7 Main mistakes in the design of corner kitchens (take it up for weapons!)


Countertops, massive accessories, too wide pull-out cabinets - disassemble these and other mistakes and their importance in the article.

7 Main mistakes in the design of corner kitchens (take it up for weapons!) 1632_1

7 Main mistakes in the design of corner kitchens (take it up for weapons!)

Many kitchen headset are chosen angular planning, as it is convenient to organize a dining area and a rest area. But when designing space, it is important to consider several important points and do not make mistakes. What exactly - tell further.

1 too massive fittings

One of the most frequent mistakes in the design of angular kitchens is to put massive accessories. In particular, we are talking about handles. Large handles interfere with the opening of angular boxes.

How best

The more concisely the fittings will be, the more convenient you will use the boxes. If the stylistics and personal preferences allow, it is possible to refuse the handles on the cabinets at all. Or replace the handles on the deepening. But in this case you will need to closely follow the purity in the excavation.

7 Main mistakes in the design of corner kitchens (take it up for weapons!) 1632_3
7 Main mistakes in the design of corner kitchens (take it up for weapons!) 1632_4

7 Main mistakes in the design of corner kitchens (take it up for weapons!) 1632_5

7 Main mistakes in the design of corner kitchens (take it up for weapons!) 1632_6

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2 Refrigerator next to the stove

This error can also happen in linear, and in the P-shaped layout, but in the corner is more common. It's all about the elementage headset, an angular format involves a very compact location of technology and furniture, and the refrigerator is often too close to the stove. It is inconvenient, not functional and simply harmful. The stove is a source of heat that will affect the operation of the refrigerator (it will begin to frost more intense). In the future, this will affect electricity accounts.

How best

When designing a kitchen, be sure to enter between the stove and the refrigerator at least a small narrow locker.

7 Main mistakes in the design of corner kitchens (take it up for weapons!) 1632_8

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3 Sink in the corner

The location of the sink in the corner is a frequent selection of small-pope kitchen owners. The reason is understandable - it will be so possible to free more space on the table top. The nuance is that with this location, the washing is categorically inconvenient to wash the dishes.

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How best

The solution lies on the surface, the sink must be shifted and placed at a convenient distance from the edge on the linear part of the table top. Yes, so you lose centimeters of the working surface, but it will be comfortable to engage in household matters.

7 Main mistakes in the design of corner kitchens (take it up for weapons!) 1632_11
7 Main mistakes in the design of corner kitchens (take it up for weapons!) 1632_12

7 Main mistakes in the design of corner kitchens (take it up for weapons!) 1632_13

7 Main mistakes in the design of corner kitchens (take it up for weapons!) 1632_14

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4 Lack of a convenient "work triangle"

According to the rules of the "work triangle", you need to install washing, stove and refrigerator on about the same distance, so that it is convenient to move between them. Mr. The headset often does not allow it to observe. Especially if you decide to abandon the corner washing (it is much easier to build a triangle with it).

How best

Calculate your kitchen movement scenarios. It is not necessary to have a sink in the corner so that you can be comfortable. Spend a real experiment at the kitchen design stage - draw on the walls of the future headset and try to imagine how it will be convenient for you to move during cooking. Proceed from the experience gained, and after designing outlets for equipment and outputs for washing.

7 Main mistakes in the design of corner kitchens (take it up for weapons!) 1632_16
7 Main mistakes in the design of corner kitchens (take it up for weapons!) 1632_17

7 Main mistakes in the design of corner kitchens (take it up for weapons!) 1632_18

7 Main mistakes in the design of corner kitchens (take it up for weapons!) 1632_19

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5 Retractable Boxes in the corner

If you place the retractable boxes at the junction of two lines headset, they will be very difficult to open and close.

How best

Ideal if the angular space will take a "magic corner" (retractable corner design). If it is not for you, do swing, but be sure to think about the sides of their opening so as not to contact each other.

7 Main mistakes in the design of corner kitchens (take it up for weapons!) 1632_21
7 Main mistakes in the design of corner kitchens (take it up for weapons!) 1632_22

7 Main mistakes in the design of corner kitchens (take it up for weapons!) 1632_23

7 Main mistakes in the design of corner kitchens (take it up for weapons!) 1632_24

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6 Too wide drawers

Wide drawers in furniture salons look containively and ergonomically. But do not rush to plan similar in your kitchen, in fact they are very difficult to push if there is something inside. In addition, such boxes are more difficult to organically enter in the corner headset so that they are at a sufficient distance from each other and opened without problems.

How best

It is better to make a choice in favor of small (up to 60 centimeters) drawers with a retractable mechanism.

7 Main mistakes in the design of corner kitchens (take it up for weapons!) 1632_26

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7 large number of seams

Planning the corner countertop so as to avoid seams on the surface, almost impossible. At the same time, the presence of a visible docking strongly affects the appeal of the headset. How to be?

How best

Ideally make a joke without a plank. Or cut the table top in such a way that there is no junction at all (it will cost expensive). On bright countertops, the joint with a sealant will be noticeable, but it still looks more attractive than an overhead plank.

If you think this is an impractical docking option, and you want a decorative bar, try to plan the location of the table top so that this seam is the only one.

7 Main mistakes in the design of corner kitchens (take it up for weapons!) 1632_28
7 Main mistakes in the design of corner kitchens (take it up for weapons!) 1632_29

7 Main mistakes in the design of corner kitchens (take it up for weapons!) 1632_30

7 Main mistakes in the design of corner kitchens (take it up for weapons!) 1632_31

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