Test quality


Repair with partial redevelopment and arrangement of a two-bedroom apartment conducted by Domstroma under the supervision of customers.

Test quality 14809_1

Test quality
The decorative partition between the living room and the hallway is highlighted not only by color, but also in factory plaster, which looks especially winned in the light of the built-in halogen lamps
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Wide opening between the kitchen and the living room opens the diagonal perspective across the apartment
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The composition of the living room is emphasized by the centrich
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Kitchen. For this room, the owners of the apartment could not be chosen not the cheapest furniture. High quality

Naya reliable technician will serve for many years, and the stylish Italian design will never get bored and will not come out of fashion

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Fragment of the living room. Oleg Kabakov is rightly proud of the rack under its drawings under TV and audio equipment in the living room. Glass shelves of centimeter thickness cut down the radius of the curvature of the partition
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The tile with the effects laid with the "checkered" tile attracts memories of the distant, invariably sunny and joyful Italy. The exact mix between the parquet and ceramic floors is closed with a decorative metal lining, which echoes the line of massive ceiling construction.
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Bathroom. A white bowl of an angular bath literally shines against the background of deep blue wall ceramic tiles. Facing a semicircular sideboard demanded from the masters of special accuracy
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The green bedroom instantly gained a residential look, barely put a spanish headset from the beech massif. Solid, decorated in a few "Victorian" style furniture reminds of traditional family values. It is even difficult to believe that this corner of established power life is in the modern Moscow new building.
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Now, when all the repair is placed behind, you can call guests to a housewarming or just drink a seagull on the sun-eyed kitchen
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Plan up (at the top) and after (below) reconstruction

As a rule, at the sophisticated customer's construction business attitude to the inept worker irony-skeptical. This is if the "masters" do not harm his pocket. Increased cases, the final conversation with them is conducted on a familiar short, but expressive words and gestures. The consequences are known: either the owner makes repair with their own hands, or professionals appear in the house.

Let's discuss the estimate. Yes, not that, and this!

What do you think is starting to repair? The easiest of the whole family in the nearest wallpaper store. The one is more complicated - the candlers find a couple of more or less sensible workers. The most respectable containment with the Manager of the Construction and Repair Company.

Competent repair is impossible without a estimate. If it is written on the bag from under cement and is approved by the customer's handshake and pro-paper, then the work will be performed at a given level of production relations. If the estimate is incomplete and it constantly has to make add-ons (of course, at the expense of the customer), in the renovated apartment of the apartment risks to enter into one socks. If this document is unresarison is "cheerful," it means that you clearly "throw", without even starting to work.

Serious repair and construction firms are suitable for the matter completely differently. For them, trusting relationships with the client-pledge of fruitful cooperation. Not only work in specific repairs, but also all the necessary materials and their number, is called the price of each material and type of work, the total estimated cost of the object is displayed. If necessary, the document makes references to building standards and rules, technical specifications and recommendations of project institutions. The estimate is coordinated with the chief engineer, and then visited by the Customer and Director of the Construction Company. It is an application to the contract for the production of repair and finishing work, which the Customer concludes with a construction organization. No one dozen pages occupy the construction of the shootout. To compile it, specially designed or typical software products (for example, WinSmet-2000) are used.

Brigades of climbing workers, understandable, are not interested in professionally compiled estimates. As in the detailed agreement, where, along with other conditions, a mechanism for controlling work and the phased acceptance of their acceptance is laid. Carrying about their reputation licensed firms necessarily include this item in the treaty. The client, of course, is not at all necessary to stand above the soul from the builders and look at whether the wires of electrical wiring are not shorter than this is indicated in the estimate. But the potential right to it he has. Votychiki from the Shabashnikov, firms that officially give a guarantee for all types of work. Therefore, if, God forbid, there will be problems with plumbing or electrician if there are cracks on the walls or the parquet will be swept, you will ask you to ask. It is not surprising that the service licensed company is more expensive than the Uncle Vani services. But, in our opinion, in the affairs of repair it is better not to risk and deal with officially registered and professionally working repair and construction organizations.

The experience of recent suburban construction was for Oleg and Yaroslav Kabakov invaluable when it was time to take care of a family nest in the capital, in a new monolithic house. But first let's get acquainted. On-an amateur, who ends up the man-made monument in the form of the cottage, which was built by ten years. She is a professional architect. It would seem, take everything in your own hands, look for workers and repair how much your soul. However, the spouses accepted Solomonovo solution: to engage in his business, and the apartment to entrust to those who are able to make it "five with a plus". I scattered right, because the time was rational to earn money, some of which went to repair.

True, the licensed construction company, architect and workers who thoroughly know their business, Oleg and Yaroslav had to search. We agreed to make it cheaply, but did not hurry to show objects to show, in others, we were clearly sorted by the price. Finally lucky. The preliminary estimate, compiled by the Domostroy repair and construction company, was detailed and understandable. When, at one of the objects of the company, the spouses saw, as and who were working, and met with the architect and designer Tatiana Dementieva, the last doubts disappeared. The contract with the company "Domostroy" was concluded.

Let's make a semi-finished candy from the apartment!

The fact that today is beautifully called the "Studio apartment with a wide step of carrier structures", in the execution of builders it looks like a large and dirty concrete box without interior partitions (this is good) or with a pathetic likeness (this is worse, since the partitions still have to break) . A two-room acquisition of 86,4m2 appeared before the new owners is not at best. The proposed layout was clearly not impressive, and the construction flames turned out to be abuse.

Architectural and Designer Idea

Successful spouses dust destruction somewhat cooled the architect Tatyana Dementieva. "Why, having stisid on fleas, all the fur coat?" She objected and was right. Through partial reproduction of partitions, it was possible to transform the rectangular membership of the apartment in the diagonal. The frame of the space was the square, departed in a rectangle of the apartment at an angle 45. The result is a more rational planning, the area of ​​premises increased, the possibility of adopting non-standard design decisions. One of the newly constructed radial wall, separating the hallway from the living room. On the site of one of the bathrooms, customers asked to make a shop with a spacious mezzanine and washing machine. The athlete "Earthly Intended" loggia has become essentially an independent placement of multifunctional destination. In the word, the outlines of the oasis fired in the desert.

Architectural and construction interpretation of floors

The apartment is located on the second floor and partially hangs the visor over the front facade. The monolithic floor plate, without being appropriately protected, it must inevitably freeze even in a not too cold winter. Therefore, Oleg Kabakov, who spawned in the building materials proposed to produce heat, hydro and noise insulation of the floor with durable extrusion polystyrene foam Floormate-200 (production of the American concern Dow). Experienced engineers of the company "Domostroy" his initiative was fully approved.

The basis of the outdoor "cake" was the preparatory cement-sand screed. It took not only to level overlap. The builders of the house performed the wiring of heating radiators, setting the pipes directly on the concrete base of the floor, so they had to be removed into the draft screed. On top of it, the foam plate was used on top of it, then a special metal grid, which made the main screed with a thickness of about 3 cm. Already in this tie, the heating cables of the warm sex of the Danish company DE-VI were placed. Next comes "WEB" 3000 "- perfectly level bulk floors, on top of it is a foam polyethylene substrate with a thickness of 0.5 mm and only then laminate.

"Does not butter oil- arrange the floor" Pie "10cm thick?" - Maybe you ask. The best answer is the situation in the next apartment of the same floor. Another repair and construction company performed in it the heat insulation of the floor with a thin cement-sand tie and a 4-millimeter layer of foamed polyethylene of medium density. It has been surprised: the floors were too cold. Obviously, in such cases, savings are completely inappropriate.

The design of floor coverings and the choice of material for a successful find of Tatiana Dementeva. The caustic-dining room Customer wished to have a coating from the Spanish ceramic line of two color-terracotta and beige. Entrance room and on loggia floors are also laid out with light beige porcelain stoneware, but cheaper (Belarusian production). Bathroom finished with glossy Spanish tiles from a single collection in modern style. The architect has planned a coverage from the Kahrs durable and practical Swedish laminate from Kahrs in the living room - under the beech, in the bedroom, under the beech, in the bedroom. The advantage of this material is that it is made of natural veneer, subjected to an impregnation in a vacuum chamber and repeatedly covered with protective polymer layers. The choice of laminate is explained simply: Family Family Rottweiler, whose claws are capable of bringing even a durable oak parquet to an unequal look. The same laminated floor is easier to wash.

What is the floor, such and the ceiling

In relation to the ceilings of the residential area, the architect was made, if you can express it, the solution is symmetrical. All the multi-level ceiling designs are made of moisture-resistant drywall Tigi-KNAUF and also play an important role in the artistic solving of the interior. The center of the composition was the square screen, deployed at 45 within the frame of the living room. All ceiling elements are shown in exact compliance with a single concept of the apartment. Afunnic appointment is to participate in the design of light as reflective or scattering surfaces and even hide the sleeves of the supply and exhaust ventilation and wiring.

One of the requirements of customers was the use of built-in lamps instead of visible light sources (chandeliers, etc.). To solve this task, donated from 10 to 27 cm of the height of the apartment. Vitoga The minimum distance from the floor to the ceiling was 2.75m (against the source 3,2m). However, such a "rapproche" justified itself.

Over the square screen, the ceiling in the center of the apartment has placed 20 tag of incandescent, the dissipated light of which is evenly distributed through the living room. Estimated room, the task was solved with two ceiling plaffones. A somewhat "halogen" bundled in the mounted ceiling of the white aluminum profile. Still in the apartment you can see the flooring and wall scaves. In the kitchen, in the bedroom and living room on the walls are hanged by special lamps for illumination of painting and graphics. According to the owner's request, light and warm floors concentrated in three places: in the kitchen, in the living room and bedroom. Complexes of keyboard switches and dimmers of the German company Gira are conveniently located on the walls at a distance of an elongated hand from the chairs and a sofa.

Gorbitated walls can be fixed

The builders of the house worked so that the curvature of the walls in the apartment vertically and the horizontal places reached 7-8 cm. To give them a normal form, plaster works required. The basis of the foundation was decided to use fine metal meshes, which give extra durability to the finishing layer. Immediately on top of the plaster imposed primer "Tiffengrund" and the spacure "Old". After the first layer of putty on all the walls, the ceilings and window slopes were pasted with a reinforcement polyethylene grid from HOCH (Germany), and then the putty is applied again (the inwards of the layer with intermediate drying). After grinding surfaces, the ceilings and walls were covered twice with water-dispersion acrylic paints produced by the German company Beckers, which are resistant to abrasion and easily wash.

Both the architect and the owner agreed that the doors should be mounted beautiful and not cheap, therefore domestic products preferred Italian. Avot windows left the previous wooden "Luzhkovsky", with modern glass packages. They are performed well and look good and well. True, the windowsills replaced new, from laminated chipboard. On loggias installed windows from PVC with the profile of the German company Kve. Their gentlemen had to be separated by a brown self-adhesive film - twisting the rest of the windows on the facade.

In the apartment of the Kabakovy-Gorgeous bathroom. Hot and cold water risers are equipped with Italian coarse water purification filters and Czech flow meters. The wiring was carried out by the German metal-polymer pipe OVENTROP. Plumbing devices are even more impressive: Ido toilease, IKEA sink (purchased complete with mirror and cabinets), GROHE mixers. Room decoration large (1.61.6 m) acrylic bath and luxurious, with all the "addicts", a shower cabin of the Italian company TEUCO. To get out of this room "on the will" will not soon want ...

But back to the harsh prose of life. Warranty on a shower cabin, as well as on other household appliances requiring accession to water supply and sewage, is valid provided to connecting it by Seller's specialists. In practice, these specialists do not always act professionally. For example, Kabakov's cabin they installed a whole week. It ended in the fact that with their silent consent, the specialists of the company "Domostroy" brought to the end.

And last. The arrangement and repair of the apartment under the supervision of customers, not at the time of acquaintances with the construction work, is a serious test even for the most experienced and self-confident masters. Nevertheless, the specialists of the company "Domostroy" Mission did their own with honor. Others even passed the object to the Customer 15 days before the term provided for in the Treaty. Oleg Kabakov engineering and architectural solutions are pleased, their implementation by working firms assesses to "excellent". As much flattering responds about the work of his spouse's colleague. "We spent my money with the lot," the happy new seals summarize.

The editors warns that in accordance with the Housing Code of the Russian Federation, the coordination of the conducted reorganization and redevelopment is required.

Test quality 14809_14

Architect: Tatyana Dementieva

Engineering: Oleg Kabakov

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