We disassemble the types of windowsill: 4 material from which it is worth choosing


We tell about the design features of the windowsill, materials from which they are manufactured and how to choose the right model correctly.

We disassemble the types of windowsill: 4 material from which it is worth choosing 14639_1

We disassemble the types of windowsill: 4 material from which it is worth choosing

Installation of the window block is always completed with the installation of the windows. The times when it was made of wood and painted regularly, long ago, in the past. Today it is possible to choose the basis for your taste and financial capabilities. In the article I know you with the views of the windowsill so that it is easy to choose the best option.

All about choosing a material for the windowsill

What is important to know

What can it be made

- Wood

- Wood plates

- plastic

- A rock

Features of choice

What is important to know

The main purpose of the windows canvas is to increase the width of the air layer near the glazing. So better is preserved heat. It was for this that the window sills began to install. Modern designs detain in the room coming from radiators heat, do not give the stream of cold outdoor air to get into the house. And also help active circulation of air flow inside the room.

Decorative tasks are solved. They visually "tied" a window box to the general design of the room, combine these elements, and with the right choice also decorate the interior.

In addition, depending on its size, windowsill perform utilitarian functions. For example, used in the form of shelves for colors or books, countertops or a comfortable sofa. Window-side countertops are especially in demand among owners of small apartments. Here they organize a place to work, the kitchen work area, a mini workshop.

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We disassemble the types of windowsill: 4 material from which it is worth choosing 14639_4

We disassemble the types of windowsill: 4 material from which it is worth choosing 14639_5

We disassemble the types of windowsill: 4 material from which it is worth choosing 14639_6

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Materials for windowsill

The requirements for the material are very simple. It should be durable, safe for health, wear-resistant and undemanding to care. Well, if he will have an attractive appearance. We offer a brief analysis of species of materials for window sills with the analysis of their advantages and minuses.


Traditional option for window design. Natural wood is environmentally friendly and very beautiful. But it is necessary to understand that the operational properties of such a product are largely dependent on the tree of wood. The most inexpensive option is coniferous varieties. This is usually pine or spruce. This is a soft wood with an interesting pattern. It is easy enough to handle, looks good in the finished form. However, its resistance to mechanical damage to the low, dents, scratches and other damage quickly appear on it. Also, pine is not sufficiently resistant to moisture and temperature drops. Only larch has become an exception to this rule. It is not afraid of high humidity, does not react to temperature differences, resistant to ultraviolet. Deciduous rocks relate to solid, so they are not afraid of mechanical damage. For example, ash or oak is very durable, look good even without special tinting. Premium class models are made of valuable rocks: sandalwood, black or red.

A good alternative to a natural tree - glued wood. These are thin wooden plates glued under pressure in the shield. Externally, they are difficult to distinguish from the array. Operational characteristics are not inferior to wood, something is even superior. For example, glued shield is better kept form, not deformed.

Tree of any variety, including glued, hygroscopic. It absorbs moisture, it flies under its impact. Therefore, special processing is necessary, which must be repeated periodically. On average, it is carried out once in one or two years. The wooden base is impregnated with an antiseptic, then covered with a protective agent: wax, butter, azure or varnish. It protects it from moisture, increases service life and improves appearance.

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Wood slabs

This group includes different materials. Wood-chip products attract a low price. These are glued and compressed high-pressure waste of wood production. Toxic formaldehyde resins are used as a binder. From above, chipboard is laminated by the film. It can be any coloring. Pretty successful imitation of natural wood or stone.

The chipboard is distinguished by strength, simplicity of installation, resistant to aggressive substances, temperature differences. The main enemy of this material is moisture. If she penetrated the joints, the chipboard swells, quickly comes into disrepair. Another minus is the toxicity of formaldehyde, which is part of the chipboard. Under the influence of high temperatures, it can be released into the air. This is especially true for non-certified products.

MDF plates are made otherwise. Raw materials for them become small sawdust, mixed with paraffin or lignin. These are natural immovable substances for a person. High pressure is pressed the mixture. The finished product is laminated with a film or covered with a thin veneer. In the latter case, to distinguish the MDF-slab from the array is very difficult.

The windowsills from the MDF in strength are twice the chipboard. They do not emit toxic substances, resistant to aggressive substances, ultraviolet. Laminated plates are released in a variety of textures and colors. Veneered successfully imitate an array of wood. But they are sensitive to moisture, it is better to prevent her ingress on an open cut.

Recently, a new material appeared in this group - a wood-polymer composite, or DPK. The high-strength composite plate is as resistant to the effects of sunlight, high humidity and sharp temperature drops, durable and wear-resistant. The choice of colors and textures are very wide. Of the minuses it is necessary to note only the high price of the composite.

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We disassemble the types of windowsill: 4 material from which it is worth choosing 14639_11

We disassemble the types of windowsill: 4 material from which it is worth choosing 14639_12

We disassemble the types of windowsill: 4 material from which it is worth choosing 14639_13


This is the most common type of window sills for plastic windows. The basis of the material is polyvinyl chloride with various additives. It is produced in the form of hollow inside the formation with internal rigids. Than they are more, the stronger the base. Matte and glossy options are produced, more often white, but there are models of different colors. Plastic is very lightweight, moisture-resistant and "warm." Internal chambers are very well held warm.

The minuses of plastic include insufficient strength. This is especially true for structures with a small number of rigidity. Also plastic vulnerable for ultraviolet can be deformed under the influence of high temperatures. White plastic models with time yellow. Textured surfaces can be clogged with mud, it has to use abrasives or aggressive chemistry. Therefore, for window sides-countertops, it is better to choose models with enhanced protective coating.

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A rock

Products made of natural stone belong to the goods of the premium class. They are very beautiful, but also the roads. Characteristics of stone slabs depend on the breed. Most of the colors for marble. But at the same time it is pretty soft, the surface is easily scratched. Can stay dents from shock. The painted liquid is absorbed into the porous basis, so stains from spilled coffee or wine can remain forever. The marble is quickly dirty, needs regular special care.

Less capricious care and more durable - granite. It is difficult to scratch or split it. Another good option is onyx. By properties, it looks like granite, but it is capable of skipping light. Onyx make spectacular window sills with backlight. The main disadvantage of all stone window sills is the massiveness, which greatly complicates their installation.

A good alternative is an artificial stone. Externally, it is indistinguishable from natural, but it is much easier and cheaper. Composites are durable, durable, do not need special care. They easily carry the drops of temperature and are resistant to aggressive chemistry. True, do not tolerate cleaning abrasives. Another advantage of the composite is the ability to choose the same plate for the design of windows and other surfaces. In natural stone, the fragments will differ, since the texture of each unique.

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How to choose a window sill material

When choosing a windows, the wizard advise to take into account a few moments. List all them.

  • Strength and wear resistance. The most durable is natural and artificial stone, an array of wood. The strength of wood plates and plastic depends on the thickness of the model. It must be correctly calculated.
  • Safety for health. The windows board often heats up, which provokes the release of toxic substances. To avoid this, choose safe materials: wood, MDF, DPK. Certified plastic can be used. Natural stone can "foundon", emitting radioactive radiation, so the certificate is required.
  • Easy to care. The most undesaked in care - artificial stone and wood plates. Natural materials need regular special processing.
  • Resistance to ultraviolet. Do not change your species under the influence of sunlight stone and wooden boards. Plastic changes color over time.

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We disassemble the types of windowsill: 4 material from which it is worth choosing 14639_18

We disassemble the types of windowsill: 4 material from which it is worth choosing 14639_19

We disassemble the types of windowsill: 4 material from which it is worth choosing 14639_20

Another important selection criterion is an appearance and compliance with shared design. Strange will look an expensive stone frame framing in a small kitchenette or cheap plastic in a luxurious living room.

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