Cleaning management center


Stationary vacuum cleaners for apartment and cottage. The difference between the stationary vacuum cleaner from the usual, its advantages and disadvantages. Models offered on the market.

Cleaning management center 14778_1

Cleaning management center
"Growth windows".

With the central vacuum cleaner you do not have to move a heavy unit, suffer from the noise of the engine and inhale the Miriada dust

Cleaning management center
"Eco-style style."

To turn on the vacuum cleaner, it is enough just to insert the harvest hose in the pneumatic valve

Cleaning management center
"Eco-style style."

Pneumochovoy. It is worth pressing the valve, and stumps along the pipes will rush into the garbage collector

Cleaning management center
Telecom Systems.

Washing device

Cleaning management center

Cleaning management center
Telecom Systems.

At the top and bottom of the nozzles

Cleaning management center

Pipes, fasteners, fittings, glue, socket - everything is included in the mounting kit of pneumoclipan

Cleaning management center
Telecom Systems.

Electromotor and fan of the power unit

Cleaning management center

DrainVac power unit is usually installed near the sewer riser

Cleaning management center

Set of nozzles for wet cleaning vacuum cleaner from DrainVac

Cleaning management center
"Growth windows".

Power units of various power vacuum cleaners Vacuflo

NEXTLEETS Back on the Russian market of household appliances, a novelty-stationary (central) vacuum cleaner appeared. This is at first glance an exotic device, as it turned out, has very useful properties.

"Joy" of urban life

The most common sentence of a doctor-allergist: "Uvas (or your child) allergic to home dust." The one who experienced a sense of self-helplessness before the manifestations of this disease in his children, who was not once joined in a circle "Therapeut-homeopath-sorcerent Therapist, "apparently, asked himself a question: why the villagers are not as susceptible to allergies? After all, dust in their life is not less.

Home dust has a complex composition: it is both silicon oxide sand and organic compounds conglomerate, and pet wool, and pile of carpeting. In addition, it includes the smallest scales of the skin of the inhabitants of the apartment, invisible with the eye dust pliers of pyroglyphids, disputes of mold, etc. Dust is capable of absorbing (adsorbing its surface) any gaseous substances, including harmful. Avot of this good in the city, of course, much more than beyond.

Medicine binds allergic manifestations with an inadequate response of the organism on the substances unfamiliar to it. Where to know the human immune system, which was laid before the flood, about the appearance, for example, a chainsopyrin? Avteda he in a fair amount is present in the exhaust of the internal combustion engine, not to mention the diesel engine of domestic production. By the way, if the concentration of this substance in the air is one billion (!), It is already considered unsuitable for breathing.

So, one of the main "suppliers" of harmful fruits of civilization in our lungs is inhaled dust. The agile enemy-vacuum cleaner.

Mobile or stationary?

Stationary (central) vacuum cleaner, like water supply, sewage, heating and wiring, belongs to the dwelling engineering networks, rather than to the appliances appliances. It is a pneumatic system consisting of a power unit, wiring air ducts on floors (rooms) and hoses with nozzles for cleaning garbage, washing windows, collecting spilled water. This device purifies the room from dust with the most radical ways, simply pulls the outward-containing air. Previously, such systems could only be installed in cottages, but more recently, models for urban apartments have appeared on sale.

When operating a regular (mobile) vacuum cleaner, the filtered air jet returns back to the room, taking off the unacceptable sections of the clouds of dust. It is necessary to make an effort so that the slotted surfaces do not have to be processed again. The same filters are not able to delay thin dust (for example, smoke cigarettes), and it remains in the house. Provision The advantages of the central vacuum cleaner are obvious: it serves as a powerful exhaust fan, that is, removes all the garbage and all the dust that collects. On the way, dirty air is exposed to solid cleaning.

Another difference between the stationary vacuum cleaner from the mobile, the absence of limitations on the weight and size of the power unit. After all, the user does not need to carry the device behind it, diligently bypassing furniture. This gives greater freedom in choosing a fan, and also allows you to use a powerful air filter separator "Cyclone". In the "cyclone", the flow of polluted air is twisted into the spiral, dust and si are discarded to the periphery, lose speed and settled at the bottom of the garbage collector. The filters of this type have long been used in the industrial systems of the air purity, in military equipment and automotive engines. They differ in very low air resistance (it does not depend on the degree of filling the garbage collector). This property of the "cyclone" provides the constant performance of the stationary vacuum cleaner, while the mobile loses it as the filter clogged. The large volume of the garbage collector (from 10 to 50 liters) allows you not to break your head over where and how to shake dust from the bag, without causing complaints of neighbors. But still 3-4 times the accumulated garbage to delete is accounted for.

The owners of stationary vacuum cleaners argue that cleaning ceased to be a tedious thing for them. Indeed, the device is enough power to eliminate all the garbage from one pass. In addition, cleaning becomes silent. But when handling such a machine, care should be taken. After all, the air flow will easily carry out and pretty heavy items, such as lighters, toys. There are cases when the attempt to the touch determine the strength of the vacuum cleaner ended the injury of the fingers of the unlucky mistress.

In total, there are several dozen manufacturers of stationary cleaning systems in the world. The Russian market presents six companies. Among them are the very first manufacturer of similar products - H-P Products Incorporated (USA) with Vacuoflo vacuum cleaners, as well as the BEAM Industries- American division of the famous Concern Electrolux (Beam vacuum cleaners), two Italian firms - Disan and Aertecnica, Canadian Drainvac International and French Aldes Euro Register.

Great Mystery of Trade

In advertising prospects and technical descriptions, the company's company bypass bypass the question, which is replaced by dusty air, leaving the limits of housing at a speed of 40-50 l / s. Nature does not tolerate emptiness - how much air is gone, exactly the same and returns. And on the path of least resistance. If the housing is equipped with a supply ventilation, which copes with such an expense, or if the slots on the windows are large enough, nothing to worry about. If there is no supply ventilation, on the windows windows, and the entrance door is tightly driven, then the air will come, for example, from the neighbors' apartment. Ones somehow, but through the hood, which is usually located between the kitchen and the bathroom. So that this does not occur, while cleaning it is better to open the windows for the inflow of fresh air (street dust is not so harmful).

The disadvantages of the central vacuum cleaner can be attributed to the fact that on a hot day it will be released from the house the precious coolness of air-conditioned air, and in the frosty winter the accumulated heat. An output from the position can be the installation of a slightly more powerful air conditioner (at least 0.5 kW) and boiler (kilowatta for three). But this is not too burdensome fee for the convenience that you get in return.

Opening showed

The stationary vacuum cleaner consists of six major components.

1. Silence aggregate

It is mounted equipped with a fan electromotor, air filter separator "Cyclone", additional paper or tissue filters required automatics. Single-phase power supply (220-230 V) is often used. Powerful cottages are appropriate powerful vacuum cleaners with three-phase power on 380V (DSSUPER, Compact2.2 by DISAN). Such models are twice as expensive, but it is more reliable in the work and do not require mandatory replacement of the electric motor brushes after 2,000 users. There are also aggregates with two or three electric motors, which are included automatically as needed, for example, when several people are used simultaneously (Vacuflo780 and 980). It is convenient if the house is designed for several families. The power unit is usually installed outside the residential zone - on the balcony, in the chulana, garage or basement. The result is cleaning almost silently.

If you decide to put the power plant on the balcony of the urban apartment (for which you need to get the permission of the housing MVK board), do not forget that the climate in Russia is continental. Therefore, to protect the electric unit from bad weather, you may need to order a special cabinet.

2. Air ducts

Pipes with a diameter of 50 to 100mm, according to which garbage is removed, paired above the floor, under the ceiling, in the attic, in the basement or open, or in the strokes, channels, suspended and false structures, decorative boxes. Materials of plastic pipes are introduced additives that reduce the formation of static electricity. So if you are offered to reduce the cost of construction, replacing the corporate pipes with ordinary sewer, know: this is not the best idea, since they are electrified and stuck in them. Together with the pipeline, the control cable with voltage 12 or 24V is mounted. It is used to turn on / off the system or control of the airflow.

The maximum length of air channels determines the selection of the power unit. The longer the canal, the power must be the unit. Let's say, for a 25-meter pipeline, a sufficient power setting with a power of 1.5 kW (Beam2087a, Vacuflo280). The 100m long athloaling line requires the power of more than 3kW (BEAM2500EA model from Beam, VacuFlo980 from H-P Products and model Tri5, AERTECNICA).

3. Pneumoclips (sockets)

The pipeline has outputs in the form of pneumatic socket valves. Their number is determined at the calculation of one valve at 30-70 m2 of cleaning area (if only the nozzle of the cleaning hose took to any point of space). However, if finance is allowed, the outlets are often mounted in each room. This is dictated by considerations convenience of cleaning. A variety of external design of outlets makes it possible to enter them in any interior. A particularly large selection of pneumoclapanov offers the Italian company DISAN. Even the assortment is even such a valve that can be locked up. The inclusion of the power unit is carried out by simply connected to the outlet of the cleaning hose. There is another convenient device, sliding socket, or pneumatic. It is nothing more than the yield of the pipeline in the wall at the level of the plinth. Such a device is usually installed in the hallway or in the kitchen. It is only suitable for trash to it and put pressure on the key, as a pipeline by the pipeline rushes into a garbage receipt.

Socket, low voltage electrical cable, glue, pipes, fasteners. All manufacturers This standard set is about the same and $ 90-115. Pneumoshovoy in the kit can be purchased at a price of $ 120 per 1pc.

4. Output device

The air is selected outside the housing over the housing on the rejected pipeline. Usually the project is drawn up so that the distance from the power unit to the output device is minimal (10-15 m).

5. Cleaning hose

A light corrugated 5-9m hose is made from a material that is not afraid of twisting and is not susceptible. Easily the need for the hose length increases. Modifications are made with a switch on the handle and without it. The cost of a 9-meter hose with a circuit breaker $ 120-150, without a switches twice as cheaper.

6. Nozzles

Accessories manufacturers have provided, it seems absolutely everything. In addition to traditional nozzles for cleaning carpets, upholstered furniture, plinths, there are devices to care for sunscreen blinds and a computer keyboard, for cleaning the car and even for cleaning horses. The set of nozzles can cost from $ 100 to $ 500, depending on the number of elements.

The built-in pneumatic system in the house adds owners and such amenities that are not directly related to garbage cleaning and air filtration. For example, a special device will quickly gather in a bucket randomly spilled on the floor liquid or sacrifice the fireplace, and the immesorous coals will send in a specially intended container.

Flour of choice

The main characteristics of the built-in vacuum cleaner capacity, the length of the harvesting hose, the set of nozzles, etc., is brought to the optimum and the same in all manufacturers. Moreover, the hoses themselves and the nozzles are purchased by firms from one or two suppliers and often differ only in the inscription on the part of the part. The main difference in the central systems in how they cost with dust, which does not catch "cyclone". In other words, how the problem of emission purity is solved. The fact is that the air filter-separator used in this case is not capable of catching particles less than 5 μm, and therefore they are inevitably present in the exhaust. How much will be accumulated in the house such fine dust and how important the purity of the emerging air - these questions in each particular case are solved in their own way.

Estimated parameters of central vacuum cleaners

The ability of the vacuum cleaner to clean cleaning is determined only by the speed of the air flow (m / s) in the place of contact of the nozzle with the surface. But this value is inconvenient. It depends both from the nozzle itself and on the quality of the surface, and even from the effort to which the user presses the first to the second. Having understood the complexity of an objective evaluation of vacuum cleaner performance, manufacturers developed the following parameters:

  1. Maximum air flow, m3 / h. This is the indicator of the greatest flow of air entering through the filling unit of the power unit. The real flow in the pipes is less due to the loss of energy to overcome resistance. Approximately we can assume that the flow rate is reduced by 20 m3 / h for every 10m length for the pipeline with a diameter of 50mm.

  2. Maximum vacuum, mbar (1000 mbar = 1 atm) is a vacuum that the unit is able to create in a hermetically clogged pipeline. This value only indirectly assesses the ability of the vacuum cleaner to collect dirt. After all, with maximum resolution, the air flow is generally zero. But the indicator is used to determine the useful power of the device.

  3. Useful power, WT (sometimes they are called suction power, in the West are indicated as airwatts) - the calculated value. Determined as a product of the magnitude of the air flow. This indicator more precisely the other characterizes the performance of the vacuum cleaner. When calculating the embedded system project, it is optimized precisely the amount of useful power.

The various models of Italian systems from DISAN and AERTECNICA are equipped with an additional replaceable filter installed in front of the outlet nozzle of the power unit (DISAN: model25 / 1- paper package, 45/2-cartridge; AERTECNICA: MODELSC20FC- paper package, SX20FC-filter from polyestera). Let us have a clean air. However, payment for it will be troubles on the periodic replacement or purification of the filter plus, as it clogged, a small loss of vacuum cleaner performance.

All Vacuflo brand models do not have additional filters, they use the patented cyclone design, which, according to the manufacturer, allows you to achieve a high degree of cleaning without applying additional filters. If for any reason it is impossible to set out the emission of the outside (for example, neighbors object), then you can use Maxum and Maxum Whisper (H-P Products) power units. Vaxi models used MaxUmfilteriitm filter system, which allows to capture micron-sized particles.

In the BEAM vacuum cleaners, an original fabric filter is mounted. The fan launch vehicle is revealed with cotton, like a parachute dome, and thus self-cleaning. However, the beauty of the technical solution does not eliminate the owner from the periodic filter cleaning.

Cleaning systems of the Canadian company DRAINVAC are somewhat different from the rest of the design. In addition to vacuum cleaners with additional paper or tissue filters, this manufacturer offers models in which wet and dry cleaning are combined. Sorry and dust are wetted with water from the sprayer and together with water suspension fall into the "cyclone". After separation, the purified air goes to the street, and the dirt remains in the container, which when filling it automatically empties into the sewer. Such a system equals the homeowner from changing the filters and clean the garbage collector, but makes a real threat to clogging sewage (for example, if stocking falls into the pipeline). Is a single warning. It happens that the family jewels taken by the air flow of the vacuum cleaner have to search in the garbage collection "Cyclone". Consider, in the case of DrainVac, you will have to study the contents of a drain siphon or trace the further path of the lost thing on the sewer pipe. WHAT This embedded system is indispensable where one dry cleaning cannot do.

General recommendations

Each manufacturer produces a number (set, ruler) of models for different rooms (from 100 to 10,000 m2 size). To calculate the optimal configuration of air ducts and determining the location of the sockets, the representative of the supplier's engineering service goes to the place. The cost of the entire system depends on the selected power unit, the total length of the air ducts, the number of pneumoclipans and is largely from the number of nozzles and vacuum trays. The installation price depends on its complexity, on the degree of completion of the decoration of the room, on which building materials the house is erected, and, finally, from the work complex that the dealer is able to offer. For example, not any supplier is taken for sealing the stroke and repair of the premises after installing the equipment. The estimated cost of the built-in vacuum cleaner with one socket, a minimum set of nozzles and installation without preparatory and finishing works- $ 1000 or more. You can navigate in prices using a table in which models of power units from the most famous manufacturers are presented.

The central vacuum cleaner becomes part of the house and should be served not one tenthlet. Therefore, when choosing a manufacturer's company, except for considerations of savings, you need to consider warranty obligations. For example, a two-year warranty on the entire system and lifelong on the pipeline is quite the real form of a service contract between the dealer and the client. But everything before making a decision to get acquainted with several suppliers. It is suddenly suddenly hidden that they will not disappear from the Russian market.

Manufacturer Model Room area, m2 Power consumption, kW Useful power, W Maximum vacuum, mbar Additional filter Air flow, m3 / h Volume of dust collector, l Price, $
Disan, Italy 25/1. 100 1,2 - 240. paper bag 152. 10 850.
25/2-3. up to 250. 1,32. - 300. cartridge 160. 25. 1050.
45/2. up to 350. 1,32. - 300. cartridge 160. 45. 1260.
45/3 up to500 1,35 - 330. cartridge 170. 45. 1400.
DSSUPER up to750 1.5 - 300. Filter-star 231. 38. -
Compact1.5 up to750 1.5 - 300. Filter-star 235. 38. -
Compact. up to 1000 2,2 - 320. Filter-star 306. 38. -
AERTECNICA, ITALY SM30TO. up to 150. 1.28. - 250. cartridge 200. fourteen 745.
SC20FS. up to150 1,46. - 250. cartridge 200. nineteen 745.
SC30TE up to 200. 1.33 - 240. cartridge 218. 23. 703.
SC40TA. up to 300. 1,38. - 310. cartridge 180. 27. 1117.
SC40TB up to 300. 1,38. - 310. cartridge 180. 24. 1030.
SC60TE up to 400. 1,45. - 296. cartridge 205. 23. 910.
SC70TV up to 600. 1,58. - 380. cartridge 180. 24. 1076.
Beam Industries, USA 167. until 190. 1.5 414. - cartridge 216. 12 950.
2087. up to 270. 1,35 375. - Tissue 158. fifteen 1200.
2100. up to 560. 1,7 474. - Tissue 158. fifteen 1400.
2250. up to 930. 1.75 562. - Tissue 180. 27. 1700.
H-P Products Incorporated, USA Vacuflo280. up to 280. 1,36. 371. - - 191. 21. 1330.
Vacuflo480. up to465. 1,49. 412. - - 185. 23. 1420.
Vacuflo580. up to 650. 1,68. 495. - - 194. 23. 1650.
Maxumi10. 240. 1,94 360. - paper 180. 12 875.
Maxumi60. 450. 1,49. 404. - Double tissue 185. eighteen 900.
Maxumi80. 650. 1,68. 485. - Double tissue 195. eighteen 1025.
DRAINVAC INTERNATIONAL, Canada DF2A310. up to 500. 2,4. 602. - ** 178. 27. 2010.
DF2A-31 up to 800. 2.5 575. - ** 178. 27. 2530.
DF1R-11. up to 200. 1,68. 476. - ** 192. 41. 1010.
DF1R-15 up to 400. 2,4. 603. - ** 178. 41. 1160.
DF1R-19 up to 400. 2,4. 603. - ** 178. eighteen 1360.
DF1R-18. up to 600. 2.9 603. - ** 194. 55. 2600.
Note. * Firms characterize the performance of vacuum cleaners or the magnitude of the maximum vacuum or useful power.

** - the assembled garbage is reset into the sewer.

The editors thanks the company "Machineks", "Window", "Telecom Systems", "Ekode" and "Wivatex-M" for help in the preparation of material.

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