Decorative wall texture: surface preparation, tools


The texture "under the turtle shell" or "under the shell", "under the tree" or "under marble" - all this can be achieved, just using different rollers, spatulas and loving.

Decorative wall texture: surface preparation, tools 15264_1

In our previous rooms, we have already considered various wall coloring options. A constant desire for excellent and new finishing materials make it possible to create many original decorative effects in the interiors. Returning to the topic, we will tell about some of them and hope that you will help you make a choice. The most accessible remains a way to decorate the premises with the help of contrast of colors and textures. Using them, you can give your home inimitable style


Walls. Decorative effects

For basic finishing work, it will take: steel spatula (rectangular trinket, called sometimes ironing), a spatula, a wide brush (mecklock), a brush of flots (60mm), a flat roller made of foam rubber with chromium leather pieces, tampon slices Skin.

For preparatory work requires: fur roller, measuring cup, roulette, long line, twine or level, pencil, stirrer, construction paper tape, abrasive leather, containers for breeding paints, water basin, stewing.

Preparation of surfaces

In the previous rooms, the magazine was described in detail how to prepare the surface to paint. Therefore, we describe this process briefly. Walls (old, but even) were cleared, twice splashed and polished with a skirt. Then, according to the recommendation of the manufacturer of paints, they were twice with the consolidating primer (cementing primer, which prevents the paint to the surface of the wall, for example, Gamma-1), diluted with water in terms of 1: 7 to slow down the drying of the paints and get the time reset Creating a uniform texture. Finally, the walls were coated with tone water-level paint (in the case. For preparatory work and drying paint, we needed three days.

Decoration is just

High ceilings demanded a visual separation of walls in height. The technology of the top of the top is quite simple. First, the wall is painted with a wide brush exactly, quickly, without excessive rubbing of paint. Immediately, the paint roll over the textured roller in arbitrary directions. Leather flaps, pasted on the roller, carefully believes and move paint clearly defined stains, creating an elegant, velvety texture of ancient parchment. The more roller passes, the smaller the picture.

Experience has shown that the work is better to maintain areas up to 2m2. The whole wall must be painted from beginning to the end without interruptions, otherwise the darkest places are formed at the joints of the plots. Paint in the bank do not forget to periodically mix.

The character of the drawing of the bottom of the wall may be more individual. First a wide brush, if possible, uniformly, we apply the basic (main) kel. Immediately, on raw paint, the flame is made in different directions, the chaotic strokes of the selected covering flavor. Then every smear accelerate in arbitrary directions by a steel spatula, trying not to hurt the neighboring strokes.

It is possible to vary the decoration techniques. For example, first apply and dispersed the base kel, and then the smears covering. You can generally do without brushes and both layers of paint apply with strokes using a steel spatula. The resulting fraction of geometric lines in combination with a gentle transition of tones resemble the unique motives of old venetian patterns.

Modern water-based polymer paints are so technologically advanced and easy to see that work with them can be turned into a true pleasure, creating original color and textured solutions. Punch tools can be applied by different programs: swabs from crumpled and twisted paper, piece of cardboard, plastic plate, shaving loss and much more. The main thing is not to restrain your fantasy.

Walls. Decorative effects

Follow and flash paper tape dividing lines at the ceiling and at a height of 120cm (third wall height). Carefully close everything that the paint can be stained, floor, doors, windows, the bottom of the wall.

Walls. Decorative effects

Do not forget about the switch and sockets, glue the holes for the plug in them.

Walls. Decorative effects

According to the proportions of the selected color card, measure and mix the desired volumes of the base base of white paint (at the rate of 100 g / m2) and dye, add 20-30% water and mix thoroughly. It is important not to overdose the dye here.

Walls. Decorative effects

Both dry and too wet roller will not give a contrast pattern, so wet palm moisturize its surface and each glued leather petal. Also moisturize the tampon loss. Introducing them can not be dipped.

Walls. Decorative effects

Roller and loving scratch with a brush, do not omit them into the paint.

Walls. Decorative effects

Remove the surplus paint from the roller surface, rolling it on a sheet of clean paper or newspapers until the prints are translucent.

Walls. Decorative effects

Color Start with a wide brush with uniform movements up-down. The layer thickness is determined from the flow rate of 80-100 g / m2.

Walls. Decorative effects

Painting a plot about 2m2, roll out the paint first vertically, then horizontally and finally, diagonally, changing directions.

Walls. Decorative effects

Once the roller ceases to leave clear prints, clean it from paint, rolling on a sheet of pure paper.

Walls. Decorative effects

Inaccessible roller plots, in the corners, at the ceiling, by the floor, around the sockets, process the losant, trying to keep the texture.

Walls. Decorative effects

In order not to spoil the surface, the wall, and the cutting part of the wall is useful to close, ending the color of the room.

Walls. Decorative effects

Do not forget that the roller must move in different directions with uniform pressure, rhythm and intensity of movements. Then the covering texture is homogeneous.

Walls. Decorative effects

Close the upper part of the wall. Prepare paint, separate the lower part, for which we apply a basic color to a wide brush, making one-two vertical movements on one small segment of the wall. Painting consumption is based on 100-120 g / m2.

Walls. Decorative effects

Under a slight angle to the wall to turn a base layer with energetic movements of the steel spatula. Press smoothly at the end of the move. Select the directions and frequency of accelerations arbitrarily. For the raw surface, apply to the same tool with light smears of covering colors (white and pink).

Walls. Decorative effects

Do not forget often and thoroughly clean the spatula from the paint accumulated on the edges.

Useful little things

The coating slightly dries after 3-4 hours and the room can be moved into the room, but it will dry in 8-10 days. Do not forget to remove all the protective tapes and paper before the paint gets dry, otherwise you can damage the edges of the painted areas. The tool as soon as the need disappeared in it, lower the water with water, and at the end of the work thoroughly worn with soap.

Designer tips

When choosing colors, in addition to the previously mentioned characteristics, dependencies on the illumination and size of the room, should take into account the chromatic contrast change the color tone or saturation under the influence of adjacent colors. Therefore, in order not to disappoint the results of your work, it will not prevent consult with a specialist. Well, the main thing is to like your choice to you yourself.

Remember that the division of the wall and the separation of its upper part creates the illusion of the decline in the height of the room.

A special expressiveness of the drawing can be achieved if applying the main color to the pre-tinted wall. The base shines through the overclocked stains of the coating and gives the figure a greater depth.

Your costs

The costs of finishing a room of 15.4m2 with an area of ​​35m2 walls were: putty (25kg) - 90 rubles, water-level paint (14l) - 142 rub., Primer (1.4l) - 64 rub., Dyes (0.4l) - 75 rub. , Basic paint base Masterroller (3l) - 192 rub., Tape paper- 15 rub., Abrasive skin - 8 rub., Special tools (Fact roller, loss, steel spatula) - 402 rub.

As a result, the deduction costs amounted to 28 rubles. / M2. It took about 7 hours of working time.

Walls. Decorative effects

You can get the texture "under the turtle shell", overclocking the paint with a piece of thin sheet plastic with rounded edges.

Walls. Decorative effects

If, around the edge of a piece of packaging cardboard, trim a chamfer, a great tool will be obtained for creating a "under the shell" pattern.

Walls. Decorative effects

For the finishing "under the tree", a special rubber roller is needed, which rolled up and at the same time, as it should be pulled down from top to bottom. Depending on the rhythm of the pattern, increase or reduce the amplitude of movements.

The editors thanks the Moscow company "Spectrum" for the materials provided and assistance in taking pictures.

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