Ceilings. There is no limit to perfection


Suspended and adhesive ceilings: what they come, who produces them, how much they cost, their advantages and disadvantages.

Ceilings. There is no limit to perfection 15340_1

Ceilings. There is no limit to perfection
Solid polyurethane stucco to adhesive ceilings Europor firm KNAUF
Ceilings. There is no limit to perfection
Stretch ceiling newmat.
Ceilings. There is no limit to perfection
Ceiling panels with built-in lamps and MetalScreen ventilation system
Ceilings. There is no limit to perfection
Armstrong TEGULAR Cassette ceiling
Ceilings. There is no limit to perfection
Cassette ceiling Ecophon L-Line company ARMSTRONG
Ceilings. There is no limit to perfection
Mirror ceiling Conter.
Ceilings. There is no limit to perfection
Ceiling from wall panels of OSMO

One of the most essential details that determine the appearance of any premises are the ceiling. High-quality ceiling decoration gives rooms extra comfort and elegance. The auto reflectivity of the ceiling coating (not necessarily white) allows you to significantly save on electricity spent on lighting. For our country, three types of ceiling finishes are traditional, these are whitewashed, painting and pasting ceiling wallpaper. All these operations require preliminary alignment and thorough surface preparation. In the early time, such trimming techniques are increasingly replaced by various options for modern finishing materials, which can be divided into two large ceilings groups: suspended and adhesive.

Adhesive ceilings

Closestly to the traditional methods of trimming ceilings are glue ceilings. They also require a preliminary leveling of the surface, but to a much lesser extent. Adhesive ceilings are square or rectangular panels made of extruded polystyrene or, as they are often called stirro. The front surface of these plates can be covered with a film painted under a tree, a chore, a pearl or stone. On the surface of square tiles, a relief is created by imitating stucco or wood thread. Consisted rectangular tiles surface, as a rule, smooth, with bevels around the edges. The most common ceiling tile size is 5050cm. The tile to the ceiling is simply glued, while you can use both special adhesives and polyvinyl acetate (PVA) or liquid nails. In general, the material is very convenient in operation, since it is practically an intention, it is easily cut by a wallpaper knife, and the sticker does not require any special devices and skills and can easily be performed independently. Propentations on the sticker styrene slabs are recommended to be pre-cleaned and rebound the surface of the ceiling by PVA glue, diluted with water. Although this is in most cases optional. Tiles can be pasted directly on the old blotch if you remove the detached areas before work. If unexpectedly found that the ceiling is uneven and tiles are poorly docked, then at the time of drying the glue, use ordinary tailoring pins for their fixation. To give the trimmed ceiling, the finished look and close the slots between the glued tiles and the wall use special ceiling plinths.

The methods of finishing the ceiling tiles There are several and choosing one of them, first of all, depends on the desire and taste of the owner of the apartment, as well as from the design features of the room.

As the most common way, the stickers of the ceiling tiles can be brought next. Spend the baseline in the middle of the ceiling and find the geometric center of the room, for which it is enough to spend two diagonals from the corner into the angle of the room. After that, you can start directly sticker tiles. The first two tiles are stirred so that they are close to each other, along the midline, symmetrically relative to the central point. The remaining tiles are glued with the previous one, trying to avoid their offset relative to each other. When you get to the wall, it may be necessary to trim tiles. This option is not the most economical, as the trimming of the tiles, as a rule, is required from all four sides of the room, but as a result, all the tiles will be neatly and symmetrically. A simpler could be the sticker of ceiling tiles from the corner of the room to the center, it will take much less tiles to cut. But there is a danger to discover that the opposite walls of the room are not parallel to each other. In this case, the tiles will begin to gradually disperse, forming the wrong pattern and, as a result, there will be a need for complex trimming.

The cost of the square meter of non-aluminized ceiling tiles ranges in the range of from 1.5 to 3,5 dedollars of the United States, and laminated- 4-8.5 US dollars. Choosing material for finishing, refer to some stock, approximately 15%. He will surely need when you begin to trim the tiles and if some of them break in the process (this can happen when the tiles are seeded). The temporal meter of the ceiling plinth costs from 1 to 1.5dollar USA. The price of branded adhesive for styling ceiling plates is 0.5-1.0 dollar per kilogram, although they are equally well suited for their stickers, both liquid nails and PVA glue.

And in conclusion about the care of such ceilings. Laminated ceiling tiles can be washed, and non-aluminized - rub with a dry cloth or vacuuming.

It should also be noted that polystyrene does not like bright sunlight. When exposed to ultraviolet radiation, it turns yellow with time.

Dropped ceilings

Suspended ceilings include several groups that differ significantly in appearance and design. It combines them that they are really suspended at some distance from the main ceiling and thus allow you to hide its defects and irregularities, and also, if necessary, hide passing under the ceiling. At the same time, the issues of thermo- and sound insulation of the room can be solved.

Stretch ceiling. The range of their application is almost unlimited: from apartments and offices to hotels, pools and concert halls. The widest range of colors and textures (mirror, matte, metallized and translucent), the ability to create complex, bulk structures make stretch ceilings extremely interesting for exquisite design solutions. These ceilings are made of heavy-duty vinyl polymers directly at enterprises according to pre-made meters pre-made in each particular room and can only be mounted by employees of a specialized firm certified for the execution of this type of work by the manufacturer of the ceiling. Materials from which stretch ceilings are made, comply with the international requirements of fire safety and ecology and do not emit toxic substances.

The advantages of stretch ceilings should include their rapid installation and long periods of warranty (more than 10 years) provided by manufacturers. The price of stretch ceilings is significantly higher than other types of suspended ceilings. For example, the cost of the stretch ceiling with the installation of Plafonds Tendus (France), depending on the type of material (matte, satin, glossy, metallic, marble), fluctuates from45 to 95dollars for 1m2. This, of course, is quite expensive, but the resulting ceilings are very beautiful. You also need to mention the well-proven tension ceilings Barrisol Normalu (France).

The following type of suspended ceiling Rush ceilings . They are easy, durable, environmentally friendly, are not afraid of moisture, non-mooring, differ in color and frost resistance, therefore can be used even in rooms that are unwinding during the cold season. The main element of the ceiling is a thin aluminum plate with a thickness of 0.5 mm, covered by two layers of varnish hot drying. These ceilings have a very wide range of color solutions and an external finish. They are white, under chrome, under silver, under gold, perforated or not, matte or mirrored. To make a variety of the appearance of the ceiling, in addition, it is possible so-called folding devil-thin specially profiled decorative slats inserted between the main panels, as well as various lamps. Panels, as a rule, have 10 or 15 cm widths and a length of the 4th meter. When purchasing the ceiling, you should pay attention to the completeness of the fastener for the suspension, as a rule, it is included in the ceiling price. You will also ask for the presence of the seller layouts, corners ("perimeter") and other accessories. The widespread application at home the rack ceilings are found in the bathrooms. The average price of the ceilings of this type with a suspension system ranges in the range of 1m2 drops. In the Russian market, you can most often meet the sets of rush ceilings of German, Italian and American production. Catena (Italy) and GeiPel (Germany) are most widely represented. It is also worth noting the elite rush ceilings of the company NagelStutzeihler (Germany). Their panels are painted in unusual, gentle colors. Depending on the color of the color, their cost ranges from40 to 100Dollar Z1M2.

Installation of rush ceilings is easy. Along with the decorative plates, the carrier-making profile is supplied, which is attached to the main ceiling by nails or screws on the dowels. Panels are fixed on comb special latches.

Rush ceilings can be mounted on the suspension system. In this case, hooks are nailed to the ceiling, from which the suspensions of the adjustable length go down. CPodwises are attached supporting profiles and already to these aluminum panels. Care for such ceilings is extremely simple, they can be washed using any detergents.

Of course, the most common among suspended ceilings are for a long time and well-known products of such firms as Armstrong World Industriesinc., Donn (Germany), Ecophonab (Sweden), Acusto (ISOVEROY, Finland) and a number of others. This type of ceilings is often called raster or Cassette , emphasizing that the ceiling is assembled from enough small elements of the same shape laid in a special mounting frame. These elements are plates made of extruded glass or mineral wool with filler (clay, starch, cellulose, etc.). It is important that among fillers and binding materials used in the manufacture of ceiling plates, there are no phenol formaldehyde resins and asbestos. They are environmentally friendly and nonsense. These plates, as a rule, are of size 6060cm or 60120cm (rarely 120120cm) and a thickness of 1.5-2.0 (up to 3.0) cm. They are placed on metal guides attached to the main ceiling. Prices for suspended ceilings of this type fluctuate in the range of from 6 pre-3dollars for 1m2 with a suspended system, or from 5.7 to 40dolls for 1m2 without it. The price primarily depends on the type of panel-special panels cost significantly more than decorative. I must say that the variety of panels is huge. They differ not only in color and drawing, but also by their properties. Thus, there are moisture-proof panels that carry out the relative humidity of 100%, antoshemnye, with antimicrobial coating, developed and widely used special acoustic ceilings, which significantly reduce the noise level in the room.

Another type of suspended ceilings, which has recently obtained increasingly distributing Mirror ceilings . They are a cloth of 6060 cm and mounted on metal raster reinforcement. The estimated price of this type of ceilings is 30-50 dollars in 1.2. An extremely wide selection of mirror panels and multi-colored layouts on the Russian market offers Siro-Burg (Austria). There are also mirror plates of domestic producers. They are somewhat cheaper, 20-25 dollars per 1m2.

A rather rare type of raster suspended ceiling and decorative and acoustic ceilings of Rigips (Austria). Their plates are made of drywall with a decorative facial coating and acoustic felt with an extension of 6060 cm. With a thickness of 1.3 cm, the weight of 1m2 of these plates is 8-9kg.

For such raster suspended ceilings, a large number of special lamps were developed, which are adapted to the standard sizes of plates and are easily mounted on the guides. In colors in the suspended ceilings are usually embedded point luminaires.

A huge variety of suspended ceilings allows you to choose those that are necessary in each case - decorative or specialized ceilings - and at the same time take into account the conditions for their operation.

The main constructive disadvantage of all suspended ceilings can be considered that it is not designed for a small height of the ceiling of standard apartments - 2.75m. The minimum distance from the ceiling, which can be achieved using the branded assembly reinforcement is approximately 15-20 cm.

The last view of the suspended ceilings, which should be mentioned, are ceilings from hydro fiber or drywall plates. Valid dreams from all of the above, this ceiling requires subsequent decorative trim. A feature of suspended ceilings made of gypsum fiber plates is also their considerable weight: the mass of 1m2 of such a design ranges from 18 to19 kg. The company "Avangard Knauf" offers a complete set of reinforcement for mounting ceilings from gypsum fiber plates. It offers a choice of two models with a wooden frame and two-sour cream. The Aaavstrian company Rigips has developed a kit for the manufacture of arched ceilings from a special flexible drywall, whose feature is that the stove on two sides is reinforced with fiberglass. The minimum radius of the curvature of such a ceiling is 60cm. Installation of this design can only professionals.

If you know how and love to work on a tree, it is quite possible on your own and without tangible costs to make a magnificent suspended ceiling out of fine plywood, including a rather complicated profile. In addition, for the manufacture of an original suspended ceiling, you can advise with your own hands to use the available wall panels that are available.

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