Fear of slow fire


Gas plates. Features of operation, comparative characteristics of imported and domestic models.

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Fear of slow fire
Embedded modules of the heating surface.
Fear of slow fire
The gas stove is able to become a real decoration of the kitchen.
Fear of slow fire
Non-standard large gas stove.
Fear of slow fire
Candy Plates are equipped with an electrical ignition system.
Fear of slow fire
Gas ovens do not provide a uniform temperature field, so they are replaced with electrical in modern plates.
Fear of slow fire
One of the best Russian gas plates of the brand de luxe.
Fear of slow fire
Combined gasoelectric stove "Hephaest".
Fear of slow fire
National Gold Portable Gas Plate is ideal for quick cooking conditions.
Fear of slow fire
Combined gas electrical surface from Electrolux.

Do you know, with most of our fellow citizens associate the phrase "home hearth"? And sociologists know: with a kitchen stove, and mostly gas, with a light. Well, as the poet said: "A look, of course, is very barbaric, but faithful." After all, she, the birth, and feeds, and heats, and turns the kitchen into a cozy place to communicate in the family and the closest friends. Is it still able to be a miracle of modern technology? Let's discuss.

By type of energy used, household plates can be divided into solid fuel (i.e. wood or coal), gas and electric. More convenient to operate the last two. Moreover, the struggle for the sympathies of consumers is carried out between them with varying success. The intermediate position is occupied by combined plates in which three gas burners are adjacent to one electrocontunge (less often the ratio of 2 + 2) or instead of a gas oven uses electrical.

Now, so to speak, about the position in space. On this basis, gas plates are divided into two large families: detached and built-in. For now, the most common models of the following dimensions are the most common: 5050cm (small) and 6060cm (large). In the early years, the intermediate sizes appeared in Russia - 5353cm. In addition, there are portable desktop models.

Different manufacturers offer dozens of varieties of gas stoves, often little than different from each other. Which one to choose, that is the question. You will have to answer it yourself. Our business is somewhat clarify for you the overall picture, throwing the advertising husk.

For analysis, we use the generally accepted criterion of the "price-quality" criterion. The scene here everything seems to be clear: how it is lower, the better for the buyer. Avota The concept of "quality" needs clarification. We formulate it as the body's ability to satisfy more needs without repair and increase the price.

To begin with, consider the most massive family of gas tiles individually. About ten plants produce them, many of which are based 40 years ago and produce outdated models. The largest and most modern plant, built in the USSR, is "Brestgazoapparat". For him, the latest technology and equipment were purchased for Soviet-time, allowing more than half a million gas plates in good quality per year.

The loss of Russia in the early 90s of the main producer of gas plates (G. Brest) forced RAO Gazprom to build two new factory - in the city of Tchaikovsky and in the Krasnodar Territory, as well as to purchase a major stake in the Bresthazoapparate enterprise. At the same time, a new plant for the production of household plates was practically created on the basis of the Penza Production Association "Eutt". For this purpose, the Italian company Delonghi acquired a license, purchased modern technologies. In Russia, in Russia the main "player", which controls more than 50% of the market, is the holder of the Gefest trademark. Next, competing producers of the "Darina" plates (G.Chaikovsky) and de Luxe (Pynza) are competing, and then all the others. In the enterprises that we attributed to the "other", the situation, of course, is very different. Someone produces one or three thousand plates instecha and has its own consumer niche, and someone most of the time is idle.

On some household gas stoves installed a device that automatically stops the gas supply to the burner if the flame went out. This is called gas control system. Its main elements are a flame presence sensor (as a rule, it is a thermocouple) and an electromagnetic shut-off valve that overlaps the gas pump tube. The thermocouple is installed near the burner and, ruling from the flame, generates a voltage by which the shut-off valve opens. When the flame goes out (for example, from a strong wind gust or due to stopping the gas supply), the temperature of the thermocouple decreases, the voltage drops and the shut-off valve closes the opening of the gas supply tube. When you press the power on the torch, the valve opens. However, this can be done only after a certain time (30-90 seconds) after the flame went out.

De Luxe and Darina plates are manufactured in European samples, production is carried out on modern equipment. Failures due to constructive flaws in these plates are practically absent, since they were taken as the basis not the most modern, but but reliable models. The most common defects are technological associated with the inaccurate implementation of individual operations and the assembly process as a whole. For example, there are often damage to the enamel coating or the oven door.

Functionally plate de luxe and "Darina" are almost identical. There are models and electromotive burners, and without it. Moreover, the first rubles are 500 more expensive, so in terms of the criterion "price- quality" is more rational to take a plate without an electric ignition and buy for 80 rubles. Household gas lighter. By the way, it will provide reliable ignition regardless of voltage problems in the power grid. It is necessary to take into account the fact that the "Darina" plates are made less than two years and, although their production is rapidly increasing, there is still no reliable statistics of failures. The plates of de lux exist for more than five years, the assembly technology has already been established, the quality is good.

Foreign gas plates manufacturers

Manufacturer, country Trademark Number of models, more Price *, thousand rubles.
AEG, Germany AEG five 10-15
Ardo, Italy Ardo. 10 7-11
Bompani, Italy Bompani. five 6-10.
Bosch, Germany Bosch. 10 9-13
Brandt, France Brandt. five 11-15
Kaiser, Germany Kaiser. 10 8-13
Merloni, Italy ARISTON. 10 7-12.
Indesit. 10 6-10.
Simiens, Germany SIMIENS. five 10-14
ELECTROLUX, Sweden Electrolux 10 10-14
* - Prices are presented as of 01.12.2000.

One more thing. The buyer should know that household appliances with greater functionality require more stable conditions during operation. Loss about them, unfortunately, you only have to dream. Let's say, it is known that in the morning and in the evening with a large gas consumption, the pressure in the highway can fall compared with the daily 2-3 times. The reduction in voltage in electrical networks is not so much much, but it occurs at the same time day and is superimposed on the gas pressure drop. This can lead to unstable operation of electrical burners and gas control systems.

Russian GOST R 50696-94, in accordance with which the design and operation of Russian plates occurs, takes into account gas pressure fluctuations. Thus, gas stoves should work steadily when the pressure changes from 650 to 1800 Pa at rated pressure in the network of 1300 Pa. For comparison: EN-30 Standard, regulating the development and operation of household gas plates in Europe, prescribes pressure to change no more than 1.5 times: from 1500 to 2300 Pa at a par 1800 Pa. According to EN-30, the test of electrical and gas and gas control systems occurs at maximum and minimum gas pressure. Some European manufacturers (for example, Kaiser and Merloni), when delivering their products to Russia, take into account local specifics. It is these firms that are leading foreign representatives on the Russian market of household gas technology.

The following features of the operation of imported plates in Russia impose their imprints on our choice, but do not yet make it unequivocal. After all, if the parameters of gas and electrical networks are stable, then higher functionality and technological perfection make foreign models preferred.

However, comparing the design of imported and Russian plates, you come to the paradoxical at first glance. Aimenno- that Russian gas plates are more perfect on engineering solutions. First, their efficiency is 10% higher than that of European products, and, therefore, they burn less gas. Secondly, our products provide a safer gas combustion products. This is obtained due to the fact that the Russian GOST on environmental requirements is significantly tougher than the European standard. For example, according to GOST P 50696-94 in combustion products, the content of carbon monoxide (carbon monoxide) should not exceed 0.01-0.03% (by volume), and nitrogen oxides - 200 mg / cube. According to the European standard EN-30, the concentration of carbon monoxide can not exceed 0.1-0.2% (10 times more!), And the content of nitrogen oxides is not normalized at all.

The roots of our "hardness" lie, if you figure out, in poverty and cold climates. When in the 50s, the mass gasification of cities and towns, the kitchen, according to the standards, had an area of ​​4-7 square meters. m, the forced ventilation was absent. It was this that caused the developers to create gas household appliances in terms of burning fuel. Aeuropean countries went to their natural ways to regions with a warm climate: they use forced ventilation systems with multiple air exchange, and they have a lot more kitchen. Therefore, strictly speaking, European gas plates should be sold in Russia complete with an exhaust, providing no less than 10-fold air exchange in the kitchen. It is clear that as a result, imported products are becoming more expensive at $ 100-150 (in other words, the full cost of the new Russian plate). European manufacturers are not reported directly about all this to the Russian buyer, but also does not want to violate the law. Ivota is already in most corporate stores over the gas stove unobtrusively hung hood: you want to buy, but you want. The fact that European firms lucavo shine these delicate circumstances is quite understandable. It is not clear: why do Russian firms scream about their competitive advantage at every corner?!

The leader of the domestic market JSC Brestgazoapparat produces about 500 thousand plates of almost all versions of the execution per year: gas (more than 30 species), gas-electrical (more than 10), including electric powder, and others.

Currently, according to the criterion, the price of the quality of the HEFEST plate is confidently compete with Ardo and Bompani products. However, this equilibrium seems to be disrupted not in our favor. The Merloni Group of Companies has built a household appliances plant in Poland. So do not be surprised if you meet in the store for $ 199 plates Ardo or Indesit in the store.

The kitchen appliances of world grandflowers are widely represented in our country: Electrolux (Sweden), Bosch, Siemiens, AEG (Germany), Brandt (France). This is undoubtedly high-quality, perfect technician. But it is 3-6 times more expensive than the Russian and 1.5-2 times, another European. According to the criterion of "price- quality", elite technique is inferior to the cheaper European (for example, Merloni, Kaiser, Bompani). This is due to the fact that around the world for the well-known brand is paid much more expensive, although they collect such brands now not only in Germany or Sweden, but also in Eastern Europe and South Asia.

For Russia, a family of built-in gas kitchen equipment - a new, rapidly developing market segment. Built-in gas technician is, in fact, the plate, divided into two parts: upper-burners and the lower-separate gas oven. Such constructive dismemberment makes it possible to significantly expand the possibility of installing gas appliances in the kitchen.

In more modern designs of gas stoves, the thermostat of the burner (one or two), which automatically maintain the specified thermal power, help the hostess in the preparation of complex dishes, which require accurate temperature regime.

A normally adjusted burner gives a stable flame, without ripples, blue. If the flames of flame are unstable and periodically change the color from the blue to yellow, it means that the burner works badly and needs service. But if the neighboring burners operate in the same way, it is most likely not a stove, but gas (composition or pressure).

With a yellow flame, it is impossible to use the burner, it's time to contact the gas economy service. Listening to the appearance in the kitchen the smell of gas - immediately, not the touch of electrical appliances switches, extinguish the burner, break the gas supply tap to the plate and ventilate the room. Contact emergency gas service. Do not blame anything!

Russian firms such equipment are not released, therefore, the stores are presented extremely imported goods of all of the above manufacturers. The main advantage of the built-in technology is that, without occupying a lot of space in the room, it easily fits into the kitchen furniture. The built-in plate, also called the heating surface, or the oven allow you to create aesthetic and ergonomic interior. The embedded technique differs mainly in size, the amount of combined elements, their layout, and by control method: from its own heating surface, from the operating room, using the autonomous unit. Most of the proposed built-in ovens are electrical, not gas. This is due to the fact that currently gas ovens are not capable of competing with electric baking quality. Cause Banalna: Openly flame gas burners create a too large temperature gradient inside the oven. This shortage is deprived of gas ovens with infrared burners. Thus, you can buy a set consisting of a gas heating surface and an electric oven, at a price of 10-20 thousand rubles. The optimal "price-quality" criterion will be the choice in favor of inexpensive models of Kaiser or Merloni.

Intermediate position between the detached and built-in gas stoves occupy desktops. They are produced by plants in Brest, Kazan, Krasnodar and Omsk. By the ratio of the price- quality, two-magnetic plates of the GEFEST brand are the best. There are no time on sale desktop plates with economical, environmentally friendly infrared burners. They performed on the basis of the plate "Hephaest", but unlike all other gas stoves do not have an open flame, do not blend wind, do not pollute the dishes, walls and cuisine ceiling. In addition, the devices are 1.5-2 times less than gas, and the content of harmful substances in combustion products is reduced by carbon monoxide, 10, and in nitrogen oxides - 100 times! Plates with infrared burners can be successfully used not only for cooking, but also for heating rooms.

Data on domestic gas stoves

Manufacturer Trademark Number of models Price *, thousand rubles.


"HEFEST" 7. 3.5-6
Gas equipment plant,


"Electric" 3. 2.5-3.5
Plant them. Vladimir Ilyich,


Zvy. one (**)
Gas equipment plant,


"Idel" five 2-3.5
Gas equipment plant,

Krasnodar region

"Kuban" four 2.5-3.
Metallurgical plant

G. Lysva

"ELGA" one four
Gas equipment plant,


"Omichka" 3. (**)
Production Association "EVT",

G. Penza

De luxe five 3-5.5
Gas equipment plant,

G. Tchaikovsky

"Darina" five 3-4.5

* - Prices are presented as of 01.12.2000.

** - absent on sale.

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