Spring on your site


To the country house it is impossible to suspend the water supply. What to do? Dig well or bury well. Practical recommendations.

Spring on your site 14776_1

Spring on your site
Expanded equipment of self-propelled rig in the garden plot
Spring on your site
Three-headed chisel to destroy the breed during drilling
Spring on your site
Types of autonomous water sources
Spring on your site
Alsystem of the clay washing mortar in the pit (zoomf)
Spring on your site
The flushing solution is supplied with the pump of the drilling rig from the zumf to the upper part of the drill rod and then in the well. After that, together with a well-removed breed, it is supplanted on the surface and flows into a breakthrough groove back to ZUMF
Spring on your site

Luke cover next to a well made of concrete rings and glasses

Spring on your site

PVC pipes for operational column of the Artesian Well

Spring on your site

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Spring on your site
Borehole Submersible Pumps Webtrol and Grundfos

Who at least once drank the student spring water, probably no doubt that it is an authentic standard of freshness, purity and transparency. How realistic is your own spring source on the country site? What will it be the most effective?

How much water is needed?

In Russia, two types of autonomous water sources are especially common in the country areas: a mine well (made of reinforced concrete rings, with a brick or stone masonry and a wooden slab) and a well-drilled well (artesian or in aquifer). In the early, the time is becoming more and more popular exactly the well, as it takes less space and can be much deeper than the well, therefore it is believed that the water from it is cleaner. Drilling of the artesian well, as deeper, can do it more expensive than wells in the sand (for example, for the suburbs - 7-15 times). Therefore, it makes sense to determine in advance which of the two is optimal for your household. During counts, it usually mean that from an open water tap with a pipe with a diameter of 1/2 "flows 0.2-0.4 m3 / h of water. Adalche take advantage of the arguments of the BIICS drilling company's specialists. Whether in practice, they are usually faced With one of the five water consumption options.

Option 1. Garden house or cottage. Water is spent on cooking, washing and "unorganized" watering plants. All these needs can be satisfied with the help of the domestic "Kid" pump, which will provide an admission from 0.3 to 0.8m3 / h water from the well or well in the sandy rock. In the case of the well, the most practical solution, since it can be cleaned, for example, periodically causing using a more powerful pump.

Option 2. Garden house-cottage with a developed plant watering system. A capening period of water consumption is 1-1.5 m3 / h, but the daily need does not exceed 2-3 m3. Wate version is enough to limit the same source of water, but to provide for watering the accumulative capacity of up to5m3.

Option 3. Typical cottage for a family of 4-6 people. The house is usually 4-6 water consumption points (2 minutes, shower, bathroom, kitchen with washing and dishwasher, sauna). Picking period water consumption reaches 1.5-2 m3 / h, and the greatest daily consumption does not exceed 3-4 m3. In this case, make a decision harder. It can be limited to the source of water from a powerful aquifer of the sandy horizon, but in this case you need to install a storage tank and properly organize a system of distribution and water supply. All the same, try to drill the artesian well.

Option 4. (typical cottage by analogy with option3, but with a developed plant watering system) and Option 5. (Country mansion with all possible amenities, pools, security service, fountains) have water consumption in the peak period of up to 3-4 m3 / h or more. The need for drilling of the artesian well does not cause any doubt.

And one more important feature. The depth of water in the sandy rock may differ in different places of the site by 5-15m. Therefore, it is not always possible to position the source in the place where you would like. The artesian well can be drilled almost in any place convenient for you.

Aquifer terrestrial horizons

Earthly subsoil is formed from alternating aquifers and waterproof horizontal reservoirs, the first of which is called aquifer. By where and how water lies, they are divided into three types:

  1. horizons of groundwater;
  2. Interplaste unfortunate I.
  3. Inter-plastic pressure, or horizons of artesian waters. (By the way, they are named with the artesians in honor of the suburb of Paris Arto, where in 1126 during the drilling of wells scored fountains of water.)
Each horizon consists of rocks of a certain geological era (Ie has its age) and may be one-, two- or multi-layer, and the hydraulic connection is not excluded between the layers. Clean drinking water is obtained, as a rule, from the inter-static pressure horizon. He is named pressed because the water level in the well rises after opening the horizon. Water from other horizons may have excess impurities and is usually considered technical. The fact that many people use it for drinking has not yet indicative of its impeccable quality.

To simplify the search for water, hydrogeological maps of occurring rocks with cuts are used, on which the height and order of alternation of horizons are indicated. This card is available in any organization that leads the drilling of deep wells. The horizons of groundwater on the maps indicate very approximately, the artesians are quite accurate.

Options for autonomous water sources

A saturated surface layer moisture is called soil waters. The zone of groundwater is deeper, where more thorough cleaning of natural moisture begins. It extends from the earth's surface to hundreds of meters deep, depending on the terrain and climatic conditions of the territory. Saturation zone is even deeper. It forms the reserves of underground water.

The depth of the horizon is determined by the quality and volume of water contained in it. Hospital, it is also proportional to the cost of drilling work and affects the warranty period provided to use the well. Therefore, a purely practical question always arises: how deep should the water source should be? Let's see what it depends on.

Source of groundwater (contained in the sandy rocks of the glacial period). It can be a well or well depth to 30m. Water intake from "wet" and "very wet" sands is limited. Water quality depends on the environmental situation in the area: it can be suitable for water, in others there is no. Since the level of groundwater fluid varies depending on the season, weather conditions and many other factors, the productivity of the well (flow rate) in the contract is not fixed. The operation of such a well is given a guarantee of 1-3 years.

Source of inter-plastic non-expert water (contained in the sandstones of Jurassic age). The layers of the horizon are formed from the water-based cavities (lenses) in sandy-gravel sediments, which are located in each other and are separated by waterproof formation. Equitube well can have a depth of 30 to 50m or from 50 to 90m (respectively, when obtaining water from sandy rocks of Cretaceous or Jurassic ages). The amount of water in such horizons directly depends on the volume of lenses and the number of seasonal precipitation. Quality is usually considered to be drinking, although it must be checked periodically. The well-operating warranty does not exceed 5 years.

Source of artesian water (contained in crack-karsh limestone horizons). Take for example the suburbs. The first aquifer occurs at a depth: on the south, 10 to 60m, in the west or east - from 60 to 120 m, north of 90 to 250m. The pressure in the layer may be such that the water level will rise to 2/3 of the height of the well, and in rare cases there will be a fountaining of water after drilling - self-ifing. The last moment should be foreseen.

Nature itself took care of the purity of drinking water from such a depth: the horizons of Jurassic are the above limestone and prevent the filtration of groundwater. Open these horizons should be very neat, not allowing their infection with surface drains and using materials that do not distinguish harmful substances. With the proper compliance with the drilling technology, the warranty period for a well 5 and a cooler.

Mineral water source or brine (isgoritions of sedimentary rocks). In addition, the amount of salts dissolved in water rises from the depth of the well. With their content of more than 1 g / l, the water is called mineralized or mineral, and at 50 g / l - brine. The concentration and composition of dissolved salts in mineral water are as follows that it can be successfully used to treat various diseases. Mineralized water healing properties does not possess. Prices for private wells are unsuitable. For drilling and those and other wells, a special license is needed, the order of receipt of which goes beyond the subject of our article.

Type of drilling Aquifer Type of well Depth, M. Water characteristic *** Debit, m3 / h Warranty period, years Cost 1Pog.


In sandy breed Groundwater Clean Up to 30. Fresh, mainly technical, may be tough Up to1 1-3. From 30 to 40.
Interplastic unproicing Chalk * 30-50 Fresh, preferably drinking, may be tough Up to 1.5 Up to 5. From 30 to 50.
Jurassic * 50-90. Fresh, drinking Up to 1.5 Up to 5. From30 to 50.
Legged or Dolomite Interplastic Pressure Artesian 40-250 ** Fresh, drinking Up to 100 **** 5 or more From 40 to80.
Mineral 70-300 ** Drinking, mineralized To 10 5 or more From 40 to80.
Prayer From 300 ** Solonish, requires dilution - - -
* - only in the north of the Moscow region (Dmitrovskoye, Yaroslavl and Leningrad directions);

** - depends on the area;

*** - without chemical cleaning;

**** - limited to the performance of the pump.

Water quality

Water from a well or well should be transparent, colorless, not to give precipitate, not to have odor and taste, and of course, do not contain pathogens of microorganisms. However, almost all the aquifers of the suburbs sin with an increased concentration of iron. Therefore, absolutely transparent water when lifting a well to the surface can be brightened under the action of oxygen and even to flour. The content of iron in many parts of the Moscow region is reduced with an increase in the well depth. But at the same time the fluorine content increases. That is why no drilling firm with great practical experience gives guarantees on water quality. Examples are known when two artesian wells located at a distance of 10-15 km from each other are distinguished by variety: from one, almost perfect water comes from one, and from the other on the eyes after lifting to the surface. Adjust yourself to the need for chemical cleaning even artesian water. Then, if it turns out to be crystal clear that does not require any additional processing, it will be a pleasant surprise for you.

For a new source, a chemical and bacteriological analysis of water is always carried out (the second is required for the well in the sandy rock). Since the drilling of the artesian well can do it more expensive and the need to purify water from it is not excluded, in some cases are limited to a well or well in a sandy rock to 30m depth, followed by water purification. This allows you to remove extra iron from it, reduce the rigidity, limit the hovering into the body of fluorine, strontium, radium and other unnecessary or harmful substances.

Features of drilling shallow wells

Since the position of the ground aquifers on the hydrogeological maps is marked very approximately, it is practically intuitive to choose a drilling. Special "mustache" can fix only the presence of the first layer of the horizon on the water site, but not the depth of its location and not the amount. As evidenced by the experience of the company "Burovik", wells with a flow rate of up to 3 m3 per day reach 97% of the land plots of depth of depths of not more than 30m.

Burning such a well using self-propelled installation, so the owner of the site should think in advance how Zilok will come to the place of work. The process is carried out by the "dry" brought diameter of 190mm until the layer of the sandy aquifer with a sufficient amount of water is opened.

Then the borough is taken out of the well and the casing with a diameter is installed in its place, sufficient to place the submersible pump (such as "kid"), - 152, 146, 133 or 127mm. Pipes are offered steel or plastic. Opinions about their advantages and disadvantages are ambiguous. The lower part of the pipe is equipped with a filter column having a perforated area, which is mounted filter, gravel or combination thereof.

The size of the cell of the mesh filter is chosen during a test water intake, depending on the nature of sand-large or medium-trimmed. With fine-grained sand, the mesh filter is quickly clogged and creates a cork for water. Therefore, in this case, a gravel filter from a stone crumb of 3-8 mm, falling asleep in the filter column will be more efficient. At the artesian well, the mesh filter is not installed.

But the main problem is the choice of drilling site. Masters want to be pointed to the customer, and on the opposite. Compromise usually looks like this. If the water in the well was not discovered (up to 30 m), it is considered exploration and is paid in two or four times (as agreed) cheaper than the water supply.

Drilling of deep wells

The drilling of deep wells begin not "dry", but using a clay washing solution. It is forcibly fed through the drilling rod to reduce the likelihood of squeezing of the deep wellbore. The solution is pre-bred in the pit (zoomf) of 2-2.5 m2, which is rooting near the drilling site. Therefore, when conducting work, you will need more space than only for the MAZ (or KAMAZ) and "water-cutting" machine. As for the rest of the peculiarities of the process, their at least two.

After drilling upper sand-clay sediments and achieve limestone, the metal casing is lowered and further drill with clean water. To eliminate the seepage of groundwater from the sandy horizon in the reserves of the underground water, they are isolated by a tamponage of cement mortar or clay. Inside the casing contains a hermetic filtration and operational column of steel or plastic pipes. Specialists from Burgeokom recommended to do it from PVC pipes. This material is resistant to corrosion, sufficiently durable and meets the requirements for food containers. The clay castle (Pakcoker), according to employees of the company, is more practical. For this, granules of special dry clay (compactonitis) of German production are used. In a humid environment, they swell, increasing in volume 2-5 times, platerly and stick into a single mass. So a durable plug is formed, blocking the path from the upper layers into the horizon with clean water. On his well with a packer and column of PVC, the company gives a warranty for a period of 30 years.

Note that the increase in the number of consumers of artesian or mineral water leads to a drop in the water level of areas at about 0.1-0.5 m promotion. Here and use the 30-year warranty period on the well.

The right to produce artesian waters is needed a license. If it is presented, the drilling organization performs legal drilling. (The license is not required on the well in the sand breeds.)

Sometimes wells are dried with the help of sabers, who agree to get the water cheaper and from any ordered depth. Consider, this can lead to an exorbitantly expensive well operation or generally to prohibit its use of the district SES. In addition, an incorrectly made well can disrupt the environmental purity of aquifer.

Underground pumping complex

For the fencing of the artesian well from groundwater and low temperatures, its upper part (thoroughly of order2m) is placed in a sealed well. It is most often made of concrete rings and glass with waterproofing and bottom concreting or welded from a steel sheet with a thickness of 5mm. In the early case, the resulting container is called caisson. From above the well has a hatch with a lid. At the end of the operational column, the valve with a tee is mounted. This protruding part is called the headband.

Submersible pumps for wells and wells

Manufacturer Series Maximum performance, m3 / h Outer diameter, mm The diameter of the outlet nozzle, mm Power consumption, kW Cost, $ Maximum pressure, m
Grundfos (Germany) SQ (SQE) five 76. 32, 40. 0.5-2 ** 370-810 200.
Sp. 280. 98-304 ** 40-150. 0.37-12,5 ** 450-2500 60.
Calpeda (Italy) USD. twenty 96. 40- 50. 0.37-5.5 ** 350-610 300.
Nocchii (Italy) SCM4Plus. fifteen 96. 40-50 0.37-5.5 ** 270-510 300.
EBARA (Japan) BHS. 5-7 101.6 (4 '') 32. 0.2-4.6 550-850 100
Idrogo * 5-7 152.4 (6 '') 32. 0,6-1.1 ** 210-270 twenty
Webtrol (USA) 10S13BLM-20S22BLM. 2.8-5.5 ** 101.6 (4 '') 32. 0.53-1,5 ** 300-450 80-122 **
* - for wells;

** - depends on the model.

The design distinguishes submersible pumps for open reservoirs, including wells, and for wells. The first of them are less sensitive to the sandy sand and are equipped with protection from the "dry stroke" (usually float type) that turns off the power supply in the absence of water. The main advantage of imported submersible pumps compared to the domestic "baby" is the possibility of more frequent inclusion.

According to the Specialists of the Engineering Center "Water Technique", for better cooling of the pump, and therefore an increase in its service life, the distance between its hull and the wall of the operational column should be about 20mm.

In the wall of the well, below the depth of the freezing, it is planned to be a steel threaded sleeve (for design) or a sealing rubber coupling (for a concrete well). Through it, from the tee, the tank is paved with a water pipe going to the house.

In accordance with the latest technical developments, water supply to the house is carried out using the so-called underground pump complex (PNA). Its main purpose is to ensure the automatic and uninterrupted intake of the required amount of water from the well by the method of periodic inclusion of the submersible pump. According to the design of PNA, it can be single-level and two-level. It is located either on the plot (usually inside the well), or in the basement of the cottage. Single-level PNA has one container called a hydroaccumulatory membrane tank or simply hydroaccumulator. With the help of the pump, water from the well is served, ensuring consumption up to 16 m3 / h. With a two-level PNA, water from the well fills an additional container, from which the second pump is supplied to the hydroaccumulator. It comes from it to the main "consumers": in the home water supply, in the plant watering system, in the filling system (pond, swimming pool), in a bath, etc. The amount of water pressure is set by the consumer using the control panel and maintained in the system automatically, but, naturally, in the presence of power.

Warranty and post-warranty well service

When a decay of the well during the warranty period should be called a specialist of a contracting organization, which will come to the place to determine the cause of the problem. This may be incorrectly made drilling or failure of the equipment. For the first case, the disadvantage should be eliminated free of charge, down to the drilling of the new well in another place ("Pereburbur"). On the second - the challenge of the specialist will have to pay. For the deterioration of the initial quality of water, the contracting drilling rig is not responsible, and you should contact the firm that selects and installing chemical cleaning filters. The exception can be the situation, the cause of rusty water was steel pipes of the operational column.

All issues related to the deterioration of the well after the expiration of the warranty period can be solved by any drilling company, but for fee.

Practical recommendations

  1. Before concluding the Agreement, be sure to familiarize yourself with the Contracting Organization's license for those types of work to be fulfilled. Ask for at least one drilling rig, which has a technical passport, discharged into this organization.
  2. Try to conclude an agreement for all types of work on water drilling of the well, the installation of the pump, installation of the underground pump complex, the wiring of the water distribution system and the main contracting organization. Then she will eliminate all possible problems during the warranty period (make sure that this item must be attended by in the contract). Since the work is performed in stages, and payment can be made similarly.
  3. We annually conduct a chemical and bacteriological analysis of water. Establishment This concerns wells and wells to 30m deep. It is better to produce water sampling in the spring-summer period.

Characteristics of mesh filters for wells

Material Mesh shape Cell size, mm Wall thickness, mm
Brass Gunoon From0.14 to0.65 0.56-1,2
Keper From 0.2 to 0.5 0.8-1.6
Square From 0.29 to 3.13 0.28-1
Kapron, Loven. Flat 2.8. 0.5-0.75
Corrugated 2.8. 0.5-0.75
Fiberglass "Rogozhe" 0.61. 0.28-0.32
"Diagonal" 0.50,7 0.33-0.4
Satin 0.91.6 0.75

Practical recommendations

  1. Before concluding the Agreement, be sure to familiarize yourself with the Contracting Organization's license for those types of work to be fulfilled. Ask for at least one drilling rig, which has a technical passport, discharged into this organization.
  2. Try to conclude an agreement for all types of work on water drilling of the well, the installation of the pump, installation of the underground pump complex, the wiring of the water distribution system and the main contracting organization. Then she will eliminate all possible problems during the warranty period (make sure that this item must be attended by in the contract). Since the work is performed in stages, and payment can be made similarly.
  3. We annually conduct a chemical and bacteriological analysis of water. Establishment This concerns wells and wells to 30m deep. It is better to produce water sampling in the spring-summer period.

The editors thanks the company Burgeokom, Bikes, Burovik and the Water Technology Engineering Center for help in preparing the material.

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