Two-bedroom apartment in the 1960 house with bright walls and antique furniture


For the repair of this apartment in the old house passed only three months. Light Designer Pakhomova created an interior with a story: I used old furniture, which went to the owners from parents, retro accessories and picked up the colors for the walls of the customer's memory - it was the owner of this apartment from childhood.

Two-bedroom apartment in the 1960 house with bright walls and antique furniture 15945_1

Two-bedroom apartment in the 1960 house with bright walls and antique furniture

Customers and tasks

Apartment owners - spouses aged 58 and 59 years old, translators from English and French. "These are very educated people, with a variety of hobbies," Designer Light Pakhomov, tells about their customers. - They love to read, interested in art, adore go to the theater. The hostess prepares very well and loves to receive guests. The owner is dealt well both in music and in fault. They possess a very good taste and travel around the world. "

Living room.

Living room.

The apartment was originally in poor condition. It was necessary to completely update it, but to preserve the spirit and atmosphere, which is inherent in the old houses. Inheritance from parents who lived in this apartment before, the customer has a lot of antique furniture. In addition, there was a luggage of their own things that it was necessary to enter into the interior: a large number of books, art, something from the furniture.

Dining room.

Dining room.


In the initial layout of the apartment, almost nothing changed. According to the author of the project, the demolition of the walls did not want the owner - it was afraid that the old house was not survived. We made only a few minor changes: built a septum in a large room, which was taken under the bedroom to highlight the dressing room; laid the passage between two other rooms by making them isolated. And also removed the wooden cabinet-mezzanine in the hallway, building a new roomy storage room in its place.

In the interior picked up high n & ...

In the interior picked up high plinths and eaves of white. Eaves visually slightly lifting the ceiling, add sophistication. The stucco can also be seen in the form of a decorative fireplace portal, which was designed on the site of the former passage between the dining room and the living room.

Thus, there were three rooms in the apartment: a bedroom, a living room and a separate dining room with a sofa - the owners love to receive guests, and such a room was just necessary for them. In the same room can stay at night.

Repair and finishing

Since the house is old, the repair required almost everything. "During the repair, the entire floor was completely disassembled and the walls were filmed, the walls were redesigned by sheets of plasterboard. The ceiling had to undrain due to uneven ceiling beams, "the author commented on.

Designer characterizes style

The designer characterizes the style of this apartment as a romantic eclectic: "Different times are combined here (old and new furniture), the Soviet past and the present, the Ural flavor and the European classics. I wanted to make this project with the Ural accent. "

For finishing chose natural materials. On the floor - parquet board, in the hallway - a porcelain stoneware laid on the "carpet" manner. In the kitchen and wet zones also laid a porcelain stoneware.

Walls everywhere painted English paint. In the bedroom behind the bed, the wall was issued by wallpaper. In the bathroom on the walls of the tile - combined hexagons and rectangular tiles of the Russian manufacturer.

Furniture and storage systems

The apartment has no built-in wardrobes, for storage, we thought out the dressing room with bedroom and storage room in the corridor. There were placed things on the owners, household accessories like ironing boards, vacuum cleaners, mops, buckets. Household chemicals are stored in a closet over the installation of the toilet bowl in the bathroom. Each room has racks for books - the owners it was necessary to store their big library.

Kitchen from IKEA. In the previous quart ...

Kitchen from IKEA. In the previous apartment, the hostess was the kitchen of the exact brand, she got used to her and wanted to arrange exactly the same here. Pink glossy tile on apron favorably contrasts with kitchen facades.

Furniture, mostly old. "The entire apartment was completely forced to be furnished and antiques," the designer says. - She kept 59 years of living of different generations of this family, and there was a feeling that nothing and never thrown out of it. About two months from the apartment was taken out, taken out and distributed everything that was possible, but it remained a lot. Therefore, a significant part of the furniture in the project was inherited. Also, part of the furniture moved from the previous owner's apartment. For example, a round table with chairs, which presented the parents of the hostess to customers. "

Desktop in the bedroom accessories & ...

The desktop in the bedroom belonged to the father of the owner. "The table was renovated and changed the coating on the table top," the designer says. - A portrait of Natalia Nikolaevna, grandmother owner, and above the table, Vitaly Volovich engravings above the rack.

Among the new furniture items: bed, bedside tables in vintage style, dressing table and chair. The living room has chosen a new sofa, kitchen - kitchen set and rack.

Color palette

Each room of this apartment is highlighted by color. The bedroom is in yellow colors, the living room is in blue, the dining room is green, the corridor is the most neutral color - gray shade, and the kitchen is saturated burgundy. But these colors are perfectly combined with each other and at the same time protruding the background for antique furniture, art objects and new furniture, which the designer chose. "The colors chose complex and rich, from the palette of the English paints of Little Green and Farrow & Ball, - says Light Pakhomov. "There was no doubt about the choice of color of the walls - the owner of the house wanted to leave them as he remembered in childhood."

Two-bedroom apartment in the 1960 house with bright walls and antique furniture 15945_9

"Initially, I had doubts about yellow in the bedroom," the author of the project says. - It's too yellow in color that is not always good for a rest room. But the bedroom windows come to the north, plus a small amount of sunny days in the Urals have done their job, and yellow color looks very muted and calm. It's amazing, but in this room he is rather relaxing than begetted. "


The main and central lighting in each room was chandeliers. The owners wanted them and limit themselves, but the designer insisted on point lighting. The point light was located above the desk in the living room and above the dressing table in the bedroom. In the dining room, except for the ceiling central chandelier, made a suspended lamp above the dining table. The Soviet floor lamp was in the living room with an additional lighting device. The bedroom also has landsher - next to a reading chair. An additional light scenario in the kitchen is interesting - this is a table lamp on the windowsill, for which they specifically spent a socket into this zone.

Designer Light Pakhomova, author ...

Designer Light Pakhomova, the author of the project:

The main role in this interior still plays art and antiques. Each painting and vase have their own history and its unique appearance. The old woman's grandmother's photo (it was she was the first hostess of this apartment) hanging over the already an antique work desk in the bedroom along with the engravings of the outstanding Ekaterinburg schedule Vitaly Volovich. And on the table itself there are malachite headsets for written accessories and a wrought-iron horse of modern sculptor Alexei Potascueva. The pictures of the Mastet artist Misha Brusilovsky and Elena Rufova, together with the sculpture of the famous sculptor Andrei Antonov, create a unique atmosphere of this apartment. Not without urals. Castinsky casting, malachite and Yekaterinburg artists ask their Ural tone and character.

Two-bedroom apartment in the 1960 house with bright walls and antique furniture 15945_11
Two-bedroom apartment in the 1960 house with bright walls and antique furniture 15945_12
Two-bedroom apartment in the 1960 house with bright walls and antique furniture 15945_13
Two-bedroom apartment in the 1960 house with bright walls and antique furniture 15945_14
Two-bedroom apartment in the 1960 house with bright walls and antique furniture 15945_15
Two-bedroom apartment in the 1960 house with bright walls and antique furniture 15945_16
Two-bedroom apartment in the 1960 house with bright walls and antique furniture 15945_17
Two-bedroom apartment in the 1960 house with bright walls and antique furniture 15945_18

Two-bedroom apartment in the 1960 house with bright walls and antique furniture 15945_19

View of the dining room

Two-bedroom apartment in the 1960 house with bright walls and antique furniture 15945_20

Dining room

Two-bedroom apartment in the 1960 house with bright walls and antique furniture 15945_21

Dining room

Two-bedroom apartment in the 1960 house with bright walls and antique furniture 15945_22

View of the kitchen

Two-bedroom apartment in the 1960 house with bright walls and antique furniture 15945_23

View of the kitchen

Two-bedroom apartment in the 1960 house with bright walls and antique furniture 15945_24


Two-bedroom apartment in the 1960 house with bright walls and antique furniture 15945_25


Two-bedroom apartment in the 1960 house with bright walls and antique furniture 15945_26


As the apartment looked before repair

Two-bedroom apartment in the 1960 house with bright walls and antique furniture 15945_27
Two-bedroom apartment in the 1960 house with bright walls and antique furniture 15945_28
Two-bedroom apartment in the 1960 house with bright walls and antique furniture 15945_29
Two-bedroom apartment in the 1960 house with bright walls and antique furniture 15945_30
Two-bedroom apartment in the 1960 house with bright walls and antique furniture 15945_31

Two-bedroom apartment in the 1960 house with bright walls and antique furniture 15945_32

Two-bedroom apartment in the 1960 house with bright walls and antique furniture 15945_33

Two-bedroom apartment in the 1960 house with bright walls and antique furniture 15945_34

Two-bedroom apartment in the 1960 house with bright walls and antique furniture 15945_35

Two-bedroom apartment in the 1960 house with bright walls and antique furniture 15945_36
The editors warns that in accordance with the Housing Code of the Russian Federation, the coordination of the conducted reorganization and redevelopment is required.

Two-bedroom apartment in the 1960 house with bright walls and antique furniture 15945_37

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