How to get to the shore in the ocean of wallpaper


Classification of wallpaper by material from which they are made; Calculation table of the number of wallpaper, decoding pictograms on the package, shopping addresses and prices.

How to get to the shore in the ocean of wallpaper 15266_1

How to get to the shore in the ocean of wallpaper

How to get to the shore in the ocean of wallpaper

How to get to the shore in the ocean of wallpaper

How to get to the shore in the ocean of wallpaper

How to get to the shore in the ocean of wallpaper

Indeed, today the wallpaper market is a vast ocean, sailing in which without compass and cards are quite difficult, not to mention the achievement of the cherished goal. Well, let our article be both a card, and a compass, and helm for those who want to acquire the necessary knowledge about the properties of wallpaper

The desire of a person to decorate his home is known from the cave times, although our "uncivilized" ancestors could hardly imagine that their natural desire to insulate and "edit" the walls will become at the end of the second millennium to the entire industry.

Following the steleter, a handmade lounge wooden carpet, the concept of "wallpaper" came. It is possible that in Europe they learned from travelers to China's paper. B1481 G. Louisxi For the design of the walls of the Palace, I ordered a court artist with 50 paper scrolls with pious images, paying for the work of 24 delicas. In the XVII-XVIII centuries in Europe, instead of freely hanging tapestries, the walls became tightly tightly tightening with silk or cotton fabric. Mass industrial production of paper wallpapers began in England in the CXVIIVEK, and the idea of ​​the paper machine of a continuous action embodied the Frenchman Louis Robert B1799. Simightened this innovation appeared in the middle of the XVIIIV and was brought from Germany. The first building, the walls of which were entirely saved by wallpaper, became Elagin Palace.

Passed centuries, but the interest in the wallpaper did not disappear. It is about this as it is impossible to show their wide range in stores and at exhibitions and sales. How to navigate in the "Ocean" of the proposals of the modern market? It seems to us expedient to give the classification of wallpaper by material from which it is made. They are natural origin - paper, textile, flieslinic, glassy and synthetic, where the leading position occupies vinyl throughout its manifold: from playing the so-called "silk screen" to the relief foamed surface.

Paper wallpaper

Paper wallpapers, or "patterned paper", as they were called at the beginning of the XiShiShetheus, have a glorious past and undoubted prospects in the future due to obvious advantages. There is plenty of their cheapness, they are like any other to change the face of the interior. Every two or three years, or even annually, you can "refresh" the walls without much damage to the budget.

Thin single-layer paper wallpapers got a name Simplex consisting of two compressed paper layers duplex . These terms are advisable to remember, considering their frequent use and popularity among sellers and masters engaged in the repair of apartments.

The simplest variant is simplex, i.e. Various density paper with drawdrid. Opportunities here are endless: from abstract compositions to touching bouquets. There are embossed (or embossed) wallpapers with the same properties that ordinary, but a variety of their textures allows you to make the pattern expressive. They are environmentally safe than safe, they are well passed, they have insignificant sound-absorbing and heat assistive properties. True, fragile, easily burn (not racks to ultraviolet rays). Recall that the simplex requires almost perfect walls that need to thoroughly align both before pasting.

The following in the complexity hierarchy and price are duplex wallpapers, presented quite widely in the Russian market as domestic and foreign manufacturers. They are released: AOZT "MOSCOW FACTORY" (Russia), OJSC Koryukovskaya Factory of Technical Paper (Ukraine), Firms Azcoaga (Spain), As Creation, Erismann, Coswig, Marburg, Mohr, Rasch (Germany), Imperial Decor, Forbo Lancaster (England), Essef, Venilia (France).

What is a duplex and why it needed to build two layers of paper with glue? The fact is that before fastening the wallpaper has to be impregnated with glue, and then straighten on the wall. It is known that moistened paper is stretched, and when drying, it is reduced in size, which usually spoils the embossing and creates a number of problems, from inaccurate fitting along the edges to bubbles and divorces. So, the duplex wallpapers in this plan are almost invulnerable. Moreover, often they are covered with special compositions that increase light and moisture resistance. Sometimes they add chopped wood waste, why they do not lose their consumer qualities, but, on the contrary, they acquire additional decorativeness and become similar to Japanese paper made by hand. It should also be noted moisture-resistant duplex wallpaper with latex coating, which withstands 15-20 wet rubbing, while maintaining all their advantages. They are quite acceptable for the kitchen or in the hallway.

Fliselinova wallpaper

Among the novelties, it is safe to name the wallpaper from Flizelin. Surely the dressmakers in their practice met with this material and are familiar with its properties, one of which is the ability to compact fabric. Flizelin wallpaper do not need a paper basis, homogeneous with the facial and irons and consist, according to manufacturers, from fibers of plant origin. After stickers, they can be painted with water-free, latex or acrylic paint (withstand up to five coatings). Advertising this product firm to its advantages include a special tensile strength and fire safety. Interestingly, in rolls, flieslinic wallpapers are burning and rushes as well as everyone else. Special strength, resistance to abrasion and humidity they are purchased only after stickers and painting. Therefore, it is very important than you will cover them. The undoubted advantage of phlizelin wallpaper is that they do not need wetting glue, as a result of which they are not stretched and not "sit down". When gluing, only the wall is flashed, which allows you to customize the bands to each other with exceptional accuracy. With subsequent replacements, the canvas are easily removed in dry form, and the phlizelin base remains on the wall, leveling and strengthening the surface texture.

Many Western manufacturers predict that Flizelin will soon replace paper in production. Already, it is used as a basis for various variants of vinyl wallpaper. Well, wait and see. The claroves of this finishing material include the base wallpaper. Simply put, this is a wide border of a height of about a meter, which glues horizontally immediately above the plinth. The undoubted leader of supplies to our country of Fliselin wallpaper Rasch (Germany).

Approximate time for soaking wallpaper, min

Thin paper five
Dense paper 7-8
Vinyl 8-10
Textile 10

Textile wallpaper

They lead their origin from fabric and tapestry walls. Like their noble ancestors, textile wallpaper is environmentally impeccable and, therefore, roads. Present a tissue basis (silk, flax, jute, viscose), dubbed with the inside with paper. Such wallpapers can be cleaned with a vacuum cleaner, they absorb the sound well, are good thermal insulators, do not burn out. Their surface is a variety of textile textures, matte or shiny, more often monotonous or with traditional stripes. The wallpaper with the effect of velor or other dysfast surfaces, absorbing light and the giving room a special warm, "velvet" comfort. The technology of manufacturing velor wallpaper is quite complex: the base is the same paper on which glue paints are applied. After that, the paper and with it the smallest nylon hairs are placed in a special chamber. Under the action of the electromagnetic field, the hairs are glued to the surface of the paper perpendicular to the forming velor pile.

Disadvantages of textile wallpapers: non-mechanical damage and hygroscopicity, that is, they cannot be wet cleaning. But after all, paper wallpapers are afraid of water, so if you want to reproduce the interior of rich English mansions or Russian estates in the bedroom or the office, feel free to choose textile wallpapers, such as Rasch (Germany) or Essef (France).

Wallpaper from fiberglass

The group of new technological relations include wallpaper, which are a kind of woven base from fiberglass thread made from quartz sand, soda, dolomite and lime. Material is obtained by various densities and structures, with beautiful textures, reliefs and ornaments. Gymelomes have a number of valuable qualities, including decorativeness and ability to adjust small wall flaws. To increase fire safety, fiberglass is treated with a special impregnation, its manufacturers are kept secret.

Before sticking fiberglass wallpaper, it is recommended to cover the surface of the wall latex primer neutral color. Latex paint is also introduced, close to the shade coating, it can be grinning the wall and wallpaper. By selecting the invoice, you can do in your taste and, in accordance with the requirements of your interior, select the kel and combine it in various colors. There are great opportunities for creativity. In addition to the world, fiberglass wallpapers occupy the most expensive places, and in our market are Erfurt (Germany), MITEXAB (Sweden), Assatex (Finland).

Vinyl wallpapers

For several years in the market of finishing materials, vinyl wallpapers are presented, which can be divided into three types, the so-called "silk-screen print", foamed vinyl and its variety of "bulk vinyl" (powder embossed), washable vinyl. The transfused, silky and pearl effect of "silk screen" is created using the smallest winting notes reflecting the light. Due to the foam coating, vinyl wallpaper can have almost sculptural expressiveness of the relief. Eyes scatter from their diversity. Vinyl can imitate ceramic tiles, leather, suede, natural fabrics, wood, there are drawings for marble, granite, plaster and other finishing materials. Washing vinyl has increased moisture resistance and is intended for kitchens and bathrooms.

According to marketing research, in stores with 900-1500 wallpaper species in the range, only 30-40 use in high demand. All other are exhibited, rather, for exposure. It can happen and so: you will choose something extraordinary and extravagant, and in the warehouse of this species in sufficient quantity is not and you will be offered to wait.

Vinyl wallpapers are preferred where there is an excess of moisture. Kitchen, hallway, bathrooms - that's the best places for them. The basis for the coating is the same paper, but if you refer yourself to hot fans of environmental purity, then vinyl, not transmitting air and moisture, will not inspire you. However, modern firms claim that their newest products are equipped with micropores that contribute to moisture exchange and allow the walls to "breathe".

The advantage of vinyl wallpaper - in the "wilderness" wealth of choice. They are released by companies: Azcoaga (Spain), Forbo Lancaster, Grahambrown (England) Ascreation, Rasch, Erismann, Marburg, Mohr (Germany), Decori Decori, Sirpi, Happy, Redona, Murella (Italy), Essef, Grantil (France), JSC Koryukovskaya Factory of Technical Paper (Ukraine) and many others.

Note that, buying wallpaper, it is necessary to calculate their quantity, based on the size of the room, its height and your wishes. It is not necessary to start the wallpaper at the very ceiling, you can leave a narrow or wide interval, from the proposed wallpapers and borders, combining them in different versions, it is possible to create whole wall compositions. Pre-sketch, markup and accurate calculations in this case are more than appropriate.

The original data of the standard roll dimensions: 10.05m length and width 50, 56, 60cm. There are, however, other standards, but they relate mainly to textile, exclusive, photographic and glass windows, as well as to self-adhesive film. In many stores selling wallpaper, there is a table that helps computing. Nevertheless, we note that the results are obtained with an error in the direction of increasing (internal reasons).

So, the choice is made in your house there are already some new rolls. First take care of the walls. If they were saved, then first remove old wallpapers. To make it easier for this work, paper wallpapers are pre-moisten with warm water. Vinyl, if it is not separated from the base, just scrape.

When preparing the walls, first close the flashes and cracking with putty, then polish the abrasive skurt. Painted walls need to be deguted, and it is better to clean from old paint, applying the already mentioned skirt or a special fluid, which, however, will cost more. The porous and sprinkling surface of the walls and the ceilings is better to be treated with a special primer. Resistant stains from resin and oil cover with several layers of putty mass on the "liquid glass" or varnish on alcohol. It can be resorted to the solvent-containing primer. The surface of the textile wallpaper should be perfectly smooth, otherwise all defects and irregularities will be noticeable.

Is it necessary to pre-crack the walls with paper? Watt on this question is the opinions disagree. However, it is noted that the paper aligns the coarse surface to some extent, the prevention of the wallpaper from the effects of alkalis, which are available in concrete and plaster, and resinous substances that are distinguished from wood.

Smooth simplex and duplex wallpapers stick to the mustache, since, hidden, they tend to "sit", thicker- vinyl, embossed, "silk screen", textile, - as a rule, jack, although they are in some cases allowing a small overlay on each friend.

The complexity of gluing and depending on the weight of 1m2 distinguishes light and heavy materials. Cleighted include simple paper and duplex wallpapers, as well as phlizelin, heavy, textile, vinyl and fiberglass are considered heavy.

Immediately make a reservation that almost all firms producing this product offer both suitable adhesives. Conventional woeful adhesive based on methylcellulose is suitable only for light wallpaper. Experienced masters recommend special adhesives, such as "Amil" and "Decosp" ("Moscow wallpaper factory"). French Quelyd is available for both heavy and light wallpaper (packing different color). Analately on store shelves appeared good universal glue "Flat" (Sweden). Ordinary glue is improving by adding PVA into it. For textile wallpapers, you can apply "Bustilat", and for the vinyl, we recommend gluits in which any fungicide is included in order for them to reproduce reproduction bacteria.

The glue or roller glue is applied to stripes, cut around the room, and withstand some time for impregnation. It should be borne in mind that thin paper wallpaper is quickly soaked and become fragile, they can be broken when gluing. Vinyl wallpaper and "silk-screen printing" should be impregnated with glue, they are not recommended to be extended so as not to damage the upper decorative layer. Fliselinic or fiberglass do not require impregnation. In this case, the glue is applied directly on the wall. After wrapping, textile wallpapers should not be expeded. It is necessary to glue the glue: the glue, which spoke on the front side, forms stains that are practically not deleted. The temperature in the room in the room when pasting should be not lower than 10s and not higher than 23c, the relative humidity of air is not more than 70%. Wallpaper with a pronounced horizontal pattern is more correctly glued using a plumb. There is an unshakable rule-to start the process from the window or corners. On the time of work, close the windows and doors to avoid drafts, otherwise the glue will be distributed in the influx and evaporate, forming bubbles.

What are the pictograms on the wallpaper

How to get to the shore in the ocean of wallpaper

Medium light-resistance

How to get to the shore in the ocean of wallpaper

Good light resistance

How to get to the shore in the ocean of wallpaper

Fire resistant

How to get to the shore in the ocean of wallpaper


How to get to the shore in the ocean of wallpaper


How to get to the shore in the ocean of wallpaper


How to get to the shore in the ocean of wallpaper

Resistant to abrasion

How to get to the shore in the ocean of wallpaper

Cleaning (wet cleaning)

How to get to the shore in the ocean of wallpaper

Wallpapers Double with upper embossed layer

How to get to the shore in the ocean of wallpaper

Glue is applied straight on the wallpaper

How to get to the shore in the ocean of wallpaper

Glue is applied on the wall

How to get to the shore in the ocean of wallpaper

Stone Wallpaper

How to get to the shore in the ocean of wallpaper

Direct overlay pattern

How to get to the shore in the ocean of wallpaper

Displaced embedding drawing

How to get to the shore in the ocean of wallpaper

Any overlay

How to get to the shore in the ocean of wallpaper

Counter sticker

How to get to the shore in the ocean of wallpaper


How to get to the shore in the ocean of wallpaper


Table of calculation of the number of rolls of wallpaper

(with a room altitude 2.75m)
Roll size, m Room Square, m2
10 eleven 12 13 fourteen fifteen sixteen 17. eighteen nineteen twenty 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. thirty
7 0.5 eleven 12 13 13 fourteen fifteen sixteen 17. eighteen nineteen twenty twenty 21. 22. 23. 24. 24. 24. 24. 25. 25.
70.75 7. eight nine 10 10 eleven 12 13 fourteen fourteen fifteen fifteen sixteen sixteen 17. 17. eighteen eighteen eighteen nineteen nineteen
100.5 eight nine nine 10 10 eleven eleven eleven 12 12 12 13 fourteen fourteen fourteen fourteen fifteen fifteen sixteen sixteen 17.
120.5 6. 6. 7. 7. 7. eight eight nine nine 10 10 eleven eleven 12 12 13 13 fourteen fourteen fifteen fifteen

Note: at the height of the room 3m is spent on 1rolon more.

Addresses stores


"Daimis" - federal pr-t, d. 95, tel. 303-9392.

"House Laverna" - Warsaw Highway, 143a, Tel.: 386-8866, 386-2939

"House of Wallpapers" - Nakhimovsky Pr-T, d. 46, tel. 129-7177

"Roll of Wallpaper" - ul. Large Marynskaya, 2, Corp. 1, tel. 215-5345

"Larsen" - Lermontovsky Pr-T, d. 10, Corp. 1, tel. 705-7677

"Moscow wobbie factory" - ul. Top Krasnoselskaya, d. 2, tel. 264-9793

"SOM" - Nakhimovsky Prospect, d. 30, tel. 124-1515

"Old Man Hottabych" - Dmitrovskoe highway, d. 29, tel. 977-4546

"Wallpapers" - Komsomolskaya Pr-T, d. 7, tel. 245-7161

St. Petersburg

Chain of shops "House Laverna":

Civil PR-T, 13, tel. 534-1000;

Gagarin PR, 12, tel. 299-7892;

Nevsky Pr-T, 111, tel. 279-4329;

Veterans PR-T, 87, tel. 155-5214;

Industrial pr-t, 26, tel. 325-0790.

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