Put the timer: how to get an apartment in 30 minutes a day


Hall, living room, kitchen, bedroom and bathroom - We tell what places in these rooms pay attention to your home to be clean.

Put the timer: how to get an apartment in 30 minutes a day 1623_1

Put the timer: how to get an apartment in 30 minutes a day

Typically, space seems littered due to a large number of things that you keep just in case, as well as because of the small things used in everyday life and scattered throughout. The best way to cope with such a mess - make cleaning part of your daily routine.

To get used to this, we advise you to deal gradually: select one of the listed areas and put a timer for 30 minutes. If you allocate for cleaning every day a small period of time, it will gradually become familiar.

Before cleaning, take the basket, box or other container in which you can fold. At the end of the process, inspect the contents. The part must be returned to its places, and the rest - throw out or give a friend.

1 parishion

Many unnecessary things always accumulate in the hallway: checks, garbage that you were taken out of pockets before leaving the house, spare gloves and other accessories. Now, many on the bedside tables are lying antiseptics for hands and used masks that should be disposed of.

In which places to watch

  1. On the bedside table near the entrance.
  2. On the shelves and in the drawers nearby cabinets.
  3. Inside containers and storage baskets.
  4. On the hanger and other hooks.
  5. In the wardrobe for outerwear.
  6. In the junction.
  7. Inside the bags that are in the hallway.

What things should be disassembled

  • Bags and wallets. Especially those with which you do not go for a long time.
  • Upper clothes.
  • Footwear. Leave in the hallway only the one you carry now.
  • Umbrellas. They should be returned to their place.
  • Scarves, gloves and caps. Remove those accessories that do not wear.
  • Sunglasses and cases for them.
  • Sport equipment. For example, cycling gloves.
  • Old receipts, leaflets with obsolete notes and other papers.
  • Magazines and brochures from shops.
  • Basic and spare keys. And those and others should come up with their place.
  • Chargers and wires.
  • Cosmetics and hair accessories.
  • Pet accessories: leashes and other necessary things.
  • Small items that accidentally dropped in the corridor.

Put the timer: how to get an apartment in 30 minutes a day 1623_3

  • 6 items that are easier to throw out than constantly search for them.

2 living room

The living room is a room in which we spend the most time. Therefore, there they accumulate a lot of little things, it is worth disassembling them.

In which places to watch

  1. On the coffee table.
  2. Near the sofa, also look under it.
  3. In the console near the TV.
  4. In boxes and on the shelves of cabinets.
  5. On bookstands.
  6. On the desktop, if it is in this room.

What things should be disassembled

  • Glasses and mugs, as well as other dishes from the kitchen.
  • Kids toys.
  • Books, magazines and other waste paper: instructions for the operation of technology, notes, receipts, checks.
  • Wrappers from candy and other snacks.
  • DVDs and vinyl plates. Remove those that you have already looked or listened.
  • Discs from video games. They should find a separate place in the living room.
  • Charging, wires and cords from the technique. Organize them with special boxes and organizers.
  • Board games.
  • Broken household appliances. It should be thrown away, pass to scrap or sell on parts.
  • Accessories: bags, wallets and other things. Remove them from the living room, if you usually store in another place.
  • Textiles from other rooms, such as pillows, blankets, or blankets.
  • Needlework and other crafts that you work now. Details should be kept in a separate box or organizer so that they are not lost.
  • Pens, markers and other stationery. Take them to your place.
  • Fitness equipment. Remove them after workout.

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3 Kitchen

The kitchen is the place where the cleaning needs to be carried out regularly, otherwise it will be difficult to implement their culinary masterpieces in the gross space.

In which places to watch

  1. In the cabinets and boxes, especially in the cabinet under the sink.
  2. On the tabletop.
  3. On the refrigerator or on the cabinets.
  4. On any furniture that stands separately, for example, on a kitchen island.
  5. On the bar counter.
  6. On the kitchen table.
  7. In places where you store kitchenware for cooking or serving the table. For example, in a servant in the corridor or living room.

What things should be disassembled

  • Any accessories that are usually stored in other rooms.
  • Breated dishes or spoiled kitchen utensils, for example, old plastic containers.
  • Gadgets and accessories you never use.
  • Repeating things, for example, the second dimensional cup or corkscrew for wine.
  • Household appliances that are very rarely used. Come up with them a separate place or get rid of them at all.
  • Seasonal serving items. Perhaps many have already come out of fashion.
  • New things you did not use - pan, plates, cups, cutting boards.
  • Reusable water bottles. If you have not learned yourself to take them with you, you don't need such a large number of packaging.
  • Old facilities for cleaning, who most likely came out the shelf life. The same applies to shabby accessories: sponges for washing dishes and another vet.
  • Plastic devices, disposable tubes and seasonings in individual sachets. If you do not use them, then they are right to throw them out.
  • Medicines with expired shelf life.
  • A large number of plastic bags. If you have a single package with packages in your kitchen, you should definitely understand them.
  • Culinary books that you did not open for more than a year. Find them another place, do not occupy the shelves in the kitchen.
  • Refrigerator notes, recipe clipping, expired discount coupons and other paper.

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  • 7 things you need to throw away if there is always a mess in kitchen cabinets

4 bedroom

To feel in the bedroom comfortably and not think about anything, except for recreation, there should be nothing superfluous in it.

In which places to watch

  1. On the bedside tables and tables.
  2. In boxes inside the bedside tables.
  3. On the chest of dresser and other surfaces.
  4. Inside cabinets.
  5. In the boxes in which you store bedding and clothing items.
  6. On the dressing table.
  7. On open shelves.
  8. Under the bed.
  9. On a chair, a bench or other furniture, where you often throw off clothes.

  • Clean it before going to sleep, and the house will always be clean

What things should be disassembled

  • Books and magazines that you brought from other rooms. Leave only those that read now.
  • Glasses and mugs. They should be returned to the kitchen.
  • Consoles from TV and other equipment. Put them in place.
  • Electronic devices and chargers. Remove those that do not use constantly.
  • Random items captured from other rooms.
  • Dirty or old bedding. It will not let you relax in the room.
  • Tags from new clothes and other papers.
  • Used handkerchiefs and paper napkins.
  • Barring, decorations and other accessories. Come up with the place for storage to not lose.
  • Clothes on a chair or other places where it should not be.
  • Socks. Remove scattered, and also throw away those that do not have a pair.
  • Shoes, accessories and bags that are not a place in the bedroom.

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5 bathroom

The bathroom often get things from other places, for example, the clothes that you removed before taking, soul or cream, usually stored on the table near the bed.

In which places to watch

  1. On the sink or on the tabletop near her.
  2. In the first-aid kit, if you keep it in the bathroom.
  3. In the cosmetic and on the shelves, where you store a lodge cosmetics.
  4. In the cabinet boxes, especially in the cabinet under the sink.
  5. In the lounge closet.
  6. On the side of the bath or in the shower.
  7. Inside various organizers and suspended shelves.

What things should be disassembled

  • Overdue or spoiled cosmetics and drugs.
  • Broken hair accessories and stretched gum.
  • Empty from cans from cosmetics or tools for cleaning.
  • Lotions, creams, shower gels that you do not like, and you keep them about the reserve.
  • The funds you did not enjoy more than a year (cosmetics, creams or chemistry for cleaning).
  • Cosmetics probes.
  • Unused toiletries from hotels.
  • Spoiled nail polishes.
  • Old toothbrushes that you once left for cleaning, but never used.
  • Duplicate accessories, such as makeup brushes, combs and other things. They should be removed to another place.
  • Accessories for technology that you no longer have. For example, charging for a broken razor or an electrical toothbrush.
  • Jewelry and other decorations that you removed before the shower. Carry them out of the bathroom, otherwise they will be lost.

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