Children's arrangement options


Table on striped legs, school board on doors, pictures on clothespins, a wonder staircase ... And this is not all the ideas for the room small, but already such a bright individual personality.

Children's arrangement options 14589_1

Great features of the attic

Children's arrangement options

Transfer: Vladimir Gaidukov

Photo: Dieter ABEL / Picture Press

The more corners, the better. The design of a nursery located in the attic will not cause problems. On the contrary, restrictions in the form of struts and beams of overlapping create additional features that are hardly implemented in the rectangular room. A small mezzanine under the rid of the roof is capable of becoming a secluded place for games. One of the supports constructively limits the practical built-in wardrobe. Thanks to the placement of beds under the opposite skates of the ceiling, each of the children have their own small private zone, where can be returned if necessary.

All furniture around the written table is light and equipped with rollers. Therefore, children can quickly move it from place to place.

When the curtain is omitted, the bed turns into a cozy "cave" or the scene of a homely doll theater.

To help muses

Children's arrangement options

Transfer: Marina Didkovskaya

Photo: Robert NTTGENS / Picture Press

Here is your young artist and grew up. He is already probably visiting an art school, and maybe preparing to enter the university. Therefore, it must be equipped with a convenient workplace, so that the mess does not interfere with inspiration.

The brightest corner with the window is separated from the room with two tissue cloths, which are suspended with metal strings attached under the ceiling. EXACTLY on the perimeter of the window mounted the rack for books and other little things. Exclosure, and blinds should be white. As, however, the walls. This solution is no coincidence. Professional artists know well that brightly colored items have a property of giving reflexes, or, more simply, to reflect in the surrounding surfaces and prevent accurate color perception. Abrelay object, reflecting light, only adds light room.

Pay attention to another important object of the furnishings - a low chest of drawers with flat, but having a large area boxes. It is designed to store drawings and drawings performed on watman-wide-format sheets. The owner of such a dresser does not have to rody drawings into a roll.

New life with small means

Children's arrangement options

Transfer: Marina Didkovskaya

Photo: Hayo Heye / Picture Press

How fast children grow! Yesterday's Timber is no longer interested in bright toy cars and albums with dinosaurs, give him a computer, and preferably the most recent model. Whether to buy a expensive computer, decide for yourself. Avot workplace for a teenager can be organized without excess spending.

There are such metal panels on each construction market. Actually, galvanized steel sheets are designed for cladding shelves of racks in the basement. When two metal panels in size 50100cm, only the wall fragment was obsessed with 50100cm. But if you wish, they can be closed and significantly larger area, introducing a High-Tech style to the interior.

And it is done so. At the desired height of the wall screwed wooden slats with a thickness of 2.5 cm and a length of 90cm. They hang metal sheets with processed edges and attached them with screws. The lower edge of the panel rests on a wooden shelf with a depth of 20cm. Facing will receive a completed look, if you choose a chute in a wooden shelf and put an aluminum profile into it.

Written table on striped legs

Children's arrangement options

Transfer: Antonina Plafhina

Photo: Konstantin Eulenburg / Picture Press

It sounds almost like a "hut on curious legs", but it looks very modern. The idea is good not only for children, but also for the youth and even "adult" interior. After all, the good mood is important at any age. The unusual shape of the leg is made of cement-fibrous material, but you can also use suitable parts from plastic. First, the legs are painted in white, then color stripes are applied over white paint. So that orange paint does not flow down, the boundaries of the strips are covered with a painting ribbon (when the paint is dry, it is removed). The countertop can be made to order or buy ready.

Cheerful class

Children's arrangement options

Transfer: Marina Didkovskaya

Photo: Hajo Willig / Picture Press

The door, part-time playing the role of a school board, will delight first-graders who did not have time to get bored. The sheet of plywood needs to be covered with a special black or green varnish, the door to the canvas itself paint white paint. For complete similarities with a classroom room to the door, you can attach a sponge on the lace and a small shelf of a pine rack for chalk. Attention! Before opening the door outside, you must definitely knock. Ato you know what can happen.

Flexible approach

Children's arrangement options

Transfer: Marina Didkovskaya

Photo: Hayo Heye / Picture Press

Children are uncomfortable when they are constantly wounded: "Do not break, do not break, do not pack, be careful", etc. Avot in such a room can be "tied up." For example, crash into the wall on your three-wheeled bike or engage in wall painting. The new natural material from pressed and corrugated cellulose is called WellBoard (he has not yet acquired). This type of cardboard is stronger and flexible at the same time. The corrugated panel can be pasted on the surface of the wall, and you can, as in our case, only in several places to secure the dowels. Width 1,2m width is enough to portray a tree on which a nearly real plush monkey will take.

The corrugated cellulose panel is produced in the form of two options for profiles of different thickness. Dimensions - 5.52m. WELLBOARD material can be processed like a tree: varnish or cover enamel.

Roll residue can be left loose and used as a kind of screen, for which there are no boxes, drawers and numerous toys.

Under a fluffy white cloud

Children's arrangement options

Transfer: Marina Didkovskaya

Photo: WinFried NRENBERG / Picture Press

Want your child to visit the seventh heaven? There is nothing easier! It is enough to make from the MDF headboard plate, cover its celestial blue paint and with the help of four ridges to attach to the wall. Next, cut out the pillow in the form of a cloud with a slot with a slot from a white web and snatch it with a synthetic tubon. It remains to attach a pillow to the headboard using several wide tapes "Lipochki".


Children's arrangement options

Transfer: Marina Didkovskaya


If the desire to draw on the walls is indestructible, does not matter. You can build a screen prototype of the blackboard and put in any convenient place. It is very functional. One of the sections is equipped with hooks, twisted at different levels. You can hang anything for them: clothes, bags for folding toys and small things, etc. The average section, as the most stable, is entirely at the disposal of a small creator. If he does not take up to the top of the board, it will take a low, but necessarily strong, not a shaky bench. Inin forget to buy a child a sufficient amount of colored chalk.

We're drawing

Children's arrangement options

Transfer: Marina Didkovskaya


The parents of young artists will certainly appreciate the "workplace" equipped in this way. Most likely, your child will no longer stop than (for example, Mamina Lipstay) paint wallpaper on the walls if he has a similar low table-party. Above the table is hanged by a narrow shelf, between the sides of which a metal string with special clamps is stretched. This design will allow you to arrange a small exhibition of masterpieces created by your baby. Children's drawings are usually multicolored, so it is better to use the paint of restrained, calm tone for furniture.

Children with plans for the future

Children's arrangement options

Transfer: Marina Didkovskaya

Photo: WinFried NRENBERG / Picture Press

It is unlikely that a ten-year-old girl considers himself a little. She needs a space and suitable furniture for study and creativity. However, from the point of view of Mom, she is very child. After all, it leads to a complete delight that it seems an adult non-serious. Asseta she is not averse to climb on the top tier of the bed and hide behind the cozy textile curtain.

Children's arrangement options

The hostess of the room came to the shower and writing desk at the window, and the wardrobe, which was not there before, and the panel wall with portable shelves, and a fun rod at the entrance resembling a caterpillar. Avot Mama convinced the idea of ​​the architect to create a situation that with time without much costs would be able to reorient for the needs of the mature daughter. Shelves and mezzanine over the door and after several non-schools do not lose their relevance. Feet of writing table easy. From the bed in the future you can make sofa. A small table after a small alteration will turn into an ideal stand under the TV. Rack shelves as needed can be rearranged above. Instead of large spherical hangers, a mirror appears on the front surface of the cabinet. Office chairs guarantee ergonomics to a person of any growth. Well, changing the poster depicting Mickey Maus on the poster of the popular rock band is not at all difficulty.

Children's arrangement options
The size of the room is 4.23,45 max. There is enough space for dolls and teddy bears. But in the future shelves and rack with bright drawers (depth of 30cm) will be filled with new content.

Here schoolgirl willingly spends time. Behind the homemade writing desk at the window there is a place for a girlfriend. Books, notebooks, abstracts and collection of CDs are always at hand, on a rack that is able to "grow" and modify along with its mistress.

The wardrobe is assembled from 16 mm MDF plates. Andresol for boxes and boxes is based on the closet and wooden bar.

11026cm shelves are based on durable wooden dowels, driven in the MDF plate panel. Wooden facing is not only for beauty, but also for isolation. As the child grows, the height of the shelf "light movement" changes.

On a high bed (the mattress is on almost a meter height) you can climb the stairs. On pillows from a poropalone with a thickness of 12 cm, laid under the bed, easy to arrange a small guest for overnight. The lifting curtains coming from the ceiling to the floor, children will quickly equip the cozy "mink" or "cave".

Colorful framing

Children's arrangement options

Transfer: Antonina Plafhina


A little extravagant, but fun. This design is suitable for a more "adult" room, not to mention the children's. The window has become part of the interior. The windows wall and the slopes "dressed" in the frame drawn by colored water-making paint. This optical reception is known for a long time. Various niches, doors, window and doorways were often decorated with wooden panels, platbands and cassettes, to more organically enter them into the room space.

Frozen music

Children's arrangement options

Transfer: Antonina Plafhina


Probably no one will argue with the fact that in the nursery should be warm. Therefore, it makes sense not to close the central heating battery with a decorative screen, as we used to do in other rooms, but to transform it with bright colors. It turns out a peculiar three-dimensional picture. Let one of the paints of this "painting" - in this case it is green, echoes the color of the wall. Two others are yellow and red- fill the room with a cheerful sunny mood, just a melody in the rhythm reggae.

Five row meters ... shelves

Children's arrangement options

Transfer: Antonina Plafhina


This rack consists of five simple modules (OTIKEA) with retractable sections from birch plywood. The boxes were covered with white varnish, on top of which the figures were stenched. You can take paints of another color, and the numbers to use the overheads. The pictures indicate the contents of the boxes (remember pictures on the lockers in kindergarten). Modular elements with a dowel are attached to the wall at some distance from each other, so the space between them is used rational. It turns out a full-fledged rack.

Wonder staircase

Transfer: Antonina Plafhina

Photo: Fotobank / E.W.A.

If there is a staircase in the nursery (on the mezzanine or on the second floor), it makes sense to use the space under it. The main thing is that the design (located in the children or next to it) has durable railing and fence that exclude the possibility of falling the child. We bring to your attention two convenient and practical options for organizing the premium zone.

Children's arrangement options

Option 1. Decision, interesting from the point of view of design. The metal staircase has a laconic, almost strict shape, but the bright red color immediately attracts his eyes. Practical benefits are also not forgotten. Attestation space is used, as they say, one hundred percent. A comfortable dressing room with two tiers of hangers will contain clothes belonging to several children. Do not rummage in a close closet, all things are available. There is also a corner for the portfolio and for the ball.

Children's arrangement options

Option2. Under the stairs, various-caliber niches are equipped, which can accommodate not only the little things, but also a small tricycle. A fairly high fence is made of a wooden bar and is a grille, through the narrow holes of which it is difficult to slip even a three-year-old child. But it can hardly climb on this design.

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