Work on bugs


Examples of low-quality repair. The reasons for the emergence of the most common types of construction marriage.

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Work on bugs
Work on bugs
Work on bugs
Work on bugs
Work on bugs
Work on bugs
Work on bugs
Work on bugs
Work on bugs
Work on bugs
Work on bugs
Work on bugs
Work on bugs
Work on bugs
Work on bugs
Work on bugs

Probably, every owner of the apartment is undermining repairs with a solid intention to carefully monitor the course of work. However, in crushed premises, looking at how the shoes make their way, a new layout of water pipes is made, and the walls in their eyes are covered with putty layers, the customer is usually lost. His knowledge of construction is clearly not enough to determine the correctness of this or that decision adopted by them or imposed by repairmen. At the end of the ends, the desire to control each step of the contractor comes down either to small quidets, or to the release of the process on samonek. True, with a hopeful hope to correct errors at the last stage of repair.

But when the apartment acquires a more or less finished look, eliminate the construction marriage or error of the project will be almost impossible (and, in any case, too expensive). To do this, in fact, it will have to start to start all: remove the wallpaper, again put the walls, punch new shoes and recesses for electrical outlets, etc. But to recognize your own defeat and start a global alteration, entering long-term litigation with a contractor, not everyone is capable of. So well, if the "masters" agree and will be able to disguise the existing flaws.

In the apartment where the pictures published on these pages were made, the results of the repair turned out to be very deplorable. Judging by the quality and cost of finishing materials (Italian doors, an unusual shape of a tile, numerous borders, etc.) and a significant amount of redevelopment (the connection of the balconies, turning the kitchen in the bathroom), the work of the High-class was conceived. However, in the end, because of numerous mistakes and construction marriage, the apartment looks like the repair in it was carried out poorly thought out and inexpensive. But in this case, the total cost of finishing work should not have exceeded $ 5,000, and in fact only on the payment of masters of the hosts is three times more.

The concentration in one place of such a number of marriage and errors gives an excellent opportunity to think about the reasons for their appearance.

One of the most common types of construction brackets between the plinth and the wall [2] . They arise if the walls are poorly aligned. In general, small surface irregularities, smoothed by putty layers and manifest themselves mainly with lateral lighting, sometimes allowed [3] . For example, if the wall is located in such a way that the light (natural or artificial) falls on it at right angles. But in the places of attachment of the plinth, the plane must be perfectly smooth, since even the plastic plinth can not make it easier for irregularities, like paper or vinyl wallpaper.

To clarify whether the plinth will join the wall tightly, it is necessary to attach an even bar or a special check line before sticking to wallpaper or painting or a special check line, preferably a length of at least 1.5 m. Jesl between her and the wall will be cracks more than 1-2mm, you need to demand that the plane is alone.

It is best to check the entire perimeter of the apartment. The intrinsic houses pay special attention to the corners between the panels and partitions. Seaming seams in the joints of the joints, the serpent, which is sick of the angles to avoid the appearance of cracks, and the extra layers of putty often lead to the fact that in the corners of the rooms it is formed by 2-5 cm.

Similar problems arise when the interior doors are deleted. The slits between the platband and the wall indicate that the plane around the door was poorly aligned. Often, the painters, facilitating their work, require that the platbands be nailed or stuck simultaneously with the installation of doors. Then the existing gaps are very easy to dress with putty, and they will be almost imperceptible. True, after a few cotton door around her, cracks will appear, and then put off the putty. But this will happen at the end of the repair, when the work will be accepted and hardly anyone becomes complaints.

Adherence to traditions, of course, is very important when choosing a plinth. However, it is hardly necessary to ignore such factors as its combination in shape and color with the other elements of interior, platbands, furniture [four] . In addition, the "Europlintus" would be better approached, parts of which would not perform for the surface of the platbands. Asleh, he would coincide with the Italian door in color (its lower part is visible in the picture), together they would form a single circuit, a harmonizing room. This is how it is done in another apartment. [12] . Note that imported furniture often does not have an outline on the rear panels corresponding to the domestic plinth. Such furniture can not be put close to the wall, which generates tangible inconvenience.

Another rough mistake noticeable in the picture [four] - that with a closed door with a bathroom outdoor, tiled floor gets out. If the door was opened out, and not inside, the sash would be just above the border of the floor and the blue tile would not be visible. It is not clear why not accepted such an obvious decision. Moreover, you can change the side of the opening of the door-adjacent simpleness to it all the same non-functional.

The floor of the bathroom is raised relative to the overall level of the apartment. This solution is quite acceptable for inexpensive repair without redevelopment. To avoid changing the level of the floor, it would have to demolish and build a re-all the bathroom or make an aligning mortar screed with a thickness of 5 to 10 cm. Note that the initial floor of the bathroom with a small (about 5 cm) onto the battle around the perimeter several prevents the apartment from flooding. Listening to the accident, a certain risk of which remains even with ultra-plate repairs, such a structure will not allow the rest of the room from 50 to 150 liters. However, when repairing, the side itself is often either cut (in the picture [four] It is missing), or raise the floor to its level. It turns out that even as a result of a small problem of the mixer or washing machine, water from the bathroom immediately rushes into the corridor. Aon does not have a waterproofing layer, therefore, there is a threat of leakage on the lower floors. We are not talking about such things as a breakthrough of the water riser (even if the floor is higher) or the crash accident. Of course, such incidents are quite rare, but their consequences can be very serious. In the present case, you will have to repaid repairs in your own apartment, in the worst - pay it on the lower floors. For example, if the changes made by the repairmen in the plumbing network were not agreed with the MVK (as happens most often).

In order not to risk, you need to or make a new side (but then the removal of the old floor is generally deprived of the meaning), or omit the bathroom relative to the level of the rest of the apartment. Such an opportunity appears due to an aligning screed (it is necessarily done with each capital or, if you want to renovate), which raises the overall floor level of several centimeters. The screed was made in this apartment. It is aware, the floor in the bathroom could be reduced.

The need to mask the junction between the parquet and tile by aluminum threshold also eloquently testifies to the quality of work. Actually, these decorative threshings are designed to cover the joints of the carpet, laminate, linoleum and connectivity of these materials with parquet or tiles. With inexpensive repair, floor alignment is not done, and small drops of its level are allowed in the transition places from one type of finish to another. Blooming similar joints should be placed strictly under the door. Then, with a closed sash, they are least noticeable. But the masking of the blue tile peeking out of the door is in any case nonsense.

The inclusion of the balcony in the residential space required the transfer of the heating radiator, and a small section of the liner to it was closed into the wall [five] . The connection of pipes was closed. At the same time, for some reason the main riser is open. It is clear that most pipes with red handles of overlapping cranes will hide behind the curtains and will not rush into the eyes [one] . But the riser on the border of the balcony, turned into an erker, turns out to be at the most noticeable place. It would be possible to close it with a decorative box (worth $ 100-150) with a small door, providing access to cranes.

Like iceberg, only "little things" are often visible on the surface, concerning finishes. Of course, they are able to spoil the impression of the most expensive repair, but still do not constitute a serious danger. However, there are exceptions.

For example, in the picture [five] The coarsest error is shown, the sockets installed in the immediate vicinity of the closed pipe connection. According to the existing electrical outlet standards, it is necessary to position at a distance of at least a half-meter from the pipes of the water pipeline and heating.

The underwater part of the repair iceberg includes a significant amount of work related to engineering networks, sewage, electricity. Most of the elements of these systems are tightly immuting or closed, and only small windows are left, providing access to nodes requiring periodic maintenance, for example, overlapping water supply cranes [nine, eleven] . The next example and these works are most likely made at an equally "high professional level".

Telephone and electrical outlets are located at different levels, although they are in close proximity to each other [fifteen] . It is strange that they were not combined into a common unit, as in other places [fourteen].

Gaps (again they!) Between the rosette frame and wall [fourteen] . In the first case [sixteen] They can be caused by negligence when installing. But, as a rule, similar gaps appear if there is an insufficient recess under the installation box, the protruding part of which was cropped. It can also be attributed to control errors, since no one checked whether the steel plate is tightly adjacent to the wall (the "insides" of the socket is attached to the code, and at the end of the work the upper decorative lid will be attached).

As for the second case [fourteen] The gap between the tiled and the rosette frame appeared due to the unusual concave surface of the tile. The defect could have been practically imperceptible if the foster group was exactly in the center of the rectangle and was located vertically, and not horizontally. Deepends under the socket are cut into concrete walls on one of the initial steps of repair and immediately in the entire apartment. This is done so that the vibration of the perforator and the fluttering fragments of concrete did not damage the walls of the walls, plumbing, doors, etc. Consequently, the error can be attributed to the account of approximate choice of the location of the sockets without taking into account the size of the tile and the method of its laying. Whereas, taking into account the unusual shape of the tile, their coordinates in the project (if any existed) it was necessary to point up to a centimeter. The yield would be the recesses made during the wall cladding, when the exact installation location of each socket is easy to determine. True, it would have to work very carefully and take a break in the facing so that the freshly lubricated tile does not suffer from the vibration of the perforator.

Obviously, the type of tile was completely not taken into account when electrical work was carried out. In addition, tile work in the second bathroom (with a combined floor) was conducted without understanding how the door would be installed. The ATEA testifies only to the fact that during the repair did not exist a single coordinating center or in this capacity was an inexperienced foreman.

The form of electrification of the bathroom is popular with our citizens (installing outlets and switches in it, that is, the neighborhood of electricity and water or water vapor) is the topic of a separate serious conversation. In the case in the bathroom equipped with integer 4Electrics. Even if you do not take into account the existing rules for the installation of sockets and switches in raw and wet rooms and guided by ordinary common sense, then at one glance, the mirror mirror can be imagined that it settles on the surface and "filling" of devices. For now, their safety is provided with "grounding" (more precisely, it would be to call it by repeated "reinforcement") and the installation of the RCD. However, given the fact that the "grounding" and "zero" is not exactly the same, and the fact of numerous fakes of the UDO devices sold in our markets can be considered that the issue of safety of sockets in the bathroom still remains open.

In Soviet times, when the repairs came down mainly to painting the doors and wallpaper crossing, such problems, as a rule, did not occur. Today, probably because of the "mass impoverishment of the population", changes to the engineering systems of multi-storey houses are made in each second repair. This, how professionally these works will be carried out, the safety of the inhabitants of the apartment and their neighbors depends largely. Consequently, the repair is best started not from shopping hiking in search of finishing materials or new furniture, but from the recruitment of a professional contractor. Since the repair level is primarily determined by the quality of work and only by the reception of materials.

The editors thanks "Foundation for the Promotion of Construction" for help in organizing photography.

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