Lower ceiling, higher floor


Podiums and mezzanine. Multi-level structures in the works of domestic and foreign designers.

Lower ceiling, higher floor 14724_1

Man is a strange and conflicting creature. It would seem that there may be better residential rooms with high ceilings? But the sign of elitism and hope for a healthy psyche of some of us does not seem to be the limit of perfection, but is perceived as a reason for the search for original solutions. The construction of the dysfypest structures (podiums, steps, antlesole, etc.) used as a place to work and rest inside the common space, one can perceive in different ways. As an extreme degree of economy: not to disappear by excess methms. As the initial stage of egoism: a personal cabinet or bedroom, and even raised above the household bustle of relatives. Here you can see and depressed memories of the Stone Age: A smooth surface in the caves was simply not, it was necessary to climb up, then go down, and the most reliable refuge turned out to be a close ledge under the storage. But why look for reasons, if much helpful and more interesting to analyze the effects - different style, functions and methods of manufacturing podiums and mezzanine, created as domestic and foreign designers?

Scenography apartment

Lower ceiling, higher floor

The Mondadoripresse Theater is sometimes required to create on the scene of the scene depicting an ordinary apartment. Of course, no one is trying to copy real rooms and corridors. Yes, it would not be possible, because the scene dictates its laws. Any decoration is conditional and first of all should work on the performance, be convenient for the development of action and not interfering spectators. But the theater fascizes, does not pass and a few minutes, as your acquaintances live in a similar apartment, and the same lamp, the table and the closet are in relatives, etc.

When looking at this room there is a completely reverse association. As if before us, a small scene with the scenery of the play from modern life. Now the third call will be heard, and the action will begin. Inhabitants of the house will be exchanged by remarks, run in the stairs. Right door will include new characters, and look at your monologue, heroine into the left window. Interestingly, for whom a gray sofa is intended, standing accurate on an advancement - for viewers or for actors?

Such a strange association is explained by unusual, excessively saturated from a functional point of view by solving space. It seems as if someone had set themselves the task to enter into the minimum amount of the maximum of the premises. A miniature kitchenette with a table that simultaneously playing the role of a bar counter, flows into a ascetic living room, whose television music unit fits tightly under the first podium. It is equipped with a study with a real desktop and book racks. On the second podium, under the ceiling, the bedroom settled. Perhaps such extended multi-storey is more appropriate in Comedy Del Arth than in a real apartment.

Triple orientation

Lower ceiling, higher floor

MondadoripressPride three ways to use the cabinet. Punching tips We offer our pictures. So, the first way: you can put something in it. Second: you can drink something on it. Well, the third? This one can put something on the other hand. The result is a whole structure, which is based on our wardrobe, and a small office is crowned around it (right), pantry, it is the wardrobe (left), and a spoolroom (at the top). The solid cabinet made of laminated panels can boast of a huge number of diverse shelves and boxes, which will be seated by all the movable property of the hosts of the house, and it will not improve the severity of a freshly reconnected apartment with its sloppy. This is such a difficult cabinet.

The desktop is also not too simple. Probably, when moving to a new place, two of the four of his legs were lost. In order not to spoil the stylish furniture with a cored fake, we decided not to look for new ones, but to open one side about the stairs. In fact, the countertop has become a fifth step from below in the rest of the most ordinary stairs. The meter width of the table is able to provide a workplace at once with two workaholics.

P. S. The upper part of the mezzanine is not accidentally painted with white paint. This is a kind of disguise, designed to make not such a bulky two-story design. Like a white camouflage bathrobe makes imperceptible paratroopers on the snow, and an additional level against the background of the ceiling is not particularly striking.

Dream Oblomova

Lower ceiling, higher floor
Fotobank / E.W.A. Drug-colored pillows lined up by a row, like girls at the beauty contest. A striped, in a cell, with flowers and ruffles ... Cashlessly whipped, they miss the evening in anticipation of the evening, when the owners comfortably fit on a spacious sofa, leaning his back of the checkered, putting a striot under the fox. You can set up as your heart, the benefit of the unusual sizes and the sofa configuration allow. His soft twists run along the three walls, circling on the road a clumsy column to resume the bookshelves puzzling to the ceiling. If you want a book, read the eyes until your eyes stick together, but if you want a TV look. Or not, opposite such a sofa is a whole home cinema to arrange. To fall and do not get up to the first roosters, enjoying a truly boric nonesthelnia. Acreslands, also quite good, but with the sofa, it is still incomparable, let them remain for guests.

P. S. If a similar sofa appears in your apartment, do not hang a big picture over it in a heavy frame. You will spend so much time lying on it that an inexorable probability law sooner or later wates a kara for you for a fever. So let it be light watercolors, and not the "ninth shaft" of Aivazovsky in a natural value.

In a single style

Lower ceiling, higher floor

Mondadoripress throat requires a special relationship. Antique chair where they do not deliver, and the new soft headset will not look decent against the background of old faded wallpaper. In the case, elegant Italian cuisine pushed the hosts of the house to the specific design of a large twisting space. Looking and decorative motifs there is a hint of the inner decoration of rural houses of ancient Tuscany. Against the background of white walls, reddish brown wooden parts and planes are distinguished. The trendy chrome-plated metal of the kitchen front is replaced on the balcony forged, painted in a dark green color of the railings. Simple, without strollery chairs, a table, a bed and a chair resemble the furniture made sometime manually and transmitted from generation to generation. A multidimensional room that combines several functional zones is perceived as an ensemble, entirely designed by a talented modern designer in the spirit of national traditions.

Road on an air cushion

Lower ceiling, higher floor
Fotobank / E.W.A. Bez Podium can be done, not something without floors or walls. Additional level of dwelling is, of course, the subject of luxury. Having decided to create it in my apartment, you must be prepared for a certain set of problems, such as: buying additional materials and structures, explanations with builders, most likely never before anything like that, etc. It is necessary to know exactly where and for what purposes you need a podium. Only in this case the interior ultralness will turn into a key design element.

The owners of this apartment thought out all possible options for using the podium. Review with the idea, it is made very low (approximately 15cm), shakes a soft carpet and passes through the middle of the living room directly to the bedroom. You can use it in different ways: as a long seat near the fireplace, like a foot stand for sitting on the sofa or as a bench near the chair. Asseta podium is the main element that combines the living room and the bedroom in the overall space. Doorway is the same width as the podium, for the sake of creating this effect is left open, without sash.

In the spirit of Hemingway

Lower ceiling, higher floor
Fotobank / Living etc.Mimalism is minimalism, but there are reasonable borders! Repeating now those forms that in the old days people used only because of extreme shores in the means, risk to choose not so much a fashionable designer as an incorrigible romance. From those for whom the board salted by the sea, constructed from the side of the half-filled boat, is more expensive than the most luxurious ceramic countertops, and the honest hardness of the wooden bench does not compare with the flexibility of ergonomic plastic chairs. Such people create housing to become themselves, not saving the gross textures and curved walls. From the depths of the soul rose pages read in childhood books about round-the-world travels on high-speed schooners. In the same way as in the sailor kubrick, a table top suspended on the ropes to the ceiling, and guests are freely seated on a low bench. It is not necessary to be afraid to drop something on the floor, it will be easier to lift. The rare refrigerator, knocking out of the context, was shamefully hidden in a niche, hoping that no one would pay attention to his door - "Pusiko". Well, painted, who did not know the plaster captivity, brick walls can successfully participate in any game that the owners of a strange apartment will be held. Today is the walls of the port tavern in Honolulu, tomorrow - the darkness of the Count Monte Cristo ...

Wooden history

Lower ceiling, higher floor
Fotobank / Hadler / StuhReaded texture, characteristic fragrant smell, heat to the touch and, of course, the ease of processing makes the tree the most common and desired finishing material. Divination of a cozy, calm situation in an apartment or a country house with it will not be compared. In love, starting with the main supporting structures of the house and ending with finishing cover with panels or rail, the tree serves as its owners faithfully and the truths, in response, asking only one thing: protection against dampness and beetles. It can never be too much, built only from a tree. The house only wins, on his amber-yellow background, everyone, even if it is new, the thing becomes the status of a historical relic.

Studdling in his home the construction of any additional structures, such as podium or mezzanine, most will prefer to use wooden frame and trim. It is gone. Let few of the skeptics reproach this material for excessively screeching. At the same glance on the attached to your attention, the attic enough to forgive any embarbage. Builders and architect managed to create an extraordinary atmosphere here. Running and cool, despite the bright sun outside the window, breathe white plastered walls, boarded floor, pine beams and rafters. Rocking chairs, hammocks and Lena at the top are designed to satisfy lovers of the most relaxing vacation or magazine, behind a cup of fruit tea or in dreams of future glory and greatness. Wooden mezzan liberated enough space, almost the whole floor, so that it was possible to play table tennis if the seating of the midfielder is replaced by the thirst for sports victories.

On Mexican manner

Lower ceiling, higher floor

MondadoripresStototes examples for owners of stone country houses or spacious apartments from ex-communal in Stalinist or pre-revolutionary buildings. For interior design in a similar style, a suitable cube is needed first. This refers not only enough area, but also a decent height of the ceiling. Avo wooden house game with colored plastered walls will look wildly.

So, you sincerely love the culture of the distant and hot countries of Mexico. Outset that its temperamental inhabitants not only savor the cross-free food, but also during interior design prefer to act resolutely and expansively. The walls in these parts are placed as rude (a special chic acquires the surfaces decorated with bare hands). Any retaining wall or low partition has a bevel wall thickness. No openwork structures, thin metal railing and glass stairs. Ikrasov are selected from the warm part of the spectrum: red, yellow, ocher, terracotta, brown, little green. The house should make the impression of grown out of the ground. There is no longer before "Fishing Bloch". If you raise the floor level, then in the whole room, separating it from the rest of the house a coarse monolithic staircase with painted in the same color as the wall, risers.

Worked and rest

Lower ceiling, higher floor
Grupo Axel Springer / MicaSa is fragile child health, as it turned out, it is unusually harmful to achieve technical progress in the form of a TV, computer and microwave. Slipping with this Our caring Ministry of Health has compiled recommendations on the permissible time to communicate children with these harmary devices. Azodino determined how much you can read, write, jump, run and eat. The correct routine of the day, alternating intense classes and rest, should guarantee the transformation of a normal baby in a rare welcome. Apparently, in the hope of such a miracle, this design was created. In order to handle the hand, the place to work with a written table, bedside tables and racks turns into a bedroom. For this you just need to push the bed from under the podium on the wheels. Video layer it must be fully automated. The photosensitive sensors ignite the desk lamp. The built-in timer at the right time gives a signal, and the sleeping place is retractable or removed. A mechanical hand takes out of the bed of a bedside kid and puts on a chair in front of the table ... Something similar was in Charlie Chaplin's film. And it seems badly ended. So it is better if the mother will be headed by all transformations.

P. S. As for metal railing, their presence is caused by the height of the step and the age of the child.


Lower ceiling, higher floor
Fotobank / E.W.A. "How good would be if the teachers did not ask the students a homework!" This thought was born and will be born in the head of every schoolchild in the eyelids. About lowned days and evenings, complete countless popsicle and rides on attractions! Onesecable TV screen! Noah. Geometry and literature, physics and botany, sometimes ethics of family life. A special line in a diary, containing a list of mandatory tasks, determines the degree of freedom every night. Unhappy children who are forced by caring parents engage in schools of arts are not exempt. Non-regular works at a writing desk are gently moving into the torment behind the web or piano. Children's room irreversibly turns into a classroom, office, artistic studio, etc. As a result, non-standard furniture appears on the light, designed by its intricateness to brighten the difficult weekdays of the child. For example, an improvised department with a full-fledged desktop and a drawing board at the top. But the most interesting here - racks for books and not only. Just standard as they occupy the wall behind the department. But in front of it, the racks are built into several rows, forming a comfortable ladder with their wide upper planes. Below is enough space for boxes with paint, albums in art and gray fluffy cat. Under the department, two cabinets are arranged, which are easily removed unnecessary Easel, chairs and a table for still lifes. Ivot already room is not littered with those crazy set of objects, which give such a charm of artists, but usually do not like Mama.

'' Because of the island on Strazhen ... ''

Lower ceiling, higher floor

Photo: Victor Khmara

Architect: Sergey Somnin

(Creative Studio "Adl", Kiev)

In the peak of overseas snobs, consider the podium made on a purely our material. Our not in the sense of geography, but in the sense of the originality of the residential foundation. The size of the room can be considered the average: 3.45,4 m, height is 2.97m. The room is multifunctional: here sleep, watch TV, read, make lessons, eat, are engaged in aerobics ... Each lesson requires the room of his own angle. The ichuglov, the writings of talented designers, in the end becomes much more than four. In the afternoon under the podium, the bed leaves enough space for the active sports and cultural life of the owner. The angular layout of the podium forced to deploy and all other elements of the interior: rack, wardrobe, staircase, bed. The last completed to order, instead of putting on the wheels standard. This is explained by an additional fifth face that the architect presented it.

P. S. Architect deliberately went to the device of a false-roll from drywall, painted in a dark blue color, right above the bed. In contrast, the rest of the room with a simple white ceiling seems higher. The effect is enhanced by applying light effects.

Without separation from production

Lower ceiling, higher floor

Mondadoripress Wire, you need to eat at home on the Internet or add speech on the discovery of some symposium. Where do you prefer to do this? The lining room away from the family bustle or on the balcony, which is the desktop and computer and the accuracy of the living room on the kitchen? For the room, it can be assumed that you are a normal person with a normal attitude to work. In the second case, the situation is more complicated. You, most likely, as a child, read the biography of Julia Caesar, and his ability to simultaneously make several things deeply smelled to you in the soul. Well, we have an interior option specifically for "multi-axle".

The height of the premises allowed to arrange a practically a full-fledged floor with a bypass gallery and a balcony-bridge. In order not to deprive the lower level of light, the number of partitions at the top minimized and limited to thin metal railings with panels from matte glass. A man working on mezzani does not interfere with taking into account the wife-thickening in the kitchen and look after sitting in the children's living room. "All-seeing Zeus" imperceptibly controls the focus on the life of the family. AESLI on the desktop to install a "smart home" control panel, then the household will simply not have a chance to learn, using your employment.

Family funds

Lower ceiling, higher floor

Photo: Georgy Shablovsky

Architects: AlexanderPlaksiev, Andreyermolinsky, Elenamelesenko, Galina Short, Anna Yermolinskaya

(Architectural Association "A5", SANKT-PETERSBURG)

In the old days of the wedding, the bed was given a bed, durable, metallic, with wrought decor and brass linings. Family life began and proceeded in all the rules, and the bumps on the racks were temporarily and excited. Vnashi days of those who want to acquire a creamy rarity not to find. Now in the fashion of the bed wooden, if not fulfilled by Italian designers, then at least made to order in Russia. The author's design guarantees the uniqueness of your furniture, you can be sure that there is no one else's the same bed.

In this case, the bed became part of a certain spatial design with a low podium, which occupies a third of the room. Smooth lines of steps suddenly burst with a rectangular frame. Plastic contrast is enhanced by a difference in the finishing of horizontal and vertical planes. The ends of the steps and the bed are made of laminated panels, and the surface of the podium and the steps are covered with carpet. But not in this confrontation of lines and finishes, the highlight of the plan. At the first glance, the underlined nebekjectonity of the most stable and reliable object of furniture is drawn. Almost half of the bed simply hangs in the air, without even a hint of a banal leg or base. It seems that only the air supports the married bed. The air, the talent of the architect and the skill of the joiner.

swallow's Nest

Lower ceiling, higher floor
Fotobank / E.W.A. A competitive development of society leads to a gradual change of semantic shades. For example, the phrase "homemade job" was still recently associated exclusively with non-excessive classes like murals of dolls or telephone secretary. Assee at home is more and more high-class specialists. Why spend precious time on the road? Home office, equipped with all necessary for communication with the outside world, became also popular as food kiosks at the subway. The combination in one room of different functions, of course, has affected its design. Strict furniture, fax, printer and computer- inappropriate neighbors for a table with a cape or loose folding sofa with an eternally sticking corner of the sheet. Sleeping in the apartment-office will have to be removed away and to reorganize.

This elegant white room with black chairs and chairs most likely a designer office. You will not immediately notice the ingeniously hidden on high cabinets (you can say on the mezzanine) sleeping places. The look, by passing them, rushes to the complex interweaving of beams and squeaks under the ceiling. So if it were not for the palter staircase between the cabinets and not a variegated bed linen, then the visitor would not have guessed about the multifunctionality of this room.

The level of universality

Lower ceiling, higher floor

Photo: Evgeny Luchin

Architects: Elena Pershin, Yuri Minakov

(Architectural and construction firm "A.G.A")

"The benefits, strength, beauty" - in these three words the whole architecture was concluded, under such a motto worked and all architects and designers will create. Creating a space for life, work, a person's rest, one cannot exclude from the scope of attention. None of the three concepts. In practice, each architectural and design idea passes a winding path from the abstract image through the form of the form of a form by the function to the final stage of constructive development and implementation. Such a multistage system is easier to understand, considering its stages on the real example.

The idea to arrange in the living room podium, which came to mind to architect Elena Peshina, immediately liked the customer. A wide broken plane was supposed to replace the set of chairs with an ordinary dining table. Excessive pretentiousness compensated for frivolous pillows. After all, it turned out that the podium can easily become a Turkish sofa, on which it is not forbidden to sit down with his legs, taking a glass of wine and putting around a plate with a snack. In parallel, they decided not to finish the entire design in the dining room, but to continue it in the hallway, combining with an unusual wardrobe, so that it was and where to sit down and where the shoes push. Of course, it was not possible to arrange a storage of different homely "hlama" under the podium. Of course, a rich set of functions demanded an appropriate level of designed design. After all, the podium was to withstand without the slightest deformations the weight of several people, and even from the facade side, the doors should appear, easily opening, but not staggering. Exterior design decided to make a somewhat exotic (do not forget about "Turkish" parties) and at the same time echoing with laminated parquet and wooden furniture. Cork coverage perfectly coped with this task. The result is to you.


Lower ceiling, higher floor

Mondadoripress is the odious Barbie doll thoughtfully and is rendered to the smallest details. Starting with secular entertainment, it seems to be golf and ending with newcomer wellness programs - all possible aspects of the atypical ideal life of modern man became part of its world. What to say about the management of the household and the arrangement of "real estate". On the shelves of toy stores, team-collapsible rural houses and urban apartments for every taste are banging. It remains only to regret that not every child lives as comfortable. Avted would have enough even a little barbell next to the cottage or made from the covered tents on the floor of the room, so that the younger family member for his whole life remains the memory of his own corner of the universe. If the view of the Furnacent-rag-boxed Bivouak in the nursery does not impark you, you will be thrown over the saw and screwdriver and build for your baby a magic house. Shell on the second floor, with niche windows, with embedded shelves and with a clock upstairs. Just as a real, only smaller and much more beautiful. Do not restrain your fantasy! Innese Be call to the construction brigade of the child himself. Participation in the construction of your own house will not only be interesting for him, but also useful. It is unlikely that he will be able to score nails, but paint the wall and decide how much shelves need, perhaps even a five-year-old baby.

Minimalist lair

Lower ceiling, higher floor
Fotobank / E.w.a. The distribution of minimalist motives in residential interiors is not surprised. At first glance it seems that this style guarantees any adept opportunity to create a fashionable space without much costs. No circumferences and manifest lines in the ceiling and wall decoration. Simple orthogonal forms, rough surfaces in combination with a noble glitter metal, polished wood and leather. Functional, deliberately ascetic furniture, muffled colors and no chubby chairs, lambrequins and crystal chandeliers. The recipe is easy, it is difficult to achieve harmony, find the golden middle between poverty and sophistication.

In this room, the part of which occupies the podium equipped under the bedroom, it was possible to create an amazing feeling of calm, far from the bustle of space. White of walls effectively shade black failures resembling exits into other worlds. The high window- "Lantern" with a beveled horse rests straight into the podium with a sleeping place. So you can admire the nature through horizontal blinds, without leaving bed. Light white railing chopped up the bedroom from the rest of the room. Only a vase with flowers violates the strictness of the interior, bringing freshness and naturalness of wildlife into the black and white palette.

Before the appearance of the style of "minimalism", people enjoyed to determine the situation devoid of excesses (asset and domestic), the concept of "Spartan". You could, if you can justify the meager furniture to the philosophy of the citizens of the Greek city, to justify the poor furnilization of his room. Soviet era "Spartan" lifestyle, peculiar to students and other young professionals, living spiritual values, contrasted with burghers of luxury, vulgarity and detachment. The minimalism that came in the second half of the XXVEK, was easily became the style of intellectuals and natures, surrounded by simple forms, monochromia and free spaces to cultivate their own inner world.

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