How not to flood your neighbors: 8 Bathroom repair tips


Waterproofing, use leakage sensors and do not forget about therapings of the pipes - we tell that it is worth considering when repairing the bathroom to prevent leaks.

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How not to flood your neighbors: 8 Bathroom repair tips

1 Perform waterproofing

Careful waterproofing will protect you from flooding neighboring. It is necessary to do this at the floor fill. First, it is necessary to treat the surface with a waterproofing composition, then during the screed cover with liquid polymer mastic in two layers.

At the installation of the bath or shower cabin, do not forget to handle the junction between the plumbing and the wall. You may seem that through a small gap water will not penetrate. But even if it is not the cause of the flooding of neighbors, moisture under the bathroom will soon turn into a fungus that smells unpleasantly. Get rid of it is much more difficult than to immediately hydroize the joint.

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2 Do not save on materials

Usually the repair of the bathroom is performed with a capital alteration of the apartment: many pipes hide in the walls, change risers and buy a new plumbing. Such work is carried out in the apartment not so often to save on materials that must serve for many years. Therefore, it is better to overpay, take high-quality pipes and other details than then redo repair and buy all over again.

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3 Do not close completely

According to the law, it is forbidden to stir up, since when leying it is difficult to find its source. We will have to completely break overlap. You can close the pipes with plasterboard and make a hatch to provide access to them. We advise you to make it wide to get to all communications if necessary.

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How not to flood your neighbors: 8 Bathroom repair tips 1472_7
How not to flood your neighbors: 8 Bathroom repair tips 1472_8

How not to flood your neighbors: 8 Bathroom repair tips 1472_9

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How not to flood your neighbors: 8 Bathroom repair tips 1472_11

4 Put the collector

The collector is a device that distributes water pressure evenly to all plumbing devices. If the leakage happens, thanks to him you can overlap each pipe separately. It will provide not only security, but also convenience: access to all plumbing will be in one place.

5 Use leakage sensors

Sensors leakage are devices that are usually placed in wet areas: near the risers, under the shells, bathroom or shower, near the toilet, under the washing machine and water heater.

The scheme of their work is simple: as soon as a large amount of water falls on the sensor, they sign up to the leakage and give the command to block the valves to which are connected.

If you are not ready to install sensors, there is an alternative: a pallet that protects the floor from leaks. It also needs to be placed under the wet zone. If water falls into it, it will be in a plastic container, which will send it to the front edge. Water will be on the floor, however, it will help immediately notice to flow and get rid of it on time.

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6 Put the leak valves

Flexible wiring connected to the toilets and mixers are rapidly wear out. In addition, manufacturers often make them poor-quality or allow marriage. Such will not withstand high pressure. To avoid leakage in this place, it is worth using special valves. If the pressure grows sharply, they immediately block the water.

However, there are nuances: the valve will work if there is a good water pressure in the house. If the pressure in the pipes is low (no higher than 2.5 atmospheres), then the device is useless.

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7 Do not forget about crimping

Pressing is a procedure at which plumbing is served in pipes air or water under high pressure to check the integrity of the system. Thus, you can find out the weaknesses and disadvantages of the wiring.

Many to reduce repair time, do not make the procedure. However, this is a big mistake: if you do not check everything, there is a chance that the pipes will be driving fast.

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8 Put an electric heated towel railway in the bathroom

Leak water heated towel rail - a frequent problem. The carving is to blame, which most often slows slowly. To completely eliminate the possibility of leakage, it is worth replacing it with an electrical model. It consumes not a lot of electricity, so it's not worth worrying for the accounts. In addition, it can be turned off at any time when additional heating in the bathroom is not needed.

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