Some love honey


An experimental designer landfill in a three-room apartment with a total area of ​​85 m2, located in the "Stalinist" house.

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Some love honey
Panorama guest zone apartment. It is clearly seen how the steel ceiling lamp "pierces" rectangular rigl.
Some love honey
Polished and matte tile, laminated under the angle of laminate, is visible in the design of the floor.
Some love honey
Purple wall from the living room. The main decorative interior theme is the interaction of the arc and a straight line - traced literally in each individual fragment.
Some love honey
View of the aquarium from the kitchen area. In this perspective, the "layering" of space is particularly well noticeable.
Some love honey
The kitchen is conventionally separated from the living room of an elegant bar, made of wood and steel. This rack itself is a continuation of an open rack, a semir of the interior framing public part.
Some love honey
The authors of the project managed to find a rather tactful, "humane" ratio of purple and orange.
Some love honey
The bedroom is the only room where the energetic plastic ceiling found the answer in changing the floor level.

Some love honey

Some love honey

Some love honey
Plan of premises before (at the top) and after (below) reconstruction.

They are not so many - people, prone once a few years drastically change the appearance of their homes. Most of us, leaving in early youth, gradually begins to go through the usual setting. Here we are familiar and roads every extraction, here every beloved thing has its own place ... They live differently, experimenters, free-appliances, instigators of revolutions in a separate apartment. Their elements - the movement, pronounced peace leads to them bored. About the apartment just with such an uncomfortable fate - our story

Previous reconstruction Interior survived five years ago. Then the prosperous family (husband, wife and at that time one child) went to an independent demolition of one of the walls. As a result, the four-bedroom apartment turned into a three-room, and the kitchen increased, gaining, however, several insight outlines. The latter circumstance was not at all embarrassed by the owners - they understood perfectly that all this is not for long, until the next restructuring.

"We want to be hung," the architects heard, barely appeared "on the facility." What does "hint" mean? It's when a lot of light, bright color, a lot of space. When there are no very isolated rooms - well, except for children, where now two sons could turn off from the adult company of hospitable parents. Are customers not afraid to get tired of too energetic situation? Do not wait! First, they themselves are cheerful and energetic. And, secondly, this is not forever, for three years, until the next reconstruction ... In general, the intention of the English Lord gives his life as a precious relic, the grateful greatness did not find our heroes of understanding.

What did all this mean for architects? In fact, one thing: they were waiting for the difficult way to fight temptations. Not everyone would refuse the temptation to settle a serene family in an aggressive conceptual interior. Say, with a red ceiling, glass floor and furniture from corrugated tin (or more abruptly). However, the authors of the project clearly understood that the customers would not be long, but they were going to live here. And children - more and grow up, develop. And the test of freedom of architects with honor withstand. Well, almost sustained percent of the ninety.

So, the first thing was decided to exclude children from the experiment. Their room is located in the depths of the apartment and is extremely separate. Moreover, not only "geographically", but also stylistically, it seems to be a completely ordinary, even a banal room, what many in every modern house (multicolored wallpapers, standard furniture). All, no other in the full sense of the word of private chambers in the apartment is not. The neutral bathroom is adjacent to the nursery, somewhat increased by offsetting the ventilation channels (with the preservation of their cross section).

On the rest of Square, architects began to implement the short-lived dream of the oldest owners of the house. To do this, first demolished all partitions. Then, instead of the old chain parquet, they laid a new, laminated on the screed (in order to achieve smooth horizontal surfaces, it took an incredible amount of cement mortar). A spacious room formed, annoyingly crossed on top of rigid rigels. Well, if the enemy is strong, you can escape from him in the only way - by making a friend. So the ambiguous, multi-level dialogue in the interior of the eternal rivals - rectangle and arcs.

You feel this active intonation immediately as soon as you cross the threshold. Starting with the hallway and on, throughout the apartment, expressive ceiling arcs are "wrapped" sharply, all the same riglels as if holding up too romantic scope within the permanent. By the way, the false-volks - the decision is not only beautiful, but also useful: they hide the wiring and audio cables, the point lamps and dynamics of the home theater are mounted in them. But back to the aesthetic intention of the interior. The general decorative and spatial element of the living room is included in general dramaturgy - a striped purple wall with a slightly "floating" window. This wall from the drywall is also pow-breed and also "cut" with strict white rigel. However, it does not remain "indispensable": a little deeper in the living room, as well as in the bedroom, the riglels, in turn, "punctured" thin arc of the lamp. A soft furniture built by a dark blue semicircle is opposed to the daily darkest straight lines on the floor. The catchy composition with the aquarium seems to be arguing with him: "Afas" it is rectangular, and "in profile" - wept. And so on, to infinity.

Psychologists consider an aquarium a good "natural" means of restoring human's mental equilibrium. Contemplation of the calm beauty of the underwater world is akin to meditation. No wonder the aquariums are becoming increasingly popular in modern interiors. However, do not forget that you are dealing not only with an element of the situation, but also with a complex technical system that requires care and attention. In addition, carried away by the selection of picturesque stones and Korjig, you need to make sure how much they are suitable for those living on your fish.

Special attention definitely deserves a bedroom. It is very small and besides very conditionally separated from the common space only a light translucent partition (no wonder we denied this room in the rank of purely private). In fact, if necessary, the room is able to merge with the living room without violating the parade of the latter. And at the same time, we have an absolutely full-fledged bedroom. Yes, even interestingly solved - both decorative and functionally. The main functional wealth is the impressive sizes of a dressing room, allowing you to remove all more unnecessary from the eye. Now about decorativeness. In addition to the already familiar "contest" of the ceiling brigade with a luminaire arc, here architects have also developed gender levels. The bed is located in the lower tier, and here you can get into the dressing room, just climbing the low podium. There is no practical meaning in it. But the logic of the development of space insisted on the reply diverse forms of the ceiling. And the answer was given in this room. Finally, the partition transmits the partition is psychologically very important for a person in the bedroom. Matte glass deceives vision, so the room does not seem small and closed, while remaining cozy and unusual.

The opposite wing of the "adult" part of the interior occupies a kitchen. The matte glass of its lockers is unpainted with the bedroom partition, reinforcing the feeling of the unity of the composition. The kitchen zone itself is, as is customary, reconnected from the living room only with a bar counter. Here it makes sense to talk more about it.

The bar is in this case - one of the fragments of an open rack from moraine oak and stainless steel. The rack is made according to the sketches of architects in the workshops of Moscow and Voronezh and covers a semir of a significant part of the common room. On the one hand, all this furniture is quite practical and spacious, and on the other - no spacespace. What they wanted, by the way, customers.

Now about the color about which the owners too, if you remember, said. In our opinion, the spectacular ratio of purple and orange here is sustained with the maximum tact. Many bright color? Yes many. And at the same time found the most acceptable gamma for the interior.

Moved on the points of wishes of customers, let's stop in the world. It, as you can see, also much - from the purely functional halogenk to the steel arcs rhymes on the ceiling and original lamps over various zones (sofa, bar, dining room). The role of the lamp is capable of playing aquarium. He also brings an additional natural color to the living room.

But such a detailed, the payout of this apartment is still not recommended. Unpleasant "trifles" begin to be found immediately: there is a wire in the plunge of the plinth, there is a tile sticking out from under the door, and here, next to carefully calmed structures, unacted pipes that would be so easy to hide ... What is the matter? And you immediately remember that the interior of the year three or four live. And it takes at all that it is not the fact that from the uncompromising house "on the century". Before us is a dazzling outbreak of happiness, a breeze blow, a bright butterfly from the exotic world. Her task is to admire, remember with his wonderful pattern and go into the past. To replace the new, very different, the same ...

From the editorial Aggressive interiors are well acquainted to lovers of designer publications. These works are the embodiment of the architectural, designer concept in its pure form. Real people, their need for rest, psychological switching, etc. In this case, are practically not taken into account. And what happens as a result? On the one hand, extremely spectacular, bright, peculiar interiors, adorning magazine pages. On the other hand, the unsuitability of this sharp style for everyday life. So, thinking about your future house, try to find a golden middleness between the duck and rest, the tough architects idea and the requirements of your own life.

The editors warns that in accordance with the Housing Code of the Russian Federation, the coordination of the conducted reorganization and redevelopment is required.

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Architect: Denis Chistov

Architect: Maria Surbotov

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