Fruits lighting


Modern lamps: classification; Evaluation of light distribution; secrets of the LED; firms presented in the Russian market; Prices.

Fruits lighting 15425_1

Fruits lighting
Model Libera company ARTEMIDE (Italy).
Fruits lighting
Model Tolomeo company ARTEMIDE (Italy).
Fruits lighting
Model AgGregato Stelo Tavolo Artemide (Italy).
Fruits lighting
Sinus model Solken Leuchten (Germany).
Fruits lighting
For premises with dark ceilings, lamps are needed with a large brightness for local illumination of the recreation area.
Fruits lighting
The lamp moved in space allows you to create comfortable conditions during the class at the table.
Fruits lighting
The lamp of the company H. Gautzsch (Germany) to illuminate paintings.
Fruits lighting
The bright contrast of the interior elements visually highlights the decorative strip of the "Milky Way" on the ceiling.
Fruits lighting
Model Diamante La Murrina (Italy).
Fruits lighting
Functional zones are organized using local lighting lamps.
Fruits lighting
The unity of the style and color decoration allowed simple means to give the artistic finishment of the interior.
Fruits lighting
The decoration of walls in light colors and scattered lighting create saturation with light even in large rooms.
Fruits lighting
Jab lamps (Germany).

In order for lighting in our homes to create visual comfort and contributed to an adequate perception of the interior, it must be properly organized.

The comfort of modern housing is inseparable from high-quality lighting, thanks to him, we quickly and correctly distinguish the brightness, color and shape of the objects or objects that we work with. In this case, our eyes should not overvolt and get tired. It turns out to achieve visual comfort, it is necessary to withstand a lot of lighting parameters at a certain level: optimal illumination, a small blinding effect, the harmonious distribution of the brightness of light by the main surfaces of the room, the correct color reproduction, tenegraphwork and much more. And ensure all this will help lamps. By correctly choosing, applying and combining them with various elements of the interior in style, color and scale, specialists create not only a comfortable lighting environment, but also give it a special expressiveness.

All lamps are the good old silk lampshade, beliefs of our grandmothers, lampsher and sconce, the dream of Russians in the 60s, and the most modern (the number of models is calculated tens of thousands) - consist of two main parts: the light source (lamp) and lighting reinforcement. The latter redistributes light bulbs in space and sometimes converts its properties. However, the reinforcement, the features of the design of which decisively affect the quality of lighting, are made in the calculation of certain lamp parameters.

In terms of purpose, the lamps are divided into six groups to create one of the following types of lighting: a common, local, combined, decorative, orienting and exposure. By the installation method, ceiling lamps are isolated, suspended (on the suspension to the ceiling), embedded (in suspended ceilings), wall-mounted, floor and desktop.

Management of visual performance

From how the lighting luminaries of general lighting is distributed in the space, our ability to accurately distinguishes small parts of items. Removing light distribution using the so-called light curve (CCC). The more she resembles an oval, elongated along the axis of the light stream, the already considered the curve and the better the illumination in the center of the light spot. The view of this curve is the most important characteristic of the light source.

Luminaires with narrow light curve It is better to apply indoors with high ceilings. These lamps have high contrast, oriented, sharp shadows, efficiency. They predominantly illuminate horizontal surfaces. In order to soften the lighting, a bright decoration of the room is needed, including the floor. This kind of device with mirror halogen lamps, installed on busbar (which is quite convenient), are often used for accented illumination of paintings, sculptures and other items.

Lamps with an average light curve It is used to create overall lighting with soft light transitions, sufficient saturation with light, moderate contrast and a balanced brightness distribution in rooms with a conventional ceiling height.

Lamps with a wide light strength curve It is better suited for general illumination of rooms with low ceilings and create good illumination of vertical and inclined surfaces, ensure a uniform distribution of light. But such lamps have a small protective angle, and a well-thought-out installation is required to avoid light contacts directly into the eyes.

Where to send rays

The direction of the light stream affects black and white contrasts. Therefore, buying a lamp, ask where it will send light. Depending on the value of the ratio of the light flux, directed upwards, the literal light lamps are isolated (all or almost the entire light flux is directed), scattered light (the light stream, directed upwards the light flow down (as, For example, a crystal chandelier), reflected light (all or almost the entire light flux is directed up).

Light light lamps Designed for room with low ceilings. As a rule, these are conventional ceiling or built-in appliances. They differ in economy when creating local lighting for reading and working or when highlighting paintings, sculptures, etc.

Lamps of scattered light Have the highest efficiency (efficiency) and are suitable for general lighting. It is distinguished by a uniform distribution of the brightness of the light, reflected from the surfaces of the walls, the ceiling and floor, with soft-forming properties and increased saturation with light, which is important for creating visual comfort. But if dark tones prevail in the color range of the interior (especially the ceiling and walls), then for such lamps will have to put more powerful lamps.

When buying a lamp, it is necessary to check its performance, the reliability of the fastening of parts, how easy it is the lamp in the cartridge and is there easy access to the lamp and inner surfaces requiring regular cleaning. It remains to remember that solid materials having a smooth surface are less polluted and easier washed.

Lamps of reflected light Create the most comfortable and uniform lighting, fully corresponding to the standards for limiting the indicators of the blinding effect and discomfort, good saturation with light, combination with the upper or side daylight. To increase the economy of lighting, a ceiling finish is needed with a maximum reflection coefficient.

From ABC Sveodizaina

The interior perception depends mainly from the distribution of brightness and color between the elements of the interior and objects. And when we buy a closing cute brain and hang it in a prominent place or simply install a light bulb that is more powerful, then the consequences can be the most unpredictable, for example: irritability, headaches and other unexpected attacks. The fact is that we can violate such inefficient actions to violate the complex relationship of optical effects, which are taken into account by SPI experts. We open a little curtain over their secrets.

Light and space

With a change in the brightness of the light, reflected from the floor, walls and the ceiling, the visual perception of the proportions of the room changes, so by varying the brightness, you can "adjust" the volume of the room.

- The dark ceiling seems lower, and light - high. Too light floor "reduces" the height of the room. The lighter wall at the end of a narrow corridor visually makes it wider.

- The colors of warm tones "bring up" objects (for example, the yellow wall seems closer), and the cold "remove".

- In small rooms for visual expansion of space and increasing saturation with light, it is necessary to increase the illumination of the walls and apply finishing materials with good reflective properties (that is, with a large reflection coefficient), and in large - to apply the same reception, but for gender and ceiling.

- Windows, paintings and mirrors contribute to the "expansion" of space.

- When illuminating large rooms, it is better to use straight light lamps.

- It should be remembered that the black color "narrows" the room, and the white - "expands".

- If in a narrow room, the lamps are located along the midline of the ceiling, the room will appear even more narrow. In order to view it to visually, it is necessary to position the lamps along the line shifted to one of the walls.

- In the room you can select the functional zones not only by partitions, but also with the help of local lighting lamps, such as sconce.

The least resistant to the effects of manuscripts, documents, photos, painting works (watercolor, tempera, pastel), tapestry, lace, clothing. According to the standards, the level of illumination of such objects should not exceed 50 LCs.

Light and form

The way we perceive the form of the subject turns out to depend on the brightness of its individual surfaces and from the distribution of the shadows generated on it. So, light can "manage" the form of objects, increase or, unfortunately, reduce their expressiveness. The main thing here is to choose the direction of the falling light flux. If the volume item is evenly lit on all sides, it may seem flat, since with multiple lighting the volume is lost.

- The best result gives a combination of scattered or reflected lighting with direct directional light, but when working with an object (such as, for example, a person's face), having a deep, pronounced relief, more important than the role of a soft scattered or reflected light.

- Applying directional lights, it is necessary to avoid the formation of unwanted shadows capable of changing the form and the illuminated, and the nearby object, as well as the interior as a whole.

- If the surface is unevenly illuminated, then its individual sections are perceived as lying at different levels.

- Experimenting with shadows, you can create the most diverse light dynamics indoors.

Light and color

- If uniform illumination is created in the room, then warm color is perceived brighter than cold.

- If the surface of the objects, walls, etc. is painted in a dark color, then their texture and processing will not be clearly visible.

- On a bright background, the object looks darker, and on dark - lighter.

- The colors of warm tonality won when illuminating incandescent lamps and discharge lights of heat-white light.

Svetoft Comfort

- The visual fatigue is enhanced with sudden brightness drops. However, too monotonous lighting is also not a completely successful solution.

- If the finish is used saturated and diverse by tone color, then the visual fatigue increases. When finishing large areas, it is better to use colors that have low saturation.

Color and mood

It is known that the color is emotionally affecting a person.

- Red-orange tones have an exciting effect.

- Green-blue tones create a feeling of coolness and peace.

- White and black tone emphasizes the parade and festivity of the situation.

It should be borne in mind that the perception of the same color can highly depend on the climate of the area, as well as from human habits and tastes.

To simultaneously use artificial and natural lighting, it is necessary to use separately arranged fluorescent lamps, glowing panels, various finishing materials with an increased reflection coefficient, as an artificial light source, you can use fluorescent lamps of cold-white and warm-white light.

Opinion of specialists

It is difficult to say quite definitely, which lamps are better to use in this room. It is possible only to recommend to adhere to the general rules of the lighting device in the apartment. So, in the corridor and other rooms, where the need for lighting is constant, it is better to use overall lighting lamps with a compact fluorescent lamp (CLF). In the living rooms more often use lamps of general and local lighting (where it is required: a coffee table, a TV, in a recreation area, etc.). In the bedroom, the muffled soft light of the lamps of the reflected light is appropriate. Near the bed, on the bedside table, you can put a lamp of low power or night light, and sources of light with good color reproduction are suitable. In the children's rooms, both overall lighting and local. In the kitchen, in addition to using the main lamp with a lamp of incandescent, you need a backlight of the working zones where food is preparing, washing dishes. This is convenient lamps with fluorescent lamps up to 30 W. In addition, small-sized lamps can be used for highlighting cabinets, drawers and other furniture.

From what eyes run

Sale of lighting equipment, and in particular lamps, hundreds of outlets are engaged in Moscow only in Moscow. As a rule, the stores are offered lamps of two conventional directions: classics and modern. Several dozen firms are supplied to the Russian market. Among them German Jab, Hustadt, H. Gautzsch, Solken, Swing, Italian Artemide, Franco, Flos, Prisma, Sil Lux, Targetti, Velux, Spanish Baluet, Xenon Componens, Austrian Kolarz Leuchten, American GE Lighting, Russian Marbel, CJSC Saturn "," Electropolitus "," Point of Support "and others.

Thanks to the broadest assortment of lamps, designers are able to satisfy any customer requests. Thus, many landslides of reflected and scattered light are equipped with an additional "side" lamp on a flexible rod, which is located in the most acceptable position for you. Some "top bowls" of the flooring turns, as they are on hinged connections. A significant part of the lamps is equipped with devices (dimmers) to adjust the illumination, including using the control panel. Similar and many other designs are sold in the salon of lamps on a small ordinance. " They cost from $ 10 to $ 2000.

There are also decorative lamps in the form of a frog, a boat, fish, etc., intended for the children's room. They are made according to the fact that the child can hurt or drop the lamp, so the figure itself is made of plastic, and the light source is closed with a special dome protected from burn.

A large number of imported and domestic lamps for decorative lighting and architectural illumination represents CJSC TFS-Holding. Mostly fittings of lamps are made of the following materials: Triplex glasses (or duplex); borosilicate glass of color, transparent, matte; Muranian glass; Tree (beech, less often pine and oak); Metal (stylization under gold, bronze, aluminum, under ancient), as well as metal painted into any color. There are unusual solutions, for example, imitation of an ice pattern on glass or wet glass (water droplets inside glass).

A wide range of modern energy-saving lamps with compact fluorescent lamps and transparent polycarbonate diffusers offers GEneral Electric Lighting. This kind of energy-saving lamps based on compact luminescent and halogen lamps makes the domestic plant "Transivers" (Novgorod). The lamps sold by the company "Paul" are pleased with the unique sophistication of lines, shapes and paints of Murana glass and are made mainly in modern style. Prices are ranging from $ 100 to $ 40,000.

The firm "Module" offers lamps of a variety of styles: Baroque, classic, modern, - made using natural stone, gilding, crystal. In the center of Medea Light and in stores of Aura City, Sonex, Makskie Electro, you will find lamps (from 500 to 500,000 rubles) of domestic and European manufacturers, both classic style and modern style.

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