Practical materialism


Author's furniture and new camouflage methods of heating radiators.

Practical materialism 15358_1

The principles of the existence of each person and society as a whole are easily projected by the surrounding items. Simply puts: "Discover me than and how you use, and I will tell you who you are." Fortunately, and in human heads, and in the world of things is not so unequivocal and straightforward. It would be too boring and uninteresting our life if the being was determined by consciousness, and the consciousness would not change being.

Special for writing

Practical materialism

Pushkin Pimen was probably calmly worked for long evenings behind the oak table, putting a plank with a backup under the parchment. A modern man has the right to count on a more comfortable workplace, made taking into account not only individual wishes, but also the topography of his dwelling. In the empty corner of the room, the small table of unusual shape will be successfully located. Designed by architects of the Art Group "Stone" headed by Vadim Greekov, it was made in the workshop of the same company. As a result, a thing was created by a number of advantages. The tabletop with spectacular glass insert complement the cabinet with nominations, like blades in the peer knife, drawers and rack with glass shelves.

Inhabitants of birch house

Practical materialism

Night, dark, nothing can be seen. And the child seems like the cabinet makes the trunk of the oscillation or the paws of the sinister Kukarymbra ... fleeing from them, you can join your head in a blanket or ask my mother to leave the night light ... However, what should be, calm dreams are seen to the baby sleeping on a crib invented by architects by Konstantin named and Olga Potapova! Made from birch, she reminds a small house in one bright room. Near the hillock there are two more houses. In one, the dog lives, and the light burns in the other window.

All at hand

Practical materialism

Camping a room for a child, adults often fall into extremes, turning the nursery into a small circus, littered with toys. But the holiday is good and good that happens not every day. Yes, and the guys are much more interesting to invent the plots of new games, presenting their dwelling by the spacecraft, then a fabulous castle. Emigiousness is the quality of good children's furniture.

An excellent example of multifunctionality can serve a cot with a rack and a bedside table, invented by architects Alexander Galkin and Maya Vasilyeva. At first glance, it is difficult to determine what is more like their structure. This is a cross between the captain's bridge and part of an unknown alien mechanism. The main thing that managed to achieve architects is convenience and practicality in combination with the original design. The toys and favorite books will be easily located on the shelves, shirts and pants and pants hide inside the bedside tables, and pull-out drawers under the bed are designed for bed linen and pillows.

The effect of "two in one"

Practical materialism

"A light movement of your hand ... Pants turn ... into elegant shorts ..."

The desire to combine in one subject property and the advantage of several, if you remember the "diamond hand", is fraught with all sorts of trouble. Apparently, universality, such an amae of mind and the heart of Homo Sapiens'a, contradicts somehow not yet fully studied laws of nature. Fortunately, the designer idea, which will be discussed, so witty and simple that it is a happy exception to these rules.

Practical materialism

The absence of a specially furnished dining room in our small apartments makes us collect guests in the kitchen. And so that everyone was not too closely behind the small table for 3, from the strength - 4 people, His, by the will of designers, "turn" into the parade, the table to all the tables (lowering the folding part). The raised center put treats, and the wide arc on the edge is sufficient for convenient placement of decades already. The main design is based on a single leg, and individual elements are attached to the wall. As a supplement, the circle of the table repeats the wall mirror in a wooden frame, although in principle you can come up with another decorative design of the kitchen.

P.S. As a material for the manufacture of countertops and an additional arc, LUMI masters used the Danish joinery of a set of a beech melting.

Not the table, not then wicket

Practical materialism

Stylization of topics and good, which allows us to give usually not a usual look. The main thing is not to move the face separating originality, non-standard from obsessive originality. As a criterion, on which one can be distinguished from the other, the convenience of a particular thing and practicality occurs when it is used.

Let's say why to make a table in a casino bar "Rodeo" in St. Petersburg in the form of a gate sash, freely rotating with the help of a wheel on a metal arc mounted in the floor? This can be understood only by sitting behind it and feeling the advantages of close communication: a tabletop in one board does not force strain, shouting the tv noise. By the way, the TV is not at all necessary to watch if I do not want. It is fairly easy to turn the table and sit to the "blue screen" back.

P.S. The only drawback is that it is necessary to carefully put his glass with beer - you can get by a narrow table top.

TV, Combine and coffee grinder

Practical materialism

The list of kitchen furniture replenish all new items. The microwave, which seemed yesterday, the top of technical progress, has long passed alongside the refrigerator. The kitchen processor, the juicers sweating handheld meat grinders and other archaisms. The kitchen finally came TV! The devices for it allow you to place the "information source" almost anywhere. The "magic force of art" is able to transform the rack under the television and video equipment into the composition, the beauty of a woman's beauty - the keeper of a homely hearth.

Vernissage on the windowsill

Practical materialism

"In life there is always a place for a feat ...", there will always be a place for all sorts of trash that has an uncomprofitable value for its owner.

It is possible that from the very beginning, inventing a wooden box, designed to close the battery in a reconstructed apartment, designer Evgeny Leonov took into account the passion for customers - they collect exotic souvenirs. As a result, a shelf appeared over the radiator, repeating the plane of the windowsill from the same pine joinery plate. Having truncated by the side and facest side of the structure, the designer composedly combined both levels, and wooden plinths gave her enough strict and elegant look. Wide gaps allow air to circulate freely.

Continuing the glorious tradition

Practical materialism

Long ago, when the fires were heated by fireplaces, and the walls were trimmed with wooden carved panels, the rooms turned into the insides of the intricate box. Numerous eaves and pilasters, borders and vignettes decorated vertical planes. Each panel became a piece of carpentry art.

The new rhythm of life dictates new rules. Unfortunately, no one is no longer surprised by the beam-free invasion of white parallelepiped air conditioners and batteries even in the most stylish and expensive apartments ... The pretty to note the undoubted luck of the architects of Anton Nonubernashin and Andris Kulikov, which included in the interior of a country house on the rights of independent design screens for radiators. Strictly speaking, it is difficult to call them screens. Rather, it is a design that combines a wooden frame, deaf or perforated inserts, and an upper worktop with slots for air circulation. In each room, a single scheme is played in its own way. In the lobby, the inserts are made of non-brushed wood, the living room uses multi-colored panels that meet the colorful solution of the whole room, and in the office, under the Erker window, the front panel is tightened with a wicker grid. Decor options correspond to both the functional purpose and the spatial organization of the room.

Forgotten hieroglyphs of happiness

Practical materialism

Signs and symbols from primitive times do not lose their mystical significance in our lives. You can perceive them in different ways ... relevant and original was the decision invented by the architect Irina Puhava, to decorate the entire interior and battery screens in the "Little Genius" store (it specializes in toys, games, puzzles and books, developing talent, intelligence and Child Intellect). The table, stools and, of course, the battery screens are covered with relief or through silhouettes that resemble the figures of people, then animals, then letters or just intricate winding lines ... who come to the store of kids with pleasure and interest look at mysterious hieroglyphs. Children's fantasy easily suggests them, as coexist on the same plane ship and bird, dancing man and flower.

If you want to arrange the children's children in your apartment, be sure to trust the drawings to the most child. Do not doubt: his imagination is much richer than your adult!

P.S. As a material that is most suitable for the manufacture of similar screens, you can recommend chosen or fiberboard. Also for these purposes may be used plywood.

Egyptian nights

Practical materialism

The word screen (ECRAN) translated from French means "Shirma". That is, a certain impressive object blown on the other - non-primable. In this case, the design and screen design designer has developed in full compliance with the overall style of the bedroom interior. Massive wooden board easy to move. In addition, the Screen panel has two facial sides. On one depicted Egyptian pyramids in the desert, to another - stylized starry sky. Similar two-caps really liked the owners: during the day they put the screen with the sunny side, and in the evening they turn over, and the drawn stars flicker in the light of wrought-iron torches ...

Once dirt, two planks ...

Practical materialism

Not in vain, folk wisdom reads: "all ingenious simply." Even the radiator in a dark congestion under the window can turn into an unexpectedly spectacular and stylistically appropriate element of the interior - with an accurate calculation, the thoughtfulness of the solution and the thoroughness of execution. Country house, designed to fill the lack of communication of the urban resident with nature, is traditionally drawn up in the pastoral spirit. Among your favorite finishing materials, first place is unconditionally owned by the lining and its derivative. In our version of the "carriage" reduction, the original screen for the battery is made. The necessary slots make the whole design similar to a very neat and cute paneliesad.

Not plywood jot, but battery

Practical materialism

Each designer has addiction to a certain kind of materials. One like velvet drapery and animal skins on the floor, the other - leather upholstery on the furniture, the third serves glass tables and chairs. And Roman Leonids prefers to use Phaneur in his work, finding new unexpected ways to use it. An excellent example of what the screen closes the battery can serve as an excellent example. It is made from the curved sheet of plywood, and the ventilation gaps are framed by glued frames.

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