Should the house be smart


Integrated management of engineering communications in the house - the possibilities and prospects for the development of intellectual automation.

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Should the house be smart

Should the house be smart

Should the house be smart

Should the house be smart
Wireless touch panels and remote controls
Should the house be smart
Home Video Video Interior with Projector Videomate 200 100 'Luxus A Company Steewart

Also with a dozen years ago, we read in the stories of Rei Bradbury and Robert Sheckley in the stories. Asoms are surprised in his own naivety, realizing that scientific fiction is just the artistically described perspective of the introduction of discoveries already made by engineers, which are sometimes implemented faster than the most bold forecasts of the Pen masters.

The concept of "intellectual building" arose after the development of information technologies, automation, telemechanics and telemetry, which began to be used to manage infrastructure as large public buildings and private housing. The larger the services that use information technologies, and the stronger they are interconnected, the building is intellectual. Typically, such interaction is expressed in the creation of a unified management system.

Today it does not surprise anyone that TV, VCR, Music Center, Air Conditioning, Lighting devices can be programmed and controlled by infrared beams using the remote control. In many television connections, security alarms report the owner of the house or in specialized services, which the attacker penetrated into the premises. Modern communication systems automatically redirect the calls of people who are hundreds and thousands of kilometers from home.

If the above tasks are solved using automation, then why not solve the problem of integrated management of the system of life support and engineering communications at home? The first of these question was asked by American engineers and, it must be said, significantly succeeded in this area. A new generation of remote controls of the remote control is the wireless sensor remote control panels. It is possible to manipulate all the equipment that is in the house and beyond. For example, one touch of the finger to the corresponding display icon open water in the bathroom, adjust its temperature, turn on the TV, respond to a phone call through the microphone built into the panel, hold a video conference with people in another building and the like. Imagine how much this technique facilitates the life of disabled people, patients, not to mention those who save time, earning money. Such displays and necessary automatics are supplied to Russia with Creston, Stewart, AMX. But it turns out that these systems are not the most last word in the technique of managing a smart home.

Imagine a business person who, along the way to the car parked at the office, gives clear teams on a mobile phone: "Half the lawn in front of the house, program a video recorder to record a football match for a football match for 3kanal C22.00 to 21.30, weld coffee to the host arrival, adjust the air conditioner The temperature is 69F (20.6C) and the relative humidity of the air 70%, turn on the lighting in the courtyard at home and in the hallway, provide immediate information about the arrival of email. " After 73 (!) Seconds, a person sits into the car, completely confident that by the time of arrival home everything will be accurately executed. The described plot is not the retelling of another fantastic story, but the realization of life, for example, modern Americans.

Notice, all commands are given to the voice, and for this there was no special touchscreen display that came to shift the button. According to the President of the American firm Applied Future Tecnologies, Mike Elder, "Voice Technology of Control Distant from the user will be the same common phenomenon as a video recorder today."

Of course, all this is possible in the presence of how to manage, and the management means themselves, the main one of which is a personal computer of the intellectual building, and controllers - programmed microprocessor devices, with which certain commands of the electronic bodies operate are performed by computer .

The controllers of the servers are distinguished and controllers connected to them directly serving peripheral devices, such as electrical heaters thermostats, dimmers and electrically switches with an adjustable switching on and shutdown, servo drives, leading thermostatic valves of water heating radiators, water taps, fire extinguishing agents, etc. . Controllers provide the computer current information and "report" on the execution of orders. By the way, the largest manufacturer of components for computers Intel produces a microprocessor recognizing the value of only 10dolls.

Leading foreign and domestic manufacturers of high-tech products, peelingly peeling into the future, today they offer wide opportunities for the intellectual building integrated management system.

One of the most perfect Excel5000 system is Honeywell. Developed based on the latest achievements of technology, it can be adapted to provide individual technical solutions in both large and small buildings. The subordinates of the computer controllers of Excel can ensure the interaction of heating systems, ventilation and air conditioning, power consumption, lighting, access control, security and fire safety systems. Special presence sensors will determine whether people currently have indoors and depending on this will turn on the heating or cooling system, will open the blinds, turn on the light or others required at the moment, the device. Energy saving program embedded in the managing computer will make the consumption of electricity and heat as rational as possible.

Own management systems "Smart Home" have developed and implemented in Russia through the dealer network of German companies Siemens, Gira, Johnson Controls, Swiss company LandiSgir, Staefa Control Sistem, Sauer.

But domestic developers and manufacturers do not sit, folded hands. For 10 years, the "DEP" JSC develops and supplies telemechanics and monitoring systems to Russian customers, including those designed for the automated management of engineering equipment at home. The company's systems are based on a variety of DEP controllers that allow you to automatically measure, process, transmit information and carry out operational management of mechanisms in the conditions of both the production and a residential building. WMoskwe, Volgograd, Lipetsk, Peace, Karaganda, operate automated systems for monitoring and controlling water stations and heat networks, outdoor lighting using modem and radio communications. DEP has developed a special system for monitoring and managing the equipment of a collective residential building.

By investing in intellectual automation, society not only increases the level of everyday comfort, but also provides rational use of energy resources, extends the service life of expensive equipment, real estate.

An intellectual building in the form in which it exists in developed European countries and overseas remains alien to the mentality of most Russians. It is not at all that technical progress is on the wrong way and that our society is not necessary only because only a few elite will be able to use the fruits of progress. Intelligent "filling" of the house can be much easier and to perform limited functions. Moreover, it becomes urgently necessary for conducting individual accounting and control over energy resources, protecting the house from the encroachments of attackers, from fire. Paradoxically, but in the crisis economic situation, it is the intellectualization of residential and industrial premises that contributes to the successful solution of material problems.

Own development and implementation in the field of automated control systems have an industrial and technical center of McCip-1 trade unions, Muscollector HSP, CJSC "Teplovoder" (Mytishchi), NTC "Argo" (Ivanovo) and dozens of other domestic companies.

Unfortunately, in Russia, individual merchants are trying to present the consumers good Western ideas far from the best interpretation. A part of a wealthy Russian is trying to introduce an idea that the main components of the intelligent house are the home video card, High-End class acoustics and other "toys". Few people can evaluate the effectiveness of intellectual automation in the field of water and heat supply or control of the electrical installation of the building.

The company "Architectural electronics" promotes to the Russian market an integrated management system of an intelligent AMXAXCESS building. Along with the automated tools of entertainment, it introduces the public and with the methods of control using panels and remote controls, as well as a computer. The AMX system assumes the ability to control the voice, since almost any development of other companies can be integrated into it.

With the help of the AMX system, a programmable and manual transformation of residential space and furniture can be used using controlled sliding partitions, doors, curtains. Automatic lighting control stores in its memory more than one hundred (!) Programmed modes that are easily set from panels or control panels, and also executed without human intervention. The possibilities of creating and maintaining in the microclimate room by automating heating, ventilation and air conditioning are just as diverse. An important role is given to resource saving. The system monitors the consumption of electricity, heat, water and gas, offers optimal graphs of their use and does everything for energy savings. Listening to the occurrence of the threat of an electroporation or fire The system will automatically disable damaged communications and give an alarm.

The feature of the AMX system is the possibility of remote control, monitoring and alerts through telephone networks, including through the Internet using a computer.

The "highlight" AMX should be considered the possibility of holding both planned and unplanned monitoring of the premises of the house, a garage adjacent to the building building with microphones and video cameras. The dedication has the opportunity not only to receive a report on all incoming and outgoing phone calls, but also to view a video of visits to the house or directly observe what is happening in different rooms.

Only dedicated people can use the AMX system. For these purposes, there is a system of personal passwords and identifier devices. The system itself is protected from an unauthorized invasion of the encrypted central controller programs, delimiting access to the control tools of the control system.

Of course, the reader has a question: what is the cost of the above pleasures and how justified the costs? The number of zeros in the called amount is capable of embarrassment even a person with a sufficient above average. But only if everything is done in full program. You can save both control devices and on the configuration of the system itself. When the nominal level of comfort and security will be achieved and the system will earn, you will make sure that it will immediately begin to return debt and after a few years it will grow substantially. However, we live not only in order to save, but also spend on your pleasure ...

Engineers, promoting the advantages of modern control automation, are deeply convinced that the current generation of Russians will live in an intellectual house. After all, ten years ago, the home computer for most Russians was the subject of an inaccessible dream, and today thousands of children play electronic games and communicate via the Internet. The same, I hope, will happen with our home. So we will not wait until he "widespread" - we will teach it to think.

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