of the ball and the cloth can reach 250s!). The durability of the cloth depends on the quality of the balls. The ARAMITH kit for the game in the Russian pyramid is about $ 200 (the diameter of the ball 68mm) or $ 100-120 (diameter 60.3 mm), for the American pool- $ 60-170. Less durable balls made of polymeric materials produced, for example, in Taiwan cost $ 70-100.

The "Gentlemansky set" of the billiardder includes more accessories for KIA (stickers, nozzles, etc.), cars, a maz, glove, chalk and some other wonderful things. For the billiard room equipment you will need special lamps, kopeds, shelves for balls, and possibly special high chairs that allow the sitting to watch the game. Some home models can be staffed with removable table tops, with which the billiard table turns into a dining.

The editors thanks the company "MBS-Billiards", "Condor Bef", "Contour-Mobile" and "Sportmaster" for help in the preparation of material.

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