Dialogue Chair with Sofa


Massage chairs and electrified furniture. Models presented on the Russian market, manufacturers and prices.

Dialogue Chair with Sofa 15493_1

Dialogue Chair with Sofa
Dialogue Chair with Sofa
Multiprogram Massage Chair Famili, Japan.
Dialogue Chair with Sofa
Sensitive multimassage armchair, MMS-770 model of EUROKEYTON, Spain.
Dialogue Chair with Sofa
Electrified transforming chair, model N 9075 of Himolla, Germany.
Dialogue Chair with Sofa
Massage chair of Planopoly, Germany.
Dialogue Chair with Sofa
An electrified sofa transformer with the control panel of Planopoly, Germany.
Dialogue Chair with Sofa
The headset, part of which is an electrified transformer chair with a control panel, Planopoly, Germany.
Dialogue Chair with Sofa
Massage chair, model N 7057 of Planopoly, Germany.
Dialogue Chair with Sofa
Multiprogram Massage Chair, model N 7939 of Himolla, Germany.

Technical progress, rapidly invaded household appliances, turns in front of the housing in an automated complex. Even the elements of intelligence are endowed by traditional things like chairs and sofas. Did this fashion? Or already reality?

You are gently immersed in the bowels of an unusual chairs. The touch of the finger to the sensor control panel is and the position of the body in space begins to change. With the help of a movable stand, tired legs are driven almost into a horizontal position. The back of the chair is fed back, the head restraint provides the ability to contemplate the view outside the window (a robot mower robot mower sinks on a well-kept lawn). The busting of the wind swallows the balcony door. The chair responds to this with a comfortable increase in the temperature of the upholstery made from a pleasant to the touch of genuine leather. From the stereo speakers installed in the head restraint pouring a harsh relaxing music. Easy and imperceptibly sinking desired sleep. After a couple of hours, melodious call signs, hearing on the sides of the chair, are forced to wake up. In the rays of the setting sun glitches the back of the robot-vacuum cleaner crawling through the carpet in search of rare mining.

The new touch of the control panel is and the chair is taken to perform ... Recovery massage of the neck, back, pelvis area and legs. After fifteen minutes of rubbing, kneading, patters, strokes and other manipulations produced by energetic music, you are again ready for active work.

Do you think we offered you an excerpt from the next fantastic story? Mistaken, gentlemen. Scene is drawn from nature. The smart chairs, about one of which was discussed, delivered to Russia at least five foreign manufacturers. And not only armchairs, but also transformer sofas, pulling out their form in your desire. Obviously, in the world furniture industry it is only the first steps. But the trend has already been designated: a wide automation of home furniture began (however, and household appliances too). And it was miraculously coincided with the beginning of the Third Millennium.

In order not to be unfounded, pay attention to several models of electrified multiprogram massage chairs and transformable sofas.

Japanese way to gain strength

The passion of the Japanese to the automation of the people surrounding things is well known. Furniture designers of the country of the rising sun knows the nuances of the mountains and Magomet. And, by analogy, believe that if in the life of a modern person, less time remains for leisure and sports, the latter should be replaced with wellness activities right in the workplace or in the home chair. In this regard, mechanical massage as the most operational way to restore forces is gaining great importance. After all, unlike a person, the massage chair never gets tired. It will not curse his bad mood at the lord sitting in it. You can use the massage chair in the office and at home, in the bath and beauty salon. And the massage chairs of the Japanese production are the "advanced" among themselves similar.

Multiprogram chairs of the Japanese company FAMILY offered by the Russian consumer by the German company-Distributor Alpha Techno GmbH, - the result of many years of work of doctors, engineers and designers. The joint efforts of all these specialists developed a professional electromechanical massage system, which makes it possible to take into account the growth and form of the spine of each particular person. This system contributes to relaxation, healthy sleep, effectively removes tension and fatigue, restores breathing, stimulates blood circulation and normalizes blood pressure. It is equally shown both to people leading a sedentary lifestyle and regulars of fitness centers, sports halls and stadiums.

In Paris, London models, Berlin, Silver Classic provides roller and vibrational types of massage. Roller massage is carried out according to the Method of Shiatsu and includes longitudinal kneading and the pattage of the muscles of the back and the pelvis. It can be both shared and local. The vibration massage is dried, and in the Paris-skin model and pelvis.

The backrest and stand for legs driven from the remote control and the footrest are located under the most convenient for the seated angle. The Berlin model allows the body to take a completely horizontal position, in the Paris model, the angle of inclination of the support under the leg is adjustable separately from the back. The Paris model is interesting and the fact that the musical stereo system is built into its headrest. So, you take a convenient position in the chair, in the menu on the control panel choose one of three individual massage programs or independently install the view, intensity, massage duration and define the body area for its implementation. The built-in mini-computer controls all stages of the procedure. Massage is made by spring-loaded roller pairs through synthetic or leather couplings of the chair. If any zone or point must be obscured especially, it is possible using the remote control to delay the massaging elements in this place, and then continue the implementation of the program.

The model range of Family Chairs has ten upholstery options for various colors, which helps designers to "enter" these useful items in a variety of interiors. Family's cost is one of the highest: from $ 3,600 to 4200. Real competition by Japanese multi-mass chairs is the products of the Spanish company EUROKEYTON S.A. (MMS-560, MMS-770 models). Each of the three types of massage - rubbing, tapping, the ceiling-Spanish chairs allow you to carry out with different intensity. The most delicate procedure, sensitive, occurs when controlling the pressure of the massaging element using a sensitive sensor (sensor). Easy, medium and high (sports) intensity levels involve a gradual increase in the pressure of massaging elements on the body. Of course, a chair is not an experienced massage therapist, but his "fingers" are also capable of performing complex movements. At the same time, the position of the processed portion of the body is installed by itself using the position control panel (up to 9 zones in width depending on the model). Note that all three types of massage cannot be immediately set. The effect of the procedure in the chair model MMS-770 can be strengthened if you additionally use the virtual reality technique. For this, a person puts on a special screen-glasses with stereo handlers and surrounds himself with a virtual environment of the sea coast, summer forest, steppes in spring, etc., reinforcing pleasant sensations from massage. The cost of products is from $ 3,000 to 4000. The owners of the seats of models NN 7939 and 9075 (according to the catalog) produced by the German company Himolla Polstermobel, have the ability to install substrates on the seat and removable pillows under the back. Thus, the intensity of the massage is regulated. The substrates are made of the SuperLasti material and are three degrees of stiffness: soft, medium and spring frame. Mentioned seats allow you to do all kinds of massages, equipped with heated seats and backs. In the model N 9075, vibration massage is most effective. The control panel with nightlighted is very convenient for manipulating the chair when the light is turned off. Products refer to the same price category. In the meantime, going to meet actively growing demand for "smart" things, the designers of the German company HMF have developed a series of relatively inexpensive massage chairs Paradiso. These are democratic models of Comfort, Prestige and Imperial. Collected on lightweight steel frames and decorated with synthetic materials, they, however, are equipped with a convenient control panel, with which you can set the heating temperature of the seat, run one of six programs with vibration and jolts, choose four massage zones (shoulders, spin, pelvis , legs), set one of the four levels of the intensity of the procedure. The cost of these products is from $ 600 to 900.

All models of chairs operate from a voltage with a voltage of 220 V (the built-in cord has a length of up to 2-3 m), consume some energy (power up to 200 W), fully electrical extensive. True, they require Eurores. And the cord must somehow cover so that your households do not stumble about him while you will "catch a buzz."

However, in terms of "kayfa", modern producers did not stop in the chairs and took up even more comfortable and cozy furniture objects. Agree, after some types of massages, it is so pulling to stick, extending the pleasure of relaxation and rest. And what could be better for this than the old, kind, tested sofa time!

Recussion of the Oblomeness on the historical homeland

What is for a Russian man sofa? Not least, poetic personification of laziness. The sofa love everything, especially if it is big and soft. For example, similar to the one that was located in the house of Ilya Ilyich Oblomov, who knew a lot in the afternoon dream on the traditional bed of the Sibarita landowner. An example of a lazy Russian friend was very infectious even for the German basting gallets. And now there are already rapid bavarians and the bias export to Russia quintessence of Russian-German lazy and gorgeous sofas and transformer chairs, driven by electric motors using the control panel.

At the last Moscow exhibition "Euromebel-2000" multifunctional headsets, which include electrified furniture, presented German firms Himolla Polstermobel and Elastoform Polstermobel. Russian manufacturer of transformable bedroom furniture "Transformer" (Ivanteevka Moscow region), unfortunately, while it is at the level of creative plans for the release of similar products. However, the Russians are harvested for a long time, and then, it happens, it's quite quickly.

What are the import models intended for a refined rest? Collected on a frame of beech, armchairs and sofas have a "filling" of the forming plastic, molded flooring from latex. The seat is equipped with a block of cylindrical compression springs or made of flat springs of continuous weaving. Outside the design is decorated with trendy and durable finishing materials based on polyamide or leather (artificial or natural) different colors and shades. The transformation mechanisms through gearboxes are connected from one to four electromotors (depending on the model and purpose of the product). Motors These are launched from the control panels located on both sowed sofa or on one side of the chair. The console is used to regulate the position of the back, head restraint, extending to the desired distance of the footrest (in the sofa), moving the footrest up and down, changes in the seat angle (in the chair). Some models are equipped with electric heating. Especially for people with physical disabilities, an adjustable height chairs with electric wheels are produced. Nevertheless, these items are modules headset.

Electromechanical chairs and sofas are absolutely safe for users of any age. Manufacturers give a five-year guarantee of their impeccable work. The cost of chairs - up to $ 2000, sofa-to $ 3,000, the same objects in the composition of the headset (depending on the configuration) - from $ 4,000 to 7000.

A variety of color, covered with skin or synthetic material, armchairs N 1902 models from Himolla Polstermobel, as well as leather chairs of models 035 * K6, 822 * K7, 820 * K6 and leather sofas NN 646, 647, 648 ELASTOFORM POLSTERMOBEL products are good for people, who appreciate solidity and quality in things. In addition, the buyer is at the disposal of at least 30 modular sections of upholstered furniture. Using them, as if elements of the designer, you can create a worthy "background" for wise and good guests from future electromechanical chairs and sofas.

Electromechanical transformed furniture is also shown to people suffering from heart disease and musculoskeletal system. Elestoform seats are able to lean forward, helping to stand up to the legs of elderly and disabled.

Time in different ways denoted by the dream of a man about the "reasonable" bed. Remember the Russian folk furnace, which, with convenience, the fabulous emel is moved. Or the series "Phantom" in the sixties, in which the beds, chairs and sofas are rapidly driving along the corridors, take off in heaven and fall under the ground.

Nowadays, other dreams are quite easy to become a reality. And it remains only to guess where progress ash rushes. Probably, in line of chairs, sofas and beds with a programmable mode of sleep and wakefulness, devices for physiotherapy procedures, etc. And there, you see, and to flights on the sofa in a dream and reach the hand to the hand ...

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