9 Delian designers advice that will help save on repair


Anna Suvorov and Lyudmila Kryuchkova specifically for readers ivd.ru shared their own opinion about what decision can be used in repair and interior if you have a limited budget.

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9 Delian designers advice that will help save on repair

Make quality, beautiful and inexpensive - think that this "triangle" will never work out? We are confident in the opposite, and asked designers to comment on it. There are solutions that will help save, but at the same time make a beautiful interior. And he will not have to be updated in a couple of years due to the fact that something went wrong.

1 Make a bet on ease

Simply - does not mean ugly. Create a laconic base, choose natural materials (let the most inexpensive). And it will work.

"Here as with the choice of wardrobe: natural fabrics and laconic models look always good. The win-win option is neutral and complex colors of the walls, let it be not the most expensive, but still a natural tree on the floor and just a smooth ceiling. By itself, this background is good, pick up furniture with the decor will not be so difficult to it, "says Anna Suvorov.

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2 Be careful with drawings on the tile and wallpaper

One of the differences of expensive material from the cheap, according to the architect-designer Anna Suvorova, is the quality of the drawing. Therefore, Anna recommends: "Before you buy, look at the drawing in a large volume, and not on a small sample."

  • 7 simple ways to save on the paint for the interior

3 Choose a tile from the collections of domestic manufacturers

Today it is possible to significantly save on trim with tiles and porcelain stoneware, if you choose inexpensive options from domestic manufacturers. Compare: Russian production tile can be bought on average for 1-2,000 rubles / sq. M. And the proposals from Western brands can reach up to 5-6,000 rubles per square.

Designer Lyudmila Kryuchkov:

Designer Lyudmila Kryuchkov:

In many collections there are a good background tile and, for example, a completely unsuccessful decor. Choose the background tile and combine with an outdoor tile from another collection. Since the decor is sold, as a rule, can be saved greatly.

4 and play with layout

Another advice of Lyudmila Crochek: make the design interior due to the complex layout of the tile, and not expensive material. It turns out no less stylish.

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5 Discard the tile in favor of paint

"For wall decoration, the most budget option is paint," said Lyudmila Kryuchkova. - Today there are special paints for the kitchen and a bathroom. Walls painted with such paints, you can wash with chemicals. "

6 Do not throw old furniture

Vintage is fashionable. And it can be fiscal, if not buying special items, and take the grandparents, grandfathers or parents, what they have not enjoyed for a long time and take storage at the cottage, in the garage or left on the balcony.

Architect-designer Anna Suvo

Architect-designer Anna Suvorov:

Restore Soviet chairs, chest or grandmother's mirror. Such things add the interior with a highlight.

7 Schedule niches and boxes for typical storage systems

Designers do not always make the kitchen or choose furniture to order. When the budget is limited, you have to refer to the mass market assortment. And it is not always bad. You can choose and typical solutions, enclosing them in the interior so that no one can guess - it is not made to order. "In advance, select the furniture models and undergo partitions, niches and boxes," this is what Anna Suvorov recommends.

8 Choose a fane for cabinet furniture

Plywood - natural and eco-friendly material. It really should not be underestimated. Anna Suvorova says that you can even make facades for the kitchen.

9 Replace the doors with curtains

Thus, you can save on the partition between the sleeping area and the living room in the studio apartment, on the doors in the dressing room or built-in wardrobes.

"If the curtain is a temporary option, do not forget at the repair stage, it is necessary to provide everything necessary for further re-equipment (mortgages and other, depends on what will happen)," advises Anna Suvorov.

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9 Delian designers advice that will help save on repair 1535_13

In the corridor behind the curtain, the storage system hides

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Also a curtain is separated by a bedroom area in a one-room apartment

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