Mystery born in China


Porcelain dishes: the history of the occurrence; Modern brands of high quality porcelain; Factors determining the value of the dishes.

Mystery born in China 14685_1

Mystery born in China
Products of the Lomonosovsky Porcelain Factory: Form - End of the XVIIIV; Author's painting "Beauty of Nature" - Mid Hhwek
Mystery born in China
Limoges china decorated with gold and platinum
Mystery born in China
Limoges Porcelain Factory Raynaud: Butterfly flights from the subject on the subject.
Mystery born in China
Heviland Limoges firma. Collection "Illusion"
Mystery born in China
Service "Victoria" from Herend, created 2000 years ago in honor of the English Queen
Mystery born in China
Collection "Indian Flower" from Herend
Mystery born in China
Series "Rothschild" from Herend. Bird - the symbol of Rothschilds
Mystery born in China
Series "Toucan" from Hermes
Mystery born in China
Service "Prince Regent" from Roal Wootchester (England), Crystal Glass for Handmade Sherry
Mystery born in China
GRADE CONFERENCES AND CHAPTER OF THE FIRM HEREND; Windzor tea couple and a spoon with a porcelain handle

One "New Russian" complains to another: "I bought the other day the porcelain vase of the Sun era, and I imagine - China slipped!"

In fact, everyone knows that porcelain invented in China. As many as two centuries, Chinese emperors were "exclusive distributors" porcelain dishes in the medieval world. How many spy passions raged around the secret of this fragile material! But the Chinese were able to keep secrets, and the Europeans left nothing, how to open their own recipe for the manufacture of porcelain. This happened at the courtyard of the Saxon Emperor August in 1708. Ivskore throughout Germany, and then the rest of Europe began to open numerous porcelain manufactories. Some of the currently existing European brands arose even then. The Avot of the Glory of the Chinese porcelain remained in the past - in our time the best china is produced in Europe.

Germany and the United Kingdom lead here, and the absolute championship remains behind the Germans. Remembering the experts, the shortcomings of English cuisine could not but affect English dishes (teapot inside). Wheel will not forget that it was in the UK that "bone" porcelain-transparent, thin and durable was invented in the UK. The British call him Bonechina. Therefore, having seen such a label on the bottom, do not think that you "China slipped". Along the way, let's say: the inexpensive and thick-walled, which appeared a few years ago, but there is no transparent dishes to the "bone" chorcelain. It is made of glass mass and is located at the bottom step of quality.

The value of the porcelain is determined by four factors: material, shape, decor and glazing. Speaking about the material, I would like to notice that "ceramics" is the general name of all the products from the burned clay. This word is translated. Ceramics is divided into a lot of species, among which there is a porcelain in the first place, and on the last shame. The quality of the porcelain mass depends on the Kaolin content (white clay affecting the color of the product), from the subtleties of the grinding of powder, from which the clay was seen, and a number of technological features. The color of porcelain dishes must be gentle and warm (cream color). If gray-blue shades are dominated in it, it speaks of lower material quality. The fineness of the grinding and the purity of the porcelain mass is easy to check by peeling into the glare on the surface of the dishes, "any impurities are" read "in it if they are. That is why good porcelain will never cover the painting entirely. "The White Body of Porcelain", as experts are called, must be emphasized, and not disguised.

As for the shape of the product, it is understood here first not a design (it's a special conversation), but an ordinary geometric dedication. Targeted upside down a plate or a cup should be seamless to the surface of the table along the entire length of the rim and do not swing.

According to the drawing method, porcelain is divided into manually painted (or, as it is also called, manufactory) and decol. Decal is something like transfer pictures. Of course, they also have their own varieties, but such details may be interested only that specialists.

Manufactured porcelain is always sampled manually. It exists a CXIVWEK, and in our time it is made exclusively to order. This dishes are not at all for daily use, and in our country she just began to reappear. The price of this service is comparable to Rolls Royce.

The number one in this category is MEISON. Unkought, just to look at a similar work of art in the famous Moscow store on the meat street, formerly Kuznetsovsky. Another manufacturer of the same level of Herend, once created in Austria-Hungary as a subsidiary Meison. Now this is an independent enterprise, but here still produce collections, once created on the MEISON manufactory. Conservatism served the company a good service: among the customers Herend signs the English Queen and Rothschild.

In general, in china, unlike other areas of application of designer thought, not an innovation, but traditionalism. The above-mentioned connoisseurs condemn the French and Italian manufacturers for, with excellent quality material, they are too fond of experimental, can be fashionable. For example, the products of the Taitu brand (Italy) is highlighted by concise forms and an ultra-modern decor. However, in France there is a SEVRES brand, presented on the market only by remarks. But numerous porcelain factories Limoges demonstrate new collections every year. This product is called modern antiques, the fact that the exposition of the Limoges of Limoges in Porcelain is constantly operating in the Louvre.

Interestingly, one of the porcelain factories of Limoges is originally not French origin. She was opened in 1842. David Havield, an American, who began porcelain production still in his homeland. Move the factory to Europe, and it was in Limoges that caused him an accident: an elderly aristocrat asked to make a copy of a broken saucer. So the founder of production first met with the Limoges Porcelain, who completely conquered him. Now Heviland is one of the largest leakage factories, and a broken subject from any service, ever released here, it is possible to make all samples in the museum.

The phrase "Limoges Porcelain" heard each, as well as the expression "Metlah tile". She received his name from a small town of brooms in Germany, where from the beginning of the XIXVEK is the headquarters of Villeroyboch. Here we move from the field of high art of a manufactory porcelain to the decolne porcelain area, that is, dishes for daily use. What is no less interesting, since the study of museum exhibits is attracted not to all, but everyone loves dining for a beautifully covered table.

Villeroyboch, along with Weimar, occupies an upper position in the porcelain area for daily use. But it is worth notify that the price of this dish will make many of our owners count it more to the parade. The approximate cost of a lunch service from the "bone" porcelain at 12Pers- $ 1000-1300, and the same set of vitro or fine porcelain will cost $ 500-700. The price is definitely justified by the quality and design of dishes. None, even the most insignificant piece of painting, will not be lost when replicated, because the entire decol in porcelain is applied solely manually. Komjez, manufacturing this dishes of the enterprise have no less interesting history than manufacturers of china manufactory.

So, Francois Boh founded its production in 1748, just 40 years after receiving the porcelain mass in Europe. The third generation of bohov united the enterprise with the manuff of the former competitor Nicolas Willero. This business union was fixed by the marriage of granddaughter of Nicholas Octavia and Ezhen Baha. B1797 Pierre Joseph Boh invented a special design of the firing furnace, which allowed the enterprise to take the leading position in the region. The design of the furnace was actually not changed to this day. Nowadays the company heads the eighth generation of the background of Booh. Interestingly, an art director of production is also a representative of the family Alexander Foblech. In general, understanding that it is the artist that lays the foundations of success, appeared at this enterprise at the beginning of the XIXVEK. In 1921, an art school was organized at the factory, whose graduates received the title of designer. Perhaps they became the first designers in the history of mankind. Now, without interrupting the traditions of his own design school, the company also cooperates with Kenzo and Luigi Collants. Unique collections of dishes continues to create Pickasso for Paloma, the daughter of the Great Publo. In addition, only Villeroyboch and Wedgwood complement each series of porcelain dishes with all other table settings: tablecloths, devices, wine glasses and glasses, candlesticks IT.D.

Who at least once set a task to cover the truly beautiful table, understands how difficult to withstand in this business style. We have already learned how to competently pick up each other details of your suit, have already come to understand that the interior must be solid and harmonious. But why on holiday tables still adjoin the glasses, decorated with steam veins, and plates with vague vignettes? We will still try to tell me more detail in the following issues of the magazine in detail. But if short- all items on the table should be a thoughtful ensemble. What exactly does he include in itself? It depends on the habits and traditions of each family. Somewhere you used to start a festive lunch from soup, and then you need a soup (municipal with each plate in the kitchen, and you will not put a pot on the table). Somewhere a specialist dish of the hostess - lasagna, so you need a special form for baking, in which you can file a dish on the table, otherwise it will lose a "commodity" view. Somewhere regularly is going to company friends from eighteen people, and somewhere celebrate in a narrow family circle.

All this makes the purchase of services, the occupation is very ungrateful. It is much wiser to choose the necessary items in the necessary quantity of the total range performed in a single design. The widest opportunities in this plan, as mentioned, provides Villeroyboch. Each of the numerous collections of the company is represented by a complete set of porcelain dishes and all the necessary accessories.

High Quality Porcelain (Wtach China) Releases German Concern HutschenRuther, founded even in 1814 in Bavaria by a young artist Karl Magnus Houchroyer. In our market, this manufacturer is presented under the Lion brand. The HutschenRUTHER concern includes several factories producing, among other things, dishes for hotels and restaurants (even with individual decor) and porcelain sculpture.

More available at the prices of china German firms "Winterlink" and Khala. But here the selection is not porcelain details of the decoration of the table will have to do on their own. True, in Moscow there is one unique place of the porcelain "Slavic House", where you can find dishes of many European brands, and at the same time choose to her with the help of specialists all the additions you need.

Comparatively inexpensive with good quality Czech porcelain remains. There are two main types of porcelain dishes. This is "Bernadot" (not to be confused with the road and the luxurious French brand Bernardaud) - white dishes without a pattern, decorated with a relief baroque ornament, and "Zwibel" - white-blue.

In general, white porcelain with a blue drawing is the unconditional classic of the genre. This decor came from China. But if in China, the ornament was the fruit of a pomegranate, then Europeans, not knowing such a plant, took it for the onions than and began to decorate their dishes. Hence the name. Hospital, in the huge sea of ​​a porcelain coming to us from the Czech Republic, "Zwibel" is extremely rare. Ashly, because its range has more than four hundred items.

In addition to Chekhov, White-blue porcelain produces the English company SPODE, but this dishes are already unlikely to decide to discharge daily. True, porcelain SPode is a decal, and not a manufactory, but the decol is applied to it by a special way resembling engraving, and this is done only manually. Therefore, it is not surprising that the price of the service for twelve persons is approaching $ 50 thousand. The technology of under-cordical decoration of the decor remains the same as it came up with more than two hundred years ago the founder of the company Zhosaya Spoow. The versatile talent of this man, who was simultaneously a businessman and the artist, provided a prosperity firm for a century ahead. Created by the collection - "Blue Italian", "Blue Tower" and "Willow" - are produced to this day and continue to enjoy the continued success. Inesl try to imagine the most classic of all dining tables, then the Blue Italian service will stand on it. Probably, thanks to the purely English commitment to the traditions and special spirit of nobility, Spode remains the most collectible brand of porcelain in the world.

The classic design of classic design of classic design also includes china brands REICHENBACH and WEDGWOOD. Prices- $ 3-10 thousand for the average number of items. Around the same price category is Rosethal, for which the famous designers of Versace and Bulgari worked. Among the collections of this brand you can pick up dishes for concise modern interiors.

Hermes takes a special niche. The main products of this company have always been shawls, so china do not produce here independently, but order in Limoges. Moreover, the decor of the first series of this brand was also copied from the header (flowering peony from bud to the last fallen petals). Hermes does not seek to create complete collections of dining rooms, and produces individual items, ideally suitable for gifts.

In conclusion, it is impossible not to mention our Russian porcelain. The first porcelain plant in Russia was built near St. Petersburg under Empress Elizabeth in 1744 and named Imperial. Russian masters, as shortly before that Western European, the secret of porcelain mass solved themselves. The discoverer of the domestic porcelain was Dmitry Ivanovich Vinogradov. In1750, especially for the Empress at the factory, the service "Own" was manufactured with an incredible number of objects. All of them were painted by a purple grid with small flowers. The echoes of this decor are noticeable in the teas service "Cobalt grid" released after the war. Perhaps now this is the most widely replicated product of the Lomonosov plant.

Of the three main producers of porcelain in Russia, the two-Dmitry plant in Verbilki near Moscow (former Gardner) and the plant in Dulyovo (formerly Kuznetsovsky) - from the moment of its origin, focused on the massive buyer. Also positions itself, starting with SXVIIIV, and Villeroyboch. But the results to which these firms have come to date should not be compared. However, we all know that there were objective reasons. It only remains to hope that the flourishing, which Russian porcelain survived in the last quarter of the XVIIIV, someday repeats. Products of the Lomonosov Porcelain Factory produced recently allow it to hope.

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