Modern decor


Very bright non-standard examples of decorative ceiling, walls and doors in residential and public interiors.

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"She walked her lilac sofa and the rest of English furniture.

- You look good in your apartment, Fanny, and this, in my opinion, rarely anyone succeeds, "said the heroine of Roman Francãus Sagan. She was right. Reviews with interests, lifestyle and customer psychology Architect or designer creates unique decor elements, Which are able to tell not only about the mastery of the authors, but also about the preferences of the customers. There is a job about the work that the latter may say: "It seems to me that this interior" goes ". Today in our heading we are talking about decoration.

Decorative vaults

Modern decor

Architect: Marina Zaidadnova

Photo: Evgeny Luchin

Very high ceilings in the house architect Marina Zaidadinova grinds with wooden beams, to achieve the completion of the composition of space and match the style of the house. Erker in the room is intended for the organization of the dining area. And in order to sit at the table, it was uncomfortable, with the help of wooden beams and stained-glass windows with a backlit, a semblance of a gazebo, which visually closes the space.

Summer rain

Modern decor

Architect: Georgy Petrenko

Photo: Evgeny Luchin

The wishes of the customer, the owner of the middle class restaurant, were as follows: you need to create an interior, in which it would be felt ease and freshness, where all the space would be subject to the topic of the rain, and at the same time restrict ourselves to quite small means. All these requirements were successfully completed with the architect.

Since the room is located in the old building, it was possible to use high ceilings to use the maximum. The architect at different levels placed curly clouds from the chipboard with a backlight, thus solving two tasks at once. The first were hidden by some disadvantages in the decoration finish, the second accurate follow of the general idea of ​​the room. The strips of mirrors on the walls and decorative, and functional. As if personifying the rain, they push out, prolong, stretch space, reflecting small areas of the interior, which does not interfere with his holistic perception.

"Live Walls"

Scenbon : Maria Lateev

Photo: Mikhail Stepanov

The specifics of the room pushes the artist when decorated on the most unexpected decisions. We present options for decorating walls in public interiors, which are fully applicable in private apartments.

Modern decor

For the design of the bathroom used in large quantities of copper plates with a mirror effect, and white ropes were made to black and white gamut such an intimate room elements of theatricality inherent in the general atmosphere of the club.

Modern decor

In the children's club, the wall is originally draped by "chewable" canvas. Being in fact an independent work of art, it also serves as a kind of theatrical scenery for the production of children's performances.

Modern decor

Architect: Grigory Marchev

Photo: Mikhail Stepanov

In a flower shop, one of the walls literally affects the incoming major, complete texture, surprisingly appropriate the specifics of the interior. Due to its structure, this wall serves as a good background for any plant or flower arrangement, giving them an additional effect.

Unfinished waves

Modern decor

Designer: Sabolc Kuyvav (Switzerland)

Photo: Mikhail Stepanov

For some reason, techniques for decorating doors in the interior are very rare, despite the fact that this topic is definitely deserved. The presented metal doors are also decorated with metal wavy plates. This framing echoes the design of the mirror of a similar form. Thus, one reception inspires to create the other, and together they constitute a holistic, unique composition. Agree, without these unpaired wavy lines, the composition would not take place, and the effect would not be so impressive.

The embodiment of the speaker

Modern decor

Designer: Sabolc Kuyvav (Switzerland)

Photo: Mikhail Stepanov

Such an intricate wall in the form of the wall in the interior of this room is a space-spatial composition and performs both purely decorative and functional tasks. It shares the space, hiding the zone where the bathrooms are located, from the common hall. A bright color solution, in contrast with the finishing of other elements, and an unusual design makes paying particular attention to it, which makes the wall by the main element, the rod in the overall decorative design.

Split ornaments

Modern decor

Designer: Sabolc Kuyvav (Switzerland)

Photo: Mikhail Stepanov

The floors classically laid out in our time remain monuments of the past. But the old sophisticated and complex technology still had an impact on the development of modern, more simplified. One of the original solutions of the mosaic subject in the design of Paul suggested the Swiss designer. The ornament is laid out of fragments of multi-colored ceramic tiles, which gives a gracious opportunity to invent an endless number of patterns.

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