12 disadvantages of flat planning, which designers are considered the most difficult in work


They learned from the designers and architects Anna Novopoltseva, Galina and Igor Berezkina, Alexandra Garthke and Dina, Udaltsova, what features of the planning they consider themselves inconvenient. Take note when choosing an apartment so that it is not to suffer with the placement of furniture and the inability to make redevelopment.

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12 disadvantages of flat planning, which designers are considered the most difficult in work

1 Bearing columns, beams and other designs

All pro agreed that the presence of carrying columns and beams greatly complicates the task of redevelopment and optimizing space.

"When the bearing walls capture almost every room, it delivers tremendous difficulties in repairs," said Dina Udaltsova. - Make a redevelopment in such an apartment it turns out unreal, because the demolition of the carrier wall is a violation of the law. "

"Most often occurs a carrier column at the wall between two windows. She is always welcome and know how to beat it with built-in racks, mirrors and bar counter. She, as it were, tells us a successful option of zoning the kitchen and living room, shares the experience of Alexander Garthke. - But not all carrier columns are so successful, we have less friendly when entering the apartment or in the middle of the room. But still strive to arrange a column so that it is not a deposit planning, and looked organically, as if it should be. Even more difficult, if the opening in the room can only be between the carrier column and the ventilation box - it strongly narrows the variability of the planning solution. "

Anna Novopoltseva advises to make the design features of the project highlight space, highlighting the color, backlight, make part of the interior, sometimes even functional.

Igor and Galina Berezkin also recommend ways to beat bearing structures.

Architect Igor Berezkin and D & ...

Architect Igor Berezkin and Designer Galina Berezkin:

In one of our current projects, the developer in a small apartment-studio apartment has a carrier column directly opposite the front door, breaking the possibility of free movement. In such cases, it is necessary to especially carefully work out the layout so that the initial minuses can be transformed into the pros and competently beat these elements, dissolving them in space. We used this column as a niche for a built-in wardrobe and a fencing for a staircase leading to an antleesol zone.

Example of the carrier column in quart & ...

An example of a carrier column in the apartment from the developer.

2 bedroom close to the entrance

"Another disadvantage - the doors in the bedroom are close enough to the entrance to the apartment. The atmosphere of "passing yard" is created, to relax in such rooms will be problematic due to constant noise, "Dina Udaltsova believes.

Alexandra Garthke notes that there will be much more comfortable planning, where private rooms are separated from the space of the kitchen and the living room.

3 Compless Room Geometry

Alexandra Garthke and Dina Udaltsov believe that it is harder to work with a geometrically complex space. In such premises, "dead zones" are often formed, which do not carry any functionality. From the planning of the wrong form "squeeze" the useful space will be less than from the apartment of the right form. And in apartments with a complex geometry, most of the furniture will be made to order, according to the form of the room. And this is an additional cost of expenses in the estimate.

Anna Novopoltseva Architect adds: "The rounded walls in the layout may also seem the problem. But with competent design, it is possible to solve this, given all the wishes of the customer. "

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12 disadvantages of flat planning, which designers are considered the most difficult in work 15948_6

12 disadvantages of flat planning, which designers are considered the most difficult in work 15948_7

12 disadvantages of flat planning, which designers are considered the most difficult in work 15948_8

4 Non-standard corridors

Non-standard can be both too long and narrow corridors and too large halls.

According to Dina, Udaltsova, a long and narrow corridor is an unsuccessful planning solution, as it is a non-functional space in which it is impossible to put a wardrobe. "In addition, according to the law," the designer says, it is possible to expand the "wet zone" only at the expense of the corridor. If the bathroom and the corridor are small, nothing can be done with it. In such a bath you will not put a technique or storage system. "

Designer Alexandra Garthke speaks about too big corridors: "Often according to the plan, the corridors are equal to the bedrooms. Then we go to all possible tricks and use them for a maximum for storage, in such cases you can do without a dressing room. Or transform the layout - we increase the bathroom. "

Anna Novopoltseva also has his point of view regarding work with corridors.

Architect Anna Novopoltseva:

Architect Anna Novopoltseva:

Long dark corridors are always a big problem, often they are also quite narrow to accommodate cabinets or any other furniture. It is possible to solve the problem here if you replace the doors to glazed, if possible, even expand the opening if it allows the design features of the building, into adjoining rooms, especially if it is a living room or kitchen. This will help expand the space and make the corridor more functional and light.

5 Opening the front door inside

"According to the rules of fire safety, the door should open outward, but in the case of narrow common corridors, the rule works on the contrary. Often in narrow corridors doors open inside. It interferes with the design of the space of the corridor. It is logical to do in extreme apartments the door opening out, because it does not put the neighbors in case of emergency, but everyone has the same on the floor. But the opening of the door outward expands the options for planning! And makes the hallway spacious. In addition, to change the new door, sometimes quite decent, costly and sorry, "the designer Alexandra Garthke believes so.

6 Uncomfortable Communication Location

Dina Udaltsova and Alexandra Garthke converge that the uncomfortable location of communications in the apartment is an unpleasant feature of the planning. This interferes with changing the configuration of the room and greatly complicates redevelopment and repair.

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12 disadvantages of flat planning, which designers are considered the most difficult in work 15948_11

12 disadvantages of flat planning, which designers are considered the most difficult in work 15948_12

12 disadvantages of flat planning, which designers are considered the most difficult in work 15948_13

7 Narrow premises

"Often with narrow bedrooms, and in such rooms it is not possible to traditionally arrange a bed with two bedside beds and with the ability to approach the bed on both sides," says Alexander Garthke. - To the bed can be approached only on the one hand, and if the room is completely narrow (less than two meters), it will be possible to climb it only on the legs side. "

In addition to the bedroom, according to Alexandra Garthke, inconvenience deliver a narrow hallway. In good layout, there must be a sufficient distance from the wall to the front door to arrange the cabinet there. But it does not always happen, sometimes the door stands in the corner. For narrow corridors, there is a solution: the architect advises to make a narrow niche for the cabinet at the expense of the room next to the hallway.

Anna Novopoltseva speaks about narrow and elongated studio apartments with one window. And advises not to crush such a space by partitions to preserve natural lighting, but zoning it. "This can be done by ergonomic design of furniture, creating mobile, transmitting lights of partitions, shirm, installation of individual manufacturers. You can also divide the space with color and various finishing materials, having highlight each zone and thereby displays its border. An important role is played by lighting, which will also help with accents and zoning. A large decor or plant in an outdoor kashpo can become an excellent solution in the matter of visual zoning, "says the architect.

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12 disadvantages of flat planning, which designers are considered the most difficult in work 15948_15
12 disadvantages of flat planning, which designers are considered the most difficult in work 15948_16

12 disadvantages of flat planning, which designers are considered the most difficult in work 15948_17

12 disadvantages of flat planning, which designers are considered the most difficult in work 15948_18

12 disadvantages of flat planning, which designers are considered the most difficult in work 15948_19

8 External blocks of air conditioners inside the apartment

Alexandra Garthke: "I think the developer is unsuccessful to put an outdoor unit in the apartment, on the balcony. Yes, the balcony is a non-residential premises, but he is not much empty from whom, it can be used as a summer place for recreation or work, and a huge outdoor unit strongly limits the possible options for the placement of furniture. "

9 Many balconies

The main problem is the illegality of the unification of the balcony and the apartment area.

Designer Alexandra Garthke:

Designer Alexandra Garthke:

In most cases, the balcony still has a disadvantage, not a pleasant bonus. For example, in a small kitchen, where in addition to the kitchen itself and the table, I want to put a sofa. In this case, it would be logical on the balcony to put a round table at the window or a small sofa by the window. But we all know that attaching the balcony to the residential zone illegally. One balcony is not limited, there are two and three balconies in the apartments.

10 non-standard number of windows

For premises with a large number of Alexander Gartke's windows, he advises to put a sofa or a bed at one of the windows, and opposite the TV, or on the contrary (in this case, the TV can be made on the leg).

A larger problem designer considers an insufficient number of windows. "Many windows gives the opportunity and hope for the appearance of another" unplanned "room (for example, redevelopment from the two-line branches). From the corner apartment with five windows of 60 square meters. M You can make a treshka, and only two-room apartments will be made from the sprawset of the same area with three windows, "says Alexandra Garthke.

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12 disadvantages of flat planning, which designers are considered the most difficult in work 15948_22

12 disadvantages of flat planning, which designers are considered the most difficult in work 15948_23

12 disadvantages of flat planning, which designers are considered the most difficult in work 15948_24

11 Too little Metrap

Unfortunately, these are realities with whom you have to put up.

Anna Novopoltseva: "You can often meet very small studios with an area from 16 (sometimes less) to 25 square meters. m. Most often, such studios choose students or young couples, so in addition to the modest dimensions, which should be fit for life, also need to take into account the limited budget. "

Anna advises to adhere to the following rules when working with such premises: "It is better, of course, to trust a professional who will retain every millimeter of space and will help create comfort and comfort even on 18 square meters, but if you still decide to act on your own, try to order built-in wardrobes, Transformable furniture, minimize the kitchen on filling, combine it with a working area and a seating area. If you want a full-fledged bed, it can be performed in the podium, while adding the storage or small workplace here. "

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12 disadvantages of flat planning, which designers are considered the most difficult in work 15948_26

12 disadvantages of flat planning, which designers are considered the most difficult in work 15948_27

12 disadvantages of flat planning, which designers are considered the most difficult in work 15948_28

According to the designers of Galina and Igor Berezkin, the small area of ​​the kitchen always becomes a challenge for design. The technical equipment of the kitchen zone should be full and comfortable, despite the modest dimensions of the room. In such projects on the account, each square centimeter. An embedded mini-technique comes to the rescue - for example, an oven may be a 45 cm wide, and the cooking panel is better replaced by a two-door or wall-mounted version, which will free up the worktop in the intervals between the preparation.

"In our project, the studio apartment in Scandinavian style kitchen area was only 3.5 square meters. M, while it was located a full-fledged home appliance kit and even a built-in washing machine. And the accent retro refrigerator invariably creates a solar mood and charges energy for the whole day, "Galina and Igor share.

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12 small kitchen with gas

To expand the small kitchen, it is often combined with the living room. But if gas has been carried out, this can be done only under the observance of a number of conditions.

Designer Dina Utyaltsova:

Designer Dina Utyaltsova:

It is prohibited to destroy the partitions between the residential zone and the gasified kitchen, which also gives difficulties. You can fix it only when applying planning, designate and put a glass partition or sliding doors. And also if there is no bearing wall between the kitchen and the living room. The kitchen space itself must be closed. Only in this case can be combined with the living room.

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