Bathroom in a cell or striped life


Several designer decisions on the design of the bathroom.

Bathroom in a cell or striped life 14756_1

It is difficult to believe that some hundred years ago, the home bath was not ordinary convenience, but the subject of dazzling luxury. The entire twentieth century designers were looking for and found different options for designing a room in which this noble subject is placed. In the new century, the experiments continue, exploring the minds of the cleaning of ceramic tiles, glitter mirrors and chromium, complex designs of plasterboard. And we, in order not to be on the periphery, it remains only to devote one page of the magazine for the other. So...

Rainbow in Square

Bathroom in a cell or striped life
Architect: Maria Stepanova

Photo: Mikhail Stepanov

White looks well on a black background. Yes, gloomy, officially - but still good. That's just wishing to have a bathroom in the style of "People in black" quite a bit. Where attractive the neighborhood of white and multicolored. Especially if you choose not saturated, screaming, and delicate pastel shades.

Blue and lemon, pink and light green spots are randomly scattered on the floor, walls and ceiling. Before you, the bathroom designed by the architect Maria Stepanova. Which living room will be able to boast such disarming friendly! Multicolored squares cover numerous ledges, shelves and eaves, designed by their brutal geometry to balance a somewhat risky coloristic priority. Under the "patchwork blanket", a washbasin, a shopping cabinet, washing machine and a sewer tube were hidden. United, they immediately began to resemble an intricate puzzle.

On the ceiling, metal ceramic tiles are replaced by metal racks of the suspended construction. Not one company, not one store had to bypass the architect to pick up suitable colors for finishing all surfaces.

"Hey, fly!"

Bathroom in a cell or striped life
Architects: Vladimir Zhuykov, Grigory Mikhailov, Sergey Ivonin, Dmitry Egorov, Peter Nazarov (St. Petersburg)

Photo: Georgy Shablovsky

The problem of coloristic relationships of the background and the objects located on it can be solved significantly radical than simply by the selection of harmonious combinations of colors. All elements, all planes are capable of becoming components of a single volume-spatial composition. In this case, contrasts of textures, colors and finishing materials work to achieve a general effect. And here is not to the subtleties and reversion.

Bright paints are preferable. Mixing them on vertical and horizontal planes, the designer reaches almost a picturesque effect. However, consider: an abstract canvas, which turns into a bathroom, requires a special scale. In close room, a similar "picture" can simply be afraid of an uneasy-defined visitor. Therefore, if you decide to make a mini-scene from the bathroom bath for a punk group, or remove the room with an area of ​​20, or even 30 m2, or hang warning signs for guests.

Temple of purity

Bathroom in a cell or striped life
Architect: Andrey weak

Photo: Vitaly Nefedov

Bathroom (or even two) is in every apartment. It is aware of its location, as a rule, only the owners. A narrow door leading to the toilet is shyly hiding in the dark corridors. Moreover, trying to carry it out, bring out of sight, architects and designers come up with often very original moves. But it turns out that no less interesting options may turn out if the designer places the inverse problem: not embarrassed and not complex, to demonstrate the bathroom to the whole white light.

The essence of the idea is to highlight the whole bathroom in an independent architectural volume, which has its own walls, a ceiling-roof and windows for highlighting. Losing a little height, the room nevertheless produces a very strong impression. What is explained by the architect by the architect with the Stylistry of the Ancient Roman Church-Rotonda (like the temple of Vesta in Rome), rather than the benefits of functional.

Roman terms in the Moscow apartment

Bathroom in a cell or striped life
Designer: Natalia Panina (St. Petersburg)

Architect: Alexander Moudllowers

Photo: Evgeny Luchin

Our life is paradoxical: completely and very good turns badly, and clearly a glible case, on the contrary, gives an unexpected good luck. So in design: the vanity of the customer, creatively rethought by the architect, is capable of incarnate into unexpected stylization. An excellent confirmation of this thought can serve as a bathroom, associated with the ancient Roman thermions (let's say, Caracallas or even the cleaner). The bath is specifically mounted in the center of the room, on the podium, lined with ceramic tiles of different shades of brown. If it were not for the toilet and cranes, which give an idea of ​​the actual sizes of the composition, it would be quite possible that we were one of the cyclopic structures of Rome of the heyday. In addition to spectacular forms, the workshop made here is drawn here. Multiple to each other in size, square and rectangular tiles are covered with a solid carpet vertical and horizontal podium planes, switching with wall and floor finish.

Optimistic perspectives

Bathroom in a cell or striped life
Architects: Evgeny Polyantsev, Ekaterina Movchan, Mary Silver, with the participation of Sergei Makushev, Olga Brick, Maria Bazyli ("Merab Studio")

Photo: Vitaly Nefedov

The joint creativity of the architect and the Customer is based on mutual compromises, it is quite natural. In this case, the compromise was the solution to lay a large bathroom directly opposite the entrance door, near the living room and the kitchen. By carrying out this idea, architects received an extremely interesting, absolutely unique result.

The semicircular wall of the bathroom did not bring to the ceiling. The upper part of the partition was replaced by matte glasses fixed between frequent rafaling beams. Strange, not the Japanese, not the Polynesian design continues the overall decorative theme of the interior. The prospect of a long corridor with columns and wavy wooden beams ends with a fan of oblique slats over a light wall with an imitation of marble divorces.

Matte glazing made bathroom available for daylight. True, not so much so that it is not necessary to include electric. In the evening, with burning lamps, a bathroom and herself looks like a big lantern.

Toping paints

Bathroom in a cell or striped life
Architect: Tamara Voronkova

Stained glass: LLC "AVENIT"

Photo: Evgeny Luchin

Stained glass, due to its design, provides the artist with great visual freedom. Pieces of multi-colored glass, connected by strips from lead or other metal, can form amazing patterns. Which, by the way, come to life in the rays of light passing through them. The black Abris around each fragment gives the whole composition a certain graphship, which is compensated by bright saturated paints, which have been imposed by the effects of time. In favor of the stained glass, there is no restrictions on the form and size of the panel.

So what is preferred - stained glass window or stained glass? It is impossible to give a universal answer to this question. Someone likes one thing, someone else. You have to decide on the choice yourself, comparing the bathroom from the following plot here with this. Here the main decorative element is the stained glass window. Yes, there is always a fashionable and very suitable marine room for "wet" room: with multi-colored fish and algae.

Luminous painting

Bathroom in a cell or striped life
Architect: Vitaly Boldinov

Designer: Tamara Lobzhanidze (Firm "Renova")

Photo: Vitaly Nefedov

How fast we get used to beautiful things! The fact that even recently seemed to be the riding perfection and originality, already today, having hung up, pushes on new searches and experiments. Actually, this is progress.

For example, Venetian mosaic until recently was a big rarity in apartments, but now it can be found in almost every publisher in the interior magazines. And designers are looking for the opportunity to supplement the carpet from small bright squares in other decorative elements.

In the apartment designed by the architects of Renova, the bathroom is lined with a mosaic and, in addition, has a semicircular niche, which inserted an unusual glass with a multi-colored pattern and relief. The originality of the insert - in a curved form, repeating the radius of the rush of the niche. Seamless glass panel 1 cm thick was baked in layers - first the base, then a pattern with a pattern, etc. The idea of ​​architects embodied the teacher of Stroganovsky School Boris Tum.

The opening with a glass insert is made in a wall separating the bathroom from the living room. So a glowing pattern plays the role of a decorative element in both rooms. Of course, if the bathroom includes light.

Among the mirrors

Bathroom in a cell or striped life
Architects: Olga Sharapova, Sergey Alahverda

Photo: Mikhail Stepanov

Any bathroom is an impressive spectacle. The exception is only the premises deprived by the love and attention of the owners. Glitter clean tiles with or without relief, chrome details, exquisite forms developed by designers - all this is capable of making a bathroom with the most spectacular apartment. And the mirror is played in creating a magnificent image.

Mirrors in the bathroom never happens too much. Their quantity is limited to the unwillingness of the architect to contact the material complex in the work.

In the proposed bathroom with toned mirrors decorated several walls. Unexpected islets in the sea of ​​greenish glasses are highlighted inserts from ceramic tiles. The connection of the opposites is easily perceived, makes a pleasant originality in the interior.

The implementation of the author's plan demanded the decisions of not quite an ordinary technical task. The thickness of the mirror and ceramic tiles, taking into account the solution, is different. In order to get a flat wall plane, I had to secure mirrors using several layers of mounting glue tape and special silicone glue, which was purchased by architects on the glass plant near Moscow. Before setting the glue, the mirror tile was held with a ribbon, and then both fixing material worked together. Even if with time the tape will lose its properties, the tile will remain in place due to the glue.

Along the floor and walls, or "according to valleys and in the spring"

Bathroom in a cell or striped life
Architect: Larisa Melnikova

Photo: Alexander Gredomoboev

"The latitude of the Russian soul" is no no yes and will manifest itself in the works of our architects involved in interior design. And it's not a nationality. Most likely, professional traction is affected by the design of global objects comparable to scale with a shopping center on the Manege Square. Having at its disposal only rooms with quite "humane" dimensions, the architects of Will-Neils humble their energy and create excellent structured spaces. But sometimes from under the pencil, they are broken, turning into real surfaces and shapes, the echoes of hidden dreams. The small squares of the Venetian mosaic covers the walls and the floor and break down, slightly without reaching the ceiling. The spacious room with an oval bowl of the pool literally shines overflows of paints. Multicolored specks, as if on the picture of the Pointelist artist, mix, then breaking down, then pushing into a narrow tape, looping along the wall. Energy color, like a spring, pushes bright glass squares back and up walls. It seems that a wide carpet, running along the corridor, climbs the side of the pool and jumps on the opposite wall to frozen under the cornice of the tail ceiling.

Prose Island

Bathroom in a cell or striped life
Architects: Vladimir Kuzmin, Vladislav Savinkin

Photo: Vitaly Nefedov

Toilet - Room Functional Room. And because of this having completely defined dimensions. The entire action takes place on a patch with a diameter of centimeters 60, maximum 80. If you don't sweep the floor in the bathroom for a long time, the dust layer in the corners and along the walls will obviously confirm the said.

In all likelihood, the same thought came to the head of Architects Vladimir Kuzmin and Vladislav Savinkina. In the apartment designed by them one of the most interesting spectacles - guest bathroom. Judge for yourself: the site is highlighted in the center of the room on the floor, on the form similar to a drop. The rest of the floor was filled with a large pebbles. The "island" is located between the toilet and a small school. If you return to our imaginary experiment with dust, then pebbles here lies in her place. The original, but deeply thoughtful design in the prosaic room distinguishes real masters of its case.

Thrust for change

Bathroom in a cell or striped life
Architect: Sergey Knyazev (Novosibirsk)

Photo: Andrei Alenkin

Why do you need a hole in the floor? So that it does not care about it? Honestly, but rude. To make it easier to communicate with neighbors from below? Too utopian. To quickly go down, in the jump? Suitable only for firefighters. And what if you arrange the original in it? True, for this it should not be through, and on top of it will have to cover with something transparent and durable, such as glass. So you will start to invent a response to a stupid question - and the original idea is born ...

In fact, of course, Architect Sergey Knyazev did not take a guessing of stupid mysteries. He just tried to take into account the wishes of the future owners and created a small oasis in the bathroom - shelter bright colors and exotic items from distant countries. All this has the appearance of an unexpectedly arose right in the floor of a sand beach with sand, marine stars and pebbles. The overlap thickness allowed to arrange a niche of a depth of about 10 cm. Its walls are made of metal profiles and are lined with mirror plates, and on top, in one level with a floor, a durable glass is laid.

The composition at the bottom of the niche can be changed by conforming with its own mood, time of the year or fashionable trends. In the future, having resulted in the view of the same picture in the floor, the owners will sufficiently remove the glass and arrange new art objects in the deepening. Or spit there ...

Private property

Bathroom in a cell or striped life
Architects: Vladimir Kuzmin, Vladislav Savinkin

Photo: Vitaly Nefedov

Does your own apartment belong to you? Do not hurry to answer the affirmative. After all, carrying walls and communications, even if you are on your housing, for obvious reasons, the property is collective. Another question is how to arrange these not quite your designs and volumes. It all depends on the skill of an architect or designer. To turn an annoying interference to the main attraction of the interior is not particularly difficult.

As a visual example, we give a very unusually organized bathroom. The wall and floor, the magnificent hydromassage bath be pale before the glitter and almost organ majestic battery of various-caliber pipes. Truly architects erected a monument to all pipelines in the world!

Why hide what is able to decorate! Replace cast iron and black plastic with sparkling metal, painting or wrapped new polymer pipes with foil. Then take around them glass walls that form a kind of case. And as a result, you will receive a piece of the municipal water supply and sewage network in the private intellectual and aesthetic property.

In suspended state

Bathroom in a cell or striped life
Architects: Igor Kholmogorov ("A.Gor.A"), Kirill Gubarevich

Photo: Zinur Ranuddinov

Well-established ideas are good at least what they are interested and pleasant to contradict. You will imagine the same revolutionary - a stereotypes, we arm a pencil and a ruler, and then the computer - and forward. There, where the floor of the glass, the doors made of concrete, the roof of the paper, and there is no wall at all.

Although not. Let the walls be, but ... from glass blocks. And it's not something, but a bathroom. And to enhance the dramatic effect, you can bring to them a toilet and bidet. Unfortunate faience creatures, devoid of supports, cling to all their might for the last fragments of the walls left near them only from pity. In front of the thoughtful gaze, a picture is involuntarily arises: not the easiest guest prevented in the bathroom and (then the visual fantasy is replaced by sound) - noise, ringing, rumble of the falling body and as a final chord - a powerful splashing of water fleece. But no, nothing like this will happen. After all, this bathroom was designed by experienced architects from the company "A.G.". And for its absolute reliability and security they answer. Moreover, their practicality extends so far that the wall from the glass blocks, folded by the ledges, can be used as a rack for different household trifles.

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