Building Biocorrosions: Wrestling and Prevention Methods


Biocorrosion building materials and structures - how to deal with it? Fundamentals of prevention and domestic means of protection.

Building Biocorrosions: Wrestling and Prevention Methods 15097_1

To the great-grandfather left

To the great-grandfather left
This is what the tube of the exterior collector of the heating network, affected by the effects of bacteria. With the persistent rates of corrosion in 4-5 years, an accident is possible as a result of a passage damage

To the great-grandfather left

To the great-grandfather left
Bacterial and mushroom corrosion of building structures leads to their partial or complete destruction, fraught danger to people's lives
To the great-grandfather left
For 4 years of destructive work of the CONIOPHORA CEREBELLA house mushroom and atmospheric moisture completely destroyed the base of the column and the porch of a wooden cottage
To the great-grandfather left
So, as a result of microbial and atmospheric corrosion, sweeping the surface layer of plaster and, as a result, the destruction of concrete
To the great-grandfather left
The ingestion of concrete and plastered surface with moss begins with bacterial and fungal lesion (Bacillusp., Penicillium, Mucorsp., Fusariumsp., Aspergillusp.) Surface sections adsorbing moisture
To the great-grandfather left
Protection of the surface of the column with a biocide solution (brush processing) in order to prevent microbial damage to the material
To the great-grandfather left
The reasons for the destruction of architectural elements of the building are different: temperature changes, action precipitation, formation of colonies of bacteria, mushrooms, moss

Atmospheric precipitation, seasonal temperature changes, winds, storms, floods, and other manifestations of elements - significant, but it turns out, not the main threat of dwelling. The more powerful cruel-invisible microorganisms-biodestructors, under the influence of which the great buildings of the past have fallen, which have come down to this day in the form of disappearing ruins. These Eaters of Building Materials and Designs threaten not only the Hermitage and Pashkov House, but also our high-rise buildings, country cottages and other real estate, which appeared relatively recently.

The destructive activity of biological crops identified in tropical conditions (in Cuba and Vietnam) significantly exceeds the activity of such microorganisms in zones with temperate climates (let's say, in the Moscow region Zvenigorod). But the harmfulness of biodeructors does not boil down to zero even in the extreme north. The breakthroughs of oil reservoirs and pipelines and related largest ecological catastrophes of recent years according to the testimony of specialists - the result of biodestructors affecting industrial and building materials and designs, mainly mycelial fungi and bacteria (bacill).

The foci of lesion by microorganisms, as a rule, occurs spontaneously, but, if desired and skill, this process can be controlled. Adjustable and targeted destructive actions of microorganisms in the hands of military-effective weapons of mass dealers of the enemy.

In everyday life, aggressive microorganisms are perceived by us as a natural and inevitable evil: rusted metal fence, rotted rafters on the roof of the old summer cottage, - it's impossible to do it from time to time. True, if the fence regularly paint, and the roof is repaired on time, building materials will serve for a decade longer. But to completely protect them from the devastating action of external forces will not be able to anyone.

Meanwhile, it is enough to look at the facts in order to be terrified and immediately adopt protection measures at least personal real estate. Corrosion of concrete and reinforced concrete, in addition to the damage associated with the destruction of structures (houses, storage facilities, fences, etc.), leads to environmental pollution. It is within order of up to 2% of the total production of reinforced concrete, i.e. 3-5 million m3 of promotion. Metal loss is even more: as a result of corrosion of electrochemical and biological nature, they reach 30% annual production, and 10% is lost irretrievably. For all the time the mass production and application of metals (3-4 centuries) is lost up to 75% produced.

In addition to the color and mechanical protection against moisture, there are many preventive means and methods for protecting and preserving materials and objects that several times extend their service life and prevent infection of surrounding items. Meanwhile, almost all property owners in our country do not know the elementary basics of preventing the lesion of buildings and real estate by voracious mushrooms and bacteria.

Studies in the field of protection against biocorrosion require a solid experimental base, large material costs. Nevertheless, Russian scientists have created a number of original and highly efficient means of protecting industrial materials and metal structures from biological structures and biocorrosions, which at a lower cost of efficiency are not inferior to foreign counterparts. Hospitality, on the shelves of stores the range of these funds is small. Products of foreign manufacturers are not always effective and often environmentally unsafe.

The idea of ​​biocidal and inhibiting additives in primer and paints has long been implemented in practice. Thus, in the primers produced by the Finnish company "Tikkurila", a fungicide is added, which destroys the mycelial flora on the protected surface. Inspecting most cases, these substances relate to the type of rigid biocides that kill biodestructors microorganisms. Meanwhile, in their place over time, new species resistant to the action of this biocide appear and, as a rule, no less aggressive to the protected material. In addition, rigid biocides are toxic and environmentally harmful.

Another approach is more effective. So-called soft bocides do not kill mushrooms and bacilli-destroyers, but suppress their activities for decades. Soft biocides can be added to electrolytes, paints, conversion coatings as fillers, as well as applied before and after processing the protected surface with paint and varnishes. The consumption of biocides us2 of the protected surface is calculated by milligrams, the cost of paint and varnishes with additives does not increase significantly, meanwhile, the protective effect increases at least in 2 times.

Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor, Leading Researcher at the Institute of Physical Chemistry of the Russian Academy of Sciences A.A. Gerasimenco Specialist who has information in the field of protection against biocorrosion. "Employees of IFHRAN have been developed and recommended for the production of highly efficient means of protecting equipment and structures from microbiological damage and biocorrosions of metals, taking into account the environmental aspects of the problem. These means allow you to suppress the life of bacteria and micromitzents and prevent the development of the processes of the destruction of organic, inorganic, polymer, metal, composite materials as On the military and in civilian sites, including individual dwellings, - Scholar says. - When using paints and varnishes, biologically dangerous organic solvents are traditionally used, evaporated with air after their application. At the same time, the largest volume of dangerous technologies is still on our country . The consumer, applying such paints in living conditions, breathes devastating for health by evaporation. To date, the picture of the use of paint coatings abroad is as follows: aqueous - 15-20%, powder- 3-7%, laccs Materials with a reduced content of organic volatile solvents - 50-60%, traditional paints and varnishes are 20-30%; At the same time, in everyday life, water-dispersive or insulatable oils are used in 80-90% of cases. Similarity: 99% - traditional paints and varnishes, 1% - water-dispersive and insulatable oil, including in everyday life. "

The CB of Experienced Work and Iphoras developed environmentally friendly technologies for the production of a wide range of means of protecting industrial and building materials from biocorrosion. The production of these funds is established, including the following:

  • Means "Biocor" It is intended to protect materials, nodes and products from biological damage and corrosion. Successfully protects felt, cloth, paper, cardboard, wood, tarpaulin, vinyl coatings of cables and wires, etc. It is a solution of a biocide and a film-forming substance, applied with immersion into the solution or aerosol spraying. For example, wooden rafters of the houses, beams and lags can be processed under the floor in the garage. Biocor is more efficient and safer than previously used sodium pentachlorophenolyte and other drugs, does not adversely affect the polymeric materials and paintwork.
  • Means "Electro-attactible dBA" Designed to protect parts from non-ferrous metals for a period of 10 years. If you want to reliably protect the electrocontacts on the distribution panel, the electrotransformer, significantly increase the service life of precision radio and electrical appliances, "Electroontact-DBA" is irreplaceable. It not only protects against the impact of microorganisms, but also prevents the formation of oriented crystals (dendrites) - "Metal phones" of electrical conductors. The tool is a mixture of an organic solvent and an inhibitor (substance that slows down the process of corrosion of a comprehensive action. It is applied with a immersion of the product into a solution or aerosol spraying. Drying time at 20c- 30-90s.
  • Water-Waxes of "Air Force-K3" Designed to protect against corrosion, biological damage and aging of virtually any technical designs and structures from various materials under operating conditions or long-term storage (kinmera, at the construction site). The composition includes a 25-32% aqueous dispersion of the Cererse of white and additive, forms a solid, almost colorless coating that retains its properties in the temperature range from -10sdo + 50c, has water resistance, low vapor and gas permeability.
  • Corrosion converter "PKS-1" Designed to restore and preservate the external surfaces of steel metal structures operating in an open atmosphere of various climatic zones, including tropics. Good there, where atmospheric factors and biodeructors have already begun devastating work. The converter provides an increase in the durability of structures by 1.5-2 times compared to the usual way to restore coatings, does not require cleaning the surfaces with special solutions, environmentally friendly.
  • Paintwork "LCP-VD". It is intended for the protection of complexized surfaces of products from ferrous and non-ferrous metals from biological and atmospheric corrosion. It is possible to use in rigid climatic conditions, including tropics, plague and highlands. If you have acquired bungalows on the bugs, built a ski shelter in the Swiss Alps or in the Northern Urals, when protecting both internal and external metal parts of the building and equipment, the coverage of the "LCP-VD" is capable of competing the most perfect Western counterpart. Its advantageous density and protective ability with a smaller layer thickness. The method of coating is technological and safe.
  • Multilayer-composite coating "KMK-CF" It is intended to protect the surfaces of steel products from biological and atmospheric corrosion. This coating is more efficient than usually used zinc-chromatic or zinc phosphate. It is enough to apply it to the details of the metal structures of your garage and other structures, and they will serve at least two or three times longer. The coating is non-toxic, it fully complies with environmental requirements.

The use of the proposed compositions along with the use of water-dispersive paints and varnishes, modifiers and light grateproof paraffin coatings (LSPs) makes it possible not only to increase the protective properties of coatings, extend, at a minimum, in 2 occasion of operational and overlook for building structures, but also solve some environmental problems in everyday life: Do not pollute the environment, put a reliable shield of allergic and other diseases. A.A.Gerasimenko paid special attention to corrosion inhibitors, primarily intended for the protection of metal surfaces, is the unique developments of Iphran, as part of a conversion program that has become affordable civil consumer. There is a production where your order will make the right amount of substance and get acquainted with the method of its use.

The inhibitors most useful in the field of housing construction include the following:

  • Oil-soluble corrosion inhibitor "Iphhan-MF". Designed for the introduction of oil, lubricants, bitumen coatings, paint and varnishing and coolant, as well as for direct application to metal products in order to anticorrosive protection. IFKhan-MF is manufactured in three modifications in various aggregate state: "IFKHAN-1MF" (solid), "IFHAN-2MF" (liquid) and "IFKHAN-3MF" (Mase-like substance). The inhibitor protects steel, lead, aluminum, can be used to preserve building structures, metal tanks (kinmera, water tower tanks), plumbing equipment, as well as to protect products already having corrosive razage. Malotoxic.
  • Corrosion inhibitor of black and non-ferrous metals and alloys of reinforcing action "IFKHAN-25" It is intended for the objectives described above, consists of non-toxic organic substances, has anti-corrosive effects and can be used in a variety of household situations (kinmera, with temporary storage of metal structures at the construction site in the open air). Applied at a temperature not lower than -3c, is prepared by simply mixing individual components. The corrosion inhibitor of black and non-ferrous metals and alloys of the enhancement action "IFKHAN-31" is close according to the characteristics of the IFKhan-25 inhibitor. The scope of use is the same.
  • Waxing "IFKHAN-29" It is intended for additional protection of metal surfaces, such as roofs of houses, garages, dumps of cars, etc., including already protected with paints and varnishes. Increases the protective ability of the last several times. Waterproof, has a high penetrating ability. It is well preserved on rough surfaces, having a high grip with them.
  • Corrosion inhibitor of black and non-ferrous metals for water and water-organic media "IFKHAN-34" Indispensable when protection against biocorrosions of water supply and sewage pipes (kinimer, outer water supply system for irrigation of lawn, pipes and septic tanks). It has a biocidal action and a protective aftereffusion, consists of low-toxic substances, does not contain chromates and nitrites, effectively prevents corrosion of metals in a wide range of temperatures. It is prepared in the form of a concentrated solution, then entering the inhibitory system.

Here is only a small part of the recommended biocides and inhibitors, the optimal choice of which will be able to make a specialist depending on the specific situation. The economic effect of the use of biocides and inhibitors created by Russian scientists and inhibitors in housing construction. Their use allows you to extend the service life of materials and household equipment in 2 times, reduce operating costs and improve the safety of the use of housing while complying with environmental priorities.

Domestic scientists and product manufacturers are ready to promote the Russian and foreign market of biocides and the next generation inhibitors. Cerage, the consciousness of the consumer remains still low: saving on thousands of rubles, we continue to lose millions, while academic scientists in the field of biocorrosion are already ready for a practical solution to the next century problems! Viyun 1998 on the initiative of RAO Gazprom, the Ministry of Fuel and Energy of the Russian Federation, the Russian Academy of Sciences, the Government of Moscow and the Group of the largest industrial companies under the slogan "Step in the 21st Century" in Moscow, the IIInternational Congress "Protection-98" took place. Scientists of the Russian Academy of Sciences and domestic manufacturers of biocides and inhibitors, while calculating international financial support, have made a number of reports that are sensational. It can be assumed that the delicious Russian candy will soon be sold to us in imported wrapper.

Speaking with the words of the poet, "all eternity is born, and the common will not leave fate." However, in our power to extend the service life of real estate, at least enough to allow grandchildren and great-grandchildren to take advantage of the grandfathers. So far, barely enough sons. Avicov we ourselves.

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