10 best spring fertilizers for roses


We tell, in what time frame and how to feed the spring pink bushes so that they please be long and lush flowering.

10 best spring fertilizers for roses 15644_1

10 best spring fertilizers for roses

As soon as the spring heat is established, gardeners remove the shelter from perennials. Flowering shrubs require special attention at this time, for which later thank the bright colors. We will understand which fertilizers for roses are brought in the spring, in what time frames and how to feed the bushes.

All about spring jetty roses

Why it is necessary

Than you can get down

How to feed pink bushes

Proper deadlines

Why the spring feeder is held

Flowers believe that the introduction of spring fertilizer for roses is necessary for abundant flowering and consider this feeding the main one. Her holding helps to cope with a number of problems. List all them.

  • Plants after wintering are weakened. They need strength to "wake up" after hibernation, start active growth and flowering.
  • Spring weather change. The temperature differences cause stress in shrub. The lack of nutrients is only aggravated.
  • In the spring, the bright sun awakens not only the plants, but also their enemies: causative agents of diseases and pests. Strong and healthy pink bushes are better opposed to their attacks.
  • Mandatory spring trimming rejuvenates bushes and makes it possible to form a beautiful crown. But besides this, it stimulates an active growth that is impossible in the conditions of a shortage of useful substances. Pruning without feeding can destroy the plant.
  • Over time, the soil is depleted and needs to make fertilizers for recovery.

The deficit of important trace elements is easy to notice at the state of the pink bush. He is yellowing stalks and leaves, the shape of shoots changes. They are depleted and twisted. Shrub growth slows down. All this indicates that it needs to be filled.

10 best spring fertilizers for roses 15644_3

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What fertilizer to feed roses in the spring

The choice of funds depends on the preferences of the flower plant, because there are a lot of options. We have prepared a selection of the most effective.


Natural and fully safe mixtures increase soil fertility, attract useful worms and reduce the number of weeds. In the spring, all organic fertilizers can be used.

1. Manure

Very useful to pink bushes. In the fresh form, it is prohibited, the manure burns the roots of plants. It is left for overheating. The resulting humus is added twice for the spring. The first time during the swelling of the kidneys, then two weeks later. A young seedling is enough 1.5 kg, an adult bush is needed 3 kg. Use a coward in liquid form. To do this, it is diluted with water in the proportion of 1:10, give it a week. The resulting liquid is well stirred and bred in water with water. It is ready for use.

2. Bird litter

Typically take chicken. This is a high-speed and efficient means, but, like manure, it can damage the root system. Therefore, used in the form of infusion. For its preparation, the litter is diluted with water. Fresh bred in a ratio of 1:20, old and dried in the ratio of 1:10. They give fluids in 5-7 days. Then mix well and prepare a working solution, diluting with clean water in a 1: 3 ratio.

3. ZOLA.

Feed the pink bushes with an ash solution and dry powder. Both options work equally well. In the first case, the 10 liter bucket takes 180-300 g of ashes, they are actively mixed and allowed a little. Then stirred and watered again. For extractive introduction, the mixture is prepared differently. Two glasses of ashes are divorced in a liter mug with water. The mass is well mixed and insisted for 2-3 hours. It turns out a concentrate, which is bred in a bucket of water. Dry rally powder is scattered in a rolling collar, shallow close to the soil.

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Mineral formulations

These are very effective preparations that are fully absorbed by plants. Therefore, it is important to correctly calculate the dose, otherwise the bush can be seriously harvested. Focus on the manufacturer's recommendation on the package. We list the best mineral fertilizers for spring feeding roses.

1. Selith Ammonia

Contains nitrogen and sulfur. For a better effect, it is mixed with phosphate and potash drugs. Selitera is bred by water at the rate of 30 g per 10 liters, stirred to complete dissolution. The resulting liquid watered roses at half a bucket on the bush.

2. Urea

This nitrogen fertilizer for roses is made only in the spring. At other times it is not used so as not to provoke too active growth in green mass. Apply for root and extractive processing. When making a root, it works equally efficiently in a dry and liquid form.

3. Superphosphate

Refers to phosphorus-containing drugs. It is applied after the appearance of leaves, but before the start of the bootonization phase. The optimal option is spraying. For this, 2 tbsp. The spoons of the granules are poured a liter of hot water, dissolve, produce liquids to cool. Then conduct processing.

4. Selitra Kalivaya

The remedy is used as a potassium source from the beginning of the dissolving of the leaves and to the bootonization phase. The processing mixture is prepared at the rate of 25 g of potashnaya nitiality by 10 liters of water. The bushes are watered by this composition. Similarly used potassium sulfate. Only during the preparation of the solution change the dosage of the drug. It will be required 40 g.

During the bootonization period is fed by complex drugs. These may be universal mineral additives like "Nitroammofoska", "Diammophos" or "Ammophos". But it is better to use special mixtures for roses, such as "Gera", "Gloria", "Chic Rose" and others.

10 best spring fertilizers for roses 15644_6

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Folk remedies

Some flower products use only folk remedies for active growth and lush flowering. We offer several such recipes.

1. Banana Skeleton

It has a lot of nutrients. Several skins wash, put into the container and poured steep boiling water. They give in line for 2-3 days, then filter. The resulting infusion watered roses.

2. Yeast

A good biostimulator favorably affects the structure of the soil. Strengthens the immunity of the plant, helps to develop the root system, favorably affects the bookmark of colors. But it is not a full-fledged feeding. "Work" yeast only in a warm environment. Feed them with a well-established temperature of 20 ° C. The solution is entered under the bush. He is preparing in this way. First, the concentrate is mixed, for this, 100 g of fresh yeast is taken per liter of warm water and 2 h. Sugar spoons. If the yeast is dry, they take it 10 years after the fluid starts to foam, it is bred from the proportion of 1: 5 and is used for irrigation.

3. Lookee husk

Feeds plants and has a prophylactic effect from diseases and pests. For processing use decoction. It is made from 100 g of husk and 4 liters of water. Everything is boiled for 10 minutes, then becomes cold and filtered. The decoction is used for spraying before the start of the bootonization.

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How to feed the plants

Flowers use two types of feeding. Root suggests active substances in the soil, from where they are absorbed by roots. You can feed the preparations released in liquid or solid form. The latter are pre-dissolved in water or contribute directly to the ground. For this, at a distance of 15-20 cm from the stem, the ring furrower is swapped. Its depth should be small, otherwise there is a risk of damaging root processes.

In the furrow lay the drug and fall asleep with its soil. You can do otherwise. The drug dose required for the plant is scattered on a rigorous circle, then carefully loose it, closeing the powder or granules to the ground. Both options give a shrub of the opportunity to get the trace elements you need gradually.

You can feed the extraordinated way. Plus, the techniques are that useful trace elements are accelerated, but the composition of the soil does not change. Therefore, despite the undoubted effect of extractive feeding, they will not replace root. But as a one, it may well be carried out.

There are a number of features with extractive feeding. It is forbidden to spend in clear sunny days, because in such weather it is easy to provoke burns of leaves and stem. For processing, the early morning or evening is chosen when the sun's rays are not active enough. In the rain, late in the evening and on days with high humidity, handling shrubs is not recommended. Excess moisture can lead to fungal diseases. Special requirements are presented to solutions for extreme corrosion. They should be less concentrated than those that are entered by the root way. Usually the concentration of the working solution decreases twice. But maybe not so, so it is important to comply with the manufacturer's recommendations that are indicated on the package. Otherwise, the risk of burning leaves and trunks is great.

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Timing of fertilizer

It is necessary to feed pink bushes in a timely manner, otherwise it will not be possible to get a good result. You can highlight the four main stages of feeding. It is impossible to indicate the exact time, since they depend on the weather, the general condition and varieties of roses. We will analyze approximate time when in the spring to make fertilizer under roses.

  • Stage 1. After the snow comes down and positive temperatures are installed, nitrogen mixtures are introduced under the already growing bushes, for example, an ammonium saltper. If planting seedlings are carried out, a mixture of soil is stacked on the bottom of the pit, and a small amount of superphosphate and potash salts. It is desirable to add growth simulators "Kornin", "Citovit" or "Zircon".
  • Stage 2. It comes to the beginning of the dissolution of leaves. When they appear, the plant is fed by nitrogen-containing preparations with the addition of phosphorus-potash compositions.
  • 3 stage. Before starting the tying of buds. During this period, colors require phosphorus-potash mixtures.
  • 4 stage. It comes to the beginning of the bootonization, when small boutons are already starting to get tie. This is a short period, which is desirable not to miss. Purchased comprehensive mixes make or independently prepare a spring fertilizer for roses. It is mixed with nitrogen, potassium, phosphorus in a ratio of 1: 1: 2.

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