Products for construction and repair


Glue-Putty (JSC "Anles", St. Petersburg), electric water heaters (Siemens, Germany), non-contact mixer (ORAS, Finland), piece oak parquet (Dacia, Romania), artificial facing stone (Piner, Spain), water heating boiler (ZAO "Russian", Russia), shower (Kermi, Germany), new paints (SomeFor, France), gas convector (Faser SA, Poland), design radiator (Arbonia AG, Switzerland).

Products for construction and repair 15437_1

Products for construction and repair
Manufacturer - Arbonia A.G., Switzerland.

Supplier - ZAO "SARINGO TREYDING AG", Moscow.

Price: from $ 680.

New development of the company "Anzle" is a two-component epoxychuchic glue-putty "Epoxy-Classic". It is intended for putty and seal cracks, shells, pores and chipping, alignment of surfaces; For gluing various materials: metals, plastics, wood, glass, ceramics, porcelain, stone, concrete, as well as decorative-facing plates, elements of building structures.

Glue-putty has a very thick consistency and due to this can be used on vertical planes and even on the ceiling (with a layer thickness up to 10 mm). It is used for internal and outdoor work. "Epoxy-Classic" fills the volume without a subsequent shrinkage when curing in a layer of any thickness, has thixotropic properties, resistant to vibrations and shock loads, to the action of water, diluted acids and alkalis, oils, gasoline, alcohol and other solvents. Glue is a good electrical insulator. It is applied to a dry low-fat surface, and after 24 hours the final strength (up to 15 MPa) of the adhesive seam, which retains its properties at temperatures from -40c to + 100 ° C was reached. The surface on which glue is applied, can be machined and painted.

It consists of epoxy resin, fillers, pigments, thixotropic additives, polyethylene polyamines. The color of the filler is red, black and gray.

The glue is sold in a package, which contains bottles with the base resin (100 ml) and hardener (8 ml).

Products for construction and repair
Manufacturer - JSC "Anz", St. Petersburg.

Price of one package: 23 rubles.

Siemens began to promote the Russian market of the new line of electric water heaters. It includes both high power water heaters (12-24 kW) and low-power (2-6 kW), among which accumulative wall and small-sized, calculated on voltage 220 V.

Among the wall devices are shown pressure water heaters with a capacity of 30 l with a housing of synthetic material and accommodate 80 and 100 liters with a steel case for supplying water to one or more cranes.

All devices have a heat-insulated inner tank made of special enameled steel, a protective temperature limiter with re-power locking and water temperature controller from 35 to 85C. They consume electricity from occasionally, working in the "expectations" mode.

In a series of small-sized accumulative water heaters, a capacity of 5, 10 and 15 liters is presented non-pressure and pressure devices for supplying water to the crane or soul, with the possibility of lower and top-edge of pipes. The devices have an internal reservoir and a housing of synthetic materials, thermal insulation from special expanded polystyrene, adjustable restriction of heating temperature and overheating protection, smooth water temperature adjustment from about 35 to 85c, as well as freezing protection.

Specifications and price of some models

Model Capacity, L. power, kWt Heating time up to 60s, min Price, $
DG 30013. thirty 3. 35. 235.
DO 05701 (Lower installation, without mixer) five 2. eight 70.
DO 05851 (upper installation, with mixer) five 2. eight 67.
DO 15261 (with shower fittings) fifteen 3,2 sixteen 193.
DG 10301. 10 2. eighteen 180.

Products for construction and repair
Manufacturer - Siemens, Germany.

Supplier - Representative Office Siemens in Moscow.

On the domestic market, ORAS (Finland) presents a new mixer for the washbasin of "Electra" with a non-contact temperature regulator and a built-in touch sensor, triggered by approaching, for example, hands. The optimal identification distance is installed in advance at the manufacturer, but it can be changed at the request of the user. The mixer has a temperature controller that is equipped with a limiter. It works from one lithium battery for 6 V (2CR5), which is about five years.

There are three modifications of the mixer: with adjustable temperature, predetermined and for pre-mixed (using special embedded valves) of water. In addition to each of them, details are offered by which the user can independently receive the other.

Operating pressure 100-1000 kPa, regulatory consumption of water 0.1 l / s, the maximum temperature of hot water 80c.

Products for construction and repair
Manufacturer - Oras, Finland.

Supplier - "Ai Si-Fox Business Service" / "Oras".

Price: from $ 280.69.

A new piece parquet of the Romanian company Dacia appeared on the Russian market, made from the selected oak of the Sudenai zone. It has a high density, a shared light tone, expressed wood texture. The thickness of the top layer of the parquet (depreciation layer) is 10 mm. Maximum dimensions of massive parquet slats 600 x 90 x 22 mm. In addition, there are parquet strips for a long 350, 420, 490 mm and 70 mm width. Their lower part has rounded edges, which makes it easy to dock and improves the quality of laying.

Dacia parquet comes in two varieties - "Select" and "Natur".

The "Select" variety includes only the selected parquet, quite homogeneous in appearance that does not contain eyes or any defects of wood. A significant part of the planks has a radial and purely "median" cut and differs in elevated resistance to the change in the microclumatic conditions in the premises. The planks of the "median" saws are characterized by the presence of so-called "mirrors" - brighter transverse inclusions, becoming under the lacquer layer similar to the pearl.

The "Natur" grade includes a parquet that does not even have small bitch, sickness, not typical of oak color shades.

Wood humidity - 7-9%.

Products for construction and repair
Manufacturer - Dacia, Romania.

Supplier - Firm "Parquet Hall".

Price: Grade "Select" - from $ 59 per 1 m2, sort of "natur" - from $ 43 per 1 m2.

The Spanish company Piner offers a decorative stone for interior decoration. It is made from natural gypsum - environmentally friendly material of mineral origin and has a wide range of textures and colors.

The material allows, without preliminary preparation of the surface, finish the walls, columns, arches, etc.

For styling the stone, any adhesive compositions can be used (glue tiled or "moment", "Liquid nails"). Thanks to the microporous structure, the finishing stone passes the air well, and also absorbs excess moisture from the air, has soundproof properties.

Products for construction and repair
Manufacturer - Piner, Spain.

Supplier - LLC "Firm" Berg ", Moscow.

Price: stone - $ 25-30 per 1 m2, angular elements - $ 25-30 per 1 p / m.

OJSC "Factory" Red Banner "embarks on serial production of a new hot water boiler" RUSSIA 435 ".

It is intended for autonomous heating systems and is designed to use the new burners "RUSS 5035" on liquid fuel and "Russian" 5135 "on gas fuel. The boiler is single, but has conclusions for connecting a cumulative boiler in a hot water system.

The combustion chamber is made of steel. The ceramic element located in it evenly distributes the torch, and also warns the formation of condensate at the bottom of the camera. The housing of the boiler is covered with heat-resistant enamel and has foam-foam insulation.

At the control unit placed on the front panel, there are buttons for turning the burner and circular pumps of the heating circuit and the contour of the hot water supply.

The operation mode of the block around the clock.

Products for construction and repair
Manufacturer - ZAO "RUSNIT", Russia.

Supplier - Group of Companies "Moveks".

Approximate price: $ 600.

The company Kermi (Germany) introduced its new development on the Russian market - the compact shower cabin "Vario 2000" with the folding walls, which is suitable for any bath.

It is manufactured in various versions: with one, two or three walls, which are made of several sizes, and one side can be fixed. There is an option using supports fixed on the ceiling.

Frame frames are made of metal plastic profile, and for their glazing a transparent plastic "Kerolan" was used.

The flap is attached to the wall using a set of special parts, can be folded in different directions and it is convenient to wash it.

Products for construction and repair
Manufacturer - Kermi, Germany.


Price: from $ 360.

Among the latest proposals of the French company SomeFor in the Russian market - Alkid enamel "Alpalak", which is applied to any standard building surfaces; half-gun glycertal paint "Alpalak", intended for heating radiators; Paints for facade works - matte water-soluble based on acrylic copolymers "Facade-acrylic" and water-emulsion acrylic "Alpafasad-polyacryl".

The system of finishing materials also includes a water-soluble primer based on acrylic resins for the internal and facade works "Alpapreimer" and the means for protecting and preparing the surface to the color of "phonifluid" - ready-to-use liquid intended for the destruction of moss, lichen, mold and microorganisms.

More recently, another new material appeared - the water-level acrylic paint for interior decoration works "Alpaluux", which has a high degree of whiteness. She is a matte, washing, does not smell, corrows, dries 1 hour. Applied in 1-2 layers on any plastered or previously painted surfaces: plaster, concrete, cement, wood. Painting consumption is 1 l per 8 m2 when applied to one layer.

After working with it, the tool is easily washed with water.

Paint is sold in a package of 10 liters.

Products for construction and repair
Manufacturer - SomeFor, France.

Supplier - ZAO "Lacra Trejd".

Price: "Alpaluux" - $ 18.5, "Facade Acryl" - $ 19 (wholesale price for 10 liters).

In the market of heating equipment, the Polish company FASER S.A. Suggested the gas heating convectors of the frontal type OGK-F series, which includes four models having thermal power from 1.8 to 5.0 kW.

Convectors work both on natural and liquefied gas (from household gas cylinders with a capacity from 5 to 50 liters). Completed with the atmospheric burner of Worgas (Italy) and the Universal Gas Valve Junkers (Germany). KPD convector - not less than 85%. Closed-type combustion chamber and heat exchanger are made of leaf heat-resistant steel and have a small thermal inertia. Air supply and removal of combustion products are carried out using a pipe type "pipe in a pipe", which is removed through the wall of the room outside. The output thermostat helps to maintain the room temperature ranging from 10 to 30c. The convectors give a two-year warranty.

Parameters Model
OGK-F1.8. OGK-F3.3. OGK-F4.2. OGK-F5.0.
Thermal power, kW 1,8. 3,3. 4,2 5.0
Nominal gas consumption:

Natural, M3 / h 0.21 0.38. 0.49. 0.58.
liquefied, kg / h 0.15 0.24. 0.31 0.37
Dimensions, mm:

length 410. 750. 750. 790.
height 500. 400. 400. 520.
width 130. 180. 180. 220.
Mass, kg. 12 twenty twenty 29.
Price, $ 170. 260. 270. 329.

Products for construction and repair
Manufacturer - Company FASER S.A., Poland.

Supplier - CJSC Sani Consultant.

Swiss company ARBONIA A.G. Presented on the Russian market a series of new radiators "Calleux" for water heating systems. They are made of steel tubes and have two section connected section, in the interval between which the mirror is installed. Radiators differ in width and height, and their thickness is 68 mm.

They are supplied in any variants of side and lower eyelids and are designed for working pressure 10 atm and crimping - 15 atm. The maximum allowable working temperature of the coolant 100c.

Model Width, mm. Height, mm. Heat transfer, W.
Cl 160 / 0.48 480. 1600. 1496.
Cl 160 / 0.63 630. 1600. 2082.
Cl 180 / 0.48 480. 1800. 1663.
Cl 180/0, 63 630. 1800. 2313.

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