9 best cucumbers for greenhouse


We tell about the peculiarities of greenhouse varieties and offer a selection of the best options for home greenhouses: early, yields and for autumn-winter cultivation.

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9 best cucumbers for greenhouse

Cucumbers grown almost all dackets. Many prefer to build greenhouse shelters for them to be guaranteed to get a rich harvest. But not always their hopes are justified. It happens that the plants grown in the greenhouse conditions are little fruit, they get sick and dry out. The reason lies including in the error selection of a variety for landing. We will figure it out how to make it right and list the best grade cucumbers for greenhouses.

All about choosing greenhouse varieties

What should they be

Selection of the best greenhouse cucumbers

- Earls

- Harvest

- for autumn-winter cultivation

What should be greenhouse varieties

The first moment to pay attention to when choosing is pollinability. In normal conditions, plants pollize insects that transfer pollen from a flower on a flower. In greenhouse conditions, such pollination is almost impossible, so they choose self-polluted or parthenocarpic varieties. Inexperienced gardeners do not always understand the difference between them.

Flowers with stamens and pestle grow on self-pollized plants. Therefore, they are capable of self-pollution. But it is advisable to help them. Experienced vegetable breeding recommended carefully to spend on the flowers with a soft tassel or gently shake the vacuum. On Parthenokarpika most of the flowers, almost 90%, female type. The peculiarity is that they are not required to pollination. They themselves form the ovary, but there are no seeds in the grown fruit. At best there are their primitives.

The second important point is a common variety or hybrid. In the first case, the plant was obtained as a result of selection. It fully retains all maternal signs and transmits them to subsequent generations. Hybrids are not so. They are obtained by crossing two varietal varieties with the necessary signs. A subsidiary of them no longer inherit. Therefore, the hybrid cultures of the seeds are useless. However, they are still in great demand, since they give a stable harvest in any conditions, rarely amazed by pests and diseases.

Green-hybrids are always smooth, about the same size and do not care. They quickly ripen and give a good harvest. You can distinguish hybrid plants by marking F1 on seed packaging.

Choosing, which cucumbers are better to plant in the greenhouse, it is also necessary to pay attention to the resistance to infections and diseases. It is necessary that immunity to the complex of the most common diseases. In addition, agronomists recommend choosing shadowless varieties, because there are not always a sufficient amount of light in a small section of the vacuum.

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Selection of the best cucumbers for greenhouses

Taking into account all the features of the greenhouse growing, we selected a few best varieties of cucumbers for greenhouses.

Early varieties

Ranselves call varieties that need the minimum amount of time before the start of fruiting. On average, the landing until the appearance of the first Zelents passes one one and a half months.

1. "General"

Superpracker Parthenokarpik-hybrid, blooming in the female type. Buckets are stripped, cold-resistant, with the active branch of the side weaves. On each of the nodes formed on them, about 12 stocks are formed. Green-roots are smooth, up to 120 mm long, fragrant, with a pleasant crunch and pronounced tubercles.

From one knocker in the season remove up to 400 pieces. Fruits are recommended for salting, but used and fresh. Active fruiting continues until late autumn. "General" grown with a reckless and ever-shaped way. The landing rate for greenhouses is 2-3 bushes per square. meter.

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2. "Herman"

Early parthenokarpik hybrid with female blossom type. Coccentage mediterranean, marking laid by beams. At nodes under favorable conditions, 5-7 fruits are developing.

The cucumbers are light green, with the input of white, tuberculous. Grow up to 100-120 mm. The taste is pleasant with a pronounced aroma, there is no bitterness. Zelents eating fresh and cans. It is grown by a sediment or direct sowing into the soil. Lookage rate - 2-3 Coastries per square meter. m. "Herman" is resistant to viral mosaic, male dee, colaporiosa.

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3. "Dynamite"

Effective Early Hybrid Parthenokarpik. Released specifically for greenhouses under the film. It is better to grow seedlings, which in May transplanted at a permanent place. Scheme of landing - 50x50 cm.

Zelents - with white spikes, covered with tubercles. Their length is up to 14 cm. They are fragrant with a sweet taste, a weak destination. There is no bitterness. 6-7 kg of fruits are collected from one bush. "Dynamite" is genetically resistant to most diseases.

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Varietal varieties with the greatest return. But the high yield can be obtained only when creating the most favorable conditions for the growth of culture. We list what kind of cucumbers for the greenhouse are the most frost.

1. "Courage"

High-resistant Hybrid-Parthenokarpik. Vegetation period - 46-50 days. The wrenches are formed by beams: on lateral shoots 6-8 pieces, on the main stem - 3-4. Therefore, on a bush at the same time, it can be called up to 25-30 Zelentsov. Thinking fruit is preferably removed immediately. This increases the yield, which can reach 11-12 kg from a square meter.

Cubers - fine-maternal, cylindrical shape, bright green. They have a dense pulp with a bright aroma. Skin thin. "Courage" is stored up to 10 days, it can be preserved and eaten fresh. The varietal variety is resistant to the most common diseases.

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2. "April"

Hybrid of partrenokarpic type of early ripening. From shoots and until the appearance of the first cucumbers takes 46-52 days. It has a long fruiting period. His yield in four first weeks is 10 kg from square. meter, then slightly decreases. For the entire season from one bush, up to 40 kg of Zelentsov are collected. They are with white spikes, tuberculous, grow up to 22 cm. The variety is considered to be salad.

Landing is held in the first half of May. Landing rate - 2.5 Kusta per square meter. The "April" cucumber is tolerant to mosaic cucumber, colaporiosa and rotten root.

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3. "Buyan"

Self-polling hybrid early ripening of the beam type. In each node, 5-7 fruits are laid. The bush is the average and mid-billionate. Zelents - with dense skin, medium-grilled, 11-12 cm long. They have a dense and very fragrant pulp without bitterness. Per season with square. The meter is collected 9-15 kg of cucumbers. They are used for preservation and fresh salads.

"Buyan" is resistant to spotted buoy, mosaic cucumber, colaporiosa. It is grown by a seaside and reckless way. The growing season lasts 47-53 days.

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For autumn-winter cultivation

In heated greenhouses, varieties are planted, which normally grow and develop in conditions of insufficient lighting. Parthenicarpic varieties are recommended for landing. They do not need pollination, are actively fruit. But to increase their yields in the conditions of heated greenhouse, it is best to plant near the parthenokarpics of the pollinators plants. For one pollinator should have nine pieces of hybrids. We list suitable grades for landing in heated greenhouses.

1. "Arina"

High-yielding partrenokarpik-hybrid, blooming in the female type. Different with cold resistance and active growth. Even with weak light, it gives rapidly growing sidelines-shoots. They are formed by 1-2 marks in nodes.

Cucumbers - bright green, spikes are white. Coated with large tubercles, grow up to 17 cm. The flesh is dense, with a pronounced aroma and pleasant taste. "Arina" is universal, consumed in fresh and in a canned form. The grade is characterized by high resistance to the dew of mild, spotty olive and mosaic cucumber. Lookage rate - 2.5 cooks per square. m.

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2. "Moscow Openings"

Surprise parthenokarpik hybrid. Average, with middle branch. The crop gives massive and long. High shadowness allows it to give fruit even with a lack of lighting.

Zelentsy - saturated color, whiteish, up to 14 cm long. They have thick skin and fragrant flesh. Used for any canning or fresh. It is grown by a sediment or a reckless method. In place of cultivation, this variety is planted in May. It has a high integrated immunity to the most common diseases.

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3. "Danila"

Midhranny hybrid-part-driver of a beam view. Sylopal intederminant bush with increased yield. It can reach 13-15 kg from square meter. Fruits - medium size, pulp tight, no emptiness. Their main purpose is salting or preservation, but possible and consuming fresh.

Danila is characterized by excellent shadowlessness and immunity to a complex of frequently found diseases. Fruit starts at 45-49 day after disembarking. You can grow sediate or sow directly into the ground.

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