

Presentation of TVC "Twinstor"; Opening of the plant of mansard windows VELUX; Celebration of the 10-year anniversary IKEA in Russia

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6Avgust 2009. In Moscow, a presentation of the new trading and exhibition center took place. Architects, designers, decorators, representatives of the press, as well as Russian and foreign manufacturers, familiarized themselves with the products presented here, allowing to implement any design design projects.

Considers of TVC "Twinstor", located in a five-minute distance from the Garden Ring (1st Schipkovsky per., 4), on this day it was crowded. The modern two-storey center offers a wide range of premium products: furniture, lighting equipment, finishing materials, textiles, accessories. And all the highest quality, because here the most famous brands are presented.


Shoppingals of the new TVC

Alexander Scrabstin, General Director of TVC "Twinstor" was attended at the opening; Alexander Bermont, General Director of Boconcept. Andrei Ordin and Evgenia Vorobyov expressed their congratulations and wishes of successful work on behalf of the End "Salon-Press". Designer Elena Teplitskaya, a leading evening, held a fashion show, and then on the show "Blitz interior" demonstrated, as with the help of furniture and accessories of brands presented in TVC, create an interior for a beautiful life. Autod Company, Official MINI Cooper Car Dealer and Twinstor TVC Presentation Partner, organized Flash Mob of MINI owners, as well as a competition, during which ten people painted their sketch of car painting. "Tour surprises" quite corresponded to this name: guests of the presentation got acquainted with goods selling in TVC, received gifts and discounts. The happy owners of winning lottery tickets Elena Teplitskaya presented presents from TVC partner firms. All those present could fill out a questionnaire and get the TVC club "Twinstor", allowing you to make purchases on special conditions (those who also want to purchase this card, provide information by phone: +7 (495) 642-8800).

Twinstor plans to hold exhibitions, seminars, master classes of specialists in the field of interior design. So you can congratulate everyone with the advent of a new creative center.

The magazine "The ideas of your home", which is the general information partner of TVC "Twinstor", highlights all interesting events from the life of the Trade and Exhibition Center and introduces readers with interior innovations appearing here.

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Photo A. Ignatova

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Photo A. Ignatova

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Photo A. Ignatova

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Photo A. Ignatova

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Photo A. Ignatova

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Photo A. Ignatova

1. The news of TVC "Twinstor".

2. Projects Mini Cooper.

3. Andri Ordin, Evgenia Vorobyva, Eid "Salon-Press", leading Elena Teplitskaya.

4.Anna Osipova, TVC manager "Twinstor".

5.Nulia Fadeeva, Director of Boconcept Sales, General Presentation Partner.

6.Elien Teplitskaya on the "Blitz Show".

23 Yiyuna 2009 The official opening of the new plant of mansard windows took place. The company applies modern technological methods guaranteeing high quality products


The Velux Group of Companies (Denmark) has opened in Rostov (Yaroslavl Region), the enterprise for the production of the most popular in Russia of the mansard windows VELUX: VELUX GZL ("Economy") and Velux GGL ("Classic"). The first (GZL) is equipped with a ventilation device and a double-glazed glass with tempered outer glass, the second (GGL) - valve-window and double-glazed windows with a rigging coating of the external glass and the inner glass of a triplex that does not scatter when hitting. At the factory, two production lines: woodworking and assembly. The woodworking line launches the composite pieces of the attic window of the edged board dried to the desired humidity. Online assembly from parts and imported components are collecting ready-made windows. The newest equipment and quality standards of the enterprise are identical to European. Production will be certified by international quality standards (ISO 9001, OHSAS 18001, ISO 14001), and products - according to Russian GOST. And on the tightness of Velux set tighter norms. "Velux products have great potential in all segments of construction in Russia. For 20 years, our products have been used on the territory from Kaliningrad to Vladivostok. Experience shows that Russian buyers prefer quality, reliability and comfort," noted at the opening ceremony of the plant Mick Skow Rasmussen, Leader: general director CJSC "Velux". "Velux production model" guarantees culture, discipline and production efficiency.



At the opening of the plant attended the management of the Velux Group of Companies (Jorgen Tang Yensen, Executive Director; David Mayer, Director; Lars Cann Rasmussen, Chairman of the Board of Directors; Martin Stevens, General Director of the Plant in Rostov), ​​Flemming Kravford, Minister Advisor Embassy Denmark on trade and economic issues, representatives of the administration of the Yaroslavl region

28Avgust 2009 Passed a press conference and celebration of the 10th anniversary of one of the most famous companies in Russia. Representatives of the company shared their work experience and talked about long-term development prospects.

"There is an idea - there is an IKEA" - such is a well-known slogan of the first Russian store IKEA, which opened in the spring of 2000. In Khimki near Moscow. Its moment in our country, the functional items of modern interior design have become accessible by a large number of people. Lennart Dalygren, the first general director of the company in Russia, noted that it was in our country IKEA for the first time successfully mastered a new promising strategy. C2002 She began to build family shopping centers "Mega" in Russia, which integrated IKEA stores. People got joy from the real European shopping. Today, 12 IKEA stores and the MEGA shopping center work in 9 cities, and their geography will expand.

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1. Square with Swedish designers at the celebration of the 10-year-old Jubilee IKEA in Russia.

2.per Kaufman, Director of the Region of Central and Eastern Europe and the CIS.

3.Tefan Gross, IKEA real estate director in Russia and the CIS.

4. Oxana Belachuk, Head of Public Relations and Corporate Communications IKEA in Russia and the CIS.

5.Cristeian Thomas, director of the IKEA retail chain in Russia and the CIS.

6.Lernart Dalygren, the first general director of IKEA in Russia, talks about his new book.

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