Union three


Another option for the reconstruction of "treshki" in the brick five-story building. Architects and hostess at home embodied the female idea of ​​a trendy and cozy home.

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Union three
Living room. The shelves for the videos of bent wood can move on special rails
Union three
Living room. Tile made of natural marble, drawing up the walls of the living room, gives the room a specific charm
Union three
Bedroom. The juicy color of the parquet from the dark bamboo fills the color of wooden details of furniture
Union three
Fragment of the living room. Narrow opening in the wall visually unites living room with a small kitchen
Union three
Children's The color solution of this room continues the gamut of soft pastel tones given by the previously common colorful idea of ​​the apartment

Union three

Union three
Planning before reconstruction
Union three
Planning after reconstruction

What can make three women inspired by the desire to embody their ideas about cozy accommodation? Very much, especially when two of them are talented architects, and the third is the future hostess of the perfect home.

What associations cause you the word "Khrushchev"? Probably not the best. Many remember the old panel five-story buildings of the K-7 series with small apartments. Although someone and they seemed to be paradise after a close and noisy communal. Today, the future of these houses is easily loosen. They are demolished. But there are other "Khrushchevki" - brick. Their design features are provided today the extensive field of activity of designers and architects. Brick "Khrushchevki" According to the General Plan for the development of Moscow, reconstructions are subject to reconstruction. Copyright of the capital, these houses are waiting for the same perspective. So happy owners of apartments in these "Khrushchev" can safely deal with their redevelopment and repair, without being afraid of tomorrow. Let's go from words to practice.

On the eve of future alterations, the main criteria for the selection when buying an apartment serve a minor number of bearing walls and a sufficient total area. These criteria perfectly corresponded to the two-bedroom apartment chosen by our mistress in the most ordinary brick house built in the mid-60s. The "Problem" (see N 1 for 2000) was published material, describing in detail about the scientific method used when choosing the optimal option of the apartment.

Imagine that it may turn out of a communal, batted and tenants, it was difficult. But certain ideas arose immediately. First, I wanted to have a spacious living room, in which ten people would not seem to be a crowd. Secondly, the son, so fast adult, should have its own room, remote and from the guest zone, and from the bedroom. Inconale about the kitchen. Its area can be reduced to a real minimum on a practical point of view, thereby canceling traditional gatherings. The main place here should take a small table for two and good equipment.

Now it remains to determine the style. There are women who want to keep up with the times, that is, with a fashion, and at the same time remain a "cute fluffy kitten." There should also look like their own nest: fashionable and cozy at the same time. To understand and experience such wishes can only a woman. Therefore, when choosing a designer, our mistress decided to dwell on the female duet of architects of Kochetkova and Maria Vasilyeva. Since the requirements for zoning the apartment were quite clearly formulated, then the sketch of redevelopment was proposed already during the first acquaintance.

Then it turned out as much as the mistress he wanted. The central room has become a spacious living room due to the demolition of partitions, separating it from the corridor and the kitchen. An entrance hall that received clear boundaries, it may seem cloth only guests who arrived in the apartment of a large and friendly company. Adla Two Here there is everything you need: mirror, built-in wardrobe and original design shelves for different brushes, comb and other trifles. The bedroom is located next to the living room. The farthest of the entrance room, separated from the main space of the apartment carrier wall, perfect for the nursery.

The selection of finishing and building materials was engaged together. Architects took into account the individual wishes of future tenants. For example, many prefer in the bedroom and children to retain carpet, and the owner of the apartment he does not like. It was decided to put parquet in all rooms. The in the afternoon can always buy carpets and get some pleasure from it, because a woman is not a woman if he does not like to go shopping. However, these are all the little things in comparison with an inaccier desire to arrange something extraordinary from their dwelling. Illya this will need to show my skills to architects.

The basis of this architectural solution was the possibilities of plasterboard. After all, it is equally suitable for the construction of partitions and for decorative design of ceilings and walls.

Plasterboard or plasterboard sheets (GLC) - products with a plaster core, plated on both sides by cardboard, are produced in two types: drowning on the front side or with straight longitudinal edges. They can be separated by a polyvinyl chloride film on a paper basis or decorative paper, followed by turning it with transparent varnishes.

Functionally the living room performs a unifying role, collecting the whole family and guests together. To combine all other spaces near the living room, architects offered to enter them into a circle. Of course, not literally, but with the help of individual items. The main role in the implementation of this idea plays the plastic ceiling. Combining the entire guest zone, an arc made of plasterboard begins in the hallway, passes through the entire living room and ends in the kitchen. So that this element of the decor has become even more spectacular, the halogen lamps with white matte rims of the company MODUL have been placed along it. A few more details complement and strengthen the overall impression. For example, a windowsill, made to order from natural marble, and a partition separating the bedroom from the living room, repeat the visually the same arc.

Another interesting designer reception is very successfully implemented in the interior of the apartment. This is a step of a variety of elements. The most characteristic example is the partition, which separates the passage to the children's and bathroom from the central space. Its stepped design simultaneously performs fencing and decorative functions. Now the steps are used to accommodate flower pots on specially made in the carpentry workshop of wooden stands.

The dynamics of the shape of the partition is transmitted by other decorative elements. Already not stylized, and the real steps are preceding the passage to the nursery, where they feed the suspended ceiling. The reference form of the ceiling in the bedroom is responsible to the same design principle. It should be noted that this sufficiently complex design of the drywall is purely decorative character, although at the first glance at her I want to know whether it does not hide the structural details in itself. Meanwhile, the decorative protrusion successfully combines the surface of the wall and the relief of the suspended ceiling. An abstract wavy track and a single color of the walls and protrusions soften and make a more organic transition from vertical to horizontal.

Continuing the conversation about the choice of finishing materials, back to the living room. Architects offered to use ceramic tiles here in the design of the walls, which caused some confusion at the hostess. Agree, we are really used to seeing wall tiles only in the bathroom and kitchen. Such a brave reception required a serious approach to the selection of tiles. Its surface must be matte, otherwise the living room risks turning out of the respectable room into something sanitary and hygienic. Therefore, architects offered not to save and buy Italian tiles of Delconca from natural marble. She gives the interior nobility, originally laid in the finishing material.

Marble is considered one of the most noble finishing materials. Although he seems superior, in reality it is a rather fragile material. Therefore, buying natural marble, choose the plates (orplots) without cracks and chosel, it depends on it longevity. (The contents of masonry tile from natural stone can be found in N 4 for 1999)

So, we witnessed how the happy union of the customer and the architect and mutual understanding between them lead to the creation of a harmonious interior of the ordinary "Khrushchev".

The editors warns that in accordance with the Housing Code of the Russian Federation, the coordination of the conducted reorganization and redevelopment is required.

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Architect: Maria Vasilyeva

Architect: Elena Kochetkova

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