Passion in agreement


Coordination of the redevelopment of the apartment - documents, instances, timing. An expert on redevelopment of residential and non-residential premises A. G. Toria is responsible for questions.

Passion in agreement 15495_1

Make redevelopment and re-equipment of the apartment or do not make the question more rhetorical. Not much to do if the wallet allows? Another question is how to save and nerves, and time, and money. After all, all this never exists ...

Law? There is a law

It would be absolutely incorrect to argue that the legal framework for solving problems of redevelopment. Rather, on the contrary, all potential actions of the participants of this process from a legal point of view are excessively regulated. And, accordingly, taken control of numerous permitting and supervisory government instances. There seemed to be the grounds for such an organization of the case more than enough. The resultant of unauthorized and unskilled redevelopments weakened the supporting structures of multi-storey buildings, the normal operation of communications is disturbed, and as a result, the sections of the panel houses are consequely or completely destroyed, the brick walls are cracking, the wiring of water supply and heating, the electrical wiring occurs.

Interests of the legal protection of the majority of residents from the arbitrariness, Viul1999, the new edition of the law of the Russian Federation "Joints of the Federal Housing Policy" joined the law of the law of the Russian Federation. The Moscow City Duma is adopted by the Moscow City Duma. Along with the first, the order of the Mayor of Moscow, Yu.M.Luzhkova, is still operating. Operaplanufacture of N 166/1-Rotmmot 13.07.96

The law of Moscow is considered to be the right to the most "advanced" fragrance. It "sets the tone" to other regions of injection of the policy of reorganization of housing. Such laws and orders are accepted by local vendors of the brass major cities of our country, including in Vnct-Petersburg. The legislation is aimed at ensuring a single procedure for designing and carrying out the reorganization of household houses in the city. Another, no less important part of the management of arising suspended relationships between citizens, legal entities, executive bodies, local government, lossed by district councils. Therefore, readers make sense to familiarize yourself with Sathimi documents in more detail.

Along with forms, more specific requirements for conservation, composition, the development order, coordination and approval of redevelopment projects are shown by the introductional construction norms: VNC 58-88 (p) and ENV 61-89 (p) State Committee for Public Committee, VNC 41-85 (P) and ENV 55-87 (p) State Guide. Listening to the insufficiency of the conditions listed by the WWR, it is allowed to use the relevant sections of construction standards and rules (SNiP).

It would seem that the presence of developed housing legislation simplifies the achievement of the desired result. Lifect everything happens in spite of common sense. Why? Dapota that this legislation is extremely permitting and too much leaves for the discretion of officials.

Not knowing the broth ...

What is waiting for an apartment owner, who is alone wheezing to let the ocean coordination of obsolenial instances be woven to the ocean of the ocean? Nautot question answers an expert alphabeting the residential and non-residential premises of the architectural and construction company Arnat A.G.G..

- No redevelopment or re-equipment is impossible without a project. The augroth becomes an official document only after a long procedure of coordination of swallow organizations and departments. In VMoskvel, the owner of the housing should be ready to be the fact that the redevelopment project ordered by them from three licensed organizations-monopolist-moszhilniaproekt, the MNIITEP, Mosproject, will pass the Cormimimum on ten (!) Instances. Out of them, the owner of the apartment will have to officially pay departmental fees, the inconsistencies constituting the round sum from $ 800 and higher. It is naive to believe that the owner of the housing will be limited only by legal costs. Design procedure Next. Project organization in the focus of the customer or his trusted person:

- conducts technical inspection of the building and apartment, determines their physical and moral wear;

- makes up a scheme (plan) of inter-storey floors, bearing walls and structures, engineering systems (water supply and sewage, heating, ventilation, electrical wiring);

- Determines the type of apartment and its initial state before repairing the easiest.

Submitted examinations are made up technical conclusion with ships and recommendations of the ocelobility of the work by the coolant.

After the examination and receipt of the Customer with a positive technical conclusion, a sketching project of redevelopment of an apartment is developed, which includes the Even:

- general part;

- Architectural and planning solution by the reproduction of all architectural and construction drawings (their list depends on due, complete reprint or partial);

- Explanatory note.

WTO Document provides specialists with specialists to basery the technical specifications of the stability and strength of building structures; Indicators of fire resistance of the room with an integer and its individual elements and structures; Efforts, loads and types of influences on the structures of lusters, if part of the carrier wall is removed or the opening is done.

After the design of the sketch project, the problem of re-equipment of intra-quarter engineering systems with a possession or incorporation of new elements is solved. At the same time, additional agreements will be required again by critical departments and services. It is developed by the scheme of the Xantechnic instrument layout scheme, changes are made in the device. Additional chimneys (fireplaces or furnaces) and new ventilation channels may appear in colvier. Since they need to be calculated in accordance with the disabilities of the architectural and construction norms and the rules and reflect the projects of the draft project, specialized organizations are driven by the drivebreakers of the project.

Questions of re-equipment of residential premises include:

- transfer of heating, sanitary and gas devices;

- device and re-equipment of toilets, bathrooms and ventilation channels;

- transfer and disassembly (partial or complete) interroom partitions;

- transferring and creating new doorways;

- device and re-equipment of the tambouries;

- glazing loggias and balconies.

Of course, it is not necessary to confuse engineering concepts. The pipes of the apartment wiring of water heating (they are not restless) can fit into the shoes. Most of the doorways are allowed to hang new doors (including steel) if they open a bustle side. You can install new sockets if the power of the devices nuts from them fails the estimated load of the electrical installation of the apartment. To tell the observation of these subtleties within the same article is simply impossible. All issues of reorganization are committed by the Customer Sarhitector and engineers of the project organization. They do not mostly take into account the wishes of the client, but also put forward counterfeiting ideas and re-equipment that can be accepted or rejected.

I suppose the expert convincingly showed that there is a mass of technical obstacles to push the short goal. But it turns out, Neon is the main. The project organization can not start and complete the work without documents and certificates that the owner of the apartment must collect and submit the Street Instance of the Interdepartmental Commission (MVK) of the Prioron Management. Without the official and agreed project of the IMC permission, the permission is token.

Further actions of the owner of the housing resemble the exhaust run of the crucible circle. The workshop of this "run" is required:

one. To receive a certificate of disagreements of all adult tenants and owners of the reconstructed premises with a displaced redevelopment, certified by the lizhnical authority, the post office of the apartment (REU, HEK, DEZ). To sign this certificate is obliged to all adult persons who have owned the ownership of the apartment.

2. Write a statement WBURO technical inventory (BTI) and get a package plan of the apartment of the apartment, the explication of the apartment's apartment. Forwards for the design of the document, attack plans and explication of neighboring premises, if the united apartments are reinforced.

3. It is imperative to conclude agreements with the coated, the above and underlying premises that they empty against redevelopment, and then assure thempouch in the HSEK.

four. Redets the plan and explicitly to invite the above organization.

five. After receiving the draft organization of the sketching project of redevelopment and technical assignment to begin the coordination of obsocaly by organizations.

6. To obtain permit visas of state-poidnadzor (SES), Mrs. residents, the Directorate of the Unified Customer (Dz), the district architectural planning department (Rapo), the State Housing Inspectorate of the Prefecture of the Administrative District.

7. The designation of the MVK to make additional coordination in MGPO "MOSGAZ" or in Mosenergo JSC, in which the gas stove is moved, the column or changes in the electrical installation to increase its power are performed.

eight. To get a Vzheka extract and a copy of the financial and personal account with the presentation that the apartment is privatized, or make a notarized copy of the document to the right of ownership.

nine. All listed documents submit to the VMCD violating instances (the second instance will be transferred to the WBT).

Entering the current time, the rules for the approval of the authority to the authority is closer to exceed one month, the entire coordination process is half a year. The last stage of the procedure is the meeting of the MVK and the approval of the protocol inventive number. Increation of Moscow Interdepartmental Commission meets once insteps. To get a disappointment of isprotokol, you have to wait for a separation of the foresome week. The provisional decision of the Commission all the work alignment and re-equipment must be carried out by the campaign, non-hearing six months. Imagine that the workers focused on their time. In this case, about horror! - The whole procedure of coordination and approval of the project will have to begin first. The very same is waiting for the owner of the housing, listening to the imdocumen with the correspondence of the refusal of the MVK and the applied copy of the floor plan, where the abnormalities are denoted by the red lines. Money Request fees and unintended spending, as you understand, are irrelevant. Of course, there is a possibility to challenge the decision of the MVC in Nude, which will take another six months. If such a prospect does not miss you, dare, gentlemen ...

Is it terrible, how is his little?

I guess, now the owner of the apartment is clear how much thorn waiting for him to impolve independent reorganization of housing. Meanwhile, there is a different, more faithful and reliable way to achieve a positive result, entrust the solution to the problem of professionals. As a rule, licensed real estate and law firms are engaged in issues of coordination of redevelopment, whose specialists have sufficient experience of communication with member. Sucelting of lawyers and realtors The terms of matching input in most cases shorten the dodvum of months, the result is usually positive. Of course, professionals work badly, however, the size of their remuneration by the park is not overgrown with 10% of the consideration of the preservation.

The negative problems of reorganization of housing is difficult to overestimate the clarity of interaction of real estate and construction companies. Builders advise realtors. Nestada discussion of redevelopment by the weaves of apartments. If the redevelopment option consists on the bottom and technical solutions of the problem are possible, the realtors begin to match the coordination procedure by the unauthorized manner by passing their own coordination procedure.

Example from life

For the reorganization of two apartments, located in the century, the internal residential premises with the opposition and the inclusion of the inter-weltering tambura was required to combine the efforts of the two-realtor company "Rodnodod" and the NPO Radis CJSC, which is engaged in the construction and repair of apartments.

Specialist Radios of coordination of redevelopment of CJSC "Native House" about. E. Golovach opens our readers some professional secrets of work with alternateness and communication to the member of rotary instances.

Passion in agreement
Initial layout. - Privatization and redemption of the intercountable tambour, which is municipal or general peculiar property, the law of time was unresolved. Meanwhile, the inclusion of the Tambura is a shortage of a newly conveyed residential space, one of the articles of frequent and current requirements of citizens from the work of reorganization belonging to impies. Perhaps the decision of the Interdepartmental Commission of the South-Western district to the establishment of the redemption right of the Archcharted Tambura to unite the two apartments adopted by a jointly resistant property in September 2000 - the first to VMoskwe. A green light is open to the new legal real estate and construction operations and the subsequent reorganization of housing.

In the indulgence of a combination of two- and three-room apartments that have a common tambour, a man and wife and wife were engaged in the most popular VMoskwe of the P-3M series. The family kinship of the apartment owners significantly facilitated the solution of the task, since some kind of reorganization priority have relatives of an alternative line (husband and wife, parents and children, grandparents and grandchildren).

A good circumstance was also a good circumstance that the Tambouri Dazu was impassed by the channel of general power supply. Whether he is Potambur, the owner of communications Mogva to resist. Then the union of apartments had to exercise abbreviated the vestibule, but the head of the living room. As a result, the owners of the housing would have lost 6 m2 of the area, the arachector and the designer lost their opportunities to manipulate the ratio of the newly created kitchen.

Passion in agreement
Planning after reconstruction.


1. Tambour

2. Living room

3. Kitchen

4. Cabinet

5. Children's room

6. Bedroom

7. Sanusel

8. Bathroom Relief of redevelopment and re-equipment of apartments with a total area of ​​83.8 and 36m2 (excluding the loggia and balcony), a new residential space has a total area of ​​130m2. Instead of several enough close and unrelated rooms, rooms and rooms have four spacious rooms, a large kitchen with a compatiacal, corridor and a modern bathroom. The problems of the location of the wedn sanitary devices managed to settle, having received the consent of the neighborings living below and bringing the amendment made by a specialized organization. The Office of the District Architect also gave consent to the formation of a loggia, which was simultaneously insulated and began to sleep with an independent recreational premises.

An important role of the occasional plays the construction organization, which is engaged in the implementation of the project. After all, the supports of the reorganization is carried out by the acceptance of the object technician BTI. In general, the specialists "Norpoodis" performed all engineering and designer work by the conversion of existing technologies and conversation with disabilities. The BTI Claims are not correct, and the apartment of the house of the house is delivered.

Of course, real estate owners can redevelop the apartments of the Apartments of the Fear and Risk and try to legitimize it in Paktakta: they say, the exit will be found in love. Missess! The amount of fines and other additional spending, inevitting onner overload, can go to exceed the costs of Nariustoms and legal services. Azloclutations of amateur refreshments of the Urban instances are the topic of our following publications.

The editorial board thanks the company "Rhindod" and the company "Arnat" to encourage the material preparation of the material.

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