Covered lacquer door


The coating of the door with color varnish is quite a painstaking job, but using our recommendations will be fulfilled.

Covered lacquer door 15031_1

Doors - face at home. And they should look suitable. In addition, independent decoration of the door, for example, color varnish, is a fairly useful exercise before the cosmetic repair of the entire apartment.

This is a rather painstaking finishing work, but using our recommendations to fulfill it will be easy.

Covered lacquer door

Remove the door with the loops and put it horizontally to goats or table. Treat the sandpaper each side and rib doors to smooth out the possible irregularities of the previous coating.

Covered lacquer door

Remove dust from the door, first with the help of a vacuum cleaner, then a wet sponge. Now the treated surface can be applied a preliminary thin layer of soil.

Covered lacquer door

Give the doors to dry, then carefully polish it with fine-grained waterproof sandpaper, while the treated surface should be wedged with water. Before you put the lacquer, straighten it through the siter so that it become homogeneous. For this purpose, you can also use a nylon stocking stretched over clean capacity.

Covered lacquer door

Apply the first slim layer of varnish with a roller or a wide brush. It should be done quickly, parallel stripes along the long side of the door.

Covered lacquer door

After drying, varnish again make a polishing of the surface of fine-grained sandpaper with water.

Covered lacquer door

In the same way, apply the second, and after another polishing, the third layer of varnish. Leave to dry within a few days, then turn the door, protecting the treated surface from damage. For this, soft cloth or an old blanket are suitable for this.

Finishing Door Relief Plankers

Covered lacquer door

Spread the embossed straps on a dense smooth cardboard and apply a thin layer of liquid soil with a brush.

Covered lacquer door

When the soil dries, polish the surface of fine-grained emery paper.

Covered lacquer door

On the elements of the relief, apply two layers of varnish with intermediate polishing of planks fine-grained emery paper with water.

Covered lacquer door

While the lacquer is dried on the finishing elements, mark on the door of the location of the embossed slats, which you then lock with glue and small carnations with small caps. Attached strips, if necessary, tinted with lacquer of the appropriate color.

Covered lacquer door

The end result of the work.

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