If you like to rearrange the furniture: 7 moments in the repair that you need to think over in advance


Make as many sockets as possible, think over the neutral finish, the location of the lamps and choose light furniture - collected these and other tips for those who periodically want to change the location of furniture in their apartment.

If you like to rearrange the furniture: 7 moments in the repair that you need to think over in advance 1601_1

If you like to rearrange the furniture: 7 moments in the repair that you need to think over in advance

Rearrangement of furniture in the room is considered the easiest way to update the interior. For this, you do not even need to buy anything. If you know that you do not want to live in the same situation for years, it is necessary to provide for several points at the stage of repair of the apartment.

1 make as much sockets as possible

Standardly, before the design of the electrician, first make a furniture layout plan - so that the outlets and switches are in convenient and right places. Now imagine: you decided to rearrange the bed, and the sockets that were planned nearby will be on a different wall. And next to the bed charge the phone (connect the night light) it will be impossible. That is why it is worth thinking as much outlets as possible, to plan a few options for the placement of furniture that you can imagine. And proceed from them.

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2 Thinking up the form and design of furniture

If you want to rearrange the sofa, say, remove it from the wall and put in the center of the room, it means that it should have a beautiful back. Otherwise, the interior after the permutation will not look so harmonious, like before. Choosing furniture, see in advance so that on all sides it looked good.

If you like to rearrange the furniture: 7 moments in the repair that you need to think over in advance 1601_4

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3 choose light furniture

It is logical that heavy sofas, chairs and tables will move much more difficult. Perhaps it will not be possible to make even two people if the weight of the furniture reaches hundreds of kilograms. Evaluate the weight of the subject in advance.

By the way, the furniture is sometimes moving not only around the room, but also between rooms. Choose the sizes so that the item passes into the door (or it could be easy to disassemble, and then collect).

4 Choose a neutral finish

Imagine that you planned an accent wall from bright wallpapers behind the headboard. Accents on this wall are justified, because it is not visible to a person who lies on the bed. And if you rearrange the bed to the opposite wall, the accent bright surface will be before your eyes. It may distract from recreation and even affect sleep quality. Also in the living room - for the wall behind the sofa.

If you like to rearrange the furniture: 7 moments in the repair that you need to think over in advance 1601_6
If you like to rearrange the furniture: 7 moments in the repair that you need to think over in advance 1601_7

If you like to rearrange the furniture: 7 moments in the repair that you need to think over in advance 1601_8

If you like to rearrange the furniture: 7 moments in the repair that you need to think over in advance 1601_9

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5 Place the walls and floor without flaws

Sometimes there are walls without finishing. Or collect it from pieces of wallpaper, without worrying about mapping a drawing on the joints. If this cabinet will stand still until the next repairs can be done. But if not, it is necessary to arrange all the walls without flaws. The same thing - and on the floor covering.

6 Choose Mobile Lights

Mobile - those that can be rearranged: lamps, lamps. If in the bedroom you will make hanging lamps on the sides of the bed, and then rearrange the furniture, it turns out that there are no destination for these lamps. Or, if you decide to rearrange the dining table in the kitchen, and the suspension chandelier is originally planned, it will also be inconvenient.

If you like to rearrange the furniture: 7 moments in the repair that you need to think over in advance 1601_11
If you like to rearrange the furniture: 7 moments in the repair that you need to think over in advance 1601_12

If you like to rearrange the furniture: 7 moments in the repair that you need to think over in advance 1601_13

If you like to rearrange the furniture: 7 moments in the repair that you need to think over in advance 1601_14

7 Refuse embedded storage systems

Embedded cabinets are often ergonomic than those who are separate, if we are talking about small apartments. But with them the possibility of permutation decreases. If you have a fundamental point for you, place the built-in wardrobes in advance so that they do not interfere with the new location of the furniture.

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Do you like to rearrange furniture in the apartment? Share your opinion in the comments!

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