Conquerors of the kitchen


Kitchen combines: differences in reliability models, technical characteristics, number of available operations, performance.

Conquerors of the kitchen 14748_1

Conquerors of the kitchen
Facilio7227 model (Philips) with ivory body housing
Conquerors of the kitchen
Babe Combine Vitasun2 (Moulinex)
Conquerors of the kitchen
Powerful 750-watt Combine MCM5300 (Bosch) in the company with its numerous components
Conquerors of the kitchen
Start button (green) in the PM900 model (Kenwood) is recessed into the housing, which prevents the possibility of randomly launching the combine
Conquerors of the kitchen
MK-8710P Combine Block (Panasonic) without nozzles
Conquerors of the kitchen
Most models of modern kitchen combines are provided by automatic inertial stack of electric shuffle
Conquerors of the kitchen
Removable knives inserted into a plastic disk are easily clean. Model MK-5070P (Panasonic)
Conquerors of the kitchen
Economy Model MCM1235 (Bosch)
Conquerors of the kitchen
14-speed CombinaxK700 (Braun)
Conquerors of the kitchen
Compact (192617cm) MCM1200EU (Bosch) combine will save place in your kitchen
Conquerors of the kitchen
The TERMOMIX (Vorwerk) combine body is made of plastic and has a shape of a triangular prism. This design facilitates access to the control buttons located on the front panel
Conquerors of the kitchen
In the non-working condition of the Dominomk7EK20 combine (Siemens) closes the glass

ceramic lid and turns into an additional worktop

Cooking has always been and remains one of the most troublesome homemade. Is it wondering that humanity is tirelessly inventing new and new ingenious fixtures for cutting, rubbing, interpretation and beating? The modest heroes of our two-kitchen combines are designed to reduce all this chaos into a slender system.

The combine, as follows from the name, is a complex device that can replace several others at once. Accordingly, one of its main work indicators is the number of available operations that defines functionality. Modern models of combines can combine a meat grinder, a mixer, blender, dough mixer, slicer. Of course, not all these functions are equally needed by each mistress. Someone is completely satisfied with the houses of the meat grinder, someone is satisfied with the old juicer. Therefore, choosing a combine model, it is necessary to clearly imagine that range of tasks you are going to decide with it.

Conditionally kitchen combines can be divided into three types: simple and cheap devices capable of performing 4-5 different operations with vegetables and fruits; More complex (10-20 functions, including the processing of meat and dough) and, finally, professional machines, characterized by high performance, power and reliability.

The combine of the first type is, it is essentially an improved vegetable cutter, equipped with additional accessories for the preparation of pasty mixtures and squeezing juice. Such devices usually know how to handle vegetables and fruits in different ways - for example, cut fucked fiber potatoes or slices, linked products or grind to the state of the puree. The power of such combines, as a rule, ranges from 400 to 500W, the volume of the bowl does not exceed 2.5l. Consider as an example model Ovatio2 company MOULINEX. The device has a power of 400W, the volume of the bowl is 2l. Such a "classic" ratio allows you to successfully cope with most food semi-finished products. Among the features of the device, the function is PULSE, which allows you to include it for a short time, as well as two speeds for different product processing modes. The compartment includes two nozzles for cutting (on small and large parts), two juicers (one of them for citrus) plus the disk emulsifier to obtain water-fat mixes. MK-5070P models (Panasonic), Vinasun2 (MOULINEX), MCM1235 (Bosch), Compactoplus (Siemens) have similar characteristics. There are in this class and domestic techniques "Energy", which are generally quite capable of competing with their Western "counterparts." Of course, all listed devices have an important advantage of a relatively low price ($ 50-150).

To the question, it is better to have homes - one combine or the few devices that it replaces is impossible to answer unequivocally. This is approximately the same thing that it is better to argue whether one five-fold bills of fifty ten-member bills are better. According to psychologists, we most often solve this tasks at the subconscious level. Indeed, a fairly stable percentage of people will always strive to acquire complex and multifunctional devices. Yves the same time a significant part of the population will prefer the graves, mortar, manual vegetables, and the like "highly specialized" devices.

More complex combines (for example, MK-8710P from Panasonic, MUM4655EU from Bosch, Combinax from Braun) are also supplied with a separate tank for grinding coffee and various spices ("dry mill"), centrifuger for pressing the pulp of crushed vegetables, special juicer- "Daptinka" For citrus, auger meat grinder with several nozzles and a mixer with the possibility of beating and kneading test. For example, the MK-8710P model is able to replace 10-wheeled devices. Of course, such universal features cannot not increase the technical complexity of the device, the power of its engine (it will be discussed below) and, accordingly, the value of most models ranges from $ 150 to $ 300.

In the instructions for various models, the unequal number of functions performed is mentioned. But to evaluate the combines on this feature standing with known caution. The fact is that each manufacturer understands his word "function" in its own way. Thus, Bosch indicates the number of product processing options in its prospects, and Philips and Braun - the number of equipment sets to perform similar operations. For example, the "cutting" functions in the CombinaXK700 combine (BraUun) correspond to at least 4-manifest operations of the MCM5300EU combine (Bosch) - by the number of different-dimensional knives. Therefore, it is necessary to assume that the 24-functional MCM5300EU combine is about six times better than a 4-functional CombinaXK700, it would be completely incorrect.

A few words about savings. A simple calculation shows that even relatively expensive combine with all imaginable and unthinkable "frills" by 30-40% cheaper than a set of mixer, blender, vegetable cutters, coffee grinders and meat grids (which is the manufacturer). Therefore, a food processor for a family, starting to lead its farm from scratch, - the acquisition is not only useful, but also very profitable. Not in vain, probably, these devices are often given to the wedding.

However, the ability to save up to 50% of the total cost of the combine exists for the owners of the kitchen "sucking infrastructure." Bosch, for example, offers customers a MUM4655EU model both with complete and minimal set of additional devices. In the "lightweight" form, this combine is equipped with a meat grinder, brooms for knocking off the souffle and a hook for the test and costs $ 110, while the price of its "full version" is about $ 200. For a person who does not want to duplicate the already available kitchen appliances, the benefit is obvious. If the owner of the "lightweight" modification suddenly comes up to acquire some additional detail, it will not have any problems, all devices and nozzles are available in free sale. Trade "Retail" is convenient for emergencies when it is required to replace a spoiled or lost part.

The kit may include three, four or more containers of different values ​​with completely different functions. Therefore, choosing a particular combine model, pay attention to the amount of cups and jugs attached to it and be sure to specify what they are intended for. In the opposite, do not be surprised if the combine "volume3l" will be equipped with a liter blender or bowl for the kneading 500g flour.

Capacitance of the cups should be selected depending on the number of consumers and, accordingly, the amount of food prepared for them. Remember, if you have a big family or there are many guests, the semi-trial bowl for salad is clearly not enough. If you are preparing in large volumes, then the combine must be chosen "bigger", for example, MUM700 from Bosch, designed for 5kg test. It is better that the device has a sufficient power reserve, since some operations (for example, kneading steep test) require significant energy consumption. With a weak engine, it will also be unfounded, either takes a lot of time, either lead to the engine breakdown.

What characteristics of the kitchen combine are of paramount importance for the buyer? Probably, this is the range of speed of rotation of the engine shaft and the magnitude of the rotation torque. The moment of rotation is, figuratively speaking, the force that the combine is capable of developing. As a rule, this value depends on the engine power and the design of the gearbox transmitting rotation from the engine to a working nozzle. Until recently, the manufacturers of kitchen appliances paid attention to basically an increase in the power of their devices. Therefore, housewives with experience from personal experience know: the more powerful an electric meat grinder, the better it copes with any meat. A strong motor will also need for simultaneous processing of a large number of products, the volume of the bowl in different models can vary from 1.5 l (for example, Vitasun from Moulinex) to 6.7l (KM-800 from Kenwood). Moulinex and today continues the release of combines on the old scheme: more than the volume of the engine is more powerful. A fundamentally different approach to the rate of power and the moment of rotation demonstrates Bosch: Receives Winning in force, reducing the operating speed. Thus, in the PowerMix model series, the reduced Double Action gearbox is used. A similar device is well familiar to owners of car SUVs called a reduced transmission. The design allows you to transfer the maximum effort to the nozzles where it is necessary, with a rotation speed of 25 rpm. The result complex with a capacity of 550W is not inferior on the created effort of a 1200-watt meat grinder.

Each method of ensuring the necessary moment of rotation has its pros and cons. Sodder, a powerful engine consumes more electricity. Solid side, complication of the design of the gearbox (upon receipt of low speeds, but of a large workforce) increases the likelihood of its breakdown. The apacks of any manufacturer seeks to increase the reliability of its products, the gearbox is made of high strength steel, which leads to an increase in its value, and at the same time the cost of the entire combine by 10-20%. What is more profitable, immediately pay more or then pay for electricity? Apparently, it depends on the intensity of the use of the combine, and ultimately, from the individual needs and tastes of its owner.

In some models, for example, AT7 (MOULINEX), MSM5300 (Bosch) and Faciliohr7727 (Philips) - the so-called pulse mode is provided (PULSE), providing the operation of the combine only when the start button is pressed. This mode is used for any short-term procedures (let's say when you need to beat a slightly sequential foam in a cocktail) and to improve the quality of product processing.

Striving for very high speed should not, it does not always mean high quality. Let's say if it is too vigorously to change the liver for patenta, it will turn into Kissel and will significantly worsen its taste properties. Therefore, combines with several speeds of work are preferable to their single-speed "fellow" - Vinasun2 from Moulinex and Compactoplushr2831 from Philips. The wider the frequency range in the engine, the more accurate the necessary processing mode of a product can be selected. Best in this regard, the BRAUN K700 models have been established (has 14 speeds with the possibility of their smooth regulation) and thermomix from Vorwerk (provides smooth control of the knife rotation in the range from 100 to 12000 rpm).

About the THERMOMIX model is worth telling. This is the only one of its kind combine having a bowl with automatic heating. As a result, all operations with products are carried out at room temperature, but in strictly specified conditions. The temperature mode is maintained in the range from +40 to + 100c with an accuracy of 5C. To comply with weight and temporal parameters, the bowl is equipped with built-in electronic scales with a step of weighing 10g (falling asleep into the bowl of the product, you immediately receive information, how many grams fall asleep) and the timer that runs in the range from one second of the up to 199. All this allows you to prepare delicacious dishes that require accurate following the temperature and temporal mode. Thermomix is ​​able to replace almost all the kitchen appliances, with the exception, perhaps the toaster and grill, - he weights, it fell, passs, misses the dough or mince, emulshes, cuts, crushes. The multiplicity of the device can significantly reduce the amount of dishes used for cooking. Stew vegetables, for example, are bold and heated in a single bowl.

Another "elite" combine is Domino MK7EK20 from Siemens. The only embedded model presented in the Russian market. Its main unit is made in the form of a 300520mm stainless steel panel. The depth of the embedding is 120 mm, so that there remains a free space under the process, for example, for drawers. After working out the device, the instrument panel closes with a lid and turns into a worktop.

And Thermomix, and Dominomk7ek20 are in a certain sense by professional combines, since it is designed for operation in intensive mode. The same categories of devices include the KM series KM series of the company. Their parts are made of stainless steel. The Kenwood Combine, Kenwood Combine, also says the volume of chasters that are used in these devices - from 4.6 to 6.7l. Of course, for ordinary families, such capacities are rarely required, except in the case of the mass invasion of guests.

The harder the kitchen combine model, the more different functions it combines, the more space in the kitchen is required to accommodate all accessories. Bowls, brooms, knives, panicles, collected together, will require much more space than the device itself. This point of view is relevant to the issue of the storage of the combine and its accessories. MOULINEX company is most rational response: a special stand is used for compact storage of nozzles, placed in the main chance of the combine. Bosch offers a support for nozzles in the MUM4655EU combine, but it will have to be put separately.

Since all models are equipped with sharp nozzles, their design is thought out with such a calculation so as not to be injured by the owner. All modern combines are equipped with a blocking system that will not allow the engine to join if the nozzle is imputable wrong. There are also protection systems and for the combine itself - fuses and (Panasonic bedding) circuit breakers are used on the network. Fuses will save from damage and meat grinder, listening to the blocking of the screw knife and exceeding the peak load controller automatically turn off the combine. AB Model MUM4570 (BOSCH) Installed so-called re-enable protection, the combine does not turn on spontaneously if the power failure suddenly occurred.

Comparative characteristics of kitchen combines

Manufacturer Model Bowl volume, l Number of speeds Power, W Price, $ Note
Bosch, Germany (5) MUM4655EU. 3.7. four 550. 180. Smooth start, motor protection against overload and voltage drops, auger meat grinder, butterfall
MCM5300. 2,4. four 700. 130. 24 Features, Double Action Function, Inertial Electrocabel Wear, Pulse Mode
Moulinex, France (7) AT7 Ovatio 3 Duo 3. 2. 700. 100 Function Pulse, 2Wide holes for installing nozzles, Holder for storing nozzles in a combine bowl
L 20 Genius 2000 2.9 12 550. 105. Automatic Nozzle Recognition, Automatic Speed ​​Control, Holder for Storing Nozzles in the Combine Bow
DG6 Vitasun 2. 1.5 one 300. 45. PULSE Function, Box For Nozzles
Panasonic, Japan (2) MK-8710R 3. 2. 450. 230. 10 functions, auger meat grinder
MK-5070R 0.8. 2. 220. 130. PULSE function, overload motor protection
Braun, Germany (4) COMBINAX K 700. 2. fourteen 600. 135. Soft pulse mode, low noise motor, dual security lock system
Siemens, Germany (2) Domino MK 7EK20. 3.7. four 700. 900. Built-in, stainless steel parts, overload protection and re-switching, glass ceramic cover
MK 52000. 2,4. four 700. 130. 22 Functions, Inertial Welding Electrocabyl
Kenwood, United Kingdom PM 900. 6.7 7. 800. 795. Stainless Steel Details, Speed ​​Speed ​​Change System
Vorwerk, Germany Thermomix. 2. Smooth adjustment from 100 to 12000 B / min 1350. 1200. 20 functions, slow heating mode, overheating protection, stainless steel bowl, electronic scales, timer
Philips, Holland (4) Facilio HR 7727. 2.5 five 700. 95. 4 Functions, Electronic Speed ​​Adjustment, Pulse Mode
Compacto Plus. 2,2 one 350. 65. Pulse mode, overload protection
* - in brackets indicated the number of models presented in the Russian market.

Hostess at a notes

Cupcake "Schwarzvald" with cherries and chocolate

(using the combine model L 20 Genius 2000 from Moulinex)

Place egg yolks and sugar into the bowl, shoot down for 30 seconds at speed number 10. Add wheat and corn flour, cocoa, cinnamon, baking powder and mix in PULSE mode (4-5 short-term clicks). Then, through the hole in the lid, pour milk and continue to shoot down for 30 seconds at speed No. 8. Shoot the mass into separate dishes. Egg proteins beat at maximum speed (№12), connect with a cooked mixture, mix (mode Pulse). Put the dough on the baking sheet, lubricated with oil, and put in the oven heated to 180s. Bake 30 minutes.

Install on the combine disk "D". The maximum cooled chocolate to grind to the powder state at speed No. 6. Through the mixer, mix the cherries and liqueur.

Cold cream to beat the pancake before receiving foam. Start at speed number 3 (30sekund), then go to speed number 8. Add sugar powder and mix.

Chilled crude cut along 3 particles and pave layers with cherries and whipped cream. Sprinkle with chocolate on top.

On 6-8 servings: korzh-10gmasla, 4th, 100 mgscaring sand, 75ggyptic flour, 25group flour, 25gkakao-powder, 1-way teaspoon teas, 3-way spoons of milk, vanilla sugar and cinnamon to taste; Still-300gfonserved cherries, 1stolla spoon of cherry liqueur, 400ml of single cream, 25 mg sugar, 20g black chocolate.

Cooking time is 45 minutes.

Egg Liquor "Lawyer"

(using the combine from thermomix)

Install a "butterfly". Yolks, sugar and vanillin beat at 7 70c at speed number 3 for 4 minutes. Add cream and vodka and continue to beat more 4 minutes. Pour into a bottle and cool.

It will take: 6 stories, 200 g of sugar, 200 g of cream, 1/2 teaspoon vanillina, 250 ml of vodka.

The editorial board thanks the company Bosch, Moulinex, Panasonic, Vorwerk, "M.Video", "Party", "Unionagrokomplekt", Thermomix for help in preparing publication.

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