Breathe deep!


What, than and to what level can be cleaned air in the urban apartment.

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Clean and fresh air over the flowering meadow we are easily distinguished from the gas mixture, which I breathe near factory buildings and which for some reason also call air. About from what, than to what level, you can clean the air in an urban apartment says our article.

'' Battle Dutch "in the air

Breathe deep!
Silent ionization air cleaner Sanyo Aereeo.

Gaseous compounds. We are incredible to explain our ailments in times: something did not eat something or did not drink. But it is enough to remember about ten minutes spent in a car traffic jam next to the exhaust pipe of the domestic kamaz, and do not need to look for other causes of headaches. Well, in a modern urban apartment, is it possible to feel safe? After all, the accommodation of a modern man is filled with a whole "bouquet" far from innocuous volatile chemical compounds. It "smells" with phenol and formaldehyde, which are widely used in the manufacture of furniture and in construction, pentachlorophenol (chipboard), chlorvinyl (washable wallpaper), ethylene oxide (plastic pipes), etc. Road ventilation eliminates us from these pollutants. And then for a short time.

Separate attention should be paid to ozone. There is a sustainable opinion that it is very useful for health. As an argument, supporters of this delusion necessarily remember the lines from the poem "I love a thunderstorm in early May ...", connecting the ease of breathing in the spring forest with the formation of ozone as a result of a lightning strike. It turns out, everything is not so simple. Ozone is a chemically "aggressive" compound, and the excess of its MPC (extremely permissible concentration) is extremely harmful to human health: it causes pulmonary edema and can lead to a fatal outcome. By the way, the Ozone PDC is exactly equal to the PDC of the gaseous chlorine, and chlorine is still considered a combat poisoning substance and was used by Germany to the first world war.

Breathe deep!
Honeywell cleaners provide for 1 hour three- or fourfold air purification of the room. Coson is formed on the street in the presence of nitrogen oxides under the action of solar ultraviolet, as well as large quantities allocated when operating office equipment. Ozone "smell" photocpenss, laser printers, bactericidal lamps, X-ray installations and, of course, ozonizers. Romantic attitude to this gas is apparently caused by the fact that ozone, located in the upper stratosphere, as is known, "works" by a light filter, absorbing about 99% of the rigid ultraviolet falling on Earth, and deviations of its concentration (the appearance of ozone holes) are subject scientific disputes and pessimistic forecasts. Undoubtedly, ozone kills bacteria in the air and thereby benefit, but the results of its long-term impact on a person of unequivocal opinions among scientists has not yet been developed. However, many Western firms are trying to minimize the use of intense ozone separation devices.

Rustic residents from children's years know: the carbon monoxide (CO) enters the residential premises or the bathroom, if you prematurely close the furnace damper. The fact is that this gas that does not have color and smell (that is, "not given to us in sensations"), binds hemoglobin of blood and at high concentrations is able to finally repay consciousness and lead to a fatal outcome.

In homes where there are no stoves, tobacco smoker turns out to be the main source of carbon monoxide. A considerable amount is contained in the exhaust of automotive engines. Of course, the power of these sources is insufficient in order to "get to death to death." In the meager doses, the carbon monoxide causes headache, oxygen starvation, suffocation, with long-term exposure - a cardiovascular disorder contributes to the development of atherosclerosis.

Breathe deep!
Intelligent air cleaner with photocatalytic, adsorption and electronic filter Daikin Siesta. Dust and aerosols. Roadside dust of the village village, is definitely unpleasant, but not so dangerous as dust at the gate of the chemical factory. Dust particles covered with water film are capable of absorbing and transferring huge amounts of any substances over long distances, including harmful.

Particles of atmospheric dust consist of a variety of substances, such as pure quartz or a mixture of organic compounds. The dimensions of the dusty lie in the range from 0.1 to 10 microns (99.9% of the particles in the air of our apartment have dimensions up to 1 microme). Particles of more than 10 microns (sandbank, pollen) are quickly settled, dust particles ranging from 0.2 to 5 μm in the air for several days, and particles of aerosols of less than 0.1 microns behave like gases. Thus, not from any dust you can get rid of the usual vacuum cleaner and wet rag.

Microorganisms. For the completeness of the picture, let's say about other sources of pollution - it is a person myself, his favorite pets and houseplants. They spread viruses and bacteria, as well as spores of fungi and mold. It is curious that bacteria and viruses are found only in residential premises. Swedish scientists have developed a standard for which for each inhabitant should have at home 25 m3 of air. If this magnitude decreases, the probability of transferring infectious diseases increases.

Main pollutants

Basic air pollutants Maximum permissible concentration (MPC) *, mg / m3 Sources of pollution
Durger gas (CO) 1.0 Car, Tobacco Smoke, Gas Plate
Nitrogen oxides (NOX) 0.04. Car, gas stove
Sulfur oxides (SOX) 0.05 CHP
Phenol 0.03. Furniture, construction insulation
Formaldehyde 0.003. «
Styrene 0.002. Construction insulation
Benzopire 0.000001. Car
Ozone (O) 0.03. Office office equipment

* - When exposed to substance during the day.

There is one nuisance that has already happened in Europe and threatens us. For example, in Germany, the result of the struggle for the preservation of heat in residential premises by means of insulation of walls and sealing windows with double-glazed windows was the mass spread of mold and, as a result, a surge of allergic diseases. The problem has taken state scales. The reason is to reduce air exchange and increasing humidity due to total sealing. Rescue Means is known: Frequent ventilation or active supply ventilation. But if the Germans decide their problems centrally: upgrade the ventilation system of their housing, the Russian winner glazed windows in their apartments are forced to fight alone.

Breathe deep!
The first representative of domestic photocatalytic cleaners - airlaife. In recently, such a phenomenon is associated with allergies to gaseous chemicals as the hyperactivity of children. The child is disturbed, gulling, irritable, aggressive, learning poorly. Parents do not know who to blame: each other, school, the environment, whereas the true reason can be in allergies to chemicals, even without manifesting conventional allergic reactions.

Such observations can be continued to infinity, but we do not want to finally intimidate the reader. Already painted a rather gloomy picture of a person's life in a modern city. Is there a way out?

'' Quomitters '' Air

The current air purification methods are specifically divided into three main types, namely: adsorption, ionizing (electronic) and photocatalytic. Typically, household appliances combine two methods of cleaning and equipped with a dust filter.

Breathe deep!
Bionar ionization cleaners successfully cope with smells and tobacco smoke. Adsorption air cleaners. We can be proud that the sources of the development of the adsorption method of cleaning gases from impurities stood our outstanding compatriot Dmitry Mendeleev. It is his an invention of a gas mask - the first industrial and fairly effective adsorption air cleaner whose working substance is attached, the operating substance is activated carbon - serves as a molecular filter. The advantage of activated carbon is its ability to absorb most toxic impurities. However, coal does not delay light impurities, and they include such toxins as carbon monoxide, nitrogen oxides, formaldehyde, that is, the main urban air pollutants. In addition, as the accumulation of toxins and dust, the device itself becomes a source of pollution and, moreover, the seating for bacteria with a late change of filter. In urban environments, it is recommended to change it every 3-4 months. An example of an adsorption air cleaner, equipped with a powerful dust collector type of type, can serve as Bionair SH-0840 (Canada). Herger type filter is considered one of the best and is often used in devices of different firms. It is made of fiber-based special material and is able to effectively collect dust with a size of more than 0.3 μm.

Another household absorber of impurities in which water serves as a water vacuum cleaner (for example, Rainbow, USA or Thomas, Germany). In addition to dust and home dirt, such a vacuum cleaner effectively absorbs all molecular impurities soluble in water. This is the disadvantage of such a cleaner, because it does not absorb insoluble impurities. And they include all the esters that a person feels like "extraneous smells", phenol with formaldehyde, carbon monoxide, nitrogen oxides, etc. In addition, the vacuum cleaner in 30 minutes of work spills up to 250 g of water, which significantly increases the humidity in room.

Breathe deep!
The DELONGHI PA 510 cleaner with three levels of cleaning and two fan tracts are suitable for large rooms and hills of 180 m3. Ionizing (electronic) air cleaners. The principle of operation of the air cleaner of this type is based on the fact that the air-based air tolerates the electric charge on dust particles, and they "sit down" on the grounded plate inside the instrument. Such devices with high efficiency cleaned air from dust and soot. They caught even thin dust, such as tobacco smoke. This is true, their benefits are limited. The ionizers are absolutely not removed from the air molecular pollutants, moreover, in the process of work as the filters clogged, they themselves often generate nitrogen and ozone oxides. Examples of cleaners in which the adsorption filter and ionizer are combined, serve Canadian Bionair Fe-1060 and Japanese Daikin Ace3DVE. The American Air Cleaner Honeywell DA-5010E is equipped with a dust filter of the nehor and the ionizer. Manufacturers of these devices ensure that in the process of operation, the ozone is not generated. Russia is produced inexpensive ionizer "Super-Plus". It saturates the air with negative aeroions and illegates it, for which a special mode of operation is provided. True, the manufacturer recommends that in the latter case there are no people in the room. The benefits of negative ions for human health, scientists are still arguing, although air ionization is used in the devices of many firms.

The same principle is based on the work of the so-called chandelier of Chizhevsky, which its manufacturers widely advertise. Possessing the above features (ozone generation and inability to cope with volatile molecular pollutants), this device has another distinctive feature. If a dust collector in the above-mentioned devices serves a special grounded plate, located inside, then the "entrance" in the chandelier of Chizhevsky are the walls, gender and especially the ceiling of the room. It is just rushing to them and firmly sticks the bedroom dust, and it is not easy to clean it.

Breathe deep!
Adsorption Air Cleaner HR 4320 / A Firms of Philips. Photocatalytic air cleaners. The essence of the air purification method consists in decomposition and oxidation of toxic impurities on the surface of the photocatalyst under the action of ultraviolet radiation. The reactions flow at room temperature, while organic impurities do not accumulate, but are destroyed to harmless components (water and carbon dioxide), and photocatalytic oxidation is equally efficiently effective with respect to toxins, viruses or bacteria - the result is the same. The phenomenon was open more than 20 years ago, but household appliances began to produce serially only recently.

The first photocatalytic cleaner of the Aerolafts trademark, the "SEZHEZH 12" model appeared on sale. Its advantages include the absence of interchangeable details: filters, plates, etc., moreover, this household appliance that copes with light molecular impurities (carbon monoxide, nitrogen oxides, formaldehyde). It is a desktop or wall lamp. On the inside of a plaffone made of porous glass, a photocatalyst is applied. The air driven by the fan through the device is cleaned of all impurities and microbes. The air cleaner is designed for continuous operation. Its disadvantages include low performance - only 12 m3 / hour.

The Japanese concern Daikin produces and sells a Cleaner Acef3AV1-C (H) in Russia, which is equipped with three filters: mechanical - for cleaning from coarse dust, ionization - to capture thin dust and photocatalytic - to decompose molecular impurities. The device automatically reacts to the appearance of tobacco smoke - turns on and operates until the air in the room becomes clean. They can be controlled remotely with the remote control, there is a timer, a turbo is provided.

Our recommendations

Universal solutions, as always, does not exist. Each type of air purifier has its own advantages and its specific disadvantages. The choice depends on the degree of pollution of the room and material capabilities.Unfortunately, there are no household sensors to measure and monitor this very degree of pollution. Existing sensors react to the concentration of dust in the air and are absolutely not sensitive to volatile molecular pollutants. If you live near the motorway, you can not doubt that the concentration of carbon monoxide (CO) and nitrogen oxides (NOX) in the house is significantly higher than the norm. If your apartment has furniture from poorly lined chipboard, then, most likely, the concentration of phenol and formaldehyde will be increased in the air.

More accurate information about the composition of the air can provide SanEpidemstations (SES) and environmental services of the city. For a moderate fee, their employees go to the house, measure measurements, process data and report the result.

Comparative characteristics of household air cleaners

Name Principle of operation Production, M3 / h Recommended area of ​​the room, m2 Power, W Household dust Volatile molecular pollutants Retail price, $
Philips HR 4320 / B, Holland Filtration 150. thirty 70. +. - 150.
Philips HR 4320 / A, Holland Filtration, adsorption 150. thirty 70. +. +. 210.
Bionair SH-0840, Canada Filtration, adsorption 60-120 twenty 80. +. +. 277.
Bionair Fe-1060, Canada Adsorption, electrostat. filtration 75-145 24. 80. +. +. 173.
Bionear F-150, Canada Adsorption, electrostat. filtration 85-255 35. 80. +. +. 208.
Bionair LC-1060, Canada Filtration, adsorption 200. 24. fifty +. +. 205.
Bionair LC-1460, Canada Filtration, adsorption 80-200. 34. 80. +. +. 277.
Toshiba FC, Japan Filtration, photocatalysis 170. thirty 120. +. +. 450.
Honeywell DA-5010E, USA Filtration, adsorption 175. eighteen 90. +. +. 189.
Honeywell DA-5018E, USA Filtration, adsorption 221. 22. 90. +. +. 237.
Honeywell DA-1000E, USA Filtration, electrostat. filtration fifty twenty 115. +. +. 200.
Delonghi PA 290, Italy Filtration, electrostat. filtration 290. 46. 86. +. +. 240.
Delonghi PA 393, Italy Filtration, electrostat. filtration 393. 52. 120. +. +. 276.
"Super-Plus", Russia Electrostat. filtration eight fifteen five +. - twenty
Aerolaife "SEEZH 12", Russia Filtration, photocatalysis 12 fifteen 40. +. +. 160.
Rainbow, USA Water vacuum cleaner 300.

700. +. +. 1750.
Daikin Ace3dve, Japan Filtration, electrostat. filtration 180. thirty 27. +. - 860.
Daikin Acef3av1-C (H), Japan Filtration, electrostat. Filtration, photocatalysis 180. thirty 27. +. +. 860.
Thomas Compact 20s, Germany Water vacuum cleaner

1400. +. +. 267.
Sanyo ABS-110, Japan Filtration, electrostat. filtration 126. 26. 45. +. +. 135.
Sanyo ABS-111, Japan Filtration, electrostat. filtration 126. 26. 45. +. - 145.
ELECTROLUX Z-7010, Sweden Filtration, electrostat. filtration 330. 66. 70. +. +. 199.
ELECTROLUX Z-7020, Sweden Filtration, electrostat. filtration 330. 66. 70. +. +. 299.

Note. "+" - cleans; "-" - does not clean.

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