Atmosphere of your taste


Climate multi-split systems: what it is, requirements for air conditioning, pros and cons of simple and multi-zone systems, manufacturers, prices.

Atmosphere of your taste 14615_1

Atmosphere of your taste

The internal block of the channel air conditioner is installed behind the tail ceiling

Atmosphere of your taste

The console indoor unit has a small installation zone and a channel for mixing fresh air

Atmosphere of your taste

Ceiling blocks create a powerful, but smooth air flow covering the entire room

Atmosphere of your taste
Low-rise (190mm) double-sided cassette block from Toshiba
Atmosphere of your taste
A small-sized outdoor unit of the modular type for the MMS system (Toshiba) with a power consumption of 7,4kw comprises a four-sided heat exchanger, retractable compressor, diagnostic block with display
Atmosphere of your taste

For a hidden console indoor unit, it is easy to choose a place when repairing an apartment

Atmosphere of your taste

The most common type of internal blocks - wall

Atmosphere of your taste

High static pressure in channel pressure blocks allows you to use long ducts

Atmosphere of your taste

Cassette semi-wrapped block with air distribution on one side

Atmosphere of your taste
Example of a Super Multi-Split System Build Cherem (Daikin)
Atmosphere of your taste
Outdoor Block MY (Daikin) for a conventional multisystem can serve up to five internal blocks

Today, to afford the luxury of living in your own, specially created climate can many of the air conditioners are saturated with models almost for every taste. The problem is different: how to navigate in all these mysterious multi, super, multichannel, central, intelligent and other air recovery systems in the house.

Well, we invite you to a small excursion to the world of climatic technology.

In this review, we will look at the class of climate multi-split systems that allow air-conditioned up to dozens of residential premises from one or more external blocks.

Requirements for air conditioner

For starters, let's see what air conditioning is. We have a loss of a sense to achieve climatic conditions comfortable for a person. The most narrow, domestic understanding is simply cooling the air. The fact that many types and models of air conditioners have appeared on the domestic market, first of all, a variety of requirements for them.

Let's say the device installed in the kitchen must be quite productive to cope with large heat dissipation. But at the same time, it is necessary to feed and fresh air into the kitchen, since recycling will not save from the stuff. Wall-mounted models will not even cope with the first task, as the filters will quickly break fat sediments. Consequently, the kitchen is better to display the air conduction from the channel air conditioner: it is also powerful, and fresh air can add. Air conditioning for a bedroom or a cabinet must have suitable noise characteristics. From the device installed in the nursery, not only air purification, but also the ability to distribute it without drafts. In addition, a completely different equipment is required for air conditioning an urban apartment and a country house. The greatest application in all these conditions has now received split systems as possessing a very wide range of parameters. In the Russian market, you can find the devices of Japanese firms Daikin, Toshiba, Hitachi, Sanyo, Fujitsu General, Sharp, South Korean Samsung, Lgelectronics, Daewoo-Carrier, American Carrier, General Electric and European Airwell (France) and Delonghi (Italy).

The main complaints in the address of split-systems are caused by the fact that the external unit, which must certainly be blown out by street air, most often attached to the wall of the house and spoils its appearance. Especially rushed into the eyes of the building, given under the offices. Fucked facades resemble the exhibition of achievements of foreign climatic equipment.

In the case when you need to maintain comfortable conditions in several rooms, instead of a set of individual air conditioners it is better to use one multi-split system. Its external block is placed where it will not interfere with anyone (for example, on the roof, attic or on the balcony), and internal and directly in the rooms. This extensive class of air conditioners naturally appeared as a result of the development of ordinary split systems (classification, principle of operation, the main parameters and the cost of air conditioners are considered in the article> "Climate for every taste").

Slightly and even more

Key solutions to improve the efficiency and quality of operation of split-systems steel:

Implementing the thermal pump mode for air conditioning,

Creating an inverter control of electric motors,

Development of electronic adjusting valve,

Applying the technology of interactive control components of systems in real time.

Actually, the originality of these decisions and determines those or other advantages of modern air conditioners, the area of ​​their application and the price.

The fact that the air conditioner can supply heat in the room, taking it from the street, for the Russian offseason, just treasure. It is only necessary to take into account two conditions. First, that the system is decently "hiding" the room, only while on the street is warm -5С (the best models - to -10s). Gray room The device is capable of frost not lower than -15С. This is the principle of system operation. The closer the outdoor temperature to the boiling point of the refrigerant (about -40s), the smaller the heat "selected" from the street and is transferred to the house. Secondly, not all available models can work in heating mode (after all, not all consumers are required). If you buy a system for an urban apartment, this mode will be useful to you when the Rami Dhase is late to turn on central heating timely. If there is an autonomous heating in your cottage that you run at the slightest cooling, it is quite enough to a cooling device (especially since it is cheaper).

Inverter controls assumes a change in the frequency of the power supply of the compressor motor (aidek and the outer block fan) several times. Due to this, the speed of their rotation can be changed smoothly and widely, and therefore it is finely adjusting the refrigerant flow rate (freon) and the production of cold or heat. Such management allows faster (2-3 times) to reach the desired temperature and maintain it. Inverter models are about a third more economical traditional. However, such systems are also useful to remember three circumstances:

1. Not all commercially available systems are inverter.

2. Not any, but only specially designed internal blocks can be conjugated by the engineering unit of the inverter type.

3. Inverter blocks are a source of elevated emissions of electromagnetic waves into the surrounding space.

Last circumstance not all. Thus, the company Sanyo in his new W-Eco Multi System system has abandoned inverter technology in favor of regulating the compressor power using bypass and electronic valve control.

The electronic valve replaced by the throttling valve of traditional air conditioners, more thinly doses freon's flow to the inner block and increases the accuracy of maintaining a given temperature. Figuratively speaking, with his appearance not only changed the manner of the behavior of the air conditioner and increased its economy, but even the appearance was rethought. After all, at the location of the electronic valve, air conditioners can be divided into simple multi-split systems and multizoneal. The above regulating valves are located directly in the external block. The unconalized electronic valve is mounted in each internal unit. Japanese Daikin and Toshiba companies also produce super-multi-split systems. The valves are allocated to separate distribution blocks placed between the outer and internal blocks.

How does '' ozone hole "and the UN increased the effectiveness of air conditioners

In the mid-80-hodges of the XXVEK, scientists have discovered a catastrophic decrease in ozone concentration over Antarctic. Avteda is known that atmospheric ozone absorbs the hard ultraviolet of sunlight and thereby saves all the lives from irradiation. The culprits of the emergence of the "ozone hole" were called chlorofluorocarbons of the CFC and HCFC group (R12 and R22 freons), which are used in refrigeration equipment and in the canopy spray guns. In addition to scientists and military, international organizations immediately occupied, primarily UN. In 1985, she adopted the Vienna Convention for the Protection of the Ozone Layer. Then, in 1987, the Montreal Protocol was signed, which obliged the industry of all countries to gradually move to the use of refrigerants that do not contain chlorine. The European Parliament from May 1, 2001 forbade the sale of refrigeration equipment, which uses a known, reliable, but chlorine-containing refrigerant R22. For air conditioners with a heat pump, the prohibition comes into force from 1 jar of 2004. The Russian Federation has not yet ratified international agreements and continues the production of phones based on R12 and R22.

Scientists are still arguing about the reasons for the formation of the "ozone hole", and the industry developed countries already produces new generation air conditioners. In addition to the search for new refrigerants, equipment developers had to do a solid revision of the compressor designs, a power source, throttling valve. R22 replacement is proposed R407C and R410A refrigerants. The first is a three-component mixture and has a number of shortcomings. The main thing is that during the leakage of the mixture, it changes its composition, and to restore the operability of the air conditioner it is necessary to drain the entire remaining refrigerant and fill the system again. Miderels with refrigerant R22 small leaks of freon were allowed. In addition, R407C is afraid of moisture, which adds care when installing and repairing an air conditioner. Another mixture (R410A) has a higher working pressure, but does not change its composition during leaks. It requires the use of a more powerful pipeline, as well as a compressor of a special design.

This does not mean that new air conditioners are less reliable. Rather, on the contrary, they "smartly" - they have sensors that track the operating parameters of the system and signaling all the deviations from the norm. Developer's efforts did not disappear, and the performance of the new generation air conditioners increased by B1.5 in the same power consumption. They enriched near the functions useful for the consumer, became more accurate to withstand the temperature.

Simple multi-split systems

In these air conditioners, one external unit can serve 2-5 internal blocks of different types and capacities. Each internal unit supports the specified temperature and humidity, regardless of others and has its own remote control. But all these blocks work in the same mode: or cooling, or for heating. Once again, we note that not any "multispitis" are capable of supplying and cold, and warm.

Many companies (Daikin, LG, Samsung, Sharp) produce air conditioners with air purification and ionization system - they have antibacterial, deodorizing and electrostatic filters. A huge number of possible combinations of external and internal blocks, even one company is not amenable to a brief description. We only note that in the air conditioner market you can find a relatively inexpensive multi-split system "Model 92", which is collected from foreign components on the Izhevsk Electromechanical Plant "Dome".

And yet, despite the attractiveness of the idea of ​​multisystems, their ability is limited. First of all, a small length of pipelines with freon affects (usually 25m, and from Sanyo- up to 40m). Therefore, it is not always possible to hide a strongly noisy external unit in a secluded place. Further. The KVNechnaya block is suitable for a whole beam of pipelines (basement from each inner unit to obtain its portion of freon from the regulating device, common to the entire system and in the external block). The decoration for the facade is not such a bundle, and the cost of mounting works sometimes reaches 40% of the cost of equipment. Inconale, the flexibility of these systems is not enough: they cannot simultaneously provide heat in the same room, and in another cold. We activate the scope of application of such devices and houses with a small number of rooms. Sometimes for home in 2-3 floors, the use of a "multiplit" pair is even preferable: they are cheaper, plus the complete independence of the microclimate of each room.

Some characteristics of multi-split systems with "Cooling - heating" mode

Manu-Dutyer Model Manu-


tori, m3 / h


Power, kW

Noise, dB. Manu-

Cooling, kW


Drilling for heating, kW

Price, $
Sharp (Japan) AY-M189E. 372 + 372. 2. 27. five 3,2 + 3,2 1969.
Samsung (Korea) AD-18B1E2. 450 + 450. 1,8. 33. 2.7 + 2.7 2.8 + 2.8. 1799.
AD-24B1E2. 510 + 510. 2.56 35. 3.52 + 3,52. 3.8 + 3.8. 1899.
AD-26D1E2. 330 + 330 + 480 3,3. 35. 2.2 + 2.2 + 3.5 2.4 + 2.4 + 3.8 2199.
Panasonic (Japan) CS-MA70 /

MA120 /


402 + 558. 1,8. 29/37 2 + 3.5 2,1 + 4. 2359.
CS-MA902 /


504. 1,8. thirty 2.6 + 2.6 3 + 3. 2549.
CS-MA1202 /


558. 2.5 37. 3.4 + 3,4. 4 + 4. 2999.
LG (Korea) LM-1963H2L 490 + 490. 1,98 32. 2.8 + 2.8. 2.8 + 2.8. 1739.
LM-2163H2L 390 + 560. 2,2 36. 2.6 + 3.5 2.6 + 3.5 1979.
LM-2164H2L 390 + 660. 2,2 36. 2 + 4,1 2 + 4,1 1999.
LM-3063H3L 450 + 450 + 510 2.8. 36. 2.5 + 2.5 + 3.2 2.5 + 2.5 + 3.5 2649.
Daewoo (Korea) DMB-1812LH 600 + 600. 2. 32. 2.9 + 2.9 2.9 + 2.9 2099.
Hitachi (Japan) Dualzone-18CH 450 + 450. 1,73. thirty 2.5 + 2.5 2.8 + 2.8. 2300.
Dualzone-22CH 450 + 540. 2.33 33. 2.5 + 3,55 2.8 + 3.9 2500.
GENERAL ELECTRIC AS5AH18. 468 + 468. 1,82. 32. 2.6 + 2.6 2.8 + 2.8 2267.
(USA) AS5AH24. 528 + 528. 2.54 35. 3.5 + 3.5 3.8 + 3.8. 2597.
Izhevsk Electro-Mechanical Plant "Dome" (RF) "Model 92" 360 + 360. 2,48. 38. 2.5 + 2.5 2.9 + 2.9 1100.

Multi-zone systems: Are there borders?

The desire to increase the amount of internal blocks connected to one external has led to the creation of a new type of system-multi-zone with variable consumption of refrigerant. The outdoor unit has lost a complex regulating device, and in return, each internal unit has received a simpler built-in electronic valve. In this case, the permissible length of the refronteering increased many times and became sufficient to arrange air conditioners in a multi-storey building.

This direction of climate techniques is now developing so rapidly and widely that overall terminology has not yet been formed to designate modern systems. So, one of the latest developments of the company Daikin is called "Central Intelligent Air Conditioning System Hi-VRV" (Cepex Refrigerant Consumption). This name fully reflects the essence of the process. Similar equipment Mitsubishi Electric is referred to as the "VRF Multi-Dimensional System". Not Deliching into the terminological debrist, then we will understand under multi-meal VRV or VRF-equipment of the system with variable consumption of refrigerant.

Their nomenclature in the market is quite extensive. These are the VRV series K-Invertor and K-Heatrecovery series, as well as Hi-VRV from Daikin, SetFree from Hitachi, Citymulti from Mitsubishi Electric, Ecomulti from Sanyo, Modular Multi System from Toshiba, Building Multi from LG, Airstage from Fujitsu General. Constructions can combine several external blocks that are able to serve up to several dozen internal (for example, up to 40 in one MMS system circuit from Toshiba). A specific configuration is collected from blocks, as in the designer.

In most cases, seven different types of internal blocks can be used. In this case, you can specify your own temperature parameters for each of the rooms. Moreover, it is the principle of VRF that allows you to create systems, cooling alone rooms and warming others at the same time. Watch models use the idea of ​​heat utilization, that is, it is pumped from one room to another. What more is more important than the heating of air.

True, three-pipe chladon pipelines are consignable for this. After all, to a block running on heat, then on the cold, it is necessary to connect pipes for freon vapor under low pressure, under high pressure and for liquid freon. Consider if you have chosen a two-pipe system (it is cheaper), then it will work only on heat or only on the cold, and not in both modes together. While there is only one exception to this rule-system CITYMULTIR2 from Mitsubishi Electric. But in it in the two-pipe network introduced a special distribution unit (dispatcher). In general, the main parameters of such systems in different manufacturers are approximately the same.

In advertising prospects, each company draws attention to those nodes and characteristics that most beneficially distinguishes its products from competitors' products. So, in the Hi-Multi Set Free (Hitachi) system, the new propeller fan of the outdoor unit provides noise reduction, and the design of the power supply reduces the level of electromagnetic interference. The VRVDaikin multi-zone system characterizes the ability to work in conjunction with ventilation equipment (integrated Hi-VRV scheme), solving the supply of fresh air to the room and its cooling. VRFSityMulti (Ser2) from Mitsubishi Electric uses a hydraulic circuit, built on a two-pipe principle. This scheme in some cases allows you to reduce the length of the pipeline and the number of compounds compared to the three-pipe, which is used by some other manufacturers. The MMS modular multisystem from Toshiba is equipped with a refrigerant leakage definition device. Its external block is easily compiled from electrically and hydraulically conjugated modules and can serve the equipment with a power of up to128kvt (food). FUJITSU has its own VRF-system AIRSTAGE based on a three-dimensional outdoor unit with six performance control stages. The system has a high degree of fault tolerance and can operate in heat recovery mode.

Of course, a control center is required for the coordinated work of the multi-zone complex. These functions execute a personal computer program running in Windows. Developers are used to describe the abilities of the control program the word "intellectual". She herself chooses the optimal way to perform the specified settings, monitors the system status, leads error log and diagnoses faults. A help can be contacted by a modem with a service center and find a solution to the problem. Inconale, the control system can be integrated with the building management system (for example, with BMS or LonWorks interfaces).

From the point of view of the comfort of the microclimate "Multi-Communications" possess the most wide opportunities, but their main disadvantage. Firms do not advertise prices, but the most modest - about $ 20000-25000. Therefore, it is reasonable to apply this kind of system for air conditioning urban buildings with an unsteady load mode (for example, hotels, condominiums). Covers for them have a more profitable alternative, except for the case when a "smart home" is built.

Since the air conditioner does not produce, but pumps heat or cold from the street into the room, the amount of heat referred to the energy efficiency, expresses the degree of efficiency of work or the efficiency of the device. This value is called the conversion coefficient (SO). For example, if Sor is equal to 3, it means that the air conditioner with a 3kw performance on cold spends 1kW of electricity. It should be noted that for the same air conditioner, the coefficient SOR can take values ​​in the range of from2 to 6. It all depends on the temperature outside the room and on the degree of load on the outdoor unit. Therefore, given in the advertising prospectus about the extraordinarily high coefficient of SOR without specifying the conditions for its preparation may be advertising trick of the manufacturer in its struggle for the buyer

Super Multi Split Systems

They occupy an intermediate position between the multizoneal and conventional multi-split system. The number of internal blocks that can be served in one external, increased to 7 (Super Multi Plus of the company Daikin) and even up to16 (Toshiba's asuper MULTI). This design allows you to use the entire variety of internal blocks (wall, cassette, etc.) previously developed for split systems. However, an additional refrigerant unit is also introduced. In terms of its operational characteristics, the system is almost not inferior to the similar configuration of VRV or VRF equipment, but one and a half times cheaper times. An example is the price of Super Multi Plus with a Daikin RMX inverter.

Some characteristics of the super-multi-split-system RMX (Daikin)

Model Cooling performance, kW Heating performance, kW Noise, dB. Price, $
Outdoor unit RMX 140J 14.5 16.5 53. 5350.
Distribution unit BPMK928A42. - - - 470.
Distribution unit BPMK928A43. - - - 530.
Internal block of wall type FTX25J - - 26. 500.
Internal block universal type FLX25H - - 35. 900.
CDX25H internal channel type unit - - 29. 1450.

What happened, what will happen than the heart calm down

The current situation with the choice of air conditioner is complicated by the fact that, in addition to the set of its operational characteristics and cost, it is necessary to decide on the refrigerant. Environmental safety required replacement of chlorine-containing freon R22. Laws prohibiting its production have come into effect since 2001. However, new refrigerants cannot work in old models, and, undoubtedly, the share of foreign technique using R22 will significantly decrease with time. But this does not mean that old air conditioners will remain without service. The guarantee can be the fact that the Russian production of refrigeration equipment does not yet plan to refuse R22, so there will be no problems with specialists and equipping. The transition to new air conditioning systems added caring for assembly and service organizations.

Progressive technique requires qualified personnel, and this will undoubtedly affect the cost of service. The same price for new consumables is significantly higher. For example, a cylinder with freon R22 weighing 13.6kg costs $ 70, and the same cylinder with freon R407C is 3-4 times more expensive. The same applies to new synthetic oil, filters, seals. Preventive circuit cleaning work, replacing a spoiled (due to leaks) of the R407C freon, filters and oils for a multisystem consisting of one external and six internal blocks, can do in $ 1000. The consolation here is one: these systems are calculated on the service life of at least 30 years.

The editors thanks Vertex, "Daichi", "White Guard", "Norris +" and "Inmult" GK for help in the preparation of material.

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