Facade paints


Overview of the paint market for external finishing works. Domestic and Western manufacturers, addresses and phone numbers of suppliers.

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Facade paints

Facade paints

Facade paints

Facade paints

Facade paints

Facade paints

Facade paints

Facade paints

Beautiful facade pleases the eye not only the owner of the house, but also of any man passing by. In the last issue, we talked about hinged ventilated facades (article

"Hinged ventilated facades"). Now we are talking about paints for external finishing works. Their main function, in addition to creating a decorative effect, is the protection of the facade from the destructive effects of the environment

Like all finishing materials, paints for external work, or, as we will continue to call them, the facade paints differ in the possibility of using on one or another material of the base and can be divided into three groups:

for metal surfaces;

for stone surfaces;

For wooden surfaces.

This material is devoted to paints for "stone" facades. We define immediately, what we mean by the word "stone". Nobody will probably not paint the facade of polished granite or marble, but concrete walls, surfaces trimmed by various types of plasters, lined with sandstone, must be painted. So, under the term "stone" after the manufacturers of paints, we will understand exactly such both similar surfaces. Similarly, under the term "facade paints" will be implied in further paint for such "stone" facades.

The most important function of any coating is the protection of the facade from moisture penetration. The fact is that almost all mechanisms for the destruction of stone associated with physical, chemical, biological and mechanical impacts, one way or another, are based on moisture. Rain, especially with the wind, and flowing on the walls. Water is capable of caring from the surface of a brick particle, stone, building mortar and concrete. However, if this role was limited, it would be Polbie.

Like other materials, the stone is able to absorb water, which is accompanied by swelling. It is clear that all the stones absorb water in different ways: for example, a porous mortar and brick swell strongly, which you can not say about the granite, which absorbs the ability of which is very small. If water gets into a stone on the border between different construction materials, and sometimes even between particles of the same material (for example, sandstone), strong voltages occur. Somewhere the strengths of the stone lacks, and cracked. Especially strong water absorbed near the seams. They, as a rule, are made of highly sprinkled, strong absorbent, limestone or cement solutions, so there are constant damp zones around them on the facades.

The main mechanism for the destruction of the stone in the middle lane is defrosting (i.e., low temperatures). Dry stone is insensitive to frost. But there are practically no such stones in the middle lane. When the water in the pores freezes, there is an increase in its volume of approximately one-fifth and the surrounding material inevitably bursts. Thus, microcracks arise, which begin to actively recruit moisture again, and it freezes again and so on, while microcracks do not merge into ordinary, visible cracks. It turns out a vicious circle: the more water scored the stone, the stronger it cracks, the stronger it cracks, the more water he can dial. Therefore, the increase in destruction is oblivioned.

Another destroyer factor is the action of mineral salts. They can penetrate into the depths of the material with the capillars of the walls from the soil, leaching the binder of the stone. Ktomu aggressive chemicals produced in abundance in industrial areas and in the exhaust gases cars- oxides of sulfur, nitrogen and phosphorus ( "acid rain"). Even a simple, flushing effect of the front rain at elevated acidity is sharply enhanced.

Water movement ensures the transfer of salts from within a building material to the surface. The salts dissolved in it crystallize on the surface, forming a zip. Under the crust of salts, primarily gypsum, there are complex physico-chemical processes that can ultimately cause serious destruction of the surface, up to the microcarsta education "mini caves".

Mold fungi, mosses, lichen and algae, casting surface, and sometimes the volume of building materials (especially porous), are dangerous acid discharge products of their livelihoods. Especially great harm is applied by lichens, baking the surface with suction fibers. It is from all these devastating factors and must protect the facade paints. Their species are quite a lot, but three large groups can be distinguished, which differ in the material of the binder (base), which are currently used most widely: these are dispersion paints, silicate and paints based on silicone resins.

Dispersion facade paints are based on synthetic resins. They are characterized by hydrophobicity (water-repellent effect), elasticity, good mechanical strength. The unconditional advantages of these paint-ecological purity, high technological parameters and water as a diluent (alternating combustible and toxic solvents). It is for them the bulk of facade paints produced throughout the world. Dispersion paints are vapor permeable, that is, the surfaces treated with them "breathe", resistant to climatic conditions, which allows you to get a coating with excellent protective properties. Dispersion paints do not smell (except the weak smell of the residual monomer), are easily applied with brush, roller and paintopult. According to experts, water paints on an acrylate basis are recognized as the best in terms of operational properties, although usually several copolymers are part of such paint, and an optional acrylic series. But immediately need to make a reservation that with some surfaces such paints are incompatible. About this a little later.

Properties of any paint are determined by its composition. Dispersion paint is a water dispersion (the smallest, sufficiently stable droplets, reminiscent of milk) of a film former with various fillers and pigments. In addition to these components, such paint contains a number of special additives - emulsifiers, which contribute to the formation of droplets of paint in water, dispersion stabilizers, thickeners, anti-speakers, antiseptics and many other. Of course, the main component of dispersion paint is a binder, or, as they are often referred to as a film formator, since it is he who is responsible for the formation of a protective film on the surface being processed. Here are just some of the requirements for the binder: low minimum film formation temperature (less + 5C); High hardness, strength and weather resistance of the polymer; The high content of the film former (more45%) and, of course, stability during storage and stirring.

Silicate facade paints are single-component dispersion paints based on liquid potash glass containing improving organic additives. They have a large breathability, but do not have high hydrophobic indicators. Silicate paints are supplied in the finished form.

Paints based on silicone resin is the most modern paints that combine the best properties of silicate and dispersion paints. Their base is silicone compounds. These paints are also aqueous dispersion, but synthetic silicone resins are used as a binder. Silicone paints distinguishes strength, durability and beautiful breathability, at the same time painted walls are securely protected from all harmful atmospheric influences.

The main feature and complexity of the application of any paints is their compatibility with different types of surfaces to which they will be applied. There are a number of surfaces that are incompatible with certain groups of paints. In order not to make a mistake when buying, carefully examine our table, in which data are given on the most rational use of facade paints of different types of practically on all encountered types of external painted surfaces.

Many domestic manufacturers of paint products have mastered the production of facade paints on Western technologies and in Western equipment. Among them, JSC "Skim" (Moscow), which produces a wide range of facade paints (perchlorvinyl paints of the electronics of the electronics of the electronics, the acrylic paints "Acryo"; "Skim-Inteko 850"; "Skim"; water-acrylic paints VDA ; silicone KO-168 and Cial80; a wide range of silicate paints); ZAO "Oliviest" at the Moscow Plant "Lakokraska" ("Acryl-Lux"; acrylic water dispersive paint VD-AK-101). The trademark "Svyatozar" has proven itself well. Acrylic facade paint "Svyatozar-15" enjoys well-deserved popularity. The Construction "StroyKomplekt" offers the facade acrylic paint Vdak-1306, which is divided into four types: "Soil-Facade", "Standard", "Specialist" and "Professional". The first two compositions are designed for high-quality primer and surface preparation before final painting. It is only some of the Russian manufacturers of facade paints.

A number of western manufacturers of paint products unfold their production in Russia. An example of such cooperation is the Moscow enterprise "Iris Decor", the founder of which is the leading firm of Spain AKRO. The paint-produced paint for outdoor works is consistent with international standards. At the measurement to start the production of a new series of paints under the trademark Crown stated one of the largest producers of paints to the European concern Akzonobel (Holland).

But in general, Russia has no wide production of modern types of facade paints, for example, such as paints based on silicone resins and their compositions. It is for this reason that in the Russian market currently its products are a huge number of firms from Europe, America and Asia.

Producers from Scandinavia countries occupy a leading position in terms of price / quality ratio. The bright example is the Swedish company Beckers and its subsidiary VivaColor, whose paints due to the similarity of climatic conditions have proven themselves to Russian latitudes from the best side. The products of two Finnish firms Akzo Nobel Dekooy (trademark Sadolin) and Tikkurila Paintsoy (trademark Tikkurila) enjoys a sustainable demand. Next are German firms. Mefefeag (trademarks of Dufa and Flamingo), Lacufa, Reesa, Tex-Color is only the most widely represented German company manufacturers of paint products. Turkish manufacturers actively operate. Avposly then began expansion to the Russian market of firms from Slovenia. In addition to those listed, in the Russian market there are facade paints from England (Kantsern ICI, a trademark Dulux), France, USA and other countries.

And in conclusion, a few words about how to minimize the costs of maintaining the facade in perfect condition. According to Beckers specialists, the cost of the facade coating is calculated as follows: preliminary preparation of the facade - 45% of the total value of costs; salary costs 37%; Costs for finishing materials - 18%. You can make two main outputs from these numbers: first, before the painting facade should be well prepared, because it is not for nothing that all major firms produce not only the paint itself, but also a whole system of primers, fixers and impregnations that they recommend to treat the surface before Powder, and, secondly, it is better to apply only high-quality materials to cover facades. Only in this case it will last long (10-15 years), which will significantly save funds.

Compatibility of facade paints with a stainable surface

The surface on which paint is applied Dispersion paints Based on silicone resin Silicate
Lime-cement plaster Very good Very good Very good
Lime Plaster Not suitable Okay Okay
Mineral-based decorative plaster Okay Very good Very good
Lime sandstone Okay Very good Very good
Sandstone Not suitable Okay Very good
Silicate paint, silicate plaster Okay Very good Very good
Silicone resin paint or plaster Okay Very good Not suitable
Lime paint. Not suitable Okay Okay
Dispersion paint Very good Very good Not suitable
Plasters based on synthetic resins Very good Very good Not suitable
Concrete Okay Not suitable Not suitable
Chopping plate Okay Okay Okay

Facade paint suppliers

one Beckers Leninsky Pr-T, d. 87 tel. 132 5883.
2. Ici Paints. ul. Usacheva, d. 33/2, p. 2 Tel.: 245 5970, 245 5096
3. Alligator. ul. Dubininskaya, 53a Tel.: 235 2664, 235 5411
four Dufa / Flamingo. ul. New Arbat, d. 18 tel. 564 8470.
five Lacufa. Leninsky Pr-T, d. 95a Tel.: 936 2122, 936 2621
6. Tex-Color Denisovsky per., 2 Tel.: 267 6374, 261 5758
7. Crown. ul. Smolny, d. 24d Tel.: 795 0160, 795 0163
eight Supro. Electrode passage, d. 16 tel. 304 6820.
nine Belinka. ul. Middle Perreylavskaya, d. 14 tel. 280 6708.
10 Jub ul. Middle Perreylavskaya, d. 14 tel. 937 5761.
eleven Marshal Vostryakovsky passage, d. 10 tel. 937 2769.
12 Dyo. Arkhangelsky per., D. 1 tel. 208 0220.
13 LLC VTK "Poly-R" ul. Lobninskaya, d. 18 tel. 485 3844.
fourteen SomeFor. Bread per., D. 8 Tel.: 134 0367, 203 8726
fifteen Tikkurila Coursework per., D. 9 tel. 264 8496.
sixteen Vivacolor. Likhoborevskaya nab., D. 5a tel. 456 2669.

Some of the imported facade paints presented in the Russian market

Firm Mark paint. Paint type The foundation Consumption, m2 / l Packaging, L.
Alcro-Beckers AB, Sweden Expo Fasadarylat. VioMulsion Latex-acrylic 6-8 1.4; 10
Renassans-v Fasadfarg VioMulsion Silicone emulsion 4-6 3.8; 11.3.
Renassans Fasadfarg. Dispersion Acrylic resin. 2-4 0.94; 3.6; 10.8.
Silikatfarg. Silicate Liquid potash glass 4-5 four; 10
Vivacolor, Sweden Hansa Noobel Dispersion Acrylate, modified


4-6 2.7; 9,18
Hansa Silicat. Silicate Liquid potash glass 4-10. 0.9; 2.7; nine; eighteen
Hansa Klassik VioMulsion Lime 4-10. 0.9; 2.7; nine; eighteen
Hansa Sokkel Dispersion Acrylate 4-10. 0.9; 2.7; nine; eighteen
Ici Paints, England Dulux W / S Smooth Masonry Dispersion, smooth Acrylic emulsion 14-16
Dulux W / S All Seasons Masonry Dispersion, smooth Acrylic copolymer 14-16 five
Dulux W / S Textured Masonry Dispersion, small-scale


Acrylic emulsion up to8. five
Alligator, Germany Fassaden-


Dispersion Acrylate 6.5 2.5; 5, 12.5
SILIGATOR (F) Dispersion Acrylate five 5, 12.5
Phylax. Dispersion Acrylate 6.6 12.5
Silsilan Fassadenfarbe Silicone Siloxane resin 3.7-4 12.5
Silsilan-Universal Silicone Siloxane resin 4-5.9 12.5
Miropan. Silicone Siloxane resin 6.25. 12.5
Miropan Streachvlies. Silicone Siloxane resin 4,3. 12.5
Kieselit Fassadenfarbe Silicate Liquid potash glass 3-5 12.5
Dufa / Flamingo, Germany Fassaden-


Dispersion Acrylic emulsion 5-5.5 2.5; five; 10; 12.5


Dispersion Acrylate 6.5 2.5; five; 10
Lacufa (Caparol), Germany Amphibolin-2000. Pure acrylate (according to the company's nomenclature) Acrylate eight 2.5; five; 12.5
CAP-ELAST UNITOP Pure acrylate (minor company) Acrylate four 12.5
Muresko-Plus. Dispersion Mineral with Siloxan five 2.5: 5; 12.5
Amphisil. Silicate dispersion Liquid potash glass 5-5.5 12.5
Caparol Acryl-Fassadenweiss Dispersion Acrylate based synthetic resins five five; 12.5
DUPAROL (W) Polymer Polymeric resins four 12.5
Amphisilan (w) Silicone Siloxane resin 5-6.5 12.5
Am Tol Silikat-Fassadenfarbe Silicate Liquid potash glass with quartz 5-6.5 five; 12.5
Sylitol Reinsilikat-Farbe Silicate Liquid potash glass four 12.5
Sylitol-egalisationfarbe Silicate dispersion Modified

Liquid Potash Glass

5-6.5 12.5
Sylitol Compact. Silicate Liquid potash glass, enhanced by siloxane 4-5 12.5
Lacufa (Diamant) NEU ACRYL-FASSADENWEISS Dispersion Acrylic 5-6 10
Reesa, Germany Uni-Fassadenfarbe Dispersion Acrylic emulsion 6. five; 12.5
Reesacryl. Dispersion Acrylic emulsion 7. 12.5
Reesolan. Synthetic Synthetic resins 5.5 12.5
Reesa-Siloxan Silicone Silicone emulsion five 12.5
Tex-Color, Germany TEX-EGALIZATIONSFARBE. Dispersion Acrylic emulsion four fifteen
Tex-Renovierfarbe Dispersion Acrylic dispersion five fifteen
Tex-Sil. Dispersion Acrylic emulsion five fifteen
Silikat-Fassadenfarbe Dispersion silicate Liquid potash glass five fifteen
Siloxan-Fassadenfarbe Dispersion Siloxanova five fifteen
"Irisdecor", Russia "Iris Decor" Dispersion Veva-acetate copolymers 110-170 g / m2 / on the layer five; fifteen; 25; 60.
Zao Akzo Nobel Dekor, Russia Crown (facade) Silicone Silan-Syloksanova 5-6 five; 10
OOO Supro, Russia SUPRO ACRYL LATEX EXTERIOR Dispersion Acrylic emulsion 8-10 2.5; five; 10
SUPRO ACRYL LATEX EXTERIOR EXTRA Dispersion Acrylic emulsion 10 2.5; five; 10
SUPRO COLEUR LATEX EXTERIOR Dispersion Acrylic emulsion 8-10 2.5; five; 10
SUPRO SUPER ACRYL Dispersion Acrylic emulsion nine 2.5; five; 10
SUPRO COLEUR SUPER ACRYL Dispersion Acrylic emulsion nine 2.5; five; 10
BELINKA, Slovenia Opal kolor. Dispersion Acrylate 10-11m2 / kg 16 kg
Jub, Slovenia Acrylcolor. Dispersion Acrylic emulsion 3.5 2.5; five; 12.5
Acrylcolor Relief Dispersion Acrylic emulsion 1,2 2.5; five; 12.5
RevitalColor AG Dispersion Acrylic emulsion 2. 2.5; five; 12.5
Takril. Dispersion Acrylic emulsion 3.5 2.5; five; 10
Jubosil F. Silicone Silicone emulsion 3. 2.5; five; 10
Jubosil FX. Silicate Liquid potash glass 3. 2.5; five; 10
RevitalColor Si. Silicate Liquid potash glass 2. 2.5; five; 10
Helios, Slovenia Spectra Dispersion Acrylic emulsion 10 There is no data
Martin Senour Paint, USA Great Life. Latex Not decrypted 10 0.94; 3.78; 18.9
Platinum Latex Not decrypted 10
Betek, Turkey Beteksilan. Silicone Silicone emulsion 6-10. 3.75; fifteen
Beteksilan Texture. Silicone Silicone emulsion 0.8-2m2 / kg 25 kg
Betakril. Dispersion Acrylic emulsion 7.5-10. 2.5; 3.75; fifteen
Betakril Texture. Dispersion Acrylic emulsion 0.8-2m2 / kg 25kg
Betekdur. Dispersion Acrylic emulsion 7.5-10. 3.75; fifteen
DYO, Turkey Dyosil Silicone Silicone emulsion 8-12. 17.5
Dyotex. Dispersion Acrylic emulsion five 2.5; 17.5
Marshal, Turkey "Acricor" Dispersion Acrylic emulsion 12 2.5; 7.5; fifteen
LLC VTK, Poly-R, Russia Poly-R (facade) Dispersion Acrylic emulsion 6.5 five; 10
SomeFor, France Alpafacade on solvent Resin brand PLIOLITE. eight 10
"Facade Acryl" VioMulsion Acrylic emulsion 5-7 10
"Alpafasad Polyacryl" VioMulsion Acrylic emulsion nine 10
Akzo Nobel Dekooy, Finland Sadolin Lukko. Dispersion Acrylic emulsion 3-6 10
Tikkurila Paintsoy, Finland Kivitex (facade) Dispersion Acrylic emulsion 3-5 3; 10; twenty
Kivitex (Silicate) Silicate Liquid potash glass 4-10. 0.9; 2.7; nine; eighteen
Kivisil. Silicone Silicone emulsion 4-10. 0.9; 2.7; nine; eighteen
Yuki. VioMulsion Latex-acrylic 4-10. 0.9; 2.7; nine; eighteen
Yuha. Dispersion Acrylic emulsion 4-10. 0.9; 2.7; nine; eighteen
Novasil. Dispersion Acrylate, modified


4-10. 0.9; 2.7; nine; eighteen
Mader, Hungary Dekton-EX. Dispersion Acrylic emulsion There is no data 25 kg

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