Multivaped cabinet


A large bilateral cabinet of an unusual form determined the style of a three-room apartment with a total area of ​​77 m2 in a 22-storey building of the CEP series.

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Multivaped cabinet
View from the entrance door to the living room weathered in calm blue colors. On the floor, the semicircular boundary between the multidirectional "floating" parquet board is clearly noticeable. The joint performed by HSR specialists is one of the impressive know-how of the apartment
Multivaped cabinet
"Multivatted cabinet" in all its glory. At the top, on the ceiling, - rectangular built-in ZUMTobel lamps, ahead of the bathroom door-mounted in a translucent wall
Multivaped cabinet
The door leading from the living room in the bedroom is not only made of the same tree that the wardrobe (beech toned under the cherry), but also borrowed a method of illumination using stained glass windows
Multivaped cabinet
Fragment of the living room. Music corner is a real miracle of equipment, both acoustic and floral
Multivaped cabinet
View of the rounded corridor from the kitchen. Left - new entrance to the nursery, right-
Multivaped cabinet
Matte tempered glass, one of the main materials of the apartment, is represented in the kitchen in all its glory
Multivaped cabinet
The bathroom in which the metal, mirror and glass are combined, the impression of a completely fantastic room
Multivaped cabinet
The sea theme of the nursery does not contradict the overall style of the apartment. On the right shows a fragment of a "durable cabinet" with an inside
Multivaped cabinet
Bedroom is the most calm color and mood of the apartment. Over the headboard bed - batik artist Mary Goremykina, concluded in specially under it the constructed niche
Multivaped cabinet
Plan before reconstruction
Multivaped cabinet
Plan after reconstruction

The cabinet is completely special, majestic, for each era of its own object of the situation. At the beginning of the XIXVEK, his existence welcomed Chekhov, at the beginning of XX Nabokov compared the "mirror cabinet" with clear madness. At the beginning of the century XXI as soon as this noble subject is not called up to "storage capacity"! However, he still plays a prominent role in people. Aine once is able to even ask the direction of development of the entire space of the house

Architect Yane Krasovskaya got very prepared customers. In a matter of the sense that by the time of the first conversation with her, they not only purchased a three-room apartment in the new building of the CE series, but also read several numbers of the magazine "ideas of your home". Inach some number of planning solutions approximately corresponding to their requirements.

It is difficult for us to stay from approving exclamations. Experience shows that it is those customers who imagine (at least approximately), which housing they need, more others "doomed to success" in the development of a design project. If the thoughts and wording are foggy, it is unlikely to be surprised that the proposed project options will not be satisfied. Update in the information vacuum, the architect will simply be forced to "bend his line." And then the adjustments would be made, it's still as a result "incurred your" house. So do not be lazy, prepare for the first meeting with the Creator of your dwelling, the game is worth the candle!

But back to our story. What are the requirements of customers in this case? From the standard, strictly rectangular (performer on construction errors) an apartment, including, in addition to rooms, a kitchen and a separate bathroom, two dark corridors and a small hall, they wanted to squeeze the maximum living space. It was assumed that the passage between the kitchen and the living room would be freed from extra partitions and rounded. But it will be possible to easily and interference to carry the favorite serving table on the wheels in it (you can admire the table, it is captured on two illustrations). As a whole, apartons were waiting if not the actual expanser (which at 77m2 takes particularly nowhere), then at least the feeling of that. But that's not all. In the opening room of the apartment magazine, the owners of the apartment found an interesting border between the hallway and the adjacent room: the separating rooms of the plasterboard wall with sliding doors had an unusual, smoothly curved shape. Yana Krasovskaya offered to go even further: let it be not just the saving wall of the wall, but the cabinet, equipped with the doors both from the side of the room and from the side of the input zone. Customers this find led to delight.

It took 2 months to create a project. Its technical development (calculations relating to the strengthening of new openings in supporting structures, the organization of the electrician system, etc.) was engaged in the 20th workshop of the Mosproekt- by the house itself. Then the project overcame all the necessary stages of approval. Yes, even though, according to the results of the calculations, the alleged openings had to be somewhat narrowed (yet we are not talking about the last floor, but about the tenth in a 22-storey building of the CEP series!) - I managed to achieve the result desired by customers. The interior turned out not just elegant and solid, it can be called prestigious without exaggeration.

Multivaped cabinet

If you really want, then you can

Tradition, with all its charming, can be quite uncompromising and even despotic. The sewer of calm is waiting for many difficulties. The well-minded opinions are imperceptibly dominated by the consciousness of people, suggesting the most rational and stereotypical solutions in any situations. Well, there is nothing wrong with that. But most likely there would be no progress without those experimenters and originals, which proudly carry their eccentricity in life and do not exchange their permanent search for comfort and comfort, the flowing under the sign "we, like everyone else".

Praphrasing the Latin saying in relation to our plot, you can say: which is permitted in the design of the bar or casino, it is not suitable for the kitchen in an ordinary three-bedroom apartment. But only at first glance. It turns out that the luminous ceiling made of matte glass in a wooden frame is appropriate, beautiful and functional over the dinner table is no less than above the dance floor in some club. The balcony attached to the kitchen, one way or another, needed a suspension design to close the jumper and insulation (by the way, the detailed story about the joining of the loggia and the necessary insulation it is in

N6 in 2000 products of our magazine). Simple trimming by plasterboard seemed to Yane Krasovskaya too banal and uninteresting. The idea to continue the theme of "Glasses and Tree", present in almost all rooms of the apartment, and in the kitchen, creating an alternative lamp and additionally highlighting the dining area.

The main forms and styrene-forming element of the apartment became a large double-sided cabinet, mounted on the border between the hallway and the children. This wardrobe is the first to see, crossing the threshold. From the side of the hallway, it has a rounded (inclusive) front (beech, toned under the cherry; doors, swing, matte glass). The cabinet connection with the wall and the ceiling is made with the help of stained glass windows from the same glass, to visually alleviate the design and at the same time create a feeling of spacious room. From the side of the children's cabinet is purely functional, although "fair enough". It is important that the room does not take a meter, because the entire working volume of the cabinet is located in the territory of the hallway.

For the sake of this luxurious "style-forming element" of the hosts (sorts of architect), I was pleased to be sacrificed not only by the plaster partition, but also the door between the hallway and the nursery. The new doorway was trained in the capital reinforced concrete wall separating the children from the corridor leading to the kitchen. The rounded line of the cabinet determined the outline of the entire smooth corridor between the kitchen and the living room. Also a semicircle built a wall of glass blocks, which is now hiding a spacious bathroom (it formed as a result of the fusion of the former bathroom with a toilet and part of the curvilinear corridor). The continuation of the circumference on the floor of the kitchen was the border between the parquet board and porcelain stoneware, on the floor of the living room of the sections of the multidirectional parquet board. Note that the change in the direction of the flooring of the parquet is due to the desire to "adjust" the space, the transverse strips in a narrow passage visually expand it and shorten. On the kitchen ceiling, the circumference line is maintained by an arc of the lighting tire, on the ceiling of the living room and the suspended ceiling. But on this, the development of a circle theme in the interior does not end. She pops up again and again, and in large elements, and in the trifles. In the kitchen, the same outlines have a glass suspended ceiling above the dining area, in the bathroom, the TEUKO shower cabin. Lighting devices on the ceiling of the corridor (tire and magnificent built-in lamps of the company ZUMTOBEL) are also focused on the arc. Etc.

In modern private construction, a variety of glass designs are quite widely used. It uses not easy glass, but specially processed, safe for the inhabitants of the house. For example, a high-strength triplex material, if it is still possible to break, does not form sharp fragments, but only cracks. Tempered glass (which you see in this apartment) crumbles on a variety of small non-footing cubes.

Each type of safe glass has its own characteristics. The same triplex does not hardly hold enough shape. Therefore, complex transparent designs (especially in places with an unstable temperature) are preferable to perform from tempered glass.

The apartment "perceived" from the cabinet and the way of visual relief of structures. So, on the part of the living room, the door leading to the bedroom is highlighted with the help of stained glass windows from matte glass. By the way, the lady of the bathroom, mounted in the wall of the glass blocks, is in a certain sense to continue the topic.

Inacontal, materials. The dark tree and glass is a combination that first seen by us in the design of the cabinet, then continues in all rooms. Only in different proportions: somewhere (for example, in the bathroom) is dominated by glass, and somewhere (let's say, in the nursery) - wood.

The apartment was acquired by customers without finishing, but with many defects. Suffice it to say that the deviation of the horizontal walls reached up to 6cm, and the flooring drops were 8cm. The apack of the hosts and the architect agreed that aligning the surfaces and set the angles should be perfect (in the language of builders it is called "under beacons"), it is not surprising that the apartment lost in the height of the ceilings just 8cm (it was 2.65m, it was 2.57m) .

However, architects and customers can dream of any arbitrariness of the corners and surfaces, but if the builders are not able to translate these dreams into life ... In the case, the builders on a lot were not capable of. Forward a queue for competent handling of modern materials (let's say, with the same glass blocks). They were taken over the old manner, therefore, to achieve good results, highly exceeded labor costs were needed. Huge efforts and multiple alterations required the painting line alignment from the painters. In the kitchen, there was a catastrophe of local importance in the kitchen: when the measurers from the Furniture company Berloni arrived, they still revealed the defaults of construction, it turned out that the walls are not perfectly straight. Of course, I had to align them again. However, justice must be said that the quality of the architect's parquet works immediately arranged. But just docile a "floating" parquet board of different directions (remember the border in the living room?) The master failed. Doing how hard to combine what is not fixed in itself and "floats"?

It is difficult to believe it, but also a wardrobe helped the problem here. More precisely, he does not himself, but the specialists of the HSR factory, located in Khimki near Moscow. It is this factory that manufactured the built-in furniture and doors for the apartment. Yeamenly beautiful professional professionals from HSR have come up with a complex three-layer connecting structure, with which a reversible junction was finally fixed.

Another know-how of the apartment can be considered a way of insulation attached to the residential space of the balcony. The fact is that the warm floor of the DE-VI in this case is both the balcony and parapet. It is still the most amazing, such heating was enough for the entire increased to 13.8m2 kitchen. After all, the radiators in it are simply eliminated. But in other rooms, radiators, on the contrary, are replaced by a more voluminous, Otitalian concern Sira. These devices that are completely hidden for furniture, and therefore do not require additional disguise, are installed in all residential rooms - a symbol living room in blue tones, and in the "marine" children, and in a calming greenish bedroom. By the way, about the bedroom. The squeezed bed on the wall is made of drywall decorative panel with niches and backlit. The central niche is decorated with a batik (artist Maria Goremykina).

The heap system is used, in addition to the kitchen, in the bathroom, truly surprising, replete with mirror surfaces, and therefore apparent huge. Interestingly, light shelves, soaps and other bath and bath accessories are attached directly to the mirror surfaces (the spectacle is very unusual and spectacular).

And in conclusion, some more technical information. Rims of central heating and sewage were left in their former places. The windows were replaced by two-chamber windows. On the perimeter of the living room and bedrooms in the floor and the walls, the electric pipeline of the acoustic system was laid. The walls in the residential premises were flooded with textured wallpaper under painting, and in the kitchen were simply covered with a water-emulsion. Suspended ceilings (with the exception of glass, mounted in the kitchen, and the rush in the bathroom) were made of drywall, new partitions - from oxo-puzzle and glass blocks. Finally, all the carpets available in the apartment were purchased in Lignerozet.

As for the cabinet, he will simply disappear, hopefully, no less than a century. It can be, thanks to the collapsible design, will even change with its owners not yet one apartment. I make a reason for an enlightened descendant exclaim pathetically: "Dear, a durable cabinaries! Greetings your existence, which now the strost was sent to the bright ideals of good and justice ..." Idalee on the text of the "Cherry Garden".

The editors warns that in accordance with the Housing Code of the Russian Federation, the coordination of the conducted reorganization and redevelopment is required.

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Architect: Yana Krasovskaya

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