Man-made spring


How to improve the quality of tap water in your apartment: filters and cooking systems.

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Man-made spring

Man-made spring
Cartridges InstaPure filters (at the top) and "Aquaphor" (below) serve two to three months.
Man-made spring
The more cartridges (in a stationary installation), the better cleaning.
Man-made spring
Filters of a pitcher type provide a small volume of dirty water.
Man-made spring
Desktop filters are accommodated near the kitchen sink (model Pentapurer 100 of WTC / ECOMASTER CORP.).
Man-made spring
Stationary filters are mounted under the sink and consist of one or two cartridges, each of which is with its "filling".
Man-made spring
Home installation preparation of cold and hot drinking water (model CHP-9100 WOONGLIN COWEY CO.).
Man-made spring
The reverse wash filter at entering the apartment will save longer to keep household appliances (model Diago Avanti company BWT).
Man-made spring
Eco Water Systems water softening devices.
Man-made spring
Hot water, cleaned at the entrance of a protective filter, will no longer spoil the rust particles your underwear when washing (model HW MODUL with an BWT connecting unit).

Although two thirds of the surface of the planet are covered with water, people are increasingly suffering from a shortage of drinking water in general and good in particular. Father, how to improve the quality of tap water in its apartment and will be discussed.

Water intended for the supply of the city is usually first collecting in reservoirs where they accumulate as much as you need to wash the streets, and people can be supplied. Then she enters the water purification station, where it is defended, filtered, subjected to chemical processing of IT.D. As long as the water quality does not meet the requirements of Sanpin This solid and respected document sets about two thousand maximum permissible values ​​of the indicators of water properties, of which 200 must be monitored. More than getting to us in the apartment, it will have to go through a multi-kilometer path through several pumping stations along the water pipes "not the first youth", necessarily having cracks through which not only sand and clay, but also viruses, bacteria and other "curious" microflora representatives Can get into the water. True, so that these unborn guests to neutralize it, it is chlorized and make it particularly intensely in the spring during the flood period, when the dirt accumulated during the winter and the likelihood of the appearance of dangerous bacteria increases accumulated for the winter in the water and the likelihood of the appearance of bacteria in water. Hospital, Chlorine does not kill the disputes, the cysts of the simplest and very dangerous blue-green algae. But its smell and smell of chlorination products, mixing with the "thin" smell of pumping plants, give the inimitable "aroma" morning coffee. Inaccination, water can capture with him from pipes and particles of rust, which sometimes remind themselves to an unpleasant embroidering of teeth.

Castle of increased iron content in water can be easily detected if you look inside the drain tank. Excessive rigidity of water leads to the formation of a thick layer of scale in the kettle and to clog the soul mesh. People suffer from bad water and settled household appliances (especially imported), such as washing and dishwashers, as well as plumbing.

What and why purify water?

Impurities contained in tap water can differently affect the human body. Chlorine is involved in the exchange of substances and the formation of gastric juice, and its lack of human body (the daily need of about 750 mg) causes apathy and muscle cramps. Or calcium (it is he who, together with magnesium, makes water hard), necessary for the formation of a skeleton and strong teeth, is involved in the transfer of nerve impulses, cutting muscles and blood coagulation. The lack of calcium (daily rate of 800 mg) causes growth delay, rickets and osteoporosis, and its excess in the body leads to deposition of salts in the joints, kidney stones, sclerosis. The continuous use of ferrous waters of the Moscow region more often leads to diseases of the liver than to increase the hemoglobin in the blood. From rigid water, many on the skin appear irritation and even dermatitis. Also behave phosphorus, magnesium, selenium, zinc and other elements: in the appropriate doses, they are not only useful, but also needed a person, and their excess contributes to the appearance of disease.

It suggests that good and useful drinking water must contain the necessary elements in certain quantities. This is confirmed by the well-known therapeutic properties of the mineral waters of the North Caucasus, Karlovy Var IT.D., which help millions of people to get rid of many diseases.

But with this categorically did not agree to the well-known propagandist of healthy nutrition Paul Bragg. The budget "shocking truth about water and salt", he claims that most human diseases to one degree or another are due to the use of water with minerals dissolved in it, and, relying on 50 years of experience of their work, ultimately advises to drink only pure distilled water. .

Deciding who in this dispute is right, should doctors. Those who are seriously concerned about their health problems and thought up to acquire devices for drinking water to clean (after all, it is still not very bad from the crane), we advise:

1. Do not regret money and make a complete analysis of the composition of water from your water pipeline.

2. Consult a nutritionist with a nutritionist and determine the optimal composition of drinking water.

3. Single specialists pick up the methods and devices that will allow water with the optimal composition of the elements.

It is appropriate to note here that water problems for the urban apartment and for a country house are different. For the first case, the lion's share of "Chernovaya" work on cleaning is made by municipal water supply services, and in the second, this is careful, as a rule, the owner of the house. Methods used in each case will be unequal.

The main problems relating to the quality of water and its cleaning can be counted on the fingers:

- the presence of undisguised particles, suspension and colloidal substances. These impurities are removed using mechanical filters. - "ferrous" taste of water due to excess of dissolved iron and manganese. The problem is solved using filters for deferrization.

- increased rigidity of water. For its reduction, softeners are used.

- unpleasant smell, taste and color (so-called organoleptic indicators). In this case, the problem is solved with the help of coal filters.

- bacteriological contamination. It is eliminated when using ultraviolet sterilizers, ozonizers or membrane filters.

Drinking water doctor systems

Approximately three dozen producers deliver water treatment devices to the Russian market. How to choose the most suitable? The answer depends on three things. First, from what, in what quantity and what form is in water. Secondly, how much and what water you need. Inconale, from your financial opportunities.

Water purity devices can be divided into three groups: small, medium and high performance. The first is a pitcher type filters in which water under the action of its weight is seeping through a replaceable filtering agent (backstage or cartridge) in the expedited vessel "jug". In this case, the purification speed usually does not exceed 3 l / h. Second-flow devices based on cartridge filters with filtering elements of the type of cartridge that can be cleaned from 100 to 400l / hour. Sounded group-flow devices with a capacity of more than 500 l / h based on bulk filters. They are used mainly in cottages, and therefore we will not consider them.

Among the filters-jugs, you can note such brands like the "barrier", Brita, Kenwood, Pureit, Keosan, "BIO source". Replaceable filtering elements in the most perfect multi-layered and include activated carbon, part of which is treated with silver, and ion exchange resins. But since these elements are arranged on the principle of "all in one bottle", then they have a limited resource up to 500-700 liters, that is, they need to be changed through the three first, the above models, as studies have shown. The Moscow Union of Consumers, its effectiveness preserves the model "Barrier". The filter "The source" bio "appeared on the market recently, has a resource 8000l and additionally conducts magnetic treatment of water. It costs about 2550 rubles. Perhaps, the jug filters are more suitable with a limited need for water, for example, when departure to a cottage or for single pensioners.

The main purpose of flowing cartridge filters is primarily the deliverance from the smell of chlorine, the doctrine and disinfection of tap water in urban apartments. The choice of filtration settings is quite extensive. They can be divided into two subgroups: a) those installed directly to the mixer and b) connected to the pipe supplying cold water (stationary). The latter having a separate power crane can be located next to the sink (desktop) or under it. The advantage of the first (compared to the second), for example, "Aquaphor B300" models, Instapure F-6E, "Barrier Select", is that by installing them, do not break her head over how to make a hole in the sink to fasten the crane Release of purified water. But in the devices of the first subgroup, all filtering components are enclosed in one case. This kind of device cannot cope with all pollution, and their replaceable cartridge is designed to clean 1000l water, so much about drinking water requires a family of two for two-three-month. They cost from 70 to 250 rubles.

Stationary devices typically include a number of filters in which different cleaning methods are consistently implemented. Than they are more, the better the water, but the more expensive the device.

For example, the company "Helios Star" offers consumers of household reverse osmosis systems of drinking water of the OSMO series OSMONICS, Inc. (USA) with membrane elements. The water first passes through the 4 pre-cleaning cartridge (mechanical filter, two composite cartridges, an activated carbon cartridge from coconut shell) and is cleaned of mechanical particles up to 5 microns, chlorine and the bulk of impurities. It then enters the block with a reverse osmosis membrane, where it is purified from almost all harmful impurities. The productivity of membranes is 120-280 liters per day, the minimum resource when cleaning the Moscow tap water - on average 2 years. Completes water purification Ultraviolet sterilizer.

The performance of the installation is clearly not enough that, as the company's specialists explain, is a fee for high water quality and this (for cleaning 1l water takes up to 12 minutes) can not like the hostess of the kitchen. Therefore, the system provides a 10-liter filling tank and an automatic valve to turn off the water when filling the tank, from which a hurry hostess takes water through a special crane mounted above the sink. The device is mounted under the sink, joins the sewage and connects to the power supply with a voltage of 220V. According to such a scheme, American TGI installations Topway Global, Inc. and Atoll company Dow and Russian Neptune Installation of the company "NVR" IDR. The price of such cleaners from $ 400 to $ 600, and replaceable cartridges to them cost from $ 15 to $ 25, and the reverse izotic membrane is up to $ 120.

Among simpler devices with a smaller number of filters and, it means, domestic water purifiers of the "Barrier in-Line" series of C1 and C2 models obtained. Both models are stationary installed under the sink, connected to the plumbing pipe using an adapter with a stop valve, which allows you to turn off the water purifier from the water supply. A special crane for purified water is fixed in a convenient location over the sink. S2 Water was first passed through the first stage filter cartridge (twisted polypropylene filter and granulated ion exchange resin). Then through the filter cartridge of the second stage with two polypropylene filters and an activated carbon unit. Out of the water, solid particles (1-2 μm), colloidal substances, rust, microorganisms, 90% of heavy metals, about 95% of the active chlorine are eliminated with an unpleasant smell and taste are removed from the water. Performance of both models - up to 2 l / min. The resource of the set of filtering cartridges is up to 10,000l. They are 1800 and 2300 rubles. respectively.

In addition to instruments based on the sorption "capture" of impurities, special-purpose devices that use different electrical and electrochemical processes are offered. Thus, in the filters of the Emerald filters, toxic impurities are neutralized by means of electrochemical oxidation, and in the devices "Crystal" destroy bacteria and microbes by ultraviolet radiation, in the RBM instrument, water is subjected to magnetic processing.

Our advice

- Using flow filters, you must always install with a water tap or built-in regulator, the prescribed water consumption, otherwise the filter will not have time to clean the water.

- To do not drink "broth" from bacteria and microbes after filtering, it is recommended to replace the cartridge immediately after its resource generates.

- When replacing the cartridges, follow their right placement, as they have the same installation dimensions and are easily suitable for different instrument housings.

- By purchasing a reverse osmosis filter system, instruct it with a specialist. Only he will be able to ensure further proper work, taking into account the quality of incoming water.

Doodle water tooid

Household water also needs to clean, although for other reasons and to another degree than drinking. In any case, the feeling of comfort is clearly rising if the apartment is equipped with a device for mitigating tap water. The hostess is well noted: after all, gray spots do not appear on the underwear after washing. The skin and hair after the soul remain soft, the channels of washing machines and hydromassage baths do not clog. Therefore, it is very useful to put a protective (or clarifying) filter on the introduction of water into the apartment, which will delay large mechanical particles. Such filters are made for cold and for hot water. They can be periodically cleaned from the accumulated dirt manually or automatically (but it costs more), the service life is achieved for several years.

However, the main "janitor" will be a filter softener for household water. It is usually used in it an ion exchange resin, with which rigid salts are converted into soft, non-solid sediments. As soon as the resin's working capacity is exhausted, the system automatically restores it using a solution of a sodium salt. Vitogu resin can work without replacing up to 5 years, if you do not forget the device in time. Among the large number of softeners, you can always choose such that will fit under the sink or next to it, but they are decently worth $ 850-1300.

And one more side of the problem. It is believed that the man is the owner of his body, life, health. It is likely that it is. But he has no right to dispose of the health of children, who still do not have the opportunity to choose which water to drink and what kind of porridge. Inh, give God if I was mature, they will ask: "Why are you, parents? .."

Cartridge domestic water purification filters

Firm Model ProducedV / h Resource Cleaning method Price
Cartridge Filter
Rainfresh (Canada) DS2. 200. 4500 L. Mechanical and chemical 7.5 $ 125 $
Microbiological 21 $

DS3 200. 4500 L. Mechanical and chemical 7.5 $ 177 $
Microbiological 21 $

Ion exchange $ 27.

Teledyne Water Pik (USA) IF 100. 180. 4500 L. Mechanical and chemical $ 1.2. 140 $
Microbiological 2.5 $

IF 10. 180. 4500 L. Mechanical and chemical $ 1.2. $ 56.
Ametek (USA) UV-110. 230. 0.5 years Mechanical and UV sterilizer 23 $ 370 $
SAFE WATER TECHNOLOGY (USA) CSL 210. 240. 2 years Mechanical and chemical - $ 87.
CSL 310UF. 240. 6000 L. Mechanical, chemical, microbiological, UV sterilizer - 182 $
CJSC "Geyser" Geyser-1I 300. Up to 5 years Mechanical, ion exchange 390 rubles. 2350 rub.
Geyser-2K. 300. Up to 5 years Mechanical, ion exchange 345 rub. 2530 rub.
Chemical 290 rub.

Geyser-3K. 300. Up to 5 years Mechanical 120 rub. 2990 rub.
Ion exchange 345 rub.

Chemical 295 rub.

Household reverse osmosis systems

Firm Model Characteristic Produced

l / day

Price, $
Osmonics, Inc. (USA) OSMO 300C / 36 Model without UV sterilizer 120. 350.
OSMO 300C / 36 UV Basic model 120. 490.
OSMO 300C / 75 Model of high performance without UV lamp 284. 370.
OSMO 300C / 75 UV Model of increased productivity 284. 510.
TOPWAY GLOBAL, INC. (USA) TGI-325. 3 steps 56. 320.
TGI-415 4 steps 56. 370.
TGI-525 5 steps 95. 400.
TGI-625U. 6 steps including UV sterilizer 95. 570.
TGI-625Up. 6 steps, including UV sterilizer and pump to increase water pressure 95. 740.
SAFE WATER TECHNOLOGY (USA) RO 101 Basik 3 steps 70. 296.
RO 401 Bio Master 6 steps including UV sterilizer 140. 540.
"NVR" (Russia) Neptune-2 4 steps 70. 340.
Neptune-3. 5 steps 95. 375.

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