Under the measure of time


Clock as interior decoration. Products of European, Russian and Asian watchmakers: Collections, characteristics of mechanisms, prices, operating tips.

Under the measure of time 14548_1

Under the measure of time
Hermle rethought the idea of ​​the watch-"plates" and created a clock "snail" with a 24-hour dial
Under the measure of time
Shoulder watches with bronze lining - domestic brands prefer classic design
Under the measure of time
Diamantini Domeniconi.

Murano icestool glasses - material waterproof

Tsatam and heat resistant, and in addition, very elegant

Under the measure of time
Clock-bouquet - a joke from Hermle
Under the measure of time
Clock with cuckoo from Altobel Antonio is decorated with figures made by hand
Under the measure of time
Natural braid - Excellent design for hours from Diamantini Domeniconi
Under the measure of time
The tradition of using the Roman dial in kareny watches is violated by the Russian company "Spring"
Under the measure of time
Watch- "Plate" in a unique body made of wood with Khokhloma painting (Russia)
Under the measure of time
Headset from the Versailles Palace of Farbel with silver, gilding and red jasma
Under the measure of time
The unique clock- "Cabinet" of Gallo firms are decorated with black varnish, gold-plated bronze and marquetry from various wood and pearl
Under the measure of time
Diamantini Domeniconi.

Wall clock made of natural wood in the form of a standing over the sea of ​​the Sun - a great accessory for an apartment or country house

Under the measure of time
Hermle can make hour mechanisms and proud of them, so prefers not to hide them in the case
Under the measure of time
Strict Carny Watches with Blue and White Enamel and Gold Farbel
Under the measure of time
In the clock-globe, the dial is hiding under the convex dashboard (Russia)
Under the measure of time
Fruits are held on the panel with magnets, so the pattern can be made independently (HEPMLE)
Under the measure of time
Folding hours with Palen painting based on the "Tales of the Tsarevne Frog"

If the happy hours do not observe, then you have to admit that humanity has been deeply unhappy for a long time. Which ways it did not try to relate their own existence with the eternal movement of heavenly bodies! Ikaki only devices for this did not invent! Now, from incomprehensible wing, the clock turned into a subject of essential. WHATS they can be not only a utilitarian thing, but also decoration of the house.

Past time

The human mind invented a number of time tools for measuring time. For example, lunar, water, candle, sandy and oil watches that were used up to XVIIIV. Due to its technical exclusivity and dependence on external conditions, these devices have not found universal applications. Now these exhibits of scientific antiques are mainly in museums.

The room clock appeared in XV. And first were quite cumbersome. They were activated by cargo, the duration of the course was 12 hours. Then the cargo had to pull up, and the clock did not allow themselves to move. Approximately 1500g. To bring the hours, we decided to use the running spring. B1658 Hujagence Christians suggested using the pendulum in the outdoor clock. It was suspended on the threads or steel cable and connected with the movement of the clock mechanism by the plug and regulated the movement of the arrows. This is an innovation, along with invented in 1675. The same Guygens balance helix in pocket watches, radically changed the accuracy of storage of time. If earlier the hours lagged behind the actual indicators or ahead of them on a quarter-half a hour a day, now the accuracy of the course rose to one to three minutes. Current arrows appeared, and the clock became possible to start every eight days. The stroke regulator developed for the devices with a pendulum in about 1670, along with the pendulum, noting seconds, even more increased the accuracy of the course: the backlog or advance amounted to several seconds a week.

In the 1660-1720s. In England, the main types of hours were created and subsequently improved: console (pendulum, with a spring chassis), named so because of the console stand, attached under the clock to the wall; Outdoor (with a load and pendulum connected to the sketch mechanism located at the top of the case). B1704g. In England, a patent was issued a patent for the use of precious stones in the manufacture of support bearings, which made it possible to reduce friction and reduce wear of parts in the mechanisms.

An hourly battle also has a story that began in XIV. First, a small bell was used, ranning once when a special lever was taped. Bained clock This bell was replaced by a large bell. B1676 Barlov designed the first clock with a time counting time. They "voiced" not only every hour, but also a quarter and could reproduce the fight regardless of the stroke. Already with the XVIV. The clock had several bells and several levers. Then, instead of bells in the interior devices, tubular gondas were inserted (hollow wands of different lengths with hammers), which made melody and battle. Now the record of the melody, hollow tubular gondas, make a deafness, resembling the battle of old hours, and one-piece rod gongs, emitting gentle ringing, similar to bells. The three most popular melodies came to the interior clock with towers of monasteries and churches, and what the names themselves say: Westminster, St. Smichael, Whittington. Oddly enough, they all come from England.

The most accurate clock is located in Paris, at the Institute of Time, and are the benchmark of the time - on them "the arrows" all over the world. This is a very complex device, externally little similar to the usual clock. The idea of ​​the calculus of space and time was legally the foundation by means of frequencies and oscillations. Punchtar of the time is used quantum generator. The exceptional results achieved with atomic standards of time, with an error of only 1xand for a whole thousand years, led to the fact that at the XIII-period conference on measures and weighs held in Paris in October 1967, a new definition of a time-atomic second unit was given. . It is now defined as 9 192 631,770 oscillations of radiation of the Cesium atom-133. However, it is possible to use such superal clock only in laboratory purposes in various fields of physics, astronomy and astronautics.


In the middle of XX. Special watches were invented, called so because of the natural crystals (auto-sessure of artificial) quartz used to regulate the stroke. Several microscopic crystals are connected to the battery, which its electric pulses creates frequency fluctuations of the crystal, which, in turn, connects to the synchronizing frequency and the control of the oscillator, as well as with wheels and gears to move the arrows. Watching the irregularity of the turn is caused by changes in the internal structure of quartz and the instability of electronic systems. Simply put, if the battery fell, the clock will begin to lag behind, and if the quartz crystal aged, they will chronically "run away." True, the measurements showed that the aging of the crystal, accompanied by an increase in the frequency of oscillations, proceeds without large and sharp changes.

Nowadays, the work on the improvement of the accuracy of the clock does not stop. True, it is more actively in the field of watches, in the interior technologies change slowly. Studies have shown that over the last 300thly stroke accuracy increased more than 100,000 times, and this is not the limit. One of the last inventions committed in Japan concerns the stroke regulator. The stroke control is such a part of the clock or chronometers, which sets the mechanism a certain speed and does not allow the clock to "run away". Regulators (most different firms) cling the wheels through short and even time intervals and thereby start to work or in a special way inhibit the hourly mechanism. The operation of the running regulator can be seen in hours according to the characteristic tick, inherent in both mechanical and quartz devices. In order to avoid this, the Japanese invented a special regulator in which the wheel has many times more teeth than the usual one. The result is the "jumps" of the devices stopped being noticeable and non-standard ticks disappeared. True, it is possible to use these regulators while only in quartz watch.

Choice of Time

When choosing a watch, it is important to be guided not only by price, but also the characteristics of the mechanism. The rule here is simple: the more famous is the company, the better the mechanism. Vernimchi from wristwatches, where the championship belongs to Switzerland, in the interior devices leading mechanisms from Germany. They are used to assemble hours not only in their homeland, but also in other countries. An important characteristic when choosing a clock is both the design of the case. The market offers collections of two directions - classical and modern. Classic design is most often either repeat of the famous samples of the past, or various stylization. Materials are used classic: wood, bronze, porcelain. Classical mechanics are most often used, although quartz mechanisms are found. Modern design depends on the taste of artists of the company. Plush hours typically use modern materials: plastic, metal, MDF. The mechanism applies more simple-quartz. The time to create a modern design clock leaves much less than classic, and the production itself is less laborious, so modern hours are cheaper than classic. Here it is necessary to proceed from your desires, cash, well, of course, from the overall design of the apartment or at home.

Time of East

Most stores selling inexpensive hours offer Chinese, Japanese and Korean products. These clock are simple, modern, inexpensive, materials in them are used the most modern and, we can say the most artificial ones. Ktakim models nourish love many buyers first of all due to prices. But, having studied all the products presented in our market, we can call so close attention unemployed, because many Western firms make watches much better and better, but not much more expensive.

Our first representative of the East is Gastar (Japan) is "food" for the majority of fake hours around the world. But if the housing can be faked, the mechanism developed by the company has not yet been repeated. Visitors use a special silent quartz mechanism. Each wheel has a 2566 stroke of small teeth, so the stroke control moves from the teeth to the teeth silently. For a pendulum, a special system of magnets has been developed that allow it to move with the minimum cost of batteries.

The company's clock collections are very diverse. There are wall models like "Plate", made most often from the metal and characterized by the accuracy and rigor of the shape (accommodation from similar products of other firms). Extractive models in addition to the clock include a hygrometer (humidity meter) and a thermometer, and individual samples have a window to display the dates. Ufirma have special collection of wall clocks oval or square shape with magnetic pendulum, these models have a melody with a fight that reproduces a fairly simple mechanism like those used in door calls with music. Melodies are performed every hour, and at night they turn off automatically. In addition to wall clock, an extensive collection of large (up to 1m in height) is offered, from bronze or from high-strength plastic, in terms of the quality of a similar stone. These devices have a pendulum attached to the dial and swinging with it, which makes the Gastar collection very recognizable. Wall clock Gastar moistureproof and quite durable, which allows them to be used not only in the apartment, but also in offices and even in the pools. Desktop models, on the contrary, require a very careful and careful relationship. Gift desktops have a massive glass housing with engraving, can be used as alarm. Wall clock Gastar cost from $ 20 to $ 40, and bronze desktops with a pendulum - from $ 300.

In clockops, along with Gastar, you will meet Acetime (China). This brand specializes in very simple wall clock-"plates" - small in diameter (20-25 cm), flat. The form is not necessarily round, an octagonal and even square is possible. The housing is made of plastic, the locations of the outer compounds of the parts are covered with special gaskets, which does not allow moisture to penetrate inside the mechanism. The quartz mechanism is used, which makes them practical (they require only periodic replacement of the batteries, which must be made every year and a half). The accuracy of the course contributes to the correctly selected place on the wall, preferably not under the right sunlight and not wet. Alluring compliance with these conditions the course of the clock will be accurate, the backlog will not exceed 1 minutes insteps, which is normal for quartz mechanisms.

In the dial ACETIME uses only Arabic numbers, which makes the clock easier for perception. The arrows are closed with special, very durable, but also very transparent, in view of almost identical glass plastic. Color gamut and design options are so diverse that there is no possibility to describe them here. There are clocks monochromatic, with a pattern for marble, wood, tortine and strip, with a metal coating for gold and silver, with drawings and even transparent. But the bulk of the instruments combines white and black colors. This brand is greatly popular with respect to its prices: on simple watches - "plates" - from $ 10, to more complex wall instruments - from $ 30.

Lovers of inexpensive hours of classic design with a quartz mechanism can be advised by the Sino-Korean company Sinix.

West time

We are represented so far only two countries, Germany and Italy, although in a short time they promise the appearance of Belgian brands.

Elegant flat wall and desktop hours from Italy offers DiamantinInomeniconi (DD) in the Meridiana collection. In VMoskwe, this watch is already presented for 3 years, but the company itself is already more than 30 years. All this time, she specializes in simple clocks for simple houses. Introduction from other Italian products, this watch is at all "Netheless", that is, there is no palace pomp and the future personality, but there is modesty and elegance. The Meridiana collection includes more than 300mowers in a variety of color palette. Basic materials, inexpensive, but high-quality plastic, array and veneer of wood, MDF, glass, ceramics, metal. In all hours, only the quartz mechanisms of the German company Hermle are used, which ensures an impeccable course and quality. The size of wall models ranges from the traditional 25cm to 1m. The watch of the Artepovera series in the hulls from the ventilation braided and artificially made up of wood, as well as the Vetro series in the glass and ceramics and colors are particularly popular. These products are much elegant and warmer than their eastern colleagues, here is clearly visible hand of the designer and artist-developer. Prices for hours are very democratic: from $ 10 to $ 60- and depend mainly on the size of the product.

Special attention deserve a clock with a cuckoo. For the first time, such a model was made in South Germany, in the Black Forest, about 1730g., Later, the clock with a cuckoo began to be made in Switzerland. At first they represented something like folk fishing in combination with the exact work of the watchmaker. The body was done by hand from a tree, most often in the form of a house or a castle, around which the action unfolded was the scenes from the life of artisans, and love scenes, and genre, and from the life of knights and beautiful ladies, as well as allegorical images of life and death , youth and old age. In general, the plots could somehow reflect the flow of life. The production of such hours has increased after 1840, and mainly for export to America, where they enjoyed much popularity. Over time, the mechanism became more complicated, in addition to the jumping cuckoo, figures were invented, driven by weighting or swinging pendulum.

Real clock with cuckoo have nothing to do with a brown-gray model of Soviet production, they are solely peculiar and manufactured to this day manually, piece. Modern clock is equipped with an automatic and manual cuckoo switch, and some clock LED stopping cooking in the dark. Unas are known two firms representing "cuckoo" on the market - Altobel Antonio from Italy (mechanical clock, handmade, wood, thread) and Sinix from South Korea (quartz mechanism with LED, MDF). But it is best to bring this watch from Germany and Switzerland.

The most famous and large representative of the watch products - the German company Hermle. She is glorious with their mechanisms that already produces 80 years old. The company makes quartz mechanisms mainly for the watches of modern design and wall mounted, as well as mechanics for floor models and classic design hours. Cases are developed by designers of the company and are produced at the factory in large parties. It is impossible to call some particular look of hours specific for this brand, it produces everything: wall, outdoor, desktop models and even collectible rarities and witty humorous samples. Plus, the so-called "skeletal" watches are made to this, the mechanism of which is either completely deprived of the body, or is enclosed in transparent. Collections are updated every year, but made out of production can be ordered within a few years after the discontinuation of the release. A natural tree is used for enclosures: for large parts, an array for small curved - veneer. Also, the veneer is used in cheaper models of modern design.

Each model is made in four versions from the tree of different colors. Most popular - oak, nut, cherry, mahogany. The only problem when choosing a color is that due to special processing, the material changes its color and does not always coincide with the usual color of furniture from the same type of wood. In all hours of classical design, a musical mechanism is used, consisting of tubular or rod gong. Typical melodies are played: Westminster, St. Smichael, Whittington, plus a mandatory battle. The battlements of the battle are different from 15 minutes before half an hour, but if desired, the battle can be disabled manually. There is also a built-in function of automatic disabling battle overnight. The plant of mechanical watches without a fight is enough for 14 days, the brew is 8 days.

The plant has three types of Hermle: 1) a spring plant in wall clock without a weight and in desktop with mechanics, when the spring is spinning, which then you need to twist again; 2) Cable factory key through a hole in the dial, without contact with chains and weights; 3) The chain factory "in the old manner" - pulling the weights by hand. Avota The accuracy of the mechanical clock has depends on the correct installation and configuration. These operations will implement a special master who has a device that allows you to adjust the clock when buying and installing on a permanent place. Next, the accuracy of the mechanism is guaranteed. Of course, you can and independently carry out these settings for hours are given detailed instructions, but it's easier and faster to call the master, especially since its services are usually included in the cost of hours. The same master will check all the verticals so that there is no distortion anywhere, since any deviation of the angle will be reflected on the accuracy of the course.

Large outdoor hours can not be moved - after that you will have to re-install and configure them. Avot walls are less susceptible to outsider fluctuations, so it may well be translated into another place. If you still need to move the clock, you need to make it possible to maximize the weights and pendulum as much as possible and try not to knock the anchor. If you leave for a long time on vacation, you can just stop the clock, and after returning to start and set the desired time, the accuracy of the course in this case will be saved. All hours are given a mandatory five-year warranty, but the marriage happens extremely rarely, all problems depend on the use of the clock and the nature of their owner. The brand is focused on a medium buyer who has a good taste and valuable quality. Therefore, prices for outdoor hours are from $ 1500 to $ 5,000, on wall-mounted - from $ 50 to $ 1000.

The Italian company Gallo strikes the lush of the decor of its products. Hermle's accommodation specializes in the polls of the clock mechanisms of German and Belgian production. It is engaged in various types of watches, from consoles to outdoor, design - suclone in Baroque and Rococo. Designers of the brand are developing models according to the sketches of the Palace Hours of the XVII-XVIII centuries. Various materials are used: wood, porcelain, metal, stone. The complex techniques of a wooden mosaic - intaria and marketer (for the first case, various colors, texture and breed, wooden pieces are cut into the base, are riveted on it). There are comprehensive design development- for example, hours and a table for them in one style and color decoration; Outdoor clock plus wall-mounted with pendulum and weights in more strict design. The Gallo models are made of wood, and, unlike Hermle, the manufacturer emphasizes the natural color and pattern of wood, so you can pick up hours identical to your furniture. Prices for watches fluctuate in the same range as the Hermle brand: Outdoor- $ 1500-5000, desktop and walls- $ 70-1000.

Farbel (Italy) is famous for its exquisite desktop and fireplace hours in the style of Baroque and classicism. They are made mainly of bronze using silvering, 24-carat gilding, natural stones, inserts from porcelain and enamel. Almost all the hours you can pick up the headset-candlesticks or vases in the same style. Like many firms, Farbel uses not its mechanisms, and the German from Imperial. All Farbel Watch Mechanical, with the mechanical battle limited either chime of bells or a short melody. Collections include copies of famous samples from the Louvre, Loire castles, Versailles, Venetian Palazzo. The assembly is made at the factory, the parties are small, but the prices of them are high because of the use of various expensive materials and techniques. Cost of hours - from $ 200 to $ 2000, candlesticks and vases are sold separately.

Another Italian company, Altobel Antonio, as well as Farbel, manufactures the watches in the style of the XVII-XIX centuries., But these are not copies of masterpieces, but only imitation. In general, Italian watchmakers are distinguished by great love for all lush and richly decorated. The clock Altobel Antonio is large wall and outdoor, with a generous carved decor, marketer, bronze and brass details, lacquer painting. Some are so masterfully that at first glance may seem real antiques. The hulls are made from the wood array in combination with a veneer of rare rock-red, pink, black wood of Karelian birch. The mechanisms of the German company KIENIGER-SBEM and the Westminster melody are used. The clock is equipped with the functions of manual disconnection of the battle and the automatic shutdown to the night hours. The plant is enough for 14 days if the clock is without a melody, and on 8- if with a melody.

These products have a qualitative course, naturally, provided that the installation and configuration is properly installed. The only breakdown, the so-called pendulum converting, only due to the fault of the unlucky user, which moves too sharply and inactively, but this malfunction is quickly corrected. Masters of the company advise every 5-10 years to lubricate the clock with a special synthetic lubricant. This service can be provided by the seller employees or warranty workshop. Prices for watches range from $ 600 to $ 5000, depending on the size and complexity of the decor, as well as from the tree of the tree used.

Fans of exquisite interior hours can be advised to contact the brands K.Mozer (Germany) and Massoni (Italy).

The clock was always elegant, but nevertheless a strict gift that can be presented with both a man and a woman. For this purpose, it is best to use special collections of firms that do not specialize in the clock. Mass of designer companies and even fashion designers offer elegant gift samples in collections for home. Watch products use only famous mechanisms brands. And most often, hourly mechanisms are made to order in Switzerland and Germany. It is worth paying attention to the Waterford collections (United Kingdom), Villeroyboch (Germany), Alessi (Italy), Lalique (France), Wedgwood (United Kingdom), Riccardo Marzi (Italy), Sebino (Italy) and others. On products such companies will stand marking Mechanism (on the back of hours) and rims (on the front side). Also an elegant and very unusual gift may turn out to be a clock of non-standard forms (for example, ancient, like astrolabies) and non-standard content. You will get a very elegant and complex mechanism, in addition to time indicating, for example, the movement of the celestial luminaries, the passage of the moon, the sun and earth through 12 zodiac signs, the lumens along the lunar and sunny calendar, etc.

Time of Russia

The clock of Russian manufacturers do not differ in particular quality, and the design and assembly of mechanisms are also affected. Although recently there are more or less decent companies that make high-quality clocks in the original building. Yes, and the cost of this product is lower than that of the products of foreign colleagues. Such hours are very loved by foreigners because of the use of Khokhloma and Phane painting, Gzhel, Finifth, varnish, enamels, buttons. But when choosing Russian products it is necessary to consider that the quality of the assembly can spoil you very much, because 5 out of 10 copies have an industrial marriage. So check the clock on the accuracy of the progress, the plant, the fight and everything else is very careful. Another trouble of Russian watchmakers is a very small range of collections. From worthy mention of Russian producers, we call the company "Spring" (G.Vladimir), "Chaika" (G.uglich) and "Cascade" (Nizhny Novgorod).

The most beautiful in the collections of the company "Spring" - Products with manual Palken varnish. Girls, birchings, horses-troops, bouquets, all that are famous for Phane lacquer miniature, is present in the housings of desktop and wall clocks from a natural tree. The housings are also distinguished by the original design - here and desktop fold-fold (closed by doors, like a locker), and a dial under spherical glass (clock-globe), and even hours in the picture. Due to handicraft, the price of products comes to 15000 rubles., But you can buy and more modest - for 3000 rubles.

The firm "Seagull", of course, is more famous for its wrist and pocket clocks that she learned to do well. If we talk about the interior collection, it is worth paying attention to the unique watch-plates from Ceramics (Dulya Porcelain, Gzhel, etc.). Moreover, notice, this is not a symbolic name, but a really quartz watch mechanism inserted into the real plate, on the edge of which is the dial. Most of all such products are suitable for the kitchen. We need to be very careful, since the ceramics is fragile, and with the slightest cracks, the chips occurs in the mechanism. But with proper and neat use, the clock will serve for a long time.

The company "Cascade" produces only housings for watches, the mechanisms use Chinese, so the accuracy of these products is not an example better than our domestic. Isaoy main thing, this mechanism has a floating move, that is, does not tick, unlike the other Russian models known to their increased volume. The company specializes in round wall clock in a frame of plastic, wood and ceramics. They look more domestic and cozy than plastic products from Acetime, specializing in the clock of the same type. Plus our products also in the present dormitory glass closing the dial. Validity from plastic, glass does not scratch, more firmly and is not affected by the environment, which is particularly important in the kitchen or in the office.

For those who want to support the Russian manufacturer, we can recommend TRANSALPINA, successfully engaged in copies of other brands.

The editors thanks the company "Ancona", "Lunart-design", "Laniks", "Stitel", "Grand Standard", "Chassgers" and salon "Elsa-Fashion" for help in preparing the material.

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