How to quickly dry things: 6 ways


In the press mode in a washing machine, using a conventional towel or under the fan - we tell how to speed up the drying of things and how to do it is not necessary.

How to quickly dry things: 6 ways 1538_1

Listed all the ways in video

1 in washing machine

If your typewriter has a drying mode, you are lucky. Just put wet things there and turn on the desired program. However, if there is no built-in dryer, you can use the following method.

Put together with a wet weak a few dry terry towels. Then turn on the spin, the number of revolutions choose depending on the type of fabric. At the end of the work, the towels do absolute moisture, the thing will become land. The procedure can be repeated, or use the iron that completely dries the product.

How to quickly dry things: 6 ways 1538_2

  • 7 Lifehakov for washing, which you could not know

2 with a hair dryer

Only small details of clothing can be dried with a hairdryer: underwear, socks and other textiles. On big and tight things you spend too much time and energy, so it is not very effective. When drying, do not brings the hairdryer too close, leave a 40 cm distance between it and the cloth.

3 in the Towel.

Another method in which the terry towel needs is suitable for dense and heavy things, for example, sweaters, of which it is difficult to remove moisture by other methods.

Put the towel on the horizontal surface. Above the desired garment from above. Then roll the towel along with the "stuffing" into the roll. Press something heavy and leave for a few minutes. Textiles will absorb excess water. Then the wet towel should be changed to clean and dry and repeat the procedure for another 1-2 times.

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4 near fan

If there is a thermal fan at home, you are lucky. Color clothes near him and direct a stream of warm air on it. Use the mode with not very high power. The main rule is not to place things right on the fan. It is fire hazard: the fabric can light up.

5 Using Iron

Iron is easy to dry wet things. When used, do not turn on the maximum temperature mode so as not to burn the fabric, and also turn off the steam supply. Be sure to check the guidelines on the clothing label, some materials cannot be stroke. For example, silk and nylon.

How to quickly dry things: 6 ways 1538_5

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6 on the electric rig

If you often encounter the need to quickly dry underwear, you can buy an electric drying for clothes. It looks like an ordinary folding, but there is one difference: it must be connected to the outlet for work.

Bonus: What is better not to do

These methods are common on the Internet: many advise to dry small things in the microwave, near the oven, with the help of iron or heater. However, it is pretty fires.

  • In the microwave to dry the fabric until complete drying can not, otherwise you will get a spoiled smoking thing. The material in the furnace warms unevenly, so in the end it will lose the form.
  • The drying method next to the oven is simply dangerous, since all the time it should be open.
  • The iron is likely to spoil the fabric: they are easy to burn it, since the heating temperature at the instrument is very high.
  • On electrical heating devices, too wet things are very accurate: you can strike the current. And on the heater at a very high temperature, the fabric can spoil. It is better not to use these ways.

How to quickly dry things: 6 ways 1538_7

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