The Future Will show


What should be the modern home Audiovideo complex? Technical characteristics of multimedia components.

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The Future Will show

The Future Will show

Planatron 2 Model Case Made of Glass and Aluminum

The Future Will show

Home cinemas most often equipped with TVs with screen proportions 16: 9

The Future Will show
Unlike video projectors, televisions and plasma panels can be used in unmeared rooms.
The Future Will show

Complete for home theater All components are carefully selected for collaboration.

The Future Will show
Despite the modest dimensions, the VLP-HSDIA video projector provides an image of up to several meters diagonally
The Future Will show
Seleco CVT130 video projector, equipped with three electronic radiation tubes
The Future Will show

Most often, acoustic systems have the shape of a rectangular parallelepiped stretched vertically, but sometimes fantasy designers gives them completely unusual forms.

The Future Will show
The Future Will show
MONITOR AUDIO SILVER8I COLOR COLOR RECOMMENDED OUMBER AND CHERENS, such a traditional solution will help these acoustic systems fit into the "classic" interior
The Future Will show

Fully embedded column

What should be the modern home Audiovideo complex? Alas, it is not easy to answer this question, just open your mouth - and something new to appear. Flat plasma panels and video projectors, as well as DVD video formats, came to replace ordinary TVs with a traditional tube-kinescope.

New developments and concepts that improve sound quality and images arise almost every year. Recall the beginning of the 90s when the first home theaters equipped with the Dolby Pro Logic sound playback system appeared. That was the limit of dreams of even the most demanding music lovers. Today, all these wanders of 10 years ago are hopelessly outdated.

The term "television", oddly enough, originally from the last century. For the first time introduced our compatriot, scientist Konstantin Dmitrievich Peresky. He spoke with a report 24Avgust 1900g. In Paris at the International Electrotechnical Congress, dedicated to the problems of "image transmission at a distance".

Let's talk about the complex of entertainment, otherwise called the multimedia center. The English word Multimedia is formed from Latin Multum - a lot and media, medium-focus of different types of electronic media. The multimedia center is understood as a home theater with the ability to connect a variety of audio and video devices: computer, satellite television, camcorder, etc. Which components, in addition to the home theater, will be included in this complex, it is determined only by the taste preferences of the owners. But in any case, among the "mandatory elements" of the multimedia center there will be sources of image and sound.

Sees eye ...

Let's start with sources of the image. Even recently, there were definitely nobled televisions. But today, television monopoly gradually gives its position, and plasma panels and projection systems are becoming increasingly distribution. Unic Many advantages: compactness, high image quality, the ability to obtain an image of a truly large size (up to several meters diagonally). At the same time, projection systems are clearly attractive plasma panels from the point of view of price. The cost of the latest models is not exceeding $ 3000-5000, while a good plasma panel pulls on all $ 7,000-24,000.

To get a sound or image, a device is required to extract information from a carrier or ether to process this information, as well as to play a picture or music in a user-friendly form. The complexity is that at present there are many different type of audio and video sources, for example:

- analog recording of sound on plates and compact cassettes;

- analog image recording on video tags (VHS, S-VHS);

- FM image record on laser disks (LD);

- digital (CD) sound recording on CDs;

- digital image record and multichannel (channel number - more than two) sound on DVDs;

- Digital (DVD audio, SACD) Record multichannel audio on DVDs.

What is a modern video projector? Let's just say: with a home film projector of the sample of the 70s, it has little common, it is small in size and mass (as a rule, no more than 5kg) and a practically silently working device. There are three main types of video projectors that differ image playback technology: these are devices equipped with an electron beam tube (CRT projectors), as well as LCD and DLP projectors. Internal image forming, the decomposition of the main colors (red, green, blue) is used to form an image. It is carried out by optical means. LCD and DLP-projectors differ from each other by the image of the color control. VLCD projectors for this use liquid crystal matrices with changing transparency of microscopic elements (the so-called LCD technology). Cineza VPL-HS1, Sony; PT-L701E, Panasonic; VT540, NEC.

1955 ... the problem of creating a single musical center (in order not to spend extra money for expensive amplifiers) the manufacturers of radio equipment were puzzled before the Second World War. Radiols, radio tape recorders and magnutoDioles, devices that combine the radio, tape recorder and a player appeared on the light.

In DLP-type projectors (VPD-MX10, SONY; UGO S-Lite, Philips), the image source is a microcircuit with moving micromirror device (Digital Micromirror Device). It contains about a million miniature metal mirrors, which change the angle of inclination under the action of the control signal. As a result, the rays reflected by the mirrors either fall (through the projection lens) to the screen, or not, creating an image. Halftone is obtained by holding the mirror in the same position during the calculated period of time. Separated models use one DMD matrix and a rotating light filter. The most advanced (LV-7105, Canon; LP530, Infocus) - already three matrices with filter mirrors, separately for each primary color. The cost of devices in which the DLP technology is used is higher than the rest, both, however, the quality of the resulting picture. Thus, the DLP projectors (compared to their LCD collections) provide greater light stream and better transmit dynamic scenes with rapidly changing image details.

Finally, the peak of the projection technology (pensions of view of the picture quality) are considered models that use a set of three electron-ray tubes with an increased brightness of the glow to projection. According to the design, these tubes differ little from ordinary black and white kinescops, except with a thicker glass and very high brightness. Hospital, projectors with CRT devices are quite expensive (their value ranges from $ 15,000 to $ 100,000). In addition, electron-ray tubes require periodic replacement (a new set of tubes will cost several thousand dollars) and professional adjustment, both after installing the projector in place and as the brightness of the light flux decreases. However, all the flaws are compensated by the quality of the resulting pictures, they are out of competition.

The main part of any TV is considered to be a kinescope (electron beam tube), patented B1938. In America, Russian engineer Vladimir Kuzmich Zvirkyn as part of the "electronic television".

Video projectors are capable of creating an image of very large sizes, with a diagonal of up to 4-5 m. But, alas, the greater the format of the picture, the worse its quality (mainly due to the decline in brightness). Usually projector manufacturers indicate the maximum possible and recommended image sizes for this model. If you are going to use the Maximum apparatus, take care of the full darkening of the cinema - any extraneous light will make a picture of fad. The CRT projectors are especially sensitive to the light layers, since they are usually able to provide a significantly less bright light stream than the LCD and DLP devices. The last two types of projectors can be used in partially darkened rooms, but CRT projectors require complete darkness.

Thus, one of the most important characteristics of the video projector can be considered the brightness of the maximum amount of visible light emitted by it. Another worthy reference to the parameter is the resolution, which is customary to evaluate the number of points (pixels), separately perceived on the horizontal and vertical screen. The resolution of video recordings on the DVD is 720576pixels, more permission may be required only to view digitized photographic images.

The projection televisions are still popular (they wrote in the article "Cinemas, where they are sitting in slippers").

Some characteristics of video projectors

Manufacturer Model Image playback method Brightness, lm (lumen) Resolution, PXL (pixels) Cost, $
Vidikron, USA (2Models) Vision One. Three 9-inch CRT 260. 15001200. 60000.
Panasonic, Japan PT-L701E. LCD. 1000. - 4200.
Philips, Holland UGO S-Lite DLP. 800. 800600. 3500.
Canon, Japan LV-7105 DLP. 800. 800600. 3500.
Sony, Japan (11Models) Cineza VPL-HS1 LCD. - - 3200.
Sanyo, Japan (12modes) PLV-60. LCD. 1200. 1366768. 7600.

His Majesty screen

Despite all the advantages of video projectors, televisions (both ordinary and projection) continue to enjoy steady demand as a component of the home multimedia center. Buying a video projector makes sense only in the following cases: a) if it is supposed to be used exclusively as a home theater component; b) if there is enough spacious (minimum 20-25, but preferably more than 30m2) and a well-dimensional hall. The multimedia center equipped with a TV is less demanding of the surrounding environment and can also be used for everyday television viewing. In other words, if you have a 14-18 meter room, used not only as a cinema, as a source of image is quite acceptable TV. Today, sets of home theaters, which includes TVs with a screen 25-29, "offer many manufacturers: Samsung, JVC, LG. These sets are combined with a DVD player, a HI-Fi video recorder, an AV receiver and a set of acoustics, sometimes include a TV. All this, as a rule, is worth a relatively inexpensive full set of equipment will cost the buyer at $ 1500-3000.

Currently, currently popular TV vertigars with a diagonal of Screen 29 "are especially popular. They are noticeably cheaper than their larger counterparts and at the same time do not give way to them in the quality of the picture and the level of technological perfection. In addition to screen sizes, the important technical advantages of a good TV can be attributed to 100 The gentle scan of an image, which practically disappears the annoying eye flickering of the screen. In addition, if you are going to use the TV as a component of the home video center, it is desirable that it be widespread, with 16: 9 proportions, - it is necessary for a complete viewing of movies.

For the normal connection of numerous "video sources", the TV should be equipped with SCART, S-Video, RCA connectors (they will be discussed below). Well, not least for the user is important for the convenience of managing TV. It is known, such service functions are appropriate as "picture in the picture" (KV-28FD1, Sony; TX-32W100T, Panasonic vessels) and automatic adjustment of the volume level helps to get rid of chilling advertising screens (CF-21F89, LG). I would also like to note the development of dual systems consisting of a TV and a DVD player. This analogue of the popular once video speaking offers buyers Grundig (LENARDO 92FLAT model). Combining the DVD player and TV in one case gives a very tangible cost savings and provides high quality signal (fewer connectors, costs for connecting cable, extraneous effects on the video signal).

Some characteristics of TV diagonal from29 "

Manufacturer Model Screen size diagonally, inches Aspect ratio of screen Connection sockets Cost, $
Grundig, Germany (28modes) ArganTo 82Flat. 32. 16: 9. AV, S-Video, 3 SCART 1600.
Sony, Japan (14Models) KV-29FX11 29. 4: 3 and 16: 9 AV, S-Video, 2 Connection SCART 1150.
Philips, Holland (32modhel) 36pw9765. 36. 4: 3 and 16: 9 AV, S-Video, 2 Connection SCART 3500.
LG, Korea (9modes) CF-29H90TM 29. 4: 3. AV. 850.
Thomson, France (16Models) 37MH44E. 37. 4: 3. AV, S-Video, 2 Connection SCART 1850.
Samsung, Korea (15moders) Cs-29a9wtr. 29. 4: 3 and 16: 9 2 AV, 2 S-VIDEO, 2 SCART 740.

A computer

Personal computers of the last generations are very promising multimedia sources. This service can also get the sound and image of the DVD quality, significantly saving the means. For comparison: the cost of the computer's system unit capable of playing video at the DVD standards level is only $ 500-600. The main manufacturers of audio and video services produce a gamut of inexpensive products that can turn your computer into a DVD system with a six-channel digital sound. For example, Video Logic DVD Player (fromVideological), which is an audiovideo processor on a computer board, costs $ 95. The output video can be displayed on the TV, plasma panel or projector, thereby turning the computer to the "Home Multimedia Center".

With the appearance at the end of the 60s. A superfluous magnetic tape (thickness of order of 13 mk) The problem occurred, this tape was so gentle that it was already not possible to refill in a tape recorder manually without danger to damage it. I had to come up with a special cassette case, which turned out to be so comfortable in handling that by the beginning of the 90s. Cassette tape recorders completely displaced tape recorders coils.

It is also not necessary to forget about the younger generation, which adores computer games (this also applies to the owners of the Sony Play Station game prefix). By connecting the computer or the game console to the video projector and using home theater acoustics, you can completely, up to the smallest details, to recreate a different reality in the apartment. The severity of sensations is guaranteed!

Why is the personal computer relatively rarely unite with a home cinema in a multimedia complex? The reason is that it is technologically difficult to manage a computer, more conveniently viewing DVDs on a DVD player, and a CD player CDs. The wizard does not operate the "button of one button": inserted a cassette or disk, pressed the button and got the result. Knowledge of the PC operating system (usually) and the ability to work with specialized programs. Therefore, a computer as a component of the home multimedia system can be recommended exclusively to people, well in it dismantling.

Suppose you are a happy owner of a home video archive. The computer will help you bring it in order: Remount records, removing extra pieces of them; "Cosmetically" to clean the picture; Correct the brightness and color palette; Support the records with beautiful tutors and the appropriate sound track. To fulfill all these procedures, you will need a computer with the PentiumIII processor and a video card that supports the input / output of the video signal (it must be equipped with the VIDEOIN / VIDEOOT sockets). In addition, you must install a special program for video processing program on a computer, such as Adobe Premiere or Ulead Media Studio. Alas, often such a program is more expensive than the computer itself, the same Premiere will cost the buyer in the amount of about $ 700.

Combine and conquer!

To collect all the components of the multimedia system in a single whole, a rather solid set of cables is required. From the quality of the connecting cable largely depends the overall quality of sound and images, so it is unreasonable to save on the "wiring". According to connoisseurs, the cost of the supply cable ranges from 5 to 15% of the cost of the entire system.

The cable is formed from four main elements: signal conductor; dielectric, insulating conductor; shielding that protects the conductor from external sources of electromagnetic radiation; and connectors providing reliable contact between the cable and the connected system block. Manufacturers of connecting cables of elite brands (such as Eagle Cable, Monster Cable, Profigold) In the manufacture of its products use copper of the highest degree of purification (with copper content of up to 99.9997%!). All elements and connections are processed by the most modern technologies and are carefully consistent with the parameters. It is not surprising that the cost of such a cable is calculated with tens, or even hundred dollars. Therefore, picking up the cable, it is particularly appropriate to remember the saying "death seven times - once again." It is more correct to buy a connecting cable, clearly imagining yourself, where and how all the components of the multimedia system will be located, the extra meters will not only turn into extra expenses, but most likely he will lower the quality of the transmitted signal.

Note: The audio cable is easy to damage! Having submissive cables in the room, do not lay them under the rug for which you and your households. It is best to envisage the placement of the cable in the walls, in the form of a closed wiring. At the same time, do not forget that the network wiring can induce interference in the cable, laid too close - please them at least 20cm from each other.

Exit always exists

In advertising messages related to video equipment, often encounter "Component input", "Composite input", "Skart" (SCART), "S-Video-input", "RGB-input". How to get the "pleasant in all respects" with this abundance of the entrances?

Not only a cable connecting various devices (for example, a DVD player and a TV) is important to ensure high-quality video transmission of the video signal (for example, a DVD player and TV), but also the method of encoding the signal itself to be exchanged. The fact is that in television studios the image passes a very complex chain of transformations. It is formed as a RGB-HV signal (three color-red, green, blue-plus horizontal and vertical synchronization signals), then converted to the so-called component signal, which, in turn, - S-Video (Separate Video) with Separate components of brightness and chroma. Inconale, from S-VIDEO receive a composite signal where the components of brightness and chromaticity are combined. The composite signal is converted to the radio frequency and as a result turns into a full-fledged ether signal.

The transformation TV is in fact, in reverse order: the ether signal turns into a composite, then in S-Video, component and, finally, into the RGB-HV signal, which is supplied to the electronic radiation tube. Naturally, at all stages, some loss of image quality are possible, therefore, theoretically, it is best to record and reproduce without any conversion signals RGB-HV.

Why you need to convert the RGB-HV signal to the component, thereby worsening a picture? It turns out that the RGB-HV format signal is not capable of perceiving black and white TVs, which in the world there was an absolute majority when telecommunication standards were approved. In addition, the RGB-HV signal would occupy a too wide "strip" on the air - it would have to cut about three times the number of TV channels. Yes, and the difference between the RGB-HV and the "component" picture is noticeable only with high-quality reproducing equipment.

Hospital, exchange signals at the RGB-HV level is capable of not all household appliances. In addition to computers that are submitted to the monitor, such a signal is, perhaps, perhaps, only video projectors. CDD disks when digitizing the recording, a component signal is used, so the best DVD players connect to the component input. However, television is also often absent. Inexpensive TV models have only input for a composite signal, alas, the lowest quality of all possible. Satim signal also work VHS video recorders. But since VCR records themselves have low quality, in this case the use of the composite signal is justified. Avot Connect the DVD player over the composite input (usually it is equipped with RCA or SCART connections) It is not worthless to the TV, the picture will be mediocre.

Most modern mid-class TVs are equipped with inputs for S-VIDEO signal, which only slightly loses as a component signal. The presence of the S-Video input is to date the minimum device configuration requirement that reproduces the image in the multimedia system or home theater.

Created in the early 1930s. The electric player more than 50 years remained the main sound source in the elite acoustic installations of Hi-Fi and Hi-End. High-end decks for playing vinyl discs ("turntables") limited circulations are still available.

RCA and SCART terms indicate the type of connector used in the cable. RCA, or AV (audio / video), in the spacious, called "tulip", is one of the most common types of connectors. "Scart" or "comb" is called a flat twenty disconnect plug that appeared in video engineering relatively recently. Initially, SCART was conceived as a universal "switch", with which you can transfer any signal, sound, control commands. Hospitality, with such a number of functions, the quality of the quality is inevitably suffered, the set is not quite well shielded conductors suggest each other. Until all other equal conditions, the SCART connector leads to the greatest distortion of the signal.

What conclusions ask themselves as a result? If you want to use a TV or a plasma panel as a source of the image in the home multimedia system, make sure that they have a component and / or S-video input (for this it is sufficient to look at the panel, where the jacks of the connectors are different inputs are easily distinguishable) . In addition, it is desirable that the connectors for connecting video sources are made in the form of separate plugs, and not solid scarlet.

70s. - peak of the heyday of the coil tape recorders. Interestingly, the quality of the sound signal received on these devices due to the high speed of the tape transportation still remains unsurpassed cassette tape recorders.

Not just speakers

A year ago, the ride of perfection was considered the Dolby Digital5.1 sound reproduction system, which uses not two (as in stereo complexes), and at once five columns and subwoofer. But today, the "high quality standard" is already a seven-digital sound, created, naturally, with the help of seven columns (format7.1). The new scheme consists of a pair of frontal columns, one central, two side satellites, rear rounding and rear satellite (plus a subwoofer, as in the 5-column system). Is there any need to use such a number of acoustics? It turns out yes. Scientists found out that a person very subtly reacts to the sounds that he dropped behind him. Evolution's vision is quite understandable, the ears, and not the eyes are responsible for ensuring security from the rear. Meanwhile, all manufacturers of acoustics to a greater or lesser extent ignored the rear speakers, which were almost always class below their frontal "colleagues."

Now the acoustic rear "equalized in rights" with the front-producers reacted to studies of scientists very quickly. At once, two digital seven-channel sound transmission formats are developed at once: one- Dolby Digitalex from Dolby Labs, another-DTS-ES from Digital Theater Systems. Both formats improve the transmission of surround sound. True, the films recorded in the seven-digital version are still extremely small and no more than two dozen.

However, good, as they say, should also be moderately. A large number of columns in the 14-18-meter room will lead to the junction of sound sources, mutual overlapping and distorting signals. You can truly assess the quality of the format 7.1. You can only indoors at least 40m2.

It is believed that, unlike, let's say, DVD players, acoustic systems have already reached the degree of perfection. In this sense, these are the "Grande" of acoustics, such as English firms Monitor Audio, Acoustic Energy, BW, ATC, German Heco, Elac or Scottish Tannoy, have long been producing the highest quality acoustic systems.

Choose the best of the best task is ungrateful. The only possible way its solution is a thorough listening to the acoustics you liked in a specially fit for this room-salon. Many acoustic systems are narrow-neighboring, say well a home theater voiced well, but unfavoreting copes with "clean" music. Universal speakers, of course, it is possible to choose, but the price will be high and can reach a tent of thousands of dollars. Think, do you really need an acoustics of the Hi-End class for listening to "alive" symphonic music, if you listen to such music no more than once a year preferring to her? Determine the pre-priority requirements that will be submitted to the speakers. It is best to grab a DVD to listen to the salon with a well-known record, which you have already managed to "drive" on high-quality equipment.

Some characteristics of acoustic systems

Manufacturer Model Frequency range, Hz Maximum power, W Cost of pair, $
B w, United Kingdom 802 Nautilus. 34-22000 500. 7800.
Monitor Audio, United Kingdom Silver9i. 30-25000 150. 1500.
Acoustic Energy, United Kingdom Veritas 2.4. 30-20000 250. 3450.
Quadral, Germany Caerul QLX 28-22000 120. 550.
Tannoy, Scotland Definition D700. 35-30000. 200. 1300.
Heco, Germany SignatureCch 50-30000. 75. 220.

The editors thanks the company "M.Video", the company "Audio-design", Neo, "Multimedia Club" and representative offices of Sony, Grundigag, Samsung for help in the preparation of material.

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