Own exhaust ventilation


Recently, simple and convenient ventilation systems have appeared, which can be collected. Description of individual modules, installation recommendations and system care rules.

Own exhaust ventilation 15061_1

Ventilation is usually associated with complex installation of air ducts, which stops most of those who want to use it at home. However, recently there were pretty simple and convenient ventilation systems with flexible air ducts that can be collected by himself.

It is known that a person needs oxygen generated by green plants as a result of photosynthesis. If its air contains a sufficient amount, and the concentration of other gaseous substances does not exceed the norm, then such air is called "fresh".

In addition to gases and water vapor, in the air in suspended state are stranded, dusty and other particles, and some of them are harmful to human health. Their extremely permissible concentration (MPC), measured in milligrams on 1m3 air, is strictly limited, and if it does not exceed the norm, the air is also called "clean".

Freshness and purity of atmospheric air are supported by nature itself due to the constant mixing of air masses, which is difficult in a closed space (for example, in the room), which forces a person to interfere in this process.

Any of us exhales an average of 23l carbon dioxide per hour. Knowing its content in the atmospheric air (0.3 l / m3) and the permissible value in the room (1 l / m3), it can be calculated that to maintain the freshness of air the speed of air exchange (bypassing per person) should be at least 33m3 / h. It is easy to provide through natural or artificial ventilation.

System costs

The cost of the block "Syrock" is $ 170, 1 p / m of the flexible air duct with a diameter of 80mm - $ 3, with a diameter of 125mm- $ 4.1, a supply valve- $ 65, anemostat- $ 11.5, installation elements (metal nozzles for air ducts, duct fixtures, dowels , silicone sealant, cylinder mounting foam, two-lying switch) - $ 30.

Specialist services

CJSC "Engineering Equipment" to drill holes under the supply valves, cost $ 1.4 per 10mm wall thickness (approximately $ 49- for reinforced concrete and $ 70- for brick).

So, the total costs of the system with four air valves and three anemostat accounted for $ 714.

During the construction of any residential building, considerable ventilation is envisaged, usually limited by a natural exhaust. At the same time, the exhaust air is removed from the room through a common vertical channel, and instead of it due to the pressure difference "flows" atmospheric through windows and doors. Conventional windows breathable, even when closed, due to cracks and gaps in the frames, which you will not say about modern frames with double-glazed windows with a high degree of sealing, which strongly reduce air intake. If the apartment is stuffy or condensate on window glass is a sign that the ventilation does not cope with their responsibilities and should look for other ways.

One of them is "own" ventilation in the apartment. "Own" natural ventilation is simple and cheap, it is enough to open a window or window, but the costs of the ecology of the modern city are arranged. More efficient "own" forced (artificial) ventilation is the need to move the required amount of air at the desired speed. The filter, installed at the entrance, blocks the path to large particles of contaminants, the minimum size of which depends on the filter material prevents the penetration of precipitation and all sorts of insects. If you establish a silencer, then you can increase sound insulation by 1.5-2 times. The polluted air from the room is removed using the "own" forced exhaust ventilation, which leads to a decrease in pressure indoors and the flow of fresh atmospheric air.

This unit has a maximum capacity of 350 m3 / h and consumes electricity not more than 0.06 kWh, which is enough for an apartment with an area of ​​up to 120m2. The length of the connected air ducts with a diameter of 80mm should not exceed 18m. Two engine rotation rates allow you to change its performance. Locks are provided with six pipes for connecting air ducts: five input on the front panel and one side to remove the exhaust air. When connected to the network, the engine housing ground is not required. The noise from the fan running in normal mode does not exceed the level of 35DB. Block dimensions - 275275275mm.

Inlet nozzles on the front panel for connecting air ducts

Own exhaust ventilation

BUT. Lid closing unused pipe

B. The central nozzle with a diameter of 125 mm is used to connect to the kitchen hood. It is equipped with a check valve that prevents the spread of smells from the kitchen all over the apartment.

IN. The pipe with a diameter of 80mm, which can be connected by an air duct with an anemostat installed in one of the rooms (used all the section of the hole)

Own exhaust ventilation

G. Pipe with valve and limiter for automatic maintenance of constant air exchange speed 15 m3 / h in bathroom

Own exhaust ventilation

D. The pipe with the valve for automatic adjustment of the air flow limits the flow of cold air to the bathroom to 30 m3 / h

Everything seems to be simple and understandable, but the device such "own" ventilation usually requires additional installation of stationary air ducts. Identical appearance of flexible air ducts significantly simplified the problem. Separate modules: fans (centrifugal, axial or combined type), silencers, filters for air purification, exhaust and supply valves, splitter of flexible air ducts and fastening elements can be easily combined into the ventilation system. Such famous firms as German Maico, Swedish-Swiss ABB, French Aereco, Swedish Ostberg, German EBM, Belgian Renson, produce such systems. Installation is simple, but not always available without a consultation of a specialist.

We will tell about the installation of one of these systems that we chose because, in our opinion, it can be held. The sequence of installation of the ventilation system "Statvant" of ABV with a forced hood and natural influx of air demonstrates specialists of CJSC "Engineering Equipment". It is installed in the VTrekhkinnaya apartment of the P-44M panel house (total area of ​​76,4m2, Room Square 19.9; 14,1 and 11.1m2, Kitchens and Corridor at 13.2m2, Bathroom 3.9m2, Bathrooms1,0m2).

Installation Recommendations System

When installing the fan unit, do not despair if one of the nozzles is not involved. The experience gained when using the system can suggest, in which room it is better to install another anemostat.

When choosing a place to mount the fan unit, keep in mind that the shorter the length of the air ducts to the place of installation of anexostates and the more closer to the vertical channel of the general ventilation, the more effective the operation of the entire system will be. It is better to have away from the bedroom.

Passion valve Set next to the window at the height of the elongated hand, taking into account that the power of the supply air from it to the outlet should pass through the entire room and be maximum. Take care and that the protruding part of the valve is hidden behind the curtains.

Anemostats place either in the wall (interior partition) at a distance of no more than 100mm from the ceiling, or in a false ceiling (woven room and bathroom), and in the rooms - away from the place of air intake.

Ducts when laying do not twist, turns to make more smooth so as not to increase the resistance of the ventilation network.

For the supply valve, do not use the filter material with a rapidly installed by the manufacturer. This can cause fan overload and reduce air exchange efficiency.

When connecting two air ducts, thoroughly seal the joint with a self-adhesive tape.

This system provides one-time air exchange in a two-component apartment. From the premises where the excess heat, moisture, smells (kitchen, bathroom, bathroom, storage room) are distinguished, the spent air is closed through exhaust valves (anemostats), which are attached with the help of air ducts to the centrifugal exhaust fan unit. He carries out the process of removing "waste" air. Air flows from all rooms are combined in the fan block and through the exhaust air duct are thrown into the vertical channel of the general ventilation of the entire building or through the outer grille directly to the street. The power of the fan used limits the number of anemostates (not more than 15) and the length of the air ducts.

The atmospheric air enters the apartment through the trim valve, which is mounted in the window or wall of the building. The diameter of the supply valve model "KIV" can be 100 or 125mm, and the maximum length is up to 1000mm.

Own exhaust ventilation

Drill the ring drill of the corresponding diameter hole in the wall under the trim valve.

Own exhaust ventilation

Install the supply valve body.

Own exhaust ventilation

Insert the silencer from the mineral wool included in the valve package.

Own exhaust ventilation

Install the aperture block with a regulator and filter (the angle of the aperture can be changed smoothly using a handle or cord). Then repeat the operations on the installation of the supply valves in the rest of the rooms.

Own exhaust ventilation

Remove the fan block top panel, then remove the impeller ("impeller") with the engine and secure the rear wall of the unit at a distance of no more than 500 mm from the vertical channel of secregnate ventilation.

Own exhaust ventilation

Install the impeller with the engine in place and close the upper panel unit.

Own exhaust ventilation

To the exhaust air duct, install and output the metallic tip into the vertical channel, pre-drilled in the channel wall hole with a diameter of 128 mm.

Own exhaust ventilation

The gap between the tip and the hole thoroughly fill in the mounting foam to exclude the "suction" of air.

The area of ​​the inlet of this valve, and consequently, the air exchange is controlled manually using a two-board diaphragm. It can be opened and clogged by turning the handle or with a special regulator with a cord. Fresh air enters the faster, the greater the difference in air pressures outside and indoors. So, with the difference in pressure 30Pa and the maximum open diaphragm, the air supply rate is provided to 50 m3 / h. Purification of the incoming air is carried out using the filter installed in the diaphragm block.

The temperature and humidity of the supply air such a valve does not change than no different from the usual window. These air air parameters can only be changed only to the selection of the angle of opening the diaphragm (for example, in the winter to a small angle, and in the summer, the other way around). The fresh air has arrived in all the rooms of the apartment, set several inlet valves - usually one in the room. To flow air from the premises with a permanent stay of people in the room, from where it is removed forced, in partitions you need to provide holes with an area of ​​about 180cm2. It can be a slot at the bottom of the door, covered with a decorative frame, or a gap of 20mm height between the lower plane of the door leaf and the floor. You can use rectangular openings 50350mm with lattices in interior partitions.

The project of the system for the Apartment under consideration has the following features:

The exhaust fan unit is installed in the side of the kitchen on the 300mm mezzanine from the vertical channel of sociable ventilation. The installation site of three anestates chosen kitchen, bathroom and bathroom. In task, the extractor is made of two places. The central block of the block is connected to the exhaust umbrella over the stove, which was purchased without its own fan. Before the filter umbrella must necessarily stand the grease trap (several layers of fine metal mesh) to protect the valve of the central nozzle and especially the engine. Forced hood from the kitchen room is carried out through one of the nozzles without a limiter.

System Care Rules

Periodically remove and wash the filter element of the supply valve from the dust, having previously turned off the ventilation. Poplar flowering visor should look at its fluff with a brush with an outdoor lattice of the fence opening of the valve.

Once a year, remove the fan block panel, then the impeller with the engine and clean the air intake blades. In no case do not immerse the engine with the wheel in the water! Watch out a periodically impeller to detect and remove fat deposits on time.

Twice a year, remove the anestates from the installation sleeves and rinse them with a detergent for dishes.

Air ducts in the bathroom are placed on the false ceiling, the center of which anneostat is mounted, and the anemostat is located in the bathroom on the side of the bathroom. Unused nozzle is closed with a lid. The length of the air ducts with a diameter of 80 mm was 4.6 m, with a diameter of 125mm (a quoted umbrella in the kitchen) - 2,2m, which does not exceed the permissible length. The air duct from the exhaust umbrella is sewn with a drywall box, which is covered as the walls of the kitchen, liquid wallpaper.

Air exchange with minimal stagnation zones throughout the apartment provide four supplit valves installed in each room and the kitchen.

Own exhaust ventilation

To eliminate the sagging of the air duct, attach it using a bracket to the ceiling.

Own exhaust ventilation

In the upper part of the bathroom partition, make a hole with a diameter of 85 mm, skip through it the air duct into the bathroom and cut with a reserve of 5-10 cm with a sharp knife.

Own exhaust ventilation

Insert the fastening sleeve in the air duct and secure it in the partition.

Own exhaust ventilation

Set an anestat at the end of the air duct.

Own exhaust ventilation

Provide a gap of about 20 mm at the bottom of each door to create a natural ventilation.

Own exhaust ventilation

Cut the duct in the kitchen with decorative panels, for example, from a drywall with a thickness of 10 mm, and make their final finish in accordance with the texture of the wall.

Own exhaust ventilation

In the fan fan fence, make a door that will allow you to remove the front panel of the fan block and the impeller with the engine.

Own exhaust ventilation

This is the lattice of the intake opening outside.

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