Tale of the gate


Excursions in the history of the gate and characteristic of the countries of Europe, Asia and Africa, options for design gates and gate.

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Humanity from time immemorial surrounds its dwelling fence. And to then penetrate the fenced territory, builds the gate in it. How many of their species have accumulated for all the centuries of the existence of earthly civilizations!

The gates of the temples plunged believers in religious thrill - perhaps reminding paradise gates; The gate of feudal fortresses contained several degrees of protection; And the trees gate of the villagers talked about the fact that a wealthy family lives behind them. Often the gate themselves were endowed with some sacral, magical content. Long before the appearance of palaces and temples, many nations of the world served as a sacred place with a crossbar (or arch) over them. Vertical poles - Mengira - called stone women or gigars, they served not so much gravestone as they were objects of worship, goal to another world. The sacred pillar in American Indians in their ritual actions was as if supporting the universe and a symbol of cannibalism, the presence of supernatural forces. History remembers Melkart's pillars at the Phoenicians, Ishtar and Marduk gate in Babylon, the Golden Gate of Jerusalem, the Arches of the Empires. City gates were places of mass acquisition and departure of rituals. In Moscow, the names of the Chertolsky, Nikitsky, Pokrovsky, Red Gate are preserved. Near the latter, for example, during meetings and wires of Maslenitsa, the inconspicuous number of pancakes was somewhat smoked ...

And in general, before, today, the design, the design of the gate served and serves as a peculiar business card of their creator and the owner.

The Austrian Spirit of Romanticism.

Tale of the gate

Noble descendants will always remember Austria as a country that gave the world to the whole pleiad of outstanding composers-romantics. Snow-white arched gate, surrounded by fireworks branches, and emits the spirit of music and romanticism. This is the very case, when neither subscribe, nor add to the presented nothing - the harmony of nature itself glows in the hands of a person. Even the traditional box for letters is not inferior to modern electronics creations.

Lions cherberries

Tale of the gate

Another composition confirming that white color is currently in fashion. Again the lions on the racks of the gate. Maybe this is a symbol of Munich or they are designed to protect the owner from ill-wishers and annoying visitors? In favor of the latter, the clock attributed to the wicket: they will once again remind you that the time is expensive!

German purity

Tale of the gate

Many urban courtyards are not so great to build a massive wide gate to them. As a rule, the garage adjoins a close street, and the car is driven into it through a vertical, automatically rising sash. The wicket serves to pass into the house through a small courtyard. Iron lattice doors as it is impossible to best serve this goal. A small space in front of the house is designed in a typical German style: pure and neat.

Mystery of poultry examination

Tale of the gate

The main trouble of unified construction is the lack of individuality. Remember the hero of the film "The Irony of Fate ...", confused the city, the neighborhood, the house, the entrance, the apartment just because they like two drops of water like each other? This would not have happened, have a dwelling my face. This person can become a front entrance. Of course, it is best to turn to a professional professional professional. And already he, based on your habits and addictions, will offer you the best solution.

What can be said about a person living behind such a gate? First of all, it is not deprived of fantasy. Perhaps this is a researcher or a technical officer who regularly copes with its duties and methodically, step by step, overcoming the steps of the service staircase. In any case, Figurines of halftitz-semobestations, hidden in the intricate weave of Lian, create an image of some mysteriousness, possibly, a scientific and bureaucratic property ... However, the exalted coquette was settled here, an amateur of novels in letters? Who knows...

Garden in the French Alps

Tale of the gate

Empting your garden, probably dreams every way - especially on the slope of years. The painting of landscape gardens subordinates all the closest to the house, gives it a new appointment and a new character. The architectural design of the entrance to the garden also acquires a minor sound, leaning towards natural and subordination to natural forms. The modest gate is inconspicuously hiding in the shadow, giving the magnitude of the majestic alps. Nature is not to face High fences and solemn entrances.

Abode of artist

Tale of the gate

It is possible that the inhabitant of this house is a creative man. This indicates the palette lattice with paints and brushes, a lira, a set of feathers, a circulation, a blacksmith and a joinery tool, and the initials "JR" suggest that the wicket itself is the work of its owner. Peacefully sitting on the lions on the columns confirm this assumption. Seeing such a gate just once, it is no longer confused with any other, and the house number is to remember anything.

Frau with lilies

Tale of the gate

We dare about this gate to assume that a woman lives behind her, Frau of Middle Years or Older Age. The lilies of petrified, the Amurchik froze in a fixed position, looking at the empty porch, and the keys to the youth are lost. Alas! Life is short, art is forever.

Memories of Arabakh

Tale of the gate

The iron wrought-iron gates with blackened metal rods are strict in strict style, and Arab influence is visible in the arch: gear rectangular protrusions made of red bricks around the perimeter of columns (a similar combination of red and white bands resembles the arches of a mosque in Cordove). Attracts the contrast between the prefasal pavement and the inner, the gardens of the garden, which is lighted with white plates and the inner, the gardens of pink colors. In general, the arched composition is harmonious and beautiful: accurate symmetry, subtlety and straightness of vertical lines, deposit of patterns of stone and tiled masonry ...

Non-crossflash arch

Tale of the gate

In Europe, the poverty of natural materials is inferior to the place of the proposals of the modern building market. But the "technological" does not mean "environmentally harmful": most of the products are made of natural components - stone tiles, glass, concrete; And if plastic is used, its environmental safety is checked by many experiments. A similar arch of concrete is unlikely to be made by a handicraft from a block of stone, and if it can, the price of it with more than will block the cost of the entire area. White palisade, light railing stairs leading to the second floor - everything looks elegant and decorated in trifles. The lattice metal gates constitute the central kernel of the composition. The arch hangs only above the gate, it provides lighting and electronic lock with intercom. Entry into a double gate is paved with a curly tile and has a noticeable scat for water away from home. Such - without Christmas tree Mishura - design can be called aristocratic, performed restrained dignity and nobility.

Like a stone wall

Tale of the gate

Winning moment of any site is a good landscape location. Relief irregularity, real elevations and descents make it possible to emphasize its originality and attractiveness. In this case, the game with a vertical allows the use of the rising stone wall, on which the stages are built by the links of the fence. The space between the white openwork hedge and the stone border is filled with clusters of red, which gives the appearance of the estate special chic. However, we will not, however, forget that Italy, although North, still Italy is the country of Mediterranean, which does not know our winter. Yes, and mountainous terrain occurs with us far from everywhere. In general, if you live on the similar slope of the picturesque mountain and build a similar mansion on it, you can only envy!

Dwelling gardener

Tale of the gate

An example of the real landscape architecture itself. East of France, not far from the Lake Geneva. The combination of wooden bivalve gates and cone-shaped green towers made of "live" material looks very harmonious. The impression is enhanced by light paths and a dark background of the building from gray stone, with wide hanging cornices from a dark wood. The proximity of the person is felt by nature already on this small block of the Earth, although the garden itself hides somewhere in the depths. Maintaining "live geometry" bye forces only to a large lover and an expert of nature - can be a gardener or winemaker. Without daily care, the kingdom of plant baroque will quickly come to be launched.

In the ridden side

Tale of the gate

In Russian villages, double gates are an important element of the fence. Through them, they went to the foundation of carts with hay, forest, products, came from grazing cattle. And although the gentle transport in the present times is inferior to the "iron horse", the traditions in Russian villages are saved. Like the house, the gate have their own roof, the Casov from the inside, which cannot be opened outside, and a wicket is used for frequent passage to the courtyard, which is a single integer with the wall of the gate. The door to the house is located separately, which is typically for Russian buildings. In this case, the external porch is absent, but in fact it is being built a fence; The porch hides under the helmet an extension dome to the house inside the courtyard. Apparently, the fence was erected later at home. The facade gates are decorated with ornaments and threads that make up a harmonious combination with the appearance and design of the previously built. The log cabins were left unpacked, while decorative elements - platbands, shutters, female cladding, ornamental decorations, a terry painting, a fence - painted in bright fresh colors, which gave birth to a festive elegant look. Deaf fences in Russia - largely a consequence of Tatar conquest and brought by Tatar culture.

Hungars also did not pumped

Tale of the gate

As in Russia, in Hungary there have never been problems with the forest. The wood carving has become a traditional craft of cabinetusers. One craft, however, is not enough to build such a stylish wooden gate. Ancient traditions, skill, delicate taste and sense of measure are able to work wonders from the most "banal" material.

Paradise for tourist

Tale of the gate

The same predominant white color. This time the masonry is brick, with an ornament at the top of the wall. There is a light wooden weaving above the entrance, but there are no gate sash. Before entering both sides - low palm trees, and the windows are tightly closed with wooden shutters. The city of Dahab is located in the south-east of the Sinai Peninsula, on the shore of Aqaba of the Red Sea. The population is a few, just a few thousand people, tourists prevail (the inscription on the wall of the house undoubtedly belongs to them). Communication with the outside world - by sea. A calm moderate life of life allows you to do without locking doors. At the decline of the tourist season, some buildings are simply empty.

Egyptian hospitality

Tale of the gate

The classic ancient gate with the overlap is inspired by no less respect than the triumphal arch of some Roman emperor. Materials are the most memorable, about which they usually say: there would be hands, and the rest will apply. And the global arch, and the door made from the bitch Karcade, stood here, it seems, not one century. All the wine arid climate: in our conditions, it would be destroyed by such a building in one season, winds, frosts ... There is a certain imperceptible charm of childhood in this primitive simplicity - no wonder all the past epochs called the "golden age"!

To Fellahu on the light

Tale of the gate

A fleeting look at the photo is enough to guess: You are visiting not a German Burger, but the Egyptian Fellacha. Everything is done extremely functionally: a woven reed fence on the clay border not only denotes the boundaries of the site, but also saves from sand winds, so frequent in these places, does not give it to weathered or wash the rains with a thin fruit layer of the Earth. Shadow and peace can be found in the garden behind the fence. The same fences were built by Egyptians thousands of years ago and will probably build for a long time. Do I need to look for the best if it is already found and forwarded with millennia?

Easy with your face

Tale of the gate

Decor of the fence, as can be seen, can be very diverse, despite the generality of the construction material used. No special personality, sophistication - and at the same time strict observance of the style. In Dahab, you will not meet two identical gates, fences and buildings. Excessive confirmation of what is simplicity can be individual and unique.

From "Cementeum" to cement

Tale of the gate

Another step of civilization. If the stones were not captured by cement mortar, this fence could be considered prehistoric! What is interesting is: long before the invention of the modern cement, the ancient bricklayers were able to build strong buildings experiencing extreme loads. The masters so tightly customized the stones to each other, that between those almost no gap remained, and for their fastening, they used to be collected on the slopes of volcanoes with special sand, called "cementum" (that is, "bonding material"), which, after moisturizing, acquired the rock strength. And now the cement-used cement invented the Mason from Leeds Joseph Espidin in 1724.

Progress released people a lot of free time: this stone masonry with cement mount and durable extender is durable, it is quick, it looks quite modern, although it is stylized under the old days. The main problem for those who want to repeat this experience in our country is a stone. In Central Russia, there is no good cobblestone; However, limestone is available, which is quite suitable for this purpose.

Real Yug.

Tale of the gate

Lightweight translucent plate gates (planks can be wooden or plastic) - southern places. The breeze strolls between green straps (green - the color of Muslims), saving from the scorching heat. The metal here would fool over to such an extent that it would be impossible to touch it. The crossbar above the gate is absent, it is superfluous, it rains here so rare that there is no need to protect the gate from precipitation. But along the fence - clay caps with slots, they play the role of ventilation holes.

If you look closely, on both sides of the mesh seized the fence is visible a significant thickness of the walls. From the inside they have been done niche for storing products, and the same caps serve as a kind of intense. The top of the walls and turret of the gate to avoid overheating under the midday sun are lowered by lime; Also painted and walls of houses. As for the gravel embankment with the green symbolism at the gate, it is not known to us appointment. Perhaps this is a cult facility. I remember the Golden Gate of Jerusalem, through which the coming Messiah was supposed to go. The capturing of their Arabs arranged their cemetery before the gate, hoping that he would not be able to Munya the Land of the Dead. The Jewish wise men were shied for a long time, how to be. Finally, they agreed that the Messiah himself would think of how to do it.

Chess fantasy

Tale of the gate

Modern building in Arabic style. The dome on the roof along with a parabolic antenna give him a special east flavor. It should be noted that with a given volume, a spherical form of all geometric figures has a smallest surface, and therefore the dome-shaped dwelling provides the smallest return of heat in the day heat and it is best to keep warm in the night struran. The edging of the roof and the fence is carried out using rectangular open elements - a chess topic is easily traced in the turrets of the gate, and in tiled multi-colored wall masonry. Arches of windows, doors and gates have a semicircular shape, like the original semicircular frames of large windows of the second floor. The building complex fully meets the living conditions in a hot dry climate, among the scorched desert on the shore of the warm sea.

Thousand and One Nights

Tale of the gate

Pilia gates have pointed dome-shaped tops. Anfilada from the semicircular arches, started by a portal target, goes deep into the courtyard, followed by ... Oh, what could be better - to plunge into an eastern fairy tale, with a constant tube of hookah in the teeth, for languid music, surrounded by voluptuous semi-nailed dancers from hamem ? .. However, whether the inner content of the house corresponds to his outer decoration, it did not know.

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