Couples and splashes in Glass Balke


Shower hydromassage cabins: technical parameters, installation tips, manufacturers, prices.

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Couples and splashes in Glass Balke

Couples and splashes in Glass Balke
Normal (rain) shower with 64 thin continuous jets.
Couples and splashes in Glass Balke
Massage shower with a small amount of powerful intermittent jets created by large pulsating pressure.
Couples and splashes in Glass Balke
Monostrating in the form of water flow without splashing and larger diameter than a jet from the crane.
Couples and splashes in Glass Balke
Turbodues with a small number of spiral continuous jets.
Couples and splashes in Glass Balke
Shower massage nozzle that allows you to change the needle-shaped jet into the rain.
Couples and splashes in Glass Balke
Albatros water sprayers:

Three parallel rigid water jets of a rather small diameter of the Filjet sprayer, which is the main and intended for massage with the predominance of power influence.

Couples and splashes in Glass Balke
A soft jet from the SweetJet sprayer, designed for light massage, like strokes, is formed when water spraying with the formation of a drop of medium diameter.
Couples and splashes in Glass Balke
In the sprayer of type Rolljet, thanks to the rotation, the specially built-in hemisphere, the water jet is not only sprayed, but also twists in the form of a helix. This gives the effect of stroking and power influence on the body.
Couples and splashes in Glass Balke
Layout of the hydromassage shower:

1 - massage nozzle moving along the vertical bar;

2 - a device of a rotating soul;

3 - ceiling panel;

4 - drop-down cabin sash;

5 - shelf;

6 - fan shower;

7 - control panel;

8 - Scarcot soul sprinklers;

9 - seat;

10 - place of possible connection and installation of a massager for feet feet;

11 - pair temperature sensor with Turkish steam room;

12 - water vapor exit nozzle;

13 - crane-shot to control the massage nozzle;

14 - mechanical mixer;

15 - 10 vertically located sprinklers.

Couples and splashes in Glass Balke
Couples and splashes in Glass Balke
The difference between IDO steam baths in the fact that the steam generator is hidden behind the support of the maintenance side of the main rack.

The effective means for periodic relaxation of the nervous system can be therapeutic water procedures carried out at home with a shower hydromassage.

Water procedures, so important for all people at all times, in the modern life of a citizen, which is usually a deficit and space, and time, most often held in the bathroom. The driven by the persistent desire to get everything immediately, a person realized how to quickly and effectively strengthen his health, without leaving it, - he came up with the shower hydromassage. It can be realized, or replacing the usual watering can on the hydromassage nozzle, or by setting a special hydromassage panel over the bathroom, or by mounting a separate shower hydromassage cabin. The most wide possibilities are represented in the latter case, while in some structures there is also a Turkish pair. Our story about shower hydromassage cabins.

Unlike the underwater massage in the jacuzzi bath (IVD N 10 for 1999), the shower is based on the effects of the smallest water jets on the skin, according to its actions reminiscent of thousands of light pinchs. The development of these procedures is associated with experiments of two French doctors J. M. Sharko and R. Flery, who worked at the end of the XIX century: The first came up with a back massage with a jet of water, and the second - rain and fan souls. For some reason, it only remembers Charcot, speaking about the procedure that is called his name, although over time the ideas of Fleury have gained no less popularity.

Shower Massage Cabins on the Russian market offer companies such as Italian Jacuzzi, Teuco, Albatros, German Hoesch, Villeroyboch, Hupepe, Hansgrohe, Finnish Scanpool, Novitek, French Tes, Allibert, Austrian Pamos, Estonian Balteco, Ideal Standard International Company and a number of others .

The basis of the therapeutic impact of the soul is the mechanical and temperature irritation of the skin transmitted by the sensitive nerve endings around the body. The degree of this impact is determined, firstly, the state of our outer cover, the area of ​​which is 1.5-2 m2 with a thickness of 0.5-4 mm and weighing about 20% of the total body weight, and, secondly, the strength and nature of the acting efforts. Hard, soft or sliding water blows, dragging droplets and body jets are created by water pressure in the system and splashing modes of hydromassage devices. The temperature of the water is usually chosen from 10 to 45 ° C, and the rapid changes contribute to the hardening of the body.

From the Hydrotherapy menu

- At the increase in the intensity of mechanical exposure, the soul types can be positioned in the following order: dust, needle, rain, circular (including lymphatic), a jet (shark, fan, Scottish), cascading.

- The first three are characterized by low pressure (up to 1 atm), and the dust shower has the size of the drops of less than 0.5 mm, the needle - jets with a diameter of 0.5 - 1 mm, and rain - over 1 mm.

- Circular when hydromassage simultaneously exposed all parts of the body above the knees, consider souls with an average pressure (up to 2 atm). Its species is a lymphatic model, in which this impact "rolls up" from the bottom up.

- A high pressure jet (up to 4 atm), "stretched" in the space (fan) or directed to the back (Charcot), uses the soul. Scottish (or contrast) looks like a circular or shower Charcot, but the water temperature is periodically (once a few seconds) change dramatically: it is served hot water - 37-45s, then cold - 10-25c.

- Cascading shower is more often called veins, because the whole flow of water pours on top and shoulders. Its temperature is chosen as desired from the same range as under the Scottish soul.

At low temperatures, blood vessels are narrowed, and at high - expand.

Mandatory attributes of the shower cabin for hydromassage are a massage nozzle, water sprayers, a special mixer, stationary or folding seat and usually a control panel. In the Russian market there are structures in which you can not only take a shower, but also get across. Manufacturers call them hydromassage cabins with Turkish steam room. In them, a steam generator and a nozzle for supplying a water vapor, a thermostat with a sensor to control the temperature of the steam and the ceiling panel, which turns the cabin into the similar glass can be added to the devices above.

Hydrotherapy with a shower massage

- The massage nozzle can be used for hydrotherapy and not in the shower. So, the company Hansgrohe, relying on the richest experience of his compatriot Pastor O. Kneippa, offers three forms of hydrotherapy - soothing, invigorating and combined.

- Montoster or soft shower modes are recommended to calm down, for example, before bedtime. Within 2-3 minutes, massagrite a certain body area or make a soft shower. The water temperature is better to set just above the usual (38C).

- Enhance the life tone will help the "power" or turbodues mode. To cheer up, you need to use the most cold water for 25-30 seconds. It is best to do this procedure in the morning.

- Combined hydrotherapy is in the reception in the mornings of the shower with the water temperature variables during the procedure. Applies either the second-fourth modes or the last two. At first, a certain part of the body is massaged for 1 minute with warm water (mode - soft shower, turbo buildings or turbo), and then 5 seconds of cold ("power" or comb-shower with needle jets).

- Before any of these procedures, it is recommended to first take a warm shower or bath.

Unlike the standard shower watering can, the massage nozzle has several modes of splashing water and is designed specifically for hydromassage. For example, the German company HANSGROHE provides six modes:

normal (rain) shower with 64 thin continuous jets;

soft shower with a small number of continuous jets of larger diameter with pre-aeration, in which water is mixed with air bubbles;

throbbing ("power") shower of several powerful intermittent jets;

Monosdayu increased diameter in the form of water flow without splashes;

Turbodues with a slight number of spiral continuous jets;

Combi souls , whose stream is changing with needle to rain.

A one or another mode of splashing by turning the adjusting ring or a special lever located on the rim of the nozzle is established.

Of course, in the nozzles of other firms the quantity (usually at least three) and the features of such modes can be different.

The hydromassage nozzle is attached, as a rule, on a vertical barbell, and in some shower cabins, it automatically moves down-up according to a special program. A number of firms provide for two nozzles - the usual, established stationary under the ceiling of the cabin, and massage - with a flexible hose, "managed" hand or automatically.

In addition to the nozzles in the cabin, there may be other types of devices, for example, to create a fan soul, as well as rotating or cascading. The first is the most convenient to massage the shoulders and the collar zone, sitting on the cab bench, is a few falling on it (bench) and located in one row, like the teeth of the comb, vertical jets. The second is created by spraying the flow of water rotating under the cabin of the cab blades with holes, while the fog is formed from the smallest water drops. But with a cascade soul, the water accumulated in a special container at the top of the cabin is simply poured by a waterfall on the head and shoulders at a speed of 10 to 25 l / min, effectively removing fatigue and excessive nervous voltage. If the city water supply network required for this procedure is required for this procedure, it cannot be provided, then on such a case in the shower, its own cycle is provided, in which water is assembled from the pallet for repeated use.

Now about water sprayers, significantly expanding the range of massage procedures and actually distinguishing the usual shower cabin from hydromassage. Thus, Albatros supplies its cabins with three types of sprayers (they are also called nozzles or water jackets) - with a rigid stream (Filjet), soft (SweetJet) and turbo systems (RollJet). In the first case, three thin parallel threaded jets are created for intensive skin massage. Change in a specific pressure range and water temperature can be programmed. This type of sprayers is the main and intended for massage with the predominance of power exposure. In the device of the second type, the soft jet is formed by splashing water with a pulverying effect for light massage, like strokes. Due to the rotation of a specially built-in hemisphere in the sprayer of the third type, the water jet is twisted in the form of a spiral, forming as if twisted cycle, and the effects of strokes and power are being created.

If the number of main sprayers 10 or more (usually arranged in two rows vertical), then with their help you can organize lymphatic and circular shower, and if there is a device for the rapid change in the water temperature - Scottish.

Several Soviets for Montage Shower Cabin

- It is not recommended to have any items and equipment (including electrical outlets, switches and lamps), as well as protruding parts of building structures closer than 60 cm from the cab walls. The distance from the outer surface of its ceiling covers to the ceiling of the bathroom should be at least 20 cm.

- The pressure of hot and cold water in the plumbing should be limited using gearboxes at 4 atm. To eliminate salt deposits on the holes of the sprayers and canoeing, it is necessary to establish filters of mechanical water purification at the introduction of water pipes in the bathroom or apartment.

- For the safety of using the cabin needed to ground, and the power supply circuit is equipped with a protective shutdown device designed for a trigger current of no more than 30 mA. The steam generator has a rather large power: about 3 kW with small sizes of the shower cabin and up to 6 kW with its width of more than 1.5 m. So it is necessary to connect it to a shared power switch through a machine, designed for 16 and in the first case and 25 A - In the second.

- The maximum temperature of hot water and air in the cab should not exceed 60s (to prevent body burn). Otherwise, the thermostat sensor is triggered and the shower cabin is automatically disconnected from the power supply.

For the adoption of the shower, Charcot sit comfortably on the seat and produce spins massage with the maximum water pressure from additional sprayers located above it (seat). As in standing position, it is necessary to turn slightly, substituting various back zones under the jet. If additional sprayers are not provided, then the shower is taken by standing, using the main sprayers.

TEUCO In almost all models of shower cabins sets a convenient massager for feet feet, which combines the mechanical effects of protrusions of the rotating rubber roller and water jets from the built-in sprayers. Such a massage of certain sections of the feet, according to the rich experience of Chinese medicine, favorably affects the functioning of the internal organs of a person.

The base of the shower cabin can be square, rectangular, round and oval, as well as with rounded corners, which ensures convenience of use. There are structures where the hydromassage cabin is combined with a jacuzzi bath, that is, is with it in one "bank". Each firm provides for the possibility of installing the cabin in the corner or in the middle of the bathroom.

Mimic little things

When choosing a hydromassage shower cabin, make sure that:

- The doors were made of safe glass, which withstands a random blow, for example, shoulder if you slipped, or the blow of a sharp object, in which small fragments are formed that do not lead to injury;

- The cabin attached a hard non-slip foot mat or the pallet was the ribbed;

- the mechanism of movement of doors was convenient and reliable, because a family of four for 10 years has been using them up to 14 thousand times;

- The glasses of the cabin were not made of transparent, but from a matte safe glass with a pattern that imitates a drip pattern that hides so sometimes annoying traces of dried water droplets. The appearance of the shower will not suffer from this way!

- On the wall of the cabin, a support was provided, without which it is easy to do.

The panel with sprayers and a hydromassage nozzle for a shower massage, installed on the bathroom wall, can be purchased without a Turkish steam room and without a separate shower. The designs of such panels are quite diverse in the number of sprayers, nozzles and ease of installation, and their cost is usually significantly lower than the cost of hydromassage cabins.

If the cabin is equipped with a steam room, then money is not spent in vain. Course will not only provide cleanliness of the body without the use of detergents, but will also remove fatigue after mental or physical labor, improve the well-being and physical condition of the body, will increase performance, and will also serve as an excellent preventive tool from a number of diseases, especially colds. The steam room is used as a means of hardening and has a tonic effect on a person, so recommended to steam up to three times a week.

Couple dry and steam wet

- Paired are sucho-aggravated (Russian, Finnish, Roman) and raw (Turkish, Japanese). In the first temperature, 90-120C is maintained by discharging steam with relative humidity no higher than 20%. What land is the air, the worse it takes the heat. Therefore, in a dry pair of a person heats up slowly and breathes quite easily. The secreted sweat immediately evaporates from the surface of the skin, because in the surrounding air the moisture is too small.

- In the crude steam room, on the contrary, high humidity is created, and the air temperature does not exceed 60c - the body heats up much faster, which accelerates the trembling. But at the same time, gas exchange in the lungs (wet air poorer oxygen than dry) is hampered, and because of this, the load on the respiratory, cardiovascular and the nervous system increases. It should be carefully chosen for yourself as the duration of finding in the steam room and the temperature of the raw steam.

Course is formed using a built-in steam generator, essentially a large electric kettle with a capacity of 2-5 kW. Therefore, water boils already three minutes after turning on, and the pair of temperature is about 100 ° C begins to fill the cab through the nozzle located at the bottom of its housing or the ceiling panel. In this case, the air temperature rises to a pre-selected level, but not exceeding 60s. When you sit in a steam room, try to sit up so that the jet of steam coming out of the nozzle does not part of you. Wet pairs are flavored with fragrant essences of various oils, which poured into a special container inserted into the nozzle body, put on the nozzle to exit steam. In some models of hydromassage cabins for maintaining throughout the volume of the same temperature, a forced circulation of hot air mixed with a stream of the outgoing steam is created. With this warm air, you can quickly quickly warm the cab before turning on the steam generator or dried after it is turned off. A number of firms, such as Finnish IDO, supplies shower cabins with a steam generator, but without hydromassage devices.

Typically distinguished three modes of crude steam room: moderate (about 35C), warm (about 45 ° C) and hot (temperature not higher than 60C). When selecting the most comfortable temperature, you must begin with a moderate mode. The same, who is not quite confident in the performance of their cardiovascular system or their respiratory organs, it is better to pre-consult a doctor.

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