Hinged ventilated facades


Overview of modern facade panels. Manufacturers, technical specifications of panels of various species.

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Hinged ventilated facades

For a long time, one of the most relevant problems of construction as a whole and cottage construction in particular is the protection of facades of buildings from the effects of external adverse factors, such as atmospheric precipitation, ultraviolet radiation, sharp temperature differences. Preservation of operational qualities of buildings for a long-time-important economic and environmental factor of modern building technologies.

One of the most rational ways to solve the problem of protecting facades of the already constructed buildings is the use of various types of walls, or as they are often called facade panels. The facades of wooden buildings were published with wooden clap, which was carefully painted. It is the lining and can be viewed as a prototype of front panels. But over time, the tree began to rot, so natural and synthetic materials, the protective characteristics of which are much higher than the tree began to use the facade panels.

Hinged ventilated facades
This looks like vinyl sidingfunctional modern facade panels are divided into two large groups. The first panels performing both a decorative function and the function of protecting the facade from atmospheric influences. The panels of the second group have also substantial heat and sound insulation properties. The choice of decorative facade panels is now extremely wide. Common for all models is the installation of the building. At the same time, a well-ventible clearance is formed between the facade and panels. A dense fit and a special design of panels prevent atmospheric precipitation onto the wall, and as a result of good ventilation, there is a drainage of even the initially raw facades. To achieve improvement of heat protection properties of walls, the panels additionally install various modern thermal insulation materials.

Siding It has highly both decorative and moisture protection properties and is a typeset panels made of steel, aluminum or vinyl polymers, the outer surface of which is painted into different colors or textured under the tree.

The most durable, durable and, naturally, dear ($ 25-45 m2) type of siding-steel. However, the main area of ​​its use is the finishing of facades of buildings in cities.

Hinged ventilated facades
Additional components for finishing home vinyl siding aluminum siding is easier and cheaper ($ 14-20 per m2) steel and almost not inferior to him by strength. Both types of panels have an outer coating of polyvinyl chloride, thanks to which they can give any color. The products of both European and North American producers are widely represented on the Russian market. It is necessary to mention the domestic wall facing profile (association of plants Rosspetsstroy). It is made from a metal of Finnish production with a multilayer polymer coating, as well as from galvanized steel 0.55 mm thick, painted by powder enamels of different colors. A more complex and expensive version of aluminum facade panels was offered the German company Alusingen. The Alucobond panels are a three-layer structure, in which between two thin layers of aluminum, the thickness of which is 0.5 mm, pressed the plastic insert with a thickness of 2-7 mm. This inset is not porous, so such a panel does not have thermal insulation properties, but withstands temperature changes in the range from -50Sdo + 80c and has good sound and vibration insulating properties. Panel size 1,253,20m. They are fairly expensive: the panel of standard colors cost $ 90m2, and the imitating texture of natural stone is $ 98m2.

Hinged ventilated facades
The facades and the design elements of houses decorated with siding (vinyl clapboard) Well, in the cottage construction, the most popular and common view of siding is vinyl, that is, made of vinyl polymers. It is easy, cheap ($ 7-11 m2) and strong enough. Manufacturers guarantee the immutability of vinyl siding properties for 50 years. It can withstand the temperature from -50Sdo + 50c, almost non-combustible and well washed with water. But almost all plastics, including vinyl polymers, poorly withstand sharp temperature differences characteristic of the continental climate. In this case, the aging of the polymer occurs much faster. Another danger is a strong wind causing vinyl siding vibration. At low temperatures and strong freezing, the material becomes rather fragile and from severe oscillations can crack or split.

The technology of facing at home siding is not more complicated by the procedure for the covering of its wooden carbon panel - the polymer panels are easily cut with a hacksaw. The profile of the panels is designed in such a way that they need to be mounted horizontally, flashes. For which the holes for nails are made in the upper edge of the panels, and the holes have an extended shape that allows you to compensate for the thermal expansion of the panels. To attach siding, you should use nails from aluminum alloys to avoid subsequently rusty drills on the surface of the panels.

To make the building finish finished type, there are additional components, such as a variety of corners, drainage, decorative elements. Interesting Facade panels from rigid polyvinyl chloride with stone facing . In Chermannia, they are already produced more than 25 years, but the Russian market began to conquer only recently. The incidence of the carrier layer is the rigid polyvinyl chloride foam of volumetric mass (density) of about 700 kg / m3, on the surface of which the stone crumb is applied at high temperatures. The Russian market presents the products of Deltken (Germany), which has already gained great popularity. Standard length panel - 6m, but it is possible to separately select from2.5 to 9.0 m. To finish the surface of the panels, the company "Delken" uses marble crumb. The price of such facade panels is $ 45-55 m2.

Hinged ventilated facades
The finishing of facades of buildings panels Polyalpan (Germany) have recently obtained an increasing distribution of PVC plates with a coating of silicone polymers, synthetic resins and light mineral plasters, but they have not yet been received to the Russian market.

Wood fiber composite slabs Synthetic or natural resins are presented on the Russian market in several manufacturers, among which Canexel products are allocated (Canada). The basis of such wood panels split into fibers and pressed at high temperatures and pressure. The binding component is a natural lignin (an organic polymeric compound contained in the plant tissue), released during the hot chopping of wood. The resulting material is environmentally friendly, since it does not use phenol formaldehyde resins. High density does not allow panels to deform, crack and split. Each panel in the manufacturing process is covered with five layers of paint, which create a reliable protective layer. Installation of the wall coating is no different from the finishing of the building with the clapboard. Largely a variety of additional elements are available, which will significantly facilitate installation.

Facoon panels from fiber cement Have a high hardness and good vapor permeability. An example of fiber-cement panels can serve facing boards from a fine-grained color concrete Colorock of Lemminkäinen (Finland) and Eternitag construction panels of ETERPLAN-N of Eternitag (Germany). In addition, Eternitag produces low-informant finishing tiles of 127 sets and the most diverse form Polycolor and ColorFlex, designed specifically for low-rise construction.

Hinged ventilated facades
The facades decorated with Gebrick-fourth material to protect and decorate facades of buildings are becoming increasingly popular in Germany in recent years. Little-format metal facade plates . Their area is approximately 0.4 m2 with a mass of about 5kg. For the manufacture of plates, various metals are used: aluminum, copper, zinc, steel, including stainless. Their surfaces have a variety of coatings, such as patina, galvanized or plastic. Advertising of these materials started relatively recently and they have not yet been widespread.

Last 25 years of great success in Europe enjoy Ceramic plates . Permissible water absorption of about 3% guarantees their high frost resistance. The surface of the facade ceramic plates is polished or applied to her glaze.

Of particular interest are the front panels of the second group, which have in addition to decorative and moisture protection properties with good thermo- and sound insulation properties. They got the name Sandwich type panels . One of the first such materials was developed in Germany more than 30 years ago is the Polyalpan panel of Herbert Heinemann. Such a panel consists of an outer metal sheet with a thickness of 0.5 mm, a layer of polyurethane foam 25 or 50mm thick for the thermal insulation of the facade and the internal vapor insulation layer of aluminum foil thickness 0.05mm. The lacquered and dried by a hot layer of aluminum alloy, manganese and magnesium can have a surface molded under decorative plaster, wood and other texture. Changing the physical parameters of panels when the ambient temperature change is so insignificant that the manufacturer firm guarantees their use in the range from -180sdo + 100 ° C for 30 years. The panels have high chemical and fire resistance (a group of hardly combed materials), environmentally friendly, are not affected by fungus and mold. The acoeffer of their thermal conductivity is 0.02 W / (MK). Price panels Polyalpan- $ 55-75 m2. Prosossia Material represents the Inteko Zoon.

Hinged ventilated facades
Colored facade panels from Eternit AG fiber-cement (Germany) have proven themselves "Sandwich" -panel ISOTHERM firms of MetalPlast (Poland), in some models of which, as in TRIMO panels (Slovenia), is used as insulation instead of unfrephant polyurethane foam used solid mineral wool. The front "sandwiches" Rannila releases the Finnish concern Rautaruukki, known for us as a manufacturer of metal tile. It is impossible not to mention the domestic producer - Podolsk DSC, which, on the equipment purchased in Finland, has established the production of three-layer panels, using Rockwool (Denmark) basalt cotton wool as insulation.

Recently, three-layer facade panels of ISOPanel Ateriti Turkish company Karaca Dis Tika-Ret appeared on the Russian market. Punching the thermal insulation layer between the two metal layers is placed fire-resistant polystyrene foam.

Hinged ventilated facades
"Sandwich" - Poland ISOTERM company MetalPlast (Poland) Interesting material presented in the Russian market A-7 in the Russian market - these are the facade thermal insulation blocks Thermobick of PEM-THERMOBRICK (Canada). They are three-layer facade panels, the basis of which is moisture-resistant plywood, a thermal insulating layer of polyurethane foam, and the outer decoration is made of ceramic facade tiles. Linear panel dimensions are 1.220.4m (0.5 m2) with a thickness of 50mm. The weight of one panel is 11kg. The facade panels of six colors are offered. Fastening to the wall of the panels is carried out with the help of dowels and self-tapping screws. The price of such a material is about $ 60m2.

One of the newest variants of decorative-insulating facade material are the Gebrick panels. Each block of this system has an area of ​​1m2 with a thickness of only 60mm, which makes it relatively easy- 25kg. The GEBRICK panel looks like a brickwork area. It is made of natural bricks fixed on a monolithic panel of polyurethane foam. The thickness of the brick facing is 19 mm, and the thickness of thermal insulation is 44mm. The rear side of the block is protected by kraft paper. The thermal conductivity of the wall, trimmed outside with such panels, is reduced by three times and sometimes more. GEBRICK panels are attached to the wall on the dowels. The panel panels numbers 40 sets and shades. For ease of installation, special angular elements have been developed. In the Russian market, the GEBRICK panel represents the company M-Holding.

Comparison of the technical characteristics of the most common "sandwich" - Panels are given in the table.

Panel Dimensions Coating Insulation Weight, kg / m2 Coefficient

Cenage thermal

Water, W / (MK)

Length, see Width, see Thickness, see Outdoor Domestic Material Thickness, mm.
Polyalpan. 120. 42; 55. 2.5; five Aluminum magnifying sheet 0.5mm, Aluminum foil 0.05mm Polyurene Foolder 25; fifty 3.5 0.020
Rannila 120. 60; 90; 120. 8-20. Hot-dip galvanized steel sheet 0.6mm, polyester varnish mineral wool 80-200. 19-33. 0.044.
Trimoterm SNV. 200-1400 6; eight; 10; 12; fifteen; twenty Hot-dip galvanized steel sheet 0.6mm, polyester varnish mineral wool 60-200. 16.2-23.6 0.045
Isotermsc. 1200. 110. four; 6; eight; 10 Hot-dip galvanized steel sheet 0.6mm, polyester varnish Polyurene Foolder 40; 60; 80; 100 10.9 13.6 0,022
Pflaum. 1000. 61-91.5 3,512. Hot-dip galvanized steel sheet 0.55-0.75mm, polyester coating PUR foam 35-120 11.3-14.8. 0.055
PW8 / B-U1 240-1600. 119. 4.5; 6; eight Hot-dip galvanized steel sheet 0.6mm, polyester varnish Polyurene Foolder 45; 60; 80. 11.7-12.9 0,025
Isopanel Aterit. 1220. 100 five; eight; 10; fifteen; twenty Hot -Cincike steel sheet 0.45mm, polyester varnish polystyrene foam 45-200. 8.7-9.3 -
Gebrik. 140. 70. 6. Brick facing 19mm Kraft paper Polyurene Foolder 44. 25. -
Thermobick. 122. 40. five Ceramic facade tile Waterproof Polyurene Foolder - 22. 0.033

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