Stage skills


Internal stairs: the principles of architecture, structural elements and how much it will cost the customer.

Stage skills 15338_1

Stage skills
Staircase on a steel hinge rower with wooden steps.
Stage skills
Marshavo-screw staircase at large hinged Kosourg.
Stage skills
Marsevo-screw staircase on the growths. Steps are attached to the wall using brackets on mortgage parts.
Stage skills
Monolithic concrete staircase with oversized steps, lined with wood.
Stage skills
Wooden single-sighted staircase on a thethy-fly and an external koser with a turn of 180.
Stage skills
Marsevo-screw staircase at the parodes.
Stage skills
Reinforced concrete marching staircase with steel fence.
Stage skills
Stone screw staircase on a support column with a glass fence.
Stage skills
Single-hour concrete staircase as an object of contemporary art.
Stage skills
Concrete monolithic marching staircase, lined with wood.
Stage skills
Wooden spiral staircase on the central support.
Stage skills
Screw staircase on wooden assets without a central support.
Stage skills
Movie stairs on the central steel kosome.

Presenting a work of art, the staircase returned to the city apartment and a private country house. What are the principles of its architecture, how can she surprise and how much will it cost the customer?

Marches, circles and screws

Nowadays, the device of internal stairs is interesting to many: an individual developer who wants "his judgment to have" in a dialogue with architect and builders; buyer of luxurious two-level apartments "high comfort"; the owner of the old apartment on the last floor, resolved for the construction of the attic; The owner of two apartments located one above the other, dreaming of combining them into a common residential complex; And by the way, and all other curious.

From a huge number of types and species, first of all, consider the main and auxiliary internal stairs with a steepness of 30-45 - at least for the reason that they are the most "running" and are often perceived as visiting cards at home or apartments.

The stairs inside the house are marching, circular and screw. The designs of rectangular shapes are made single, two, less often - three-time. March can be straight, broken, curvilinear. At its beginning and the end, as well as in places of rotation, the staircases are arranged for recreation and descent - usually square, rectangular or semicircular shape. If the staircase from the site is divided into two march, they say that it has two branches. It is called through, if the lighting goes through the span between marches all over the height, and open, if the outer side (outer cheek) does not adjoin the wall.

Circular and screw staircases performing auxiliary functions in the house are often the same works of art as the main (front). Their steepness is within 30-75. The platforms for recreation are not provided here. Movement along steps, whose sticky has different widths, can be problematic for the elderly, young children, disabled.

The circular is structurally different from the screw: the first has a round mine in the middle, the second mounted on the support column (central stand-support).

On the stairs of a special purpose - firefighters, cellar, attic - we will not stop today. Quality stairs are not only designed and manufactured by individual orders, but also purchased in specialized stores (if the ceiling height and the size of the opening in the overlap meet the adopted standards).

From Balyasina to Kourow

The art of the architect is in that and consists that even the largest and most heavy staircase created by him looks graceful, light and air. Movement on it should be pleasant and not to represent danger. Aesthetic appearance and structure strength are achieved in various ways.

According to the method of fastening the steps, the stairs differ in the cososters and the growths, at the bolsters (inexourous, cantilever, hanging), on the support column, monolithic.

Both marches and circular stairs can be assembled on the central steel or concrete, as well as on the steel hinge rower. The latter makes it possible to send a move under the desired angle. The design and method of fastening steps are determined on the basis of the architect plan, general purpose and the construction situation. If the room is spacious and there are no restrictions in its layout, the most convenient marching staircase on wooden or steel cowsions. The march on the steel central Kooker or a hinge type kosoo is good where the problems of attachment arise to overlaps and walls (or in accordance with the design requirements). It is possible to facilitate the design, completely removing massive guides. In this case, the preferably a march or march-screw staircase at the parodes. For the capital buildings, the monolithic design of any type can be cast in production conditions from pre-stressed concrete and lined with a wood or decorative stone at the installation site.

Steps - the main part of the stairs. Depending on the shape, they are straight, straight beveled, running and arcuate. Their amount in the march should be at least three and no more than 18. These numbers are the result of a long study of biomechanics walking and consumption by human energy depending on the slope and the total number of steps on the entire staircase.

With the most favorable of all bias - 30 - the optimal sizes of the riser and sticking - 17 and 29 cm, respectively. An increase in the height of the stage by 1 mm requires a decrease in its width by 2 mm. The width of the sticking is usually done on 3-5 cm more of the projection width of the stage due to the appeal over the oppomme care.

The height of the circular and screw stairs, as a rule, ranges from 18 to 20 cm, their width, measured along the lift line ranges from 50 to 100 cm. The depth of the steps of the screw staircase at a distance of 15 cm from the support column should be at least 10 cm. The edge of the edge of the tangent steps increases their width.

Architects, designing stairs, are guided in their work with the norms and rules that are not always the same in Russia and in Europe. According to European DIN 4174, there is the following interdependence of the height of the floors and the size of the steps (at present, the Russians were recognized as sensitively).

The optimal height of the staircase in the light should be at least 2 m. The minimum march width for movement on it is one person - 60 cm, 110 cm for two and 190 cm for three. When the device of single-hour stairs, the distance between the opposite walls is at least 110 cm.

The height of the handrail (measured vertically from sticking to its top) is at least 90 cm. The handrail for children is made at an altitude of about 60 cm.

The narrowest spiral staircase with a march width of 50 cm can be constructed at a size of a span with a diameter of 140 cm. It is used only as auxiliary. The main screw staircase, the march width is at least 80 cm, and the diameter of the span is from 200 cm. There is an opinion that the spiral staircase saves the area. This is true only at the height of the floor 3 m or more, since in this case, the intermediate platform is required for the march design and its turn in space.

Height of the floor, m Two-day stairs Single-hour, two-hours and curvilinear in terms of stairs
Normal slope Steep slope Normal slope Steep slope
Number of steps, pcs. Height steps, see Number of steps, pcs. Height steps, see Number of steps, pcs. Height steps, see Number of steps, pcs. Height steps, see
2.25 - - 12 18.75 13 17.30 - -
2.50 fourteen 17,85. - - fifteen 16,66. 13 19,23
2,625. - - fourteen 18,72. fifteen 17,47. - -
2.75 sixteen 17,2 fourteen 19,64. - - fifteen 18.33
3.00. eighteen 16,66. sixteen 18.75 17. 17.64 - -

Tree, metal or concrete?

It is unlikely that anyone will argue with the fact that the staircase in the house is a structurally forming architectural and artistic element. Often it is a stylist dominant and the main subject of the interior. If the architect and designers bypassed her attention, the decor of the house does not look full and finished. With the help of the stairs, you can organize zoning of one or more rooms at different levels of the building. It allows you to inspect the house and its interiors in space from different points. If the staircase is an intrinsic work of art, the objects of the situation and the art objects of similar artistic dignity are grouped around.

In a properly decorated interior, it should not look stylistically stylish. If the design is conceived in the classic spirit, elements of classics should also be prevailing around it. And vice versa. Several large libations allows modern, but in this case the foreign objects and elements of the finish inherent may be adjacent to the staircase, for example, High-Tech style. On the other hand, the style of interiors at different levels of the house may be different. In such cases, the staircase provides a smooth transition from one stylist environment to another. This problem is solved by means of lighting, colors, formation of the subject row of staircases, etc.

What does the decor of the wooden staircase begins? First of all, from choosing wood of the desired breed and textures for supporting structures and finishes. Going both soft breeds (pine, spruce, larch), and solid (oak, beech, maple, ash, cedar). The latter is preferable, but also cost more. The finish can be made from the wood of exotic breeds - nut, tick, cherries, cypress, Iroquo, Mogano, Araucaria, etc. For better texture manifestation and for optimal combination with furniture and parquet, certain tintings and varnishes are used. In the bearing structures it is impossible to combine various wood breeds, having an unequal fiber expansion coefficient when moisture change, the overhead elements of the lining of various wood species are quite possible.

Depending on the style, the appropriate design is selected. For example, to the classics closer to the stairs on traditional growths and cosos, to modern - inexourous, self-supporting structures. It should always be remembered that it is impossible to give preference to a decorative solution to the detriment of the necessary functions. It is dangerous to neglect engineering requirements for the method of fastening: for example, to mount them to unreliable interior partitions of frame-type.

The decor features are extremely diverse. Along with the tree for the manufacture of fences and in the finish, forged, cast, welded structures from ferrous and non-ferrous metals with various types of galvanic coatings can be used (up to gilding), triplex, acrylic and polycarbonate glass, crystal and ceramics, valuable rocks, decorative concrete. In short, the staircase is a unique constructive and artistic element of the interior, which absorbs the most incredible ideas and solutions of the architect.

With her house there is a certain subject row. Traditionally, painting or graphics are hanging on the wall along the march staircase: family portraits or landscapes, as well as hunting trophies and even ancient weapon. On the bottom and top platforms, decorative vegetable compositions can be created in the walls on the walls. The design of the main stairs implies the presence at the entrance of pair sculptures or lamps; Above, on sites, - mirrors. A wide lumen between marchs or a shaft of a circular staircase should light chandelier. On balconies and antlesole included in the staircase cascade, the furniture for recreation and facilities (chairs, a table) is sometimes installed. Operactions of screw structures are usually decorated only by finishing the walls: the movement on them requires attention that should not be distracted by artistic objects.

Designed and built according to the rules of high architecture and design, the staircase serves age. Use and admire her beauty will be many generations of the inhabitants of the house, your family.

Contact professionals

The Russian market presents the largest European ladder manufacturers of various class - from elite to the products of mass series. In most cases, the design supplied from abroad are wooden, to a lesser extent - metal with a veneer or stone, as well as from concrete with a decoration with granite, marble, ceramics, glass, metal.

The list of foreign firms-manufacturers supplying their products to Russia is quite large. All of them are represented in Russia dealers who, along with the sale of imported ladders of mass series, are engaged in design and installation work: "Academy of interior", "Witonite-MK", "Canadian cedar", "Podtitsa", "CM-Square", "Hobbit" , AS-Art, Klafs, Union Group, etc. They are trying to compete with Russian manufacturers - LLC Klen Lest, Leskostroy-M CJSC, Roshk + JSC, TPK Ruthen, LLC "Studiorum", " Ch.p.S. " (Moscow), whose products are cheaper. Domestic production of metal staircase fences (EKHO Vel LLP, OOO "Kristall SK", Russian Forging LLC, etc.).

Specialized firms not only create author's projects, the style and design of which are individual and unique, but also work with standard product products. Some stairs offered in the catalogs of famous foreign manufacturers look no less gorgeous and stylish than Mercedes or Porsche cars, which are also known serially. It is enough to bring in an example Luxury screw staircases of Vania models and Delta 2 / AF produced by Alfa Scale, elegant and air structures at the Bolshams of the DESIGN and Harmony series from KE.

It's time to clarify how much the customer will be covered with a stair diva. Note immediately: this pleasure is not cheap. If the customer's appetites are limited to a simple desire to move from one level to another, the single-sighted staircase of imported production from an array of pine height up to 3 m and a width of 1 m "pulls" three thousand dollars. If you do the same out of oak and with a claim to the work of art - the price will increase to seven thousand. Imported screw diameters 140 cm and 3 m highs stand from two and a half (metal) to four (wood) thousand dollars. Qualitative stairs of the Russian production of the road, as well as imported, but domestic mass series designs - twice as cheaper. As a rule, in a solid mansion of stairs, there are several stairs, therefore their total cost, depending on the potential possibilities of the homeowner, can be several dozen, in exceptional cases - hundreds of thousands of dollars.

Manufacturing firm Movie Screw Wooden Metal Others
Alfa Scale (Italy) +. +. +. - -
Alpini Fontanot (Italy) - +. +. - -
Fantozzi Scale (Italy) +. +. +. - -
Scala (Italy) +. +. +. - -
T.A.I.L. Di Dusi Comm. G.amp; c.s.n.c. (Italy) +. +. +. - -
Nilur (Italy) +. +. +. - -
Frewa (Germany) +. - +. +. -
Henke Treppen (Germany) +. +. +. +. -
Kengott (Germany) +. +. +. +. +.
Columbus Treppen (Switzerland) +. +. +. - -
Lopeir (France) +. +. +. - -
SWN (Austria) +. +. +. +. -
Coffman (USA) +. - +. - -
Creative Wood (Canada) +. - +. - -

The editors thanks the firm "Putzoditsa" for help in the preparation of the article.

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